Okay, I'm well aware that the summary sounds an awful lot like Harry's life. Well, too bad. If you aren't going to read it because of that, well that's your own problem, not mine. This is an epic story, one that will leave you going "Oh my Wizard God, why didn't JKR think of this?" Or, that's what my narcissistic self is hoping your reaction will be. :D Read&&Review!

As a side note: I'm still in school. My grammar isn't going to be perfect. Get over it.

PS: I only own the characters that JKR doesn't. ;)


Lord Voldemort listened in quiet awe as Bellatrix's screams pierced the room next to the one he, Lucius, and Severus were sitting in. Neither one of the men said anything, partially because two of them had never experienced anything like it. Many moments passed, filled with Narcissa's sharp commands and Bellatrix's loud swears.

As the Dark Lord gave up hope on finishing the discussion that had been taking place prior to Bellatrix's untimely problem, her screams were replaced by another's. Almost seconds later, Narcissa was in the room occupied by the three men, her face flush with many emotions.

"It's a boy," she announced. All three men took a sharp breath. Surprise lingered behind all six eyes.

"A boy?" Severus asked. Narcissa nodded.

Lucius swallowed, clearly trying to think of what to say. "Sir, what are we to do about this… Development."

Lord Voldemort cleared his throat, buying more time to make a decision.

Before he could answer, he heard Bellatrix's voice, scratchy and faint. "My Lord."

He got up and swept into the room to see her cradling the small child, wrapped in black fabric. "Yes, Bella?"

"I think I should keep it," she said bravely.

Lord Voldemort's eyes widened. "What makes you say that, Bella?"

"It might be a good idea, sir, to have another child to pass the Death Eater bloodlines to, to instill your ideas upon, just in case something were to happen to you," she said. As soon as she finished her statement, her eyes widened, obviously fearing she put her words wrong.

The Dark Lord turned her suggestion over in his head. Normally, he would have ripped her head off for merely suggesting that something might happen to him. But in retrospect, he had been finding himself grow weaker. He knew that Potter was finding the Horcruxes.

He cursed himself for not killing Dumbledore when he had the chance two years previously. It would have stopped him from telling Potter the only way to kill him. Every couple of months, he could feel one of the Horcruxes being destroyed. He knew that at least three of them were gone. Four more and he was mortal.

He gazed at the child in Bellatrix's arms. He looked human enough. When he had decided that none of Bellatrix's wicked attributes had snaked their way into her son, he saw it.

A birthmark on his left forearm in the shape of a snake. He smiled a devious smile, satisfied at the sign of darkness.

"This will be a fine child," he announced. Bellatrix breathed an audible sigh of relief.

"Do you want to hold him, my Lord?" she offered.

Lord Voldemort blinked, taken aback by her offer. Nonetheless, he took the child from her arms and gently held him close. He looked at him with more intent.

The child was no longer than a wand, small and light. His eyes were closed and his lips were pursed. He squirmed and fidgeted, confined within the realms of his black cloth.

"What are you going to name him?" he asked.

"Cygnus, in keeping with family tradition," Bellatrix stated.

Lord Voldemort nodded and watched as Cygnus's eyes opened. He expected something blue, similar to Rodolphus's. Instead he saw steely gray. Similar to, dare he say it, Sirius Black's. He was surprised at the amount of darkness already held in the infant's eyes.

"Oh yes, Cygnus shall do wonders in years to come," he muttered. Bellatrix motioned to have her son placed in her hands, to which the Dark Lord obliged. They watched the infant in silence, wondering what they were to do with him, where they were to keep him.

A second later, Cygnus sneezed. A plant next to Bellatrix burst into flames.

Lord Voldemort quickly withdrew a wand. "Aquamenti," he muttered at the plant. A stream of water burst from the wand and extinguished the plant.

All the while, they were smiling demonically. "Showing power at this age," Lord Voldemort said, "interesting, very interesting. You and Rodolphus should be proud."

Bellatrix's smile disappeared. She looked very nervous, like she had no way of telling him. "There's just one thing, my Lord."

He looked at her.

"It's just that, he's…"

"What, Bella?"


"Out with it!"

"He's your son."

Was I right? Are you shouting at magical religious deities? You get Red Vines if you R&&R! :D