I wanted to try this out. Enjoy!

Snow was falling and the streets of upper New York were totally deserted. All except for one lone figure dashing across the streets. Tears streams out behind him and blood trickles out of multiple cuts all over his body. The silence of the night is broken by his sobbing. He slows down, occasionally glancing behind him. Nobody is following him. He breathes a sigh of relief and a cloud of air forms in front of him. Now that he isn't running, he realizes just how cold it really is. Teeth chattering, he snuggles up against a nearby tree. He grabs a fallen newspaper and covers his body in a vain attempt to stay warm. He knows he'll die soon if he stays in the cold. But, he has nowhere to go. No fire, no house and, the boy's eyes welled up with tears, no mother. Tears escape from his eyes and he sobs quietly in the dark, too cold to fall asleep. Unbeknownst to him, there was another person at the park. His body glows with energy and heat radiates from him causing the snow under his feet to melt. He's wearing earphones and jogging, quietly humming to the song. He stops when a loud whimper emanates from the darkness. He pulls off his earphones and his blue eyes dart around the snowy landscape. They land on a large tree. Cautiously, he creeps toward it. The cries become more audible and more pronounced. They are coming from under a clump of newspapers lying beside the tree. Slowly, the man reaches out and the cries come to a sudden stop. The newspaper rustles and a small worn-out head peeks out from under it. He has black unruly hair and sea-green eyes. His eyes look familiar but the man doesn't stop to think about that. His eyes are glued at the cuts and bruises all over his body. Anger bubbles up within his chest but he quickly gains control of it. The boy backs up into the tree more growing uncomfortable with his stares. The man gives the boy a reassuring smile and stretches his hand out toward him.

"Don't worry little fella. I'm not going to hurt you."

The boy eyes the hand warily unsure of what to do. He takes another look at the man's kindly face and hesitantly grasps hold of it. The man's smile widens as their hands connect. He feels his lips inching toward a smile. His cold fingers start to warm up as though the man's hand was a heat warmer. The man crouches down to look at the boy at eye level. He sees intelligence in his green eyes and he feels pure happiness. He knows that what he will say next was against he rules but he couldn't stand to leave the boy alone. He looks back at the smiling boy and his mind is made up.

"Do you want to stay with me at my place?"

The boy's eyes widen with surprise. His smile slowly widens and gives a barely noticeable nod. The man grins and, with his hand still holding his, leads him deeper into the woods. Before he takes another step, though, he asks.

"By the way, what's your name?"

The boy winces as he remembers his mother's smiling face but regains his composure quickly.

"Percy Jackson."