A/N: Haha I liked last chapter's almost lemon. That was nice little taste of the juice. On with the show. I put a little more depth on Jane's gift in this chapter. Not a whole lot but anyways...

I watched on through a thicket of trees as Alice hopped through my Bella's window and sat in a chair I was in not long ago. I scoffed at the sight of her distraught features, what a pussy. I do not know or care why she was upset. All I care about is Bella's well being. Knowing that Alice wouldn't dare touch her, I left to hunt.

My control was quite good but being around your human love is definitely a trying task. I raced through the forests and narrowly missed branches in my haste to feed. Once I finally traveled a few miles to a hill that overlooked the city of Seattle, I paused to take in my view. You could see the edge of forest end and the city begin, a prominent borderline.

The sun was hidden deep within clouds, I understood my situation and where I would strike with this information. I raced off to the eastern part of the vast city and found myself walking on a secluded sidewalk once more. I focused solely on my senses and listened as a man and woman fought in an apartment building across the street.

I smelled the adrenaline and blood pumping through their veins but I avoided them, knowing it to be a messy outcome. I continue my stride when I breathed in slowly through my nose, letting my eyes slip close as I relished in a delectable scent of roses and lavender.

My pace quickened as I drew nearer to the scent of an unsuspecting woman, in her late twenties, sitting on the ground with her back against a ragged building. She had red unruly hair and wore scruffy clothing, obviously newly homeless. I laughed on the inside at her expense. Toying with her would be a simple but fun task.I glided forward and sat next to this girl who seemed to be upset.

"Why hello." I looked at her in a very sensual way and wore my trademark smirk. Her blue eyes looked into my black ones and a gasp escaped her lips.

"H-hello." A blush reddened her cheeks, making my nostrils flare and setting my throat a flame.

"May I ask you something?" I questioned, devilishly. She seemed to be too mesmerized by my charm to answer but I continued.

"Do you like… pain?" Confusion and slight fear emanated off her in waves fueling my blood lust. Without a second thought I used my gift on her and watched her entire being freeze, stricken with pain.

You are nothing and forever will be. Nobody wanted you and now you are left here to die, slowly and alone.

Her screams echoed off of the surrounding buildings as she fell to the side and rolled on the ground clawing at her hair. I put a hand over her mouth and disappeared into a nearby alley. I kept my focus on my gift and her scent as I dragged her to the dead end and ignored the smell of human waste and garbage.

Her screeching was muffled by my hand but being the sadist I am, I liked hearing my simple human victim's pain. I released my grip on her mouth and listened as I became aroused by her deep enrooted agony, caused by I.

"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE!" My favorite part, after the blood, was the begging. It never fails. I closed my eyes and surrounded my senses with her misery. Having my fix, I shot forward to her neck, cutting the thin skin with my razor incisors. The young girl's blood flowed into my mouth, quenching my thirst and killing the fire of my inflamed throat.

I finished her off quickly and looked at the pocket watch Alec gave some hundred years ago, as a present and reminder of who we are. It was genuine silver with intricate engravings of a message that I keep close to my cold heart.

Împreună pentru totdeauna. Răsărit, apus.

I opened it and realized I had only left my love's home an half an hour ago. It felt as if it had been ages since I had saw my sunlight. I disposed of my trash in a dumpster, leaving her there to rot. I walked out of the alley completely rejuvenated and ready to face the day.

Must I stay alone all day and wait for my Bella to get home? I hate this, truly.

I decided to go back to the hotel room I was residing in for the month and change. My eyes wandered to the sky as I walked casually down the road leading to my destination, which was surprisingly not far from my last feeding ground. The clouds formed shapes of different things that all led me back to thinking of Bella.

One of the clouds was swan-like, of course making me think of Bella. Another was similar to a woman laying down on the cloud, leading me to my love once more. Before I realized it, I was walking into the lobby of the hotel and was greeted by the receptionist with a smile.

"Hello, ma'am." I merely looked at her coldly, telling her to fuck off with the kindness bullshit. Her eyes immediately fell back to her desk whilst her heart raced in her chest and her palms became sweaty. I decided to take the stairs since it was a faster way. I raced up the steps, thinking to myself once more.

Maybe instead of waiting for her, I could be with her all day. As soon as the thought arrived in my mind I pulled my sleek phone from my pocket as well as my room key, dialing and unlocking my door at the same time. I put the key on the table in the front entrance area as I waited for my master to answer.

"Hello, Jane. How's the visit with your new found love?" I chuckled at his tone and at the thought of Bella's smiling face.

"Very well, master. I called upon you to ask of you another favor, this one is quite minor but still important."


"Let me guess, dear. You… want me to call her school and enroll you for the time you are there?" My eyes widened but I answered.

"Yes, master. It seems I have become predictable, haven't I?" I grew slightly saddened at the thought of me losing my touch. I found myself sitting on the couch closest to the door and idly picking at loose thread protruding from the brown cushions.

"Oh no, dear. It's just so cliché of a situation. Don't become downtrodden. Of course I will do this for you. I love the prospect of you fucking with the humans and especially those blasted Cullens." We laughed shortly but he finished formally.

"I shall make the arrangements after we part and you shall be starting today, be ready and do not forget your duties."

"Yes, master. Goodbye." I hung up the phone and fought a squeal of delight, thinking it out of character. I rushed towards my suitcase and dressed myself in one of my favorite outfits. I fought the urge to put on my cloak, out of habit.

"Now to surprise my love!" I said to the empty room in giddy delight.

"I can't believe you." She whispered against my lips, causing my lust to build in my pants. My thighs rubbed together trying to gather friction. Her fingers shot out and pinched my nipple, emitting a moan from my lips soon followed by a growl of frustration when she escaped out the driver side door and down the sidewalk to the front doors.

I exited swiftly and followed her path as she looked back with a wink. I sighed in content at the prospect of school with Bella. I heard the bell ring, signaling tardiness. I couldn't focus much on it though as I was trying to keep my focus on not slaughtering the blood filled morsels surrounding me and the area.

I walked casually up the steps and towards what I assumed was the front office as students were in line for something called a 'tardy pass'. Eyes of different colors and emotions darted to me and my outfit, I guessed. I could smell the male (and some female) arousal permeating in the general vicinity. I sighed as I walked past the line, through the propped open door and cut everyone in line to get my schedule.


"Who is she?"

"She's so hot!"

"Did you see Bella get in her car?"

"Why does Bella get surrounded by the hot people?" I couldn't help but choke back a giggle sounding like I cleared my throat. The receptionist came from another room which held three other meals, reeking of a potent perfume. Her eyes widened in fear and dismay, sending a pang of electricity through my core.

My face was neutral but that could be perceived by a human as menacing, as I have been told before.

"Uh h-hello. You, you must be J-Jane Volturi." I smirked and bit back a chuckle at her pathetic stuttering.

"Yes. I am here to receive my class schedule. Do make haste, as I am already missing my first period." I let my age old Italian accent leak through, to make me seem more genuine, though I am originally Romanian.

"Yes, yes. Here you go, dear. I hope you enjoy Forks." Her smile was blatantly false but as was mine. I left past the opened door way that still held people waiting in line without a second glance.

"What a bitch."

The whisper hit my ears and I hissed lowly.

I turned to see a very unattractive girl with badly dyed bleach blonde hair and an orange skin complexion staring at me with glare. I took a few steps closer and stood in front of her. Though she had about an inch or two on me, I could still kill her as easily as an infant.

"Care to repeat? I did not quite catch that." Her eyes widened, obviously she thought I could not hear her. I looked at her expectantly and awaited her answer.


"Perhaps you should back off now." Cut in a voice I knew too well. I looked up into the golden eyes of Edward Cullen. I glared deeply into his soul and warned him in a vampiric tone and speed.

"Watch yourself, Cullen boy. I will not hesitate to slaughter you. Despite my size, you know my advantage." He flinched at the last part but remained firm.

"Do not cause a scene. Follow your own rules." He sneered and walked the down the short hall. My eyes found a very fear-stricken, confused face of the orange girl.

"Watch your step, or else bad things happen. Simple." I left without another word and walked down the hall Edward had just taken. I looked to my schedule and my first class was English. As if I didn't know the language better than any of these vermin. I sniffed out the area and discovered happy news.

My hands pushed open the door and revealed a full classroom with a pudgy old woman at the blackboard, talking about Shakespeare. In the back of the class was none other than my love, Bella. Her heart rate increased tenfold and her eyes were transfixed on mine. I stood in the doorway, avoiding the stares, smells and whispers of everyone else.

"Oh you must be the new student. Why don't you come to the front and tell us about yourself." I ripped my gaze away from my beloved and found the expectant look from the crinkled old prune. Sighing, I walked to the front. I looked out into my audience who all sat in individual desks with blue plastic chairs.

I could see many male erections from my point of view. Grimacing, I spoke.

"My name is Jane Volturi. I am from Italy and wish to be seated." The class did not know how to react to my joke, most looked like they were too scared to laugh whereas Bella laughed wholeheartedly, causing me to genuinely smile.

"Ah well, the only seat is next to Mr. Newton. Mike, please raise your hand." A blonde boy with acne and gelled hair raised his hand excitedly. He sat on the opposite side of the room as Bella. I sighed once more and moved to my new seat. As I walked past rows of people the whispers became hard to ignore.

"She's smokin'!"

"Do you see her eyes? They're red almost!"

"What's with this school and hot people?"

"I saw Bella in the new girl's car!"

"Where did she come from?"

I finally made it to my chair and tried my hardest to focus on anything else but this Mike Newton character.

"So, Jane…" I heard from my right side. I shut my eyes tightly from frustration and turned slightly to show my acknowledging his presence.

"All right class, pick your partners wisely, this is a major grade."

Thank the heavens!

The class erupted into chatter, effectively blocking out Mike's voice, well to a human at least.

My ears picked up the sound of an object flying towards my shoulder and grabbed it before it could touch me. 'Whoa' was a common phrase after my reflex. I turned to the pitcher and saw Bella with a coy smile across the room. I stood with a smile of my own and walked on to the empty seat that was very close to hers, never taking my eyes off of her.

I sat down slowly, caressing her arm as I did causing her to shiver. We both scooted the desks closer together, leaving as little space as possible. A smile was tugging at her plump lips, making me want to claim them. Lust was swirling in her chocolate orbs. I licked my lips as our moment was interrupted by another mortal.

"Anyways, Jane. I was wondering if you needed anyone to show you around. I mean-" I turned sharply away from Bella and opened my mouth to speak but an angel's voice cut in.

"No, Mike. Fuck off. I will be showing her around so scamper off before I kick your horny ass." Bella being commanding was such a turn on that a very silent moan had fallen from my mouth, only she heard making her eyes shut tightly. Mike looked at her incredulously but listened to her advice and walked away.

The people nearest to us looked at her as if she was crazy, which I ended from a single glare. My head turned back to Bella, giving her my full attention.

"I love it when you threaten people." I said in a low tone only meant for my love. She looked at me saying I love you with her eyes and I reciprocated the look.

"What is this project, then?" I asked, curious about the work. Not that I was going to do it. She laughed at me but replied.

"We have to pick our favorite line of Shakespeare's and write a poem based off of it." My face scrunched in confusion.

"What is the point in that? I believe he was quite poetic on his own." We laughed together the rest of the class talking about the significance of the things taught in school in general. Once the bell rang, ending the class, I shook my head in disappointment. The time spent in that class with Bella went by so quickly, I felt wronged in leaving the class so soon.

"Let me see you schedule." Bella said as she gathered her things.

"Of course." I handed her the small slip that I memorized already, touching her hand lovingly.

"Jane, we only have two classes together, this one and gym." Anger flared within me causing me to shove over the desk I was sitting in. The desk made a loud crash and nearly broke against the tile floor.

"What?" I yelled looking to the paper spitefully.

"Ms. Volturi! The principal's office! NOW." I looked to the raisined woman and laughed angrily.

"Yeah, yeah." I looked back to Bella whose expression was calm but held mirth. I grabbed her hand and led us out of the room and into the crowded hall.

"I will walk you to your next class." I let go of her hand, not knowing her boundaries with the Cullens and the humans knowing about us. She smirked and walked along side me, avoiding the stares and whispers of her fellow classmates.

"Maybe getting detention on your first day isn't the best idea." Bella mentioned in jest, causing us to giggle.

"Well, what can I say? I'm quite the, what's it called? 'Cool kid', is it?" We had a few laughs as we moseyed to her class. Once outside the door, I smelled an immortal approaching us from behind.

"I will see you at lunch, Bella." I leaned up to whisper in her ear.

"I love you, my dearest." I pecked her cheek which heated under my mouth from a blush. She went through the doorway but once sitting, I heard her whisper.

"I love you too, Janie." I laughed at the nickname but let the warmth of her love spread within my heart as I went to the office. I made it back to the receptionist and told her I was sent to the principal by the old English teacher.

"Go on back through this door. He should be in there." I nodded and followed her instructions. I sat in the cheap blue chair, much like the one in the classrooms and awaited the principal's acknowledgement.

"Ah, Jane Volturi." A black desk chair turned towards me to reveal a short chubby bald man. His desk held a plaque with 'Don Bankston' written across it.

"Yes, sir." I said, acting as if I was innocent. Buying it he replied with widened childish, green eyes.

"Mrs. Thorpe said you threw a desk. She was not aware of your bipolar disorder so you are not in trouble but please be wary." I smiled reassuringly at him and walked out, knowing we were done. I silently thanked my master for taking such good care of me. I walked on to my next class, counting the minutes until the lunch bell rang.

I somehow knew it would be eventful.