성가신 러시아,

You have probably mauled the words around to infuriate me, da ze! I-It is not working, da ze.

You have unruly feelings toward your sister...you make her sound so terrible, da ze~ But for a being to harm Yao, she must be almost as bad as North, da ze.

Of course he does! Why would he rather you? Ah, d-do not answer that, da ze, or you shall only lie again!

It is like the binocular incident all over again, da ze...those things truly did not work, and were not originated from me!

You are again trying to anger me, scary Russian!

사우스 대한민국.

..n-no comment...da ze.

Yuzhnaya Koreya,

I am not trying to infuriate you, I am only saying that you irritate him.

H-have you met her before? She breaks into my house all the time and breaks my doors down and threatens me with knives and death by wedding! I'm trying to make her not harm him, b-but I don't know if it will work.

Because he loves me, da? But I promise I don't have him anymore.

Kolkolkol, now you are lying.
