Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! Two words: writer's block

If you have just stumbled about this fic, welcome, but if you have just come from 14 Years Later, welcome back! This is the sequel I promised you all! Quality Time was the title that won, so… here it is!

I'm so sorry that I left the last story at a huge cliff-hanger; it just seemed to be the right place to end it.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate all of my readers, even the ones that don't review because I can still see you on my Story Traffic!

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO. This goes for the entire story, okay?

WARNING: UNLIKE LAST STORY, THERE IS MORE SWEARING IN THIS STORY, e.g. shit, crap, ass, but no really bad words like the 'F' bomb. Hey, it is a 'T' story :)

Chapter One: World's Worst Wake-Up

Andy POV

I was peeved. Incredibly irritated. Amazingly annoyed. Exceptionally exasperated. Understandably upset. Ridiculously riled.

You would expect I'd get someslack. I'd just been blown of a god damn cliff and I was flung into a dream. A dream!

Morpheus, you are sooooooo going to Tartarus.

I was standing on a beach. It was night, the stars twinkling against the black back-drop, a full moon illuminating the long stretch of pristine white sand. The calm water flowed in and out again, a comforting rhythm that seemed to be the only thing staying the same within the last few weeks. An outcrop of large, grey rocks stopped the sand from progressing any further and then turned into tall cliffs, strange looking trees dotted on their tops. I wasn't injured, my shoulder was intact, and I didn't have any pain whatsoever. It was amazing.

I was instantly suspicious. Nothing in my life was 'simple' or 'peaceful'.

"To true," a voice said and I spun around, facing the speaker sitting on the sand, letting the cool water touch her toes. Her rusty-brown hair was neatly combed and in a French braid that was tied with a green bow. Her kind eyes were crinkled in a smile that was so full of warmth and happiness that it seemed impossible that anything bad had happened.

"Lady Rhea," I nodded in respect.

Rhea smiled, "Come, sit," she petted the sand next to her and I joined her by the water side. The tide flowed in and I touched the water. It didn't feel right, it felt… sticky, almost like artificial water made out of melted plastic. Rhea signed, "Yes, that's the thing about this beach. It is all artificial, both you will not be able to find a prettier sight down here."

I knit my eyebrows, "'Down here'?"

Rhea smiled sadly, "Yes, down here in the Underworld."

I jumped up, "I'm not dead, am I?"

Rhea realised her mistake and smiled reassuringly, "No, you are not. That was silly of me and I apologise. You are in the Dreamworld, a much nicer part of Tartarus."

"Uh-huh," I nodded, sitting back down. She was right about this 'beach' being pretty. It was so calm and peaceful, an incredible change from the past days. "Lady Rhea? What am I doing here?"

Rhea gazed up at the stars, "I thought you needed a rest from the past week. You were hurt from your fight on Mount Etna," she looked back at me, "and I need to speak with you about you father."

I stiffened. Rhea sensed my discomfort, but continued anyway.

"You seem to dislike him," she stated, looking for my reaction. I just looked out over the 'water', scowling slightly. "Why? Even at the mention of Perseus you— well— you do what you are doing now. But my question is why?"

I tore my steely gaze from the 'water' and to Rhea, "He hurt her, Rhea. That's not forgivable."

Rhea nodded in understanding, "I understand, Andy. But there is another thing that I am confused about. If you hate your father so much, then way do you take his name?"


"His name, you take his last name. Jackson. Correct me if I am wrong, but once you found out about all of this—" she gestured around, "—you changed from Chase to Jackson. And when you fought Triton, you were insulted when he called you Chase."


Rhea smiled, having proved her point, "You have acknowledged him as your father."

"Yeah, but—"

"You risked your life and that of your friends to save him."

"Yeah, but—"

"And you set out on the quest for recognition from him."

"I did not—!"

Rhea put her hand on my shoulder, "Andy, face it. You don't hate him and you know it."


"Andromeda!" Rheas raise her voice. "You don't and you know it. Don't be stubborn."

I crossed my arms, "He. Hurt. Annabeth."

Rhea sighed and smiled at the same time, "Sometimes your stubbornness is impossible. Just remember, my child, give Percy a chance. He is new at parenthood; you cannot blame him for being…"

"Oblivious, annoying, stupid, heroic, a bad parent?" I offered.

Rhea looked pointedly at me and stood up, "Yes, whatever you wish to believe. But trust him. Oh, and happy 13th birthday, Andromeda. Now—"


My eyes flew open. All I saw was a blue blur, just a smudge across my vision. I groaned, my joints stiff and numb, most likely from huge doses of pain killers. I was lying on a bed of some sort, the room eerily silent. My vision became to improve and I could make out the vaguely humanoid shapes of people standing around me. Well, at least I know I'm not surrounded by three-legged, one-armed, twenty-headed Science teachers. Or hundred-armed, fifty-faced gigantic monsters bent on revenge holding my parents on the top of a volcano.

Actually, I'd be more scared of the Science teacher…

"Andy? Andy!" Someone yelled, but I couldn't see them. "Apollo! She's awake; get your godly ass in here!"

There was a yelp, a CLANG — SMASH! and footsteps, as what sounded like a stampeding herd of elephants ran towards…well, wherever I was. Finally, I blinked a few times, my sight coming back to me. I opened my eyes and instantly snapped them shut again, protesting against the bright light. I blinked a few times more, my eyes adjusting to the light and I was able to make out the people who were standing in the room.

By the door, half-hidden in shadows, was Poseidon; Annabeth sitting right beside me, her cuts and bruises healed, but she had her left arm in a sling. Then there were the two people who had just ran into the room. One was — ahem — rather hot and the other was Perseus. 'Nuff said.

Apollo (at least, I thought it was Apollo, y' never know with these god-types) came over to me and Annabeth moved so he could check my injuries. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I'm in a WHOLE LOTTA PAIN AT THE MOMENT! No? Okay then.

He smiled, "You're in a mess; you know that, right?"

I groaned. My ears were pounding, a high ringing echoing off every noise and I had a blistering headache, so Apollo's voice sounded like he had just yelled through the world's largest megaphone plugged into AC/DC concert amplifiers, turned up to 1,000,000,000,000% right next to my ear.

I glared at him testily, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "No, I'm perfectly fine."

"You only fell of a mountain, fell thousands of feet and sank to the bottom of the Mediterranean."

"Oh is that all."

Annabeth hit me on the shoulder, "Andy," she reprimed. "Don't be sarcastic."

"Hypocrite," Percy muttered, only for Annabeth to turn a death glare worthy of Thalia at him.

"Don't get me started on you, Seaweed Brain."

Percy— Perseus held his hands up in a 'surrender' gesture as Poseidon walked back in, surprising Percy because he didn't noticed him leave.

And they say I'm oblivious.

"Annabeth?" Poseidon said. "Athena needs to see you."

Annabeth looked at the sea god, "Tell mum she can wait."

Poseidon raised an eyebrow, "Have you met Athena?"

"Coming, coming," Annabeth sighed as she got up. She turned and squeezed my hand. "Don't mortally wound yourself while I'm gone."

I smiled weakly, "I'll be sure to try."

Annabeth rolled her eyes before walking out of the door, Poseidon leading her to where her mother was waiting.

"Ow…ow…ow—OW, SHIT!" I yelled as Apollo poked one of my ribs. He nodded and muttered something. "Argh! You're worse than Josh!" I protested as he continued to be all 'God-of-Medicine'.

He looked up, "How is Josh? How'd he go on your quest?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, "Oh, y'know, he didn't die."

Apollo smirked while writing something on a medical sheet, "That's generally a good thing," he looked up from the sheet of paper. "Would you like to know how much damage you did to yourself?"


"Okay then!" Apollo smiled at my scowl. Honestly, he was like acted like he was two… no offense to two-year-olds. "Well, you broke four ribs, three on the right, and one on the left—"


"You ruptured an artery in your shoulder, so you lost quite a lot of blood, but being the awesome god I am I fixed it up—" he continued before I could make a sarcastic retort. "—you'll have a scar, but on the bright side you could make up some sickage story to tell at school."

"Anything else?" I asked rhetorically, but I should have known Apollo would have answered it.

"Yeah, fractured ankle and wrist, multiple scrapes, grazes and bruises, broken arm, dislocated knee and shoulder, broken nose and a small head wound."

"But I survived, right?"

"Duh. I think this deserves a haiku! The one called Andy—"

"Okay, Apollo. She's already suffered enough." Percy said, as he walked into the infirmary. Apollo huffed, a smile still stretched across his face. Then the coolest thing happened. Apollo's phone rang.


I find that really cool.

Apollo answered, "Ye-llo? Uh-huh…okay…yeah, sure thing…I'll be over soon, don't touch anything…no, not even the floor…okay, see ya, bye." He hung up the phone and turned to us. "I have to go, hunters in distress."

I snorted, and then turned in surprise; Percy had snorted at the exact same time as me. Percy didn't notice this (again, people called me oblivious) and sat down on a chair close to my bed as Apollo burst into a flash of gold light (I averted my eyes, after being healed, I didn't want to die) and there was a silence.

An awkward silence.

An incredibly awkward silence.

I hadn't moved from this bed in ages, and in consequence I kept fidgeting and moving due to the useful ADHD. I tried not to take notice of Percy doing the same thing— I mean we both had ADHD; it didn't mean we acted the same…did it?

Finally, after what seemed like eons, Percy turned and asked me the question he had obviously been dying to ask since he sat down.


I glared at him.

"Andy," he amended. "Why—why…why do you hate me so much?"

I glared at him long and hard before answering, "You hurt her, Perseus. That is like…like a—crime. And I'm telling you, if you as much as make her even slightly upset, I will kill you. Capeesh?"

Gotta love Andy 3

This story is going to be pretty short, 8-10 chapters at the most. I'm just not into this story; it's more of filler than something very important. :|

Sayonara suckers,


One of my friends from school told me this and I thought I might tell it to you guys (and it gets me reviews ;)
Answer this lateral thinking problem. It's pretty easy, but I wanna see what creative ideas you guys give me.

You are in a car. All you have is

the usual stuff in a car (e.g. seats, steering wheel, CDs),

a brick,

a rubber band,

How do you get out of the car?