Jimmy/Timmy Power Hour 4: The Chosen One and the Genius

Two years ago...

Cindy told Timmy that he could wish for Jimmy to have his brain back.

Timmy turned to Cosmo and Wanda and wished, "I wish Neutron had his brains back!"

With a wave of their wands, Jimmy had gotten his brains back. Jimmy was little confused at first but he slowly remembered what had happened. He saw Cindy there along with Timmy and his 'fairy computer programs'.

Jimmy scowled, "Cindy, get out of my lab!"

Cindy looked stunned at this. 'I just saved his butt and he still wants me to leave,' Cindy thought. Timmy saw Cindy's stunned reaction and decided to do something.

He faced Jimmy and yelled, "James Isaac Neutron, how dare you treat Cindy this way! She just saved our butts and you're treating her like scum!"

Cindy was surprised that Timmy was standing up for her.

Jimmy was furious and yelled, "How dare you tell me how to treat my friends!"

Timmy mocked a fake hurt and responded, "Oh, yeah. That's how a friend says 'thank you for saving my butt when a villain takes my brains' in this universe. Sorry, I almost forgot."

Cindy giggled at this but it wasn't loud enough for either boy to hear. But, Jimmy was madder than ever before. He was about to say the most hurtful words for Timmy to hear.

He countered, "Yeah well, if I had that 'wish' back about killing you I would trade it. I would 'wish' that you Timothy Tiberius Turner were never born!"

Timmy turned a ghostly white as Cosmo, Wanda, and Cindy gasped at this. Timmy, who had been to the future of Dimmsdale if he was never born, knew the results of that wish. How he knew, you ask? His great uncle, Doctor "Doc" Emmet Lathrop Brown, had shown him the results of 'It's a Wishful Life': the Darkness would destroy the world and no one could stop it.

Timmy stammered, that whole future clearly on his mind, "Y-you d-don't m-mean that, do you?"

Jimmy answered, still mad, "You bet I do."

Timmy lowered his head and refused to even look at the genius. Cindy could tell he was upset as could Cosmo, Wanda, and Goddard. They all couldn't believe that Jimmy could be so cruel.

Timmy stated, "Then, it's over. Once I leave here, I'll never return."

Jimmy commented, still furious, "Sounds good to me."

Timmy turned to Cindy and apologized, "Sorry that we were such jerks to you and your friends." Timmy threw an envelope at Cindy and instructed the puzzled girl, "Read that two years after I leave, will you?" Cindy nodded in agreement as Timmy turned to Cosmo and Wanda. He silently wished, "I wish I was home!"

Angrily, Cosmo and Wanda did what they were told and they 'poofed' the nine year old and themselves back to Dimmsdale. Jimmy jumped up, tapped his heels together, and shouted happily. Cindy and Goddard both gave Jimmy an ice cold stare.

Cindy stuck her nose up into the air and said, "Come on, Goddard. We're obviously not wanted here."

Goddard barked in compliance and the two of them left Jimmy in his lab, alone. Jimmy had finally realized what he had done and dropped to his knees.

He asked, "What have I done? What have I done?"

AK1028: In case you're wondering, this whole prologue can apply to my other JTPH4 as well. But, this story is going to be completely different. The reason I'm posting this is because a lot of people were asking me what exactly happened between Jimmy and Timmy at the end of JTPH3. Well, this is the answer and more will be coming soon! Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!