AN: This will be a Tratie two-shot set around Easter.

Katie POV

"Katie…..come outside for a minute."

"What!" She snapped.

She looked outside really quick, but all she could see were a couple of her half sisters staring up at the sky.

She walked outside side for a minute to see what they were staring at.


"TRAVIS STOLL I AM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS!" echoed throughout the whole camp. And everyone just stopped what they were doing and looked around confused.

How did they even do it? Why? Why her cabin?

There were three goats on their roof. Not fake ones, real, live, GOATS! They were all tethered to a stake in the middle and they were munching on their grass roof. There were bald spots in the grass now.

The goat just looked at her, still munching grass, it swallowed. "Bahhhh"

Travis POV

Travis hoped Katie enjoyed her Easter present. He didn't think anyone knows how hard it is to put three goats on the roof. Goats are heavier than they look, especially when you are trying to carry them up a ladder.

"TRAVIS!" Katie yelled.

"Oh, hey what's up, Katie." Travis turned around and greeted her.

Katie replied with some words that resembled a truck driver getting cut off in traffic.

"Don't tell me you don't like it."

More creative swearing ensued.

"Goodness, Katie hasn't Demeter taught you to use nice words."

Katie just flipped him off and turned around to walk away.

"Come on; don't tell me you're still mad."

She turned around. "Travis, when will you ever stop pulling pranks on my cabin. I mean really, you Stolls are just so immature sometimes, with no respect for people's property or…."

Travis stopped paying attention. He just stared at her. Katie's hair is especially shiny today, he thought.

She was still talking. So he decided to cut her off, "So, what Katie, no matter what I do you're still going to love me."

Katie snorted. "What gave you that idea? Was it me flipping you off or all the death threats?"

"Come on, why else would you come yell at me instead of Connor, he is just as much to blame."


"Or why do you always threaten me, or assume that I stole whatever you're missing."

"That…umm" Katie was starting to get flustered.

"And you always stare at me. Don't deny it." Travis said and wiggled his eyebrow seductively.

"Travis do you have a point here?"

"Actually I do." He said and stepped closer. "You, Katie Gardner, are in love with me, Travis Stoll."

"That is absolutely the single most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

"Really?" Travis said as he raised one eyebrow.

"Really." She replied.

"I don't believe you." He stepped closer.

"Fine, I love you Travis…"

"Knew it." He said and grinned.

Both of them leaned in towards each other. Travis wrapped his arms around Katie's waist. There head were inches away and Travis closed his eyes.

Katie bitch slapped him.

"What the hell…" Travis said rubbing his cheek.

"Travis the only sentence that's going to have both love and your name would be 'I love to slap Travis', or other things of that nature."

She started to walk away. "Oh yeah you're going to pay for the goats prank. I'd watch myself if I were you."

Travis just watched her walk away. Damn she looked good in those shorts.

He rubbed his cheek some more. It stung. But it was from Katie… with love.

The bitch slap of love to be exact.

8th review gets a part in next chapter. Also I have a pretty good prank planed out for Travis put if you have a better one leave it in a review. Also since the traffic is down. The only way I know if you're reding this is if you review so if I don't get like 10 review I probably won't write next chapter.