Hey! StroodleMuffin here! Okay, so this is my first fan-fiction so nice comments please! I know, this has been done heaps and heaps of times, but I've been dying to make my own, so enjoy!



AUSTRALIAN DIVISION OF COPYRIGHT*: Okay, so we just want a few questions answered, OK?


STROODLEMUFFIN: Make it quick! I've got a story to write!

AUSTRALIAN DIVISION OF COPYRIGHT: Question 1: Do you own Percy Jackson?

STROODLEMUFFIN: Pah, I'm not one of those people who'll steal things from my favourite writer, am I?


STROODLEMUFFIN: Get out of here then!

Chapter 1


The first thing that Percy thought as he slowly rose from the world of the unconscious was how someone could fit so many bed springs in such a thin mattress. They were digging into his back as if he was lying on a bed of rocks. With extreme effort, Percy pulled his aching eyelids back, and what he saw surprised him to say the least. He was tucked into sheets that made scratchy sound like the understatement of the year. He looked around the room, taking in the scene. He could see old, peeling wallpaper that looked like someone had barfed on it and then left it for dead. He could see the dust particles floating in the air as the sun shone through the window. Outside, he could see the trees swaying slowly from side to side in the morning breeze. The place that he was in looked as if it had been there for a long time. 'Okay, where in Hades am I?' thought Percy. 'Hades? Where did that come from?' Percy wondered, freaking out. 'And who am I?' wondered Percy, looking around the room for any clues. Suddenly, he heard a sound of someone running up some stairs, somewhere outside his room. "Percy! Get up! We're going to be late!" a girl's voice called. 'Okay, so I guess my name is Percy,' Percy thought, happy that he now knew who he was.

A girl ran into the room. She had red hair, blue eyes and had a lot of freckles on her face. Before Percy could say anything though, this girl started talking so rapidly that Percy could not get everything that she said into his head. He caught a few words – excursion, bus, National Museum of Greek and Roman Mythology and leaving. Not much else. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down." Percy said, hopeful that the girl might stop rambling. "Could you, like, slow down a little bit?"

The girl stopped. She repeated everything she had said, except this time a lot slower. "We are going on an excursion to the National Museum of Greek and Roman Mythology and we sort of have to leave, well, now. In five minutes, to be exact." Percy looked in confusion at the girl. "What?" he asked. "I don't remember - ," He was interrupted when the girl started talking again. "C'mon, Perce! We gotta go!" Nodding reluctantly, he silently got dressed, while the redhead left the dormitory.

Not much happening in this chapter, so it's short. I promise that I will make longer chapters. But hey, I'm a beginner. R&R! Your reviews will make me happy! I would like to know what you think of it.


*Yes, yes, I'm Australian. Hurrah and all that.