Burying her face in her pillow, Tori Vega gave another sniff. From her bedside, her sister, Trina, sighed heavily. Tori hadn't left her bed let alone her room in a week ever since she'd found her boyfriend cheating on her with her cousin. The cover story that kept her out of school was she was sick but most people knew the real story. Trina shook Tori lightly. 'Tori,' she said, trying to think of the right thing to say. 'You have to get out of bed! I know he was a jerk and I know that you're upset but you're never going to get over it unless you start getting on with your life!'

Tori sat up, wiping her eyes. 'But he said he loved me!'

Trina remembered that. She'd been there. Feeling a stab of rage towards Marcus, she shook her head. 'He never meant it, Tori. Look, everyone's worried about you.'

'Who's everyone?'

'Mum, Dad, me, Beck, Jade, Cat, Robbie, Andre...'

'Even Nives?'

Trina bit her lip. Yeah, their cousin had kinda fled LA after she and Marcus had been caught. Nives hadn't feared Tori...or even Trina. For that matter, most people suspected she feared Jade who had left a threatening message of her facebook page. Tori sniffed. 'Are Mum and Dad here?' She wrapped her arms around her legs, pulling them up to her chest. Trina shook her head. 'They're at work.' Her phone buzzed and she pulled it out of her pocket. It was from Robbie. we're coming over. Trina smiled. 'The others are coming over...' she said. Tori managed a small smile. 'I guess I could see them.'

Trina inwardly sighed in relief, getting up to make nachos. Tori sat on her bed, waiting for a while. She glanced over at her mirror. Ugh, she looked terrible. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were tear stained, her mascara smudged. Looking down at her clothes, Tori reminded herself to put her clothes for wash ASAP. She leaned back on the headboard of her bed, trying to ignore most likely to be the one hundredth text that Marcus had sent her, not to mention the calls. Tori reached out and checked the message. its not what you thought. Call me, plze.

Tori tightened her grip on the cellphone, narrowing her eyes. Liar. Did her really think she was that stupid?

'Hey, easy there, you're gonna crush that phone if you're not careful!'

Tori's head snapped up and she couldn't hide a laugh as her friends piled into the room. Andre was the first to give her a hug, Cat following, then Robbie and Beck...even Jade. Tori hugged them all back, glad to have them there and wondering why she'd ordered Trina to shut everyone out of her room. Oh yeah. Marcus and Nives.

'You okay?' Cat asked anxiously. Tori shrugged. 'Yes. And no. And no again.'

The others chuckled.

'Talked to him yet?' Beck asked, giving a short, quick look at Tori's phone. She shook her head firmly. 'I want to talk to Nives, first. She's my cousin. I want to know why she did it.'

Jade gave her a sympathetic nod. 'Hey, when are you coming back?' she asked suddenly. Cat nodded enthusiastically. 'Yeah, Robbie just found out he's a really, really good film maker! He's making a movie and Andre, Trina and Beck are in it! He needs singers and Jade and I are in it but, well...we need a lead...'

Tori laughed. 'You want me?'

'Yes!' the others chorused.

'I'm also doing music,' Andre pointed out. 'Please Tori?'

'It'll get my mind of things...' Tori said thoughtfully.

'Exactly!' Jade interrupted. 'You have to do it! Come on, please?'

Tori held her hands up as a 'stop' sign. 'Hey! Did I ever say no?'

There was a cheer and Tori found herself engulfed in more hugs. Her phone buzzed again and in the chaos, she saw the screen. From Nives it said. you were never pretty or cool enough 4 him anyway. Deal w/ it.

Suddenly, Tori felt like a movie wouldn't solve all her problems after all.