This blows, Finn thinks to himself as he sits alone at the abandoned table. Prom wasn't even half over yet, and he was already about to call it a night. It was supposed to be a milestone in a teenagers life, right? Prom, one of the best nights of someones life. For Finn, that just wasn't the case. Things with him and Quinn had ended a little over a week ago, but he still escorted her to prom like he promised. The split was mutual, fortunately, as they both sensed it was over before it even really began. He was sick of being used for his status at the school, and she claimed to be tired of coming in second place to Rachel. Whatever that means.
"Hey there, Mister Lonely" A familiar voice shakes Finn from his thoughts, and he looks up to see Blaine standing with a small smirk on his face and a cup of punch in his hand.
With a brief nod, the slouching boy glances back to the dance floor and attempts to keep his eyes from falling on one particular spot. "Hey Blaine" Theres a small beat of silence before he speaks up again, saying the first thing that comes to mind in attempt to make conversation. "So you and Kurt are a thing now, huh?" Through the corner of his eye, he sees a smile cover Blaine's face.
"Yeah, we are. Hes really something special, you know?" Blaine's eyes once again find the dance floor and land on the object of his affections, completely missing how Finn seems to wince slightly at his choice of words.
Something special. The words resound in Finn's mind, and he does his best to shake it off. He can't think about that right now, not while shes dancing with him. "Good, I'm happy for you guys. Just don't... hurt him or anything. The guys been through a lot, and hes like a brother to me. I don't want anything to happen to him."
Blaine can't help but smile at the protectiveness in Finn's voice, and simply nods as he keeps his eyes on Kurt. "I'm not planning on hurting him, don't worry." Theres another short pause as his smile softens, saying the next sentence more to himself rather than Finn. "I think I might actually be in love with him"
A laugh familiar laugh finds Finns ears, and his eyes instinctively look in the direction from which it came. The silence between him and Blaine stretches on, and the latter finally glances over at him when he doesn't speak. The look on Finn's face tells Blaine one thing, and a knowing smile graces the Warbler's lips. "And it looks like I'm not the only one who knows what that feels like"
This catches Finn's attention after a moment, and he looks up confused. "Wait, what? No, dude. I'm definitely not-"
"I'm not talking about Kurt, Finn" Blaine replies with a small laugh, taking a drink from the cup in his hand. Seeing Kurt make his way over to them, his smile widens and he places it on the table behind them.
"Then who are you-" Hes once again cut off, however, when Kurt makes his presence known.
"If Finn wants to sit on his butt all night and throw a pity party, let him. But you and me are hitting the dance floor, lets go" Without a second thought, the energetic teenager grabbed his boyfriends hand and began pulling him along with him.
Blaine, laughing, let himself be dragged off after leaving Finn with one final thought. "Just don't wait too long to tell her. It looks like your not the only one with eyes for Miss Berry"
Grimacing slightly as he watches him walk away, Finn lets his eyes skim over the crowd once again in a subtle attempt to find her. When he does, shes in the same spot as before, still laughing and dancing, having fun with Mercedes, Jesse, and Sam. For the briefest second, her eyes find his and her smile softens a bit. He answers the silent questions in her eyes with a smile of his own, and decides then and there that things aren't over. They're a part of something special, right? They always have been, and they're story is far from being over. He just needs to give it time.
AN- Reviews are lovely. Just sayin'.