A/N: And this will be the last chapter. Hey, I did say this story would be short. I also apologize if it did not meet your expectations - I've been getting reviews talking about when Jinx is coming in or having a big fight with a supervillain. If the story didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, I'm sorry. But I've enjoyed writing it and getting all your reviews. Thanks to becky199756, potterinu, leath, Sin - NaMe, and gorutovssageta for reviewing!
Chapter Four: Decision
Kid Flash had noticed Robin go out of the room. He knew how heavy the decision that had to be made must weigh on the young leader's mind. His own decision had been fairly easy to make. Kid Flash loved being an honorary Titan, traveling around the place to fight crime with Jinx while still having time to double with his uncle in Central City and team up with the rest of the Titans if the need arose. He missed Young Justice, but he liked his current situation much better.
And Speedy…well, Speedy had never really been part of Young Justice anyway. Of the three of them, his was probably the easiest decision. Speedy had no ties of team brotherhood to Young Justice like Robin and Kid Flash did. Speedy's team was, and always had been, Titans East.
For Robin, however, the choice was far more balanced – and therefore so much more difficult to make. He loved both Young Justice and the Titans, and was, in all likelihood, pulled to both equally. Kid Flash really felt for his friend.
Without attracting attention from the others, he slipped out of the room in a blur of red and yellow.
It didn't take long for Kid Flash to find Robin. The Titan leader was on the roof (Question, Kid Flash thought to himself, Why do people always like to go to the roof to think?), staring out over Jump City.
"Hey, KF." Robin shifted his position.
"You're gonna have to decide soon, you know," said Kid Flash.
"I know." Robin sighed.
"I wish I could help, man," Kid Flash offered. "Really I do."
There was a slight pause.
"What I don't get," said Robin, "is why I have to make a choice at all. Young Justice is its own team now, so why can't we all just work together?"
Kid Flash's jaw dropped at the same time Robin's eyes widened.
"That's it," Robin breathed. "That's it!" He turned and raced down the stairs.
Kid Flash blinked. "Wow." Then he too vacated the roof.
Artemis knew something was up the second Robin and Kid Flash burst into the room. They both looked too excited not to have something up their sleeve. Her eyes narrowed.
The others looked startled, too.
"What's the matter, Robin?" Cyborg asked.
"Everything okay?" questioned Miss Martian.
"It's fine," Robin answered. "I just had an idea."
"Which is?" Superboy inquired.
"Okay, you know I still haven't made my decision about rejoining Young Justice," began Robin, "but I don't want to make that choice if I can avoid it altogether. So I have a proposition."
"We're listening," said Wonder Girl.
"Kaldur, how free is Young Justice?" Robin asked.
"Completely," the Atlantean replied. "The League promised we could do whatever we wanted – no strings attached."
Robin nodded. "Good. Then what do you think of integrating the team with the Titans?"
Several people gasped.
"Dude, are you serious?" asked Beast Boy.
"I'm absolutely serious," Robin replied. "I love both teams. I don't want to choose, because whatever I decide, it won't be the right choice. I'd forever wonder what it would be like if I'd picked the other team. So maybe I have a selfish reason for wanting to integrate us too. But there it is. I can't choose, and this is the only alternative I can think of."
"Won't we lose our identity if we joined the Titans?" Superboy inquired. "We just got out of one so-called partnership; we don't need another."
"Connor, you know me better than that. I didn't like it either, remember? You have my word that you'll all still be completely independent."
"It's a pretty sweet deal," Kid Flash agreed. "Trust me, I know."
Kaldur sighed and passed his hand over his eyes. "We'll need to discuss this," he told Robin.
"Take all the time you need."
"What do you think they'll decide?" Speedy asked.
Robin shrugged.
"They might not take to the idea, you know," Speedy warned. "I mean, whatever you say, they'll still be becoming part of the Titans. One group is gonna have to die, and it's not gonna be the Titans. We're too big for that. They're not. If they do decide to take you up on your offer, Young Justice is going to disband. They won't like that."
"I know," sighed Robin. "But I've looked at this from every angle I can. I'm either not gonna choose or have somebody make the choice for me – either way, I'll be unhappy."
"So what are you gonna do if they don't say yes?"
"I haven't a clue."
"Well, we're about to find out," Kid Flash commented as Young Justice broke up the confab they'd been having.
Kaldur sighed as though what he was about to say weighed heavily on him. Robin's heart sank when he heard that sigh.
Kaldur opened by saying, "Look, Robin, you understand how much we care for you and Speedy and Kid Flash."
Robin nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He was going to have to make a choice after all. How would he ever decide?
"But we cannot accept your offer," Kaldur finished, looking apologetic.
Kid Flash exhaled slowly. "That's too bad –" he started to say, when Wonder Girl interrupted.
"You have to understand, we want to stay as Young Justice," she said earnestly. "If we integrated, Young Justice would be all but dead, because the Titans are too big a group to change just like that."
Speedy nodded knowingly while the other Titans looked on with interest.
"So we've decided not to join the Titans," finished Artemis.
"Okay, guys," Robin said. "I respect your decision. But you'll have to wait –"
"No, we won't," Superboy cut him off. "We're not joining the Titans, Robin, but you can consider us part of the group anyway."
Robin stared at him. "What?"
"What we're saying," interjected Miss Martian, "is that even though we're staying as Young Justice, we've agreed to become a sort of extension of the Titans."
"Kind of like Kid Flash," added Artemis, glancing sideways at the speedster. "We'll be the same thing he is, just with our own name."
The Titans stared at them as if they couldn't believe their ears. Robin's face was the most incredulous. After thinking that his offer would be rejected completely, this…
"So you'd be sort of a Titans group? Only as Young Justice?" Beast Boy asked.
"Exactly." Wonder Girl nodded.
"Cool." Beast Boy grinned. "I'd really like to get to know you guys better."
"What he said," agreed Cyborg. "I think you guys becoming honorary Titans – with your own name – is the perfect solution. Somebody say boo yeah!"
Miss Martian giggled. Robin broke out into a wide smile. Starfire did a few flips in the air, eyes shining. Raven quirked a small smile. Beast Boy and Speedy high-fived each other. Artemis gave a theatrical sigh and shook Kid Flash's hand.
"Don't think this changes anything, Wall Man," she said.
And then, for some reason, everyone was laughing. It was a good laughter – one that cleared the air, banished old wounds, forged new bonds, and sealed the pact the two teams had made.
It was a new beginning…for everyone.
A/N: Was it too short? Oh, that's too bad. But as the author, I have the final say on the story, even if I don't own Teen Titans or Young Justice. So, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and see you next time!