This story belongs to me, but the characters belong to Stephenie Meyer. Hope you like! Completely different than some things I have read lately… Please review and let me know if you enjoy it.
ALSO THIS STORY IS INSPRIED BY SONS OF ANARCHY, and will have a similar plot and storylines. I love SOA and thought it would be great to incorporate it into a TWILILGHT FANFIC.
If you haven't watched SOA, please rent or buy it. It's worth it I promise!
Chapter 1
Bella POV
It had been years since I had been home. Walking in the living room only brought back all the things I had been trying to hide. I was not the same girl. I was not the same person. I had no idea if he was even still in town. I would honestly be lying to myself if I said I didn't care. I walked away a coward, without a word. I left a note and haven't seen or heard from him since. I didn't have much time; I had to report to work at two. I took one last look and locked the door to all those memories, I was starting fresh. I was starting over.
I walked into Seattle General as a doctor, not just a clumsy patient. I never wanted to be a doctor, in fact I was kind of squeamish being around blood, but somehow along the way the blood no longer bothered me. There are things I realized you couldn't run from, and just because you move to a different town some things stayed the same. I didn't want to think about the past, any of it really. I walked to the receptionist desk only thinking of my present and future.
"Hi, I am ….." I said, but before I could even finish I was cut off.
"Bella Swan, yes I know who you are." I looked closely to see who the snobby voice belonged to. It had been years since I saw her and years since I heard that name, but obviously some things didn't change. It was Jessica Stanley.
"Dwyer. It's Bella Dwyer. Jessica, how are you? It's been awhile?" I asked trying my best to be polite.
"I would be better if you would have stayed gone." She spoke spitefully.
Guess polite wasn't going to work for her.
"I am expected in five minutes, can you please tell me where a Dr. Jasper Whitlock's office is?" I asked trying to hide the venom in my words.
"Yeah, go up to the third floor. I am sure you can read the signs." She rolled her eyes at me, and I walked away.
I thought I heard her mutter "bitch" but I ignored her and decided meeting my boss on time would have to trump giving Jessica Stanley a lesson in manners. I wanted to start off on the right foot, and that was not going to make a good impression.
I stepped off the elevator and saw the sign HEAD OF SURGERY Dr. Jasper Whitlock's name on the gold plate. I knocked on the door, and was greeted by a blonde hottie. Great, just what I needed why he couldn't have been some old geezer. Just my luck.
"Mrs. Dwyer." He greeted with a southern drawl.
"Ms." I greeted him back with a hand shake, and noticed he was not wearing a wedding band.
Bella distractions are not what you need right now. I thought to myself.
"Please come in." he said. "We are so very lucky that you decided to join our staff. You were the top of your class, and your residency speaks for itself. I was so impressed when I received your resume." He spoke so sweetly.
"Dr. Whitlock, it's really a pleasure to be back here, and working at the hospital. I have visited several times when I was younger as a patient, and am extremely happy to be the one on the giving end instead of receiving end of medical treatments." I smiled and felt my blush giving away the words I had spoken.
"Yes, I did realize you were from Forks, and I happened to see the hospital file that you have accumulated of your visits here when you were younger. I gather you are not so accident prone anymore." He smiled at me, and I swear I almost melted into a puddle of the floor.
"You are correct in your assumption; I seemed to have gained a little balance to walk straight without falling a few years back. Thank God!" I said out loud, but wishing I had said it silently.
He laughed, and I couldn't help but get lost in that smile.
"Well, Dr. Dwyer I see no reason for you to begin today since it's so late. There are a few papers I need for you to fill out, and getting an ID tag is also something you are going to need. Mike Newton in personnel can help you with those things. He can also show you to your own locker. I am honored again to have you working here, and I speak for myself and the staff that we can't wait to work with you. We are a big hospital, but very close. Speaking of close, I hope I don't seem out of line, but I was wondering if you had plans for this evening." He asked with those sparking blue eyes.
Yes, it did seem a little of out of line. I mean this is the first time I am meeting this man, but I couldn't help but tell him I didn't have plans. It must have been the southern gentlemen in him that drew me in.
Professional, professional, professional. I kept telling myself silently. Bella keep things professional.
"No, Dr. Whitlock. I honestly don't really have plans for the evening besides unpacking some boxes." I said.
"Jasper, please call me Jasper and would you like to go to dinner? I would really like to pick your brain on your past experiences and things. Strictly professional." He finished with a grin.
I could feel the heat on my face from my blush, and quickly nodded my head.
"Sure." I responded quickly.
"Great, my fiancée and I would really enjoy your company. Say Jacques at six?" he asked.
Fiancée? Of course, how stupid could I have been? I couldn't well cancel on him now could I? I thought quickly and decided the fiancée was for the best. I didn't need any distractions. Friends are what I needed.
"Six sounds great. I'll meet you and your fiancée then." I responded.
I stood up and he opened the door while I exited to find my way down to personnel.
I made it home a little after five. I didn't really think it would take two and half hours to fill out paperwork, but the Newton guy wouldn't stop talking. I think he told me his whole life story, and ended with him asking me on a date. I quickly refused him. I didn't think mixing business with pleasure would reflect well on me and my new job.
I only had about twenty minutes to do something with myself and meet back at Jacques for dinner. Forks was about a thirty minute drive from Seattle.
What to wear? What to wear? I thought to myself.
Casual but cute is the look I was going for, but couldn't seem to pull it together. I finally found something that seemed to work.
It was a cute black sweater dress with a cute belt, and I decided on my knee high boots. The heel was a little high, but nothing I couldn't handle. I laughed to myself remember my friend Rosalie teaching me to walk in high heels. I was the clumsiest and dorkiest girl who had no sense of balance. I am so glad that I did outgrow that stage. Awkward was the best word to describe me back then. Rosalie seemed to have worked some magic and I now have a little sense of style and definitely have found my equilibrium. I missed Rosalie so much.
I needed to call her, but decided that I would do that tonight after dinner. She understood why I had to leave, but also knew about my reservations in coming back to Forks. She knew all about Him and our past.
I climbed into my mustang and made my way to the restaurant. I was quickly lost in the music I was listening to and almost missed the street I was now passing. I felt the pain in my stomach instantly. Cullen Lane flew by my eyes and I had to push all those feelings away. I could deal with that another time. I needed to prepare myself mentally for dinner with my new boss, and my past sins were not going to help my focus.
I pulled up with ten minutes to spare and made my way into the restaurant.
"Hello, welcome to Jacques, do you have a reservation?" A cute tan guy greeted me at the door.
"I am meeting some people here tonight. Whitlock I believe the name should be under Whitlock." I spoke nervously.
"Yes, mam. Your party is already seated. Right this way." He turned leading me to a table in the corner.
I couldn't tell right away what his fiancée looked like. I could only tell from the back that she had dark short hair that stuck out in all directions. Jasper noticed me, and his fiancée turned to face me as well, and my breath left my body and I couldn't speak. I could hear my heart beat flying through my chest, but no words would come out of my mouth.
Alice Cullen.
Things had certainly changed since the last time I saw her. She was the queen of the school back then, and I guess I was considered the queens second. We were trouble since we started school together our freshman year.
In the few seconds that followed, memories and flashbacks flew threw my brain. All the things I had been battling with were now front and centered. Alice If she knew I was back, it wouldn't be long before he also knew I was back. Could I face him? Did I want to face him? I was brought back to the present with her familiar voice screaming at me.
"Bella! Bella! Oh my God!" She grabbed me and pulled me into one of the tightest hugs. She was petite but she certainly didn't lack strength.
"Alice, please I can't really breathe." I tried to wiggle out of her tight embrace.
"Oh I am so sorry." she said loosening her death grip. It was like she was reluctant to let me go, thinking I might run again.
I thought about it. I would be lying if I said that the moment I saw her I wanted to run out the door, but I couldn't run anymore.
"Bella, please sit." Jasper said prying his fiancée's hands away from my arm.
I wasn't sure how to begin a conversation with Alice, and now the awkwardness could be felt throughout our table. I was surprised to see Alice happy to see me. I would have thought the way I left town would have left her furious. Jasper decided to cut the tension finally.
"So I am assuming you are the Bella I have heard about for years." He said.
I hope he didn't think any less of me. There was no telling what stories Alice would have told him about me, granted if he loved Alice now. He must have either forgiven her for her past, or she never truly told him about it all. I just hope he doesn't think I am the same girl I was back then.
"Dr. Whitlock, I can assure you that I am not the same person I was back then. I am not sure what you have heard, but I am very dedicated to my profession and my patients. I am a different person now and would like to forget my past." I said truthfully.
I saw Alice flinch at my declaration. I instantly felt bad for my words. I just had to make sure he understood where my mind was at now.
"Bella, please relax. I do not look at you any different now than I did a few hours ago sitting in that meeting. If I am being honest, I now have a deeper respect for you." He said.
The waiter picked that moment to take our drink orders, and I couldn't help but notice Alice staring at me. Her phone chirped signally a text message and she quickly sent a text back. I prayed it wasn't to HIM but really I didn't know. There was nothing I could do if it was to HIM anyway.
We ate our food and Jasper asked me about previous cases I worked on. I was thankful Alice didn't interrupt with any questions that I am sure was running through her mind. I myself had a few, but now was not the time to ask them. I was grateful when the check arrived.
We stepped outside and I was assaulted with the cold wind. We were barely into October and it was already freezing outside. The valet took my ticket first so I waited for my car to arrive. The seconds seemed endless, and just as I saw my car appear the question I had been so anxious to avoid came rolling out of her mouth.
"Bella, why did you run away eleven years ago?"
I turned and looked at her, Jasper holding her hand. She deserved an answer she really did. It wasn't her fault. It was just the whole situation. It was completely my doing; I just couldn't be that girl anymore. Her eyes were pleading for my response and I now needed to tell her the truth.
"Alice, I can't. I'm sorry I just can't." I pleaded while my eyes were now glossy. I stepped inside my car and drove off leaving her standing next to Jasper with no answers.
I didn't get but a few miles down the road when I had to pull over from not being able to see things clearly. The tears were rolling heavily down my face. I sat there and sobbed for an hour coming to the conclusion that I had to face my past all of it, and move forward. It was what I had to do and what I worked so hard for.
I had to be prepared for next time. If I couldn't handle seeing Alice there was no way I was going to be able to handle seeing any of the others. I dried my eyes and drove the rest of the way determined to not run or hide anymore. I could do this, I had to.
Emmett and I were just finishing our drinks at one of our night clubs Eclipse when I texted Alice. We had uncovered one of our managers stealing from us, and Alice being our accountant/bookkeeper needed to do some major paperwork to give us an exact figure of how much he was stealing. I knew she was out tonight with Jasper meeting one of his new colleagues or something. Jasper was a good guy; he was perfect for Alice.
I remember when we first met him. There was no way I was letting him get anywhere near my sister. We are protective and loyal of what's ours and our family is number one. I remember the day Alice told my father that she had met a doctor, and was in love. I though Carlisle was going to fall out of his chair, now they are golfing buddies. He fits right in at our dinner table, and I had to give him that he had balls to face Emmett, my father and I. Carlisle told him if he wanted to be in, he had to be in. There was no halfway with our family. He accepted, and to say that his expertise as a doctor hasn't paid off a time or two would be an understatement. We live a dangerous life and blood is a constant. Keeping the good doctor around has been a good decision.
The manager in question was at the door tonight, probably stealing cover charges, but his hours were limited. He was dead that was already decided, but it was going to depend on how much he stole on the type of death he would suffer. The man was dumb enough to steal from one of the most powerful families in Washington; he deserved everything coming to him.
I looked at the bar and saw a familiar face. Victoria was absolutely gorgeous, and one of the regular girls I hooked up with. I decided I needed some type of release it had been a few days, and everyone knew Edward Cullen didn't usually wait days it was hours. I winked at her and pointed to our office, and she nodded.
"Eddie, my boy seriously? Can't you find somewhere other than our office to screw the red head?" he asked while swallowing the rest of his bourbon.
"Yes Emmie I am sure I could, but it's going to make it so much better knowing I am screwing her on your side of the desk." I said standing up and taking in my surroundings.
Emmett flipped me off, and I couldn't help but laugh. My father was considered the King, and I of course was next in line. I did whatever the fuck I wanted and to whoever the fuck I wanted, and right now I wanted Victoria.
I opened my office door and was not surprised to see that she was completely naked sitting in my chair, her fire red hair lying across her bare chest. I stalked towards her like she was my prey when my phone decided to chirp. I maybe a sex addicted bastard, but business was business and no matter what was going on I would not ignore business. I shut the door and locked it and pulled my phone out. I could see Victoria was displeased, but really I couldn't give a rat's ass. It was Alice and I opened the text message, but I was not prepared for the two words that were sent back to me.
I didn't need to ask who the she was that she texted about. I knew. She was Bella. She was my first love. She was MINE. She was everything. She was my life and my future. She was the woman I would give up anything for. She drove me and my family apart. She owned my heart. She ran away. She dropped off the face of the Earth. She broke me. She was nowhere to be found. She was DEAD to me. I dropped the phone and barely register punching my fist threw my office door.
SHE'S BACK! SHE'S BACK! It echoed in my mind as all the memories and pain flew back into my mind. No matter how hard I tried to bury that shit it was no use. Bella was back, and I was now fucked.