I sat at my computer typing for a Fanfiction story.

My room was in shadows, for it was late in the day.

My parents were out doing- whatever it was they were doing and my siblings were at their own activities.

So I had the whole house to myself for once.

It was quiet and the perfect time to get a little typing done.

I suddenly felt the need for a Popsicle so I walked out to the garage to grab one from the freezer.

I didn't bother to turn on the light as I walked in for I had plenty of light from the living room.

I opened the freezer door.

Just my luck we were all out of Popsicles.

Suddenly someone was behind me coving my mouth with a cloth.

I struggled with all my might, kicking someone's shin in the process.

I heard my attacker groan in pain but they still didn't let go.

I still struggled but I could feel myself slipping.

No! Drugs! I was being drugged!

"Gotta get cloth away from face." I thought groggily to myself.

But I was already too weak to struggle anymore.

I felt my eyes grow heavy until finally they closed.

My attacker let me drop to the ground.

" Well we got another one, Boss will be pleased." I heard someone say before I blacked out…

Donnie was surfing the Net looking for something to do out of boredom.

This was strange to him since normally he would be occupied with another one of his ingenious inventions, or out fixing something that his brothers had broken for the hundredth time.

But today none of those occupations were available.

And since none of his books seemed interesting, he was searching the web for something suitable to read.

Oddly he felt like reading something not technical today.

When he put in his search he found an odd site titled "Fanfiction" .

Intrigued he clicked on it to find out what it was.

He came to the home page and found a table of contents so to speak.

He went through the categories and clicked on one-titled cartoons.

He came to another page that listed a whole bunch of familiar cartoons shows from his childhood.

He kept scrolling down, until he found a title that made him stop in his tracks.

Ninja turtles was there as plain as day on his screen.

Curious, he clicked on the tab.

Immediately, he was taken to a page full of titles.

Don just decided to click on the first on he saw that caught his interest.

It happened to be the second on the page.

He started reading…

The others were sitting in the living room when they heard Don shouting.

"Guys come here quickly you've gotta see this!" He shouted.

They all ran to his lab where his was sitting staring excitedly at his computer.

" What Donnie, what is it?" Leo asked.

" Ok well I found this site that does fanfic stories for like shows and movies and stuff, and guess what I found?" Don asked excitedly.

" Some Star Trek stories?" Mikey asked leaning over his shoulder to get a better look at the screen.

"No, stories about us!" Don said.

"WHAT!" The others all shouted at once.

" It's true look. All these stories are about us and our friends and things that have happened in our lives." Don said showing them.

The others leaned in to get a closer look.

" And I've also found that some of the girl writers or at least I think their girls, write about us meeting different girls and falling in love with them, and some I found out have crushes on us, I read it on their profiles and in some of their reviews." Don said showing them.

Mikey started smiling at this.

"Really some girls have a crush on us, well I can believe they would like Leo, Donnie, and I, but who would like Raph? Yuck!" Mikey exclaimed making a face.

"Why You!" Raph growled tackling him.

"Knock it off you two! This is serious business!" Leo said trying to look stern.

" So what are WE gonna about it Leo?" Raph asked doubt edging his voice.

"I don't know, but I do know this, we need to figure out how these people know about us and find them before the Foot find out about them." Leo said sternly.

Hey Guys! T-Girl Here!

Hey so about the title- yeah it was supposed to say Fanfiction? with a .net at the end But the site wouldn't let me name it that, so I had to settle that.

So what did you think? Is the story any good? Please let me know soon, I gotta know!

T-Girl is out! Peace!