A/N I am sorry it has taken me so long to write , but real life is calls and I have been busy with my kids and and just doing a lot of reviews… Well here is my next chapter and and I hope you like it!

Ch. 5

What Do I Do?


"Hello Bella." As I said hello to the one person I thought I would never see again, she turned around and our eyes lock on each other. The electric charge in the air was thick, and I felt as if we had never been apart. "Hello Edward."

It has been 17 years since I last saw or heard from Bella, I mean only Ali has kept in touch with her up until 5 years ago. And then…. it was as if she disappeared. She never heard from her again. Seeing Bella was like I never been apart from her , but in other ways I still felt a pang in my heart of the hurt she has inflicted on me years ago.

"Well… umm.. fancy seeing you here….. it has been awhile , how have you been, Bella?"

"Umm, …I have been good, I...I….How have you've been Edward?"

"I have been… good, can't complain." My heart clenched as I said those words to her.

"Well…umm … good. I can't complain either." Bella said.

I was in a loss for words. Why can't I talk to Bella , I mean, we have known each other practically our whole lives and we were even in a committed relationship once. What is wrong with me?

"Well, I'll let you ladies get to your catching up. Bella, it was nice seeing you again, I hope we can get together and talk….so… yea, I need to go now,…..Ali, mom said to drop by the house…"

"It was nice to see you too, Edward, and yea, I would like to get together ….. I think we need to talk….about a lot of things… umm see you around." Bella blushed a little and as always her blush still made her beautiful as ever.

As Ali said goodbye to me and said she would be by mom and dad's later, I walked out of the restaurant to my car. I know using the mom- needs- you –to- drop by- the- house excuse was lame, but I had to see it for myself, that she was really here, in Forks.

Bella hasn't really changed, I mean, yea she is older now, but time has been really good to her. She still looked beautiful as ever! She looked like she has been taking care of her self and she hasn't really aged.

On the drive home , I keep thinking about how Bella was now here in Forks. I knew she came back home, because Jake had left her and her son…..fucker.

Alice had told us all at our family dinner at mom and dads. She said that Jake had left them for a younger woman and that her and Jared want a fresh start back here in Forks.

After everything, that happened and Jacob ended up doing that shit to her. What a fuckin douche bag. I had Bella at one time, and I considered myself one lucky bastard.

Bella was my everything, and yea, what happened to us was well…..stupid and preventable. But we all moved on after that. After I lost Bella to Jacob, I went into a depression. I was at Darthmonth then, when all this happened, when Bella broke things off, I threw myself into my studies and lab work. I then decided to stay and do my residency at Darthmonth-Hitchcock Medical Center, and that is where I met Heidi. We became friends and she help me with my depression about Bella. She at one point told me that I needed to go to Bella and demand answers. Our friendship soon turned to more. We started dating an we dated for 2 yrs and before I knew it, we were engaged.

I thought about Bella, she was never gone from my mind, but I knew I had to move on , after all she did.

We got married only 4 months of being engaged. Heidi wanted to get married soon due to here career. She was and I think , still is a very prominent lawyer and she has really worked hard to get there.

My family was happy that I had found someone to share my life with, though I could tell they all thought that Bella was the girl for me, that I wouldn't be truly happy. But none the less they saw that Heidi was there for me.

A year after Heidi and I were married I had finished my residency and was offered a job there at Darthmonth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Heidi was happy because the law firm for which she worked for was in the area. We bought a house and started our lives. I want to have children right away, but Heidi didn't want any just yet. She said she worked hard to get where she was at in her career and having a baby would just not be a good idea. So, we decided to wait. When we celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary, I told Heidi that I want us to have a baby , that it was time. We both were doing well in our careers and had home and money. All that was left was to have a family and I wanted that …all of it!

Heidi finally gave in and so we started to try to get pregnant. She got off the pill and so we tried. We tried for 2 yrs. Still no baby and Heidi said that it probably wasn't ment to be. So she blew it off. I told her that we need to go to a fertility specialist, but she didn't want to, saying nothing was wrong with her, so I went to check on my sperm….. my shit was good. I told her that maybe it was her and she got upset and yelled at me that she was not defective, that our lives were good and that having a baby would complicate things. That's when I realized that she really didn't want a baby or a family .

I mean don't get me wrong, I loved Heidi, and she loved me, but if truth be known, I wasn't in love with her. I guess when I found out that she was still taking her pills behind my back, I wasn't all that upset, I mean I was upset and angry,cause I wanted a child , with my name, but in truth when I found out, I was glad we didn't have a child. We were married for 7yrs when all this went down and that's when we realized that we both weren't in love with eachother, I mean we loved eachother and our life together was happy and full, but we really weren't in love. There is a big difference.

After that, we decided to go our separate way and that's was when my dad offered me a job at his clinic. Our divorce was friendly, which is rare , but considering that there were no children involved, it went well. We sold the house and split the profit. We decided to stay friends and wished each other well.

I took my dads offered and packed up and moved back to Forks. I was glad to be back home again. All my family decided to stay after they graduated UW and make Forks there home. Alice and Jasper got married and have a daughter name Lilly Bell, and Emmett and Rosalie, have a son name Aiden and a daughter Madison. Emmett and Rose are married too. I was the only one who decided to stay away, especially after what happened with Bella. I always though, kept in touch with my family and never losing touch. Heidi and I would visit them when we were married and my family got a long with her. They liked her, and she liked them just as well. But they really never LOVED her like a real part of the family.

Well that is water under the bridge now, and here I am, in Forks, fixing to take over the clinic my dad ran, and now …. Bella Swan is back

Weeks pasted since I "ran" into Bella and my sister. I couldn't get her off my mind! She is still a very beautiful woman. And, believe me, she all woman. She has definitely come into her own.

After my last patient at the clinic, I decided to call Ali, she if she can give me some details on Bella.

"Hey Ali, how have you been? How's my niece, Lilly?" "Well, well, if it isn't my dear brother, I just talked to you about… 3 day ago, to what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me?""I just wanted to see how you an Lilly and Jasper been? Is it a crime for me to see how my family is doing?"

Ali was quiet for a minute….then because she knows me all too well, began to tell me her thoughts, " I know why you are calling, Edward, you want to know how Bella has been doing, and her how her job is, am I right?" " Alright Alice, you win. I just want to know how she is getting along there, at her new job as a teacher. Is she adjusting to her life her in Forks? Is her son adjusting too? I want Bella to have no regrets moving back here, I mean this is a better place for her and her son. She has her dad here and her friends, and she knows her way around here as well."

"Edward, I know you still care about Bella and I saw it the minute your eyes met hers at the restaurant. You want some advise…call her, make a lunch date or just a date where you two can talk. I know it still hurts that she decided to call off your relationship with you, but that was the past, now you both had lives with other people and it didn't work out. And there is a reason for it…. It's called fate! You and Bella are given a second chance , if you both want it. Sure its going to be a lot of work before you get there again, but it will be worth it. I know you and Bella are ment to be, time has no limit or bounds about reuniting with your soul mate."

I thought about what my sister had said. She was right, as always! "Thanks sis, your right, I need to man the fuck up. It's time to have that talk with Bella. Ali, you are the best, I love you!" "Just doing my sisterly duty, love you brother!"

I ask Ali for Bella's phone number and decided to give her a call.

I dialed the number and on the third ring a boys voice answered, "Hello." "Umm….is… is Bella there?" Shit, I was so nervous, I sounded like a fifteen year old teenager, calling on the girl he liked. "Yes, may I ask who is calling?" "Sure…. This is ….. Edward Cullen, is she available?" My heart was pounding so fast I thought it would beat out of my chest. " Oh, okay, are you one of my mom's old friends?, Oh I'm Jared, my mom said she had her old friends here, I have already met Mrs. Whitlock." So, this was her son that answered the phone. He sounds very mature for just being 13 years, but I guess he has too when Jake left. "Oh ,yea, well nice to meet your Jared,…..ummm could I speak to Bella?" " Sure, sure, let me call her for you, ….nice to meet you, Edward, I hope we can meet in person." Jared called for his mom and soon enough, I her her voice, " Hello,… Edward?" I could find my voice! Shit! " Hellooooo, is anyone there….. Edward?" Finding my voice finally I said, " I….I..um…Hi Bella, how have you been?" " Oh, fine. How have you been?" Her voice was still sweet as suger. "I've been fine. Umm…..listen, the reason I am calling is that I wanted to ask you out….on a date… I mean you can pick it to be a lunch date or a dinner date, or we don't need to call it a date….. if you don't want to. Fuck! I mean….aww shit, I'm sorry Bella , I know I sound like a teenager instead of a grown man." I heard her laugh a little on the phone and her laughter sound so beautiful, like I remembered it. "Sorry, Edward, you do sound rather….ummm….nervous, but it's okay. I was nervous myself when Jared told me it was you calling. And yes…. I would like to go on a date with you. Lets make it a lunch date….I think we need to talk first…. Then if you feel like thing are okay, we can go from there, is that alright?" I was over the moon that Bella agreed to have a date with me….. well a lunch date anyways. I was thrilled an told her is was okay and that …..yes… we do need to talk. We made plans to meet on Monday at the burger joint across from the middle school where Bella was teaching. It would be convenient for her and I had Monday off. It would work out perfectly. "So I guess I will see you on Monday at 1 pm?" I told Bella. "Sure, that sounds great, Edward, I am looking forward to it." I could just here the excitement in her voice. I was excited as well. " Okay,…umm till Monday, Bella,….. I'm looking forward to it as well!" An with that we hung up.

As I sat there in my home, alone, doing some work on my laptop, I couldn't help the grin on my face…..I have a date with Bella in three days!