A/N: What would've happened if Zack's car hadn't gotten crushed at the end of the movie? Basically, I had this flash through my mind for a minute, and I instantly started writing a story, even though it was the middle of Economics class. I hope you like it.

"'Do Not Park. Zack Martin Exempted,'" Zack read.

He began to park the car, but no sooner had he pressed the gas pedal than Moseby was up in his face.

"Zackary Martin, there is no parking in this zone!"

"There is for me. I read the sign!" Zack said, smirking.

"Zack, this area is for shipping containers only! If you don't want your new car, and perhaps yourself as well, to be destroyed, I'd move. London's clothes are expected to be dropped in this vicinity within the hour!"

Zack frowned and obediently moved his car. He was NOT going to let his baby be crushed.

Cody walked into his room and turned on the light, expecting to see his beautiful perpetual motion device, the assignment he was turning in for his final project, which was worth 60% of his grade.

What he actually saw shocked him.

Most of the structure of the machine looked as if a quarterback had charged into it. The remains of the rest of the machine were strewn across the floor. Gears, chains, belts, and ball bearings lay scattered in all directions.


"What?" Woody asked as he barreled in from the bathroom.

"I thought I told you not to touch this!" Cody yelled. "All my hard work... ruined," he cried.

"I didn't touch it."

"Who else could've?" Cody snapped.

"Well, Zack came in earlier looking-"

"Zack!" Cody charged out of the room searching for his brother before Woody could even finish his sentence.

"Here is your Petunia Puree, Mrs. Pepperman," Zack said, handing the old woman the drink. "I don't understand how you drink that, anyway. Shouldn't the flowers taste like crap?"


"Well, come back soon if you want to keep it on the menu. You're the only one that orders-"



"Come with me!" Cody said, dragging Zack from behind the counter.

"What? Why?" Zack asked in bewilderment.

Cody refused to answer Zack's question.

"Where are we going?"

Cody shoved Zack into the room and demanded an explanation.

"Why did you do this?"

Zack sighed, feeling horrible for not telling Cody about it earlier. "It was an accident, Cody. I-"

"You're an accident, Zack!"

"Hurtful!" Zack exclaimed, imitating Woody. "I really-"

"Really what, Zack? Really weren't thinking about destroying my future? Do you understand how much I want you to drop off the face of the earth right now?"

"Whoa. Didn't we just go through a whole thing where we learned to empathize with each other? You know, mad scientist, creepy twin army, threatened to merge our brains? We've still got the connections from that thing."

"No, Zack! You don't understand! This was worth sixty percent of my grade! Without it, I won't graduate!"

"Cody, I-"

"Zack, just leave me alone! Go find somebody else whose life you can ruin!"


"Ooh! Here's a thought: you have that fancy car. Why don't you get in it and drive away? 'Cause I couldn't care less if you never come back."

Zack's pleading face suddenly turned emotionless. He had wanted to apologize, but a person who made a comment like that didn't deserve an apology. He turned to face the exit and walked out, slamming the door behind him. Then he silently walked through the labyrinth of hallways to the elevator, took it to the lobby, stepped out and onto the gangplank, and left the ship.

Then he got in his fancy car and drove away.

A/N: How did I do? I feel like I do my best writing during class. Anyway, I've been working on this at an insane rate, so a new chapter might even be out today. Even if it's not, you won't have to wait the months I normally take for a new chapter. The only other thing I could ask you to do is review. So... I guess you should just press the link next to the pretty speech bubble.