Closure Part III: One of Two.
Three's A Crowd
Had this idea for a little while...finally cracked down and did it, though it took me in a muc
Needless to say, Vladimir Masters is the absolute antithesis of a man unaccustomed to the unexpected. Ever since he found the ghost of a little Victorian girl in his grandparents' old home as a child (The specter had been looking for the doll she'd left behind eighty or so years ago), he had become entranced by the extraordinary, by legends and treasures turn to fact by tangible (Or often, intangible) touch.
Ironically enough, the same condition that had caused irrevocable and overbearing agony for so many years allowed him to immerse himself in his desire; allowed him to travel to the dimension that existed between the flesh world of the living, and the etheral one of the dead, though such a journey didn't leave him unscathed. But he lived to tell the tale-which is, to be frank, more fascinating and unheard of then making the journey to begin with.
In his growing greed and fascination, he hoarded rare and mysterious items from the Ghost Zone in his Wisconsin Castle, and sought out ghosts who lived within the deeper and often more dangerous depths of the ghost zone. Some specters even grew to fear his growing power and persona, and acquitted to working in his service. Through human science and spectral energy, he's designed weapons of capable of sheer destruction (Made by Skulker, paid for by Vlad, not available in stores near you) that can slice through and destroy human or ghostly tissue.
In his aims for power and glory, he's walked through solid, three dimensional walls of dense material. He's settled into another person's body, and made the poor fool a dumb, meek, obliging puppet. He can effectively send clones of his own self to accomplish his tasks, and can bend ectoplasmic energy into a solid force. In a blink of an eye, he can send himself from one place to the next, and years of scheming, desire, and social networking by corporate takeover have made him quite sneaky. He's not above dismissing people as pawns, and sacrificing them so that his Knight can step forwards to checkmate a king.
He'd unknowingly released a plague into the world by freeing the Dark King of his shackles. He's seen the entire world open up before him from space; can breathe underwater in his ghostly form.
He's seen companies fall down with a simple wave of his hand, and he has a restored castle for a ridiculously posh home that an elementary school would feel quite comfortable in.
He's done and seen all of these things, has all of these things, but what struck him as the most mind shattering and unbelievable yet was this simple fact:
It still wasn't enough.
For Maddie would not love him.
He'd offered his heart to Maddie on a silver platter, and, in his pride, did not expect that he had to wait long before she flew to his side.
After all, you either live with: A, a moronic dingbat who regularly blows up your house and hampers your passion with his own idiotic blunderings, or B: An extremely successful...entrepeneur, CEO, powerful landowner, who skipped the silver spoon and gave you the golden, as well as undying affection and adoration. Trips around the world. A place on the red carpet. A fairytale existence.
Well, what would you do?
But Maddie's love for Jack Fenton was not to be undermined, and so, she refused to leave the side of Vlad's former best friend and greatest betrayer. And although Vlad endeavoured again and again, Jack's simply gold ring around her finger would not be replaced by the billionaire's extravagant, absurdly lovely ring that cost a large fortune.
And yet, despite the fact that he began to recede back into bitterness and sheer hopelessness, for who would love him for HIM-and not his wealth? He was named one of the world's most desirable bachelors-bah! What did people care for him, other then his corporate stock? Who asked him if he was feeling genuinely unhappy without hoping a dollar would come in return? Who would accept a ring from him, adorned or not? Who would stay by his side-a man torn between humanity and death?
But this was yet the most astounding, unbelievable, bewildering, phenomenon that Vlad had ever, ever come across in his entire lifetime:
The boy he called an enemy and craved for a son DID.
Vlad decided that it was simply Daniel's fault. He'd been born late. But though some lingering resentment of Jack still roosted in the older halfa's heart, how could he despite or resent Jack or Maddie now-when they'd ultimately given him the most precious thing in his life?
They'd been married for three years, now-and while Danny stubbornly insisted on working, though Vlad was wealthy enough to buy the state of Wisconsin itself-life was still sweet, still serene. Danny did his ghost fighting, worked as a consultant at NASA (Okay, maybe it was still as a trainee, but even Neil Armstrong had to start off from somewhere!), and both men were very happy.
To be completely honest, Vlad felt the world had nothing left to surprise him. He'd traveled it a few times-always in style, of course-and was still mapping out mysterious locations in the Ghost Zone, though that had ceased to engage and intrigue him quite so much. Other people meant that you generally kept busy, whether it was for an Anniversary dinner, a movie night, or a simple day of reading by the pool.
Life had grown less complicated. And Vlad was content with that. He already had Daniel, had wealth, had the world on a string. Though the latter ceased to matter, what else did he really want or need? Life was wonderful.
That was, of course, until that fateful day he'd gotten the phone call that changed everything once again.
He remembers it so well, now. He supposes it's basically the same theory when it comes to great or traumatic events-though you might thinking nothing of your day earlier on, sooner or later, when you do look back, practically everything is outlined in your memory, excepting the event itself, which usually becomes a frenzied blur happening outside your universe. Maybe it's for a few seconds? Minutes? Hours? Or maybe there's no real sense of time at all?
He remembers well that he'd been vaguely looking through internet sites, hoping to find a suitable restaurant for he and Daniel to enjoy themselves at that evening before they went to see a movie. All things considered, it was a pretty low-key sort of date, but he had to admit, there was some novelty in enjoying simple pleasures with Daniel. Of course, HIS scheduled dates sometimes meant jetting out to Hollywood, a movie with reception and dancing, and breakfast on a beach somewhere with a sunrise. It was very rare, though-Danny's work schedule and the two hybrids' need for closure meant that Vlad's dates often took place right at the house-maybe in the private ice rink, or indoor bowling alley. Or in the acres that Vlad owned, under a little cobblestone bridge, where he and Danny would sometimes-
He heard the phone ring faintly from his secretary's desk, and he simply scrolled down his search engine again, scanning the location of a promising-looking cafe. Hopefully, if he dressed nonchalantly enough (Which he wasn't particularly keen on), he and Daniel would be able to escape public eye. While he didn't give a whit about what the tabloids scooped up on his relationships, God only knew what would happen to Danny's career and his prospects. People had already accused Danny of being Vlad's illegimate offspring-those were a few reporters Plasmius should pay a friendly visit to-
His intercom suddenly began to crackle, and Vlad dully pressed the receiver button on his phone, wondering if he ought to leave work early just this evening.
"Yes, Ms. Bell?"
The familiar cool voice of his receptionist responded, same as always.
"Pardon me, Mr. Masters, phone call from your ward, Daniel. He says that it's urgent."
Hmm. Daniel usually didn't call during the day. Doing little more then raising an eyebrow, Vlad pressed a flashing green button on the mechanism, and adjusted his ear and mouth receivers.
He didn't have to wait long; Danny's nervous voice broke out after an awkward moment's silence.
"H-Hey, Vlad. are you doing?"
Was it just the older halfa, or did the younger's voice sound a little strained? Vlad frowned, and took another glance at his watch. It was only early afternoon-neither were scheduled to leave for another four or five hours.
"Hello...just...fine, Daniel. No different then this morning. Is this a purely social call, or did you need something?" He remembered he had quite a lot of paperwork to go through before the evening's end.
Vlad heard Danny let out a short, nervous laugh.
"I...I actually don't know. Well, I, um, y'see-"
Since when did Danny beat around the bush like this? Vlad swung around in his office chair, stirring the contents of his coffee cup.
"Come to the point, Daniel. Is everything alright?"
Another moment's pause. Then, the billionaire heard Danny let out a quiet, shuddering sigh, and a few short puffs of air.
"...I don't think I am. Vlad, I just left the hospital."
THAT certainly got his lover's attention; the man had been lightly swinging his chair back and forth with his foot, but Vlad practically froze over when he stopped cold, suddenly becoming a rigid statue. Brow creasing, eyes becoming deathly serious, Vlad immediately pushed his chair back towards his desk, fingertips poised over his limo's call button.
"Why? What's wrong? Daniel, have you been hurt?"
Wherever Daniel was, he was certainly getting poor reception. There was a great deal of static crackling in the background of the receiver, and it almost sounded like WIND was rustling itself into whimpering gales in the background.
Danny spoke up once again, though his voice was still much higher then normal. And it sounded like his teeth were chattering just a bit.
"N-N-No. Not by a g-ghost, anyway. B-But something's wrong, because t-there's been a h-h-horrible mistake. I only just managed to get out of the h-hospital; I t-think they believed me when I told them that I-I was just trying to pull a few pranks. O-Otherwise, I think they might have really started calling the papers and the g-gover-"
Vlad drew his shaking fingers into a fist, and angrily struck the expensive mahogany desk with all of his might.
"So HELP me, Daniel, if you don't immediately tell me what this is all about! Where are you? And what the snickerdoodle is wrong?"
"Vlad, I-I'm in the Ghost Zone. In the R-Realm of the F-Far F-Frozen."
The man shot out of his chair, nearly dropping his ear phone. Mentally cursing, he hastily drew the appendage back to his ear.
"What? What the devil are you-"
Danny spoke up, his voice much more urgent.
"V-Vlad. I'm l-looking for Frostbite. This is j-just some trick set up by some ghost I fought. It's not real. Frostbite's people have a l-lab, and they won't try to d-disect me. I'll be okay."
Vlad's voice rose to a near-shout.
"That oversized, flea-ridden, miserable abominable snowman? What in the world do you think he'll be able to help you with that I can't?"
He fought to keep his voice down; outside the windows on his door, he could see some of his secretaries peering interestedly in his direction.
"I have a lab, too, Daniel. Just jump to the meat of the matter, and I'll be home to help you with whatever you need."
Vlad heard muttering voices in the background of his receiver, and a few assorted 'great ones.' Rolling his eyes, he strode over to his window, pacing.
"So help me, Daniel, if you don't respond..."
More voices. Vlad could now hear Daniel's voice rise up anxiously again-and the few bits and pieces that he could hear of the boy's conversation made the man seize his keys:
"W-w-what? Y-You're saying i-it's possible? But I thought it w-was j-just a s-stomach virus! And I'm not really a real ghost!"
Danny's voice became hysterical; Frostbite's soothing one crackled faintly in the distance.
" is...possible...but..."
More static crackling.
"Unlikely...miracle...but painful...very painful process...if it's real, then it will make..."
Vlad was ready to seize his old snipers, and go hunting once again. A few snowcreatures as hearthroom rugs sounded just the ticket.
" it progresses. Of course, it will be better...safer...if we got it...out of you...if that's INDEED...what it truly is. We'll run some tests. Don't worry, Great One...we won't allow hurt you."
More static then ever; Daniel was breaking up. But the frantic man could still hear Danny's voice:
"Vlad, oh, God, oh, God, please..."
With a roar, Vlad tore at his hair in frustration, sending dozens of people to look out of their cubicles in shock.
"WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG? BLAST IT ALL, DANIEL, if you don't tell me what condition you're in RIGHT NOW, I'm coming after you! THIS INSTANT! ANSWER ME!"
The older halfa could almost hear Danny shudder as metallic instruments began to clink against one another.
"Vlad. They think I might be-"
And before Danny could finish, the signal was cut, leaving a furious Vlad alone on the beeping line.
He was going to kill that boy.
He was going to kill that boy, and once Vlad personally affirmed that he was safe, he was going to hug and kiss Danny until he was blue in the face, and then, Vlad would kill him all over again.
Between flying and driving, driving was actually in this instance faster, considering that policemen in this state generally looked the opposite direction when Vlad's posh vehicles would tear through red lights, and, on one or two occasions, send pedestrians diving for cover.
Well, it appeared Vlad's driver had been well ordered to make it a perfect three. In record time, Vlad was stumbling out of his limo, cursing as he fought with the harness for a moment, and then, simply phased it off before transfixing into Plasmius. The ghost shot across the extensive driveway, impatiently phasing intangible before diving through layer after layer of beautiful, snow-white marble floor.
After punching in the security code for his lab door (He'd made the walls impenetrable to intangibility), Vlad swept inside, red eyes flickering immediately towards his portal.
It would take him a hour or two, but he'd simply rocket out to that frigid little corner out of hell before those beasts would lay a paw on his husband...wife...forever life partner...whatever. Whatever was scaring the young man so much, Vlad would simply have it eradicated-preferably slowly and agonizingly if the boy was really hurt-
But just as Vlad strode over to the portal door, the black and yellow doors slowly slid open, and Vlad stumbled a few steps back as a slow haze of opaque green mist began to slowly pool into the dark confines of Vlad's metallic lab. Eyes flashing red, Vlad started coughing, one of his now electrically sparking fists raised in warning.
But Daniel was already clamoring out of it, starlit hair a mess, green eyes exhausted, and one gloved hand over his stomach.
Exasperated, but now weak with relief, Vlad soared towards the boy, and seized Danny by the shoulders. The young man looked ready to upchuck everything he'd eaten in the past month, and his skin, whilst normally a vibrant peach-dust in his ghost form, was now skeletal pale and wan.
"Daniel! Oh, thank God-what happened to you?"
Danny murmured something through unmoving lips, and managed a faint smile. His knees were wobbling, and Vlad slowly uneasily lowered him to the cool lab floor, Danny's chin resting on his shoulder as the boy's chest started shooting up and down.
"D-Daniel. Breathe. Put your head between your knees-start taking deep breaths. There we go..."
After drawing back and carefully scanning Danny's now human form for any visible injury, Vlad's hands moved soothingly on Danny's back and shoulders for a moment or two, until some color flooded back into Danny's cheeks. Finally, after five minutes or so, Vlad stood up again, taking Danny with him.
"Alright. I'll tell Misa to make some tea-but we're going to the lounge. NOW."
Vlad's eyes suddenly flashed red again, making Danny flinch just a little bit. Eyes still boring holes in Danny's, Vlad suddenly drew his lover by the cuff of his shirt closer, until the two were almost nose-to-nose.
"I've had it with this vague song and dance. We are going to sit and talk-and don't think for an INSTANT that I'm letting you leave until you tell me what the deuce is wrong."
Danny swallowed, but managed a sardonic smile this time, though he still said nothing.
Sitting by the hearth fire, holding a little warm cup in his hands, Danny stared into the glowing embers before him, trying to disregard Vlad's gaze. Finally snorting softly, Danny stirred the contents of his tea, eyes downcast.
"Okay. Uh...oh, geez...Vlad. You...uh, know that I haven't been feeling well these past few weeks?"
Confused, Vlad slowly nodded, uncomprehendingly. They'd decided Danny simply had a bit of the stomach virus going around. After a prescription or two from Vlad's private physicians, Danny's queasy stomach episodes had ceased, for the most part.
Cool blue eyes reflecting firelight, Danny took another sip of tea, fortifying himself.
"Well, some other weird stuff's been going on. Remember last night in bed?"
Vlad snorted.
"Hard to forget THAT, Daniel. You seemed...ah...quite eager. Which I suppose isn't saying TOO much, considering how you normally respond when I touch you-"
Danny socked his lover in the arm, blushing furiously.
"Modest, much? Anyway, every night, I've had nothing but hot flashes and when I dream, it's..."
"More sex?" Vlad offered, smirking when Danny flushed. "Oh, come now, Danny, you called me out of work for a little-"
"That's not only it. I've also been dreaming about a little kid. If it isn't about you and me, it's always, ALWAYS some little twerp. Playing outside, eating, sleeping, drinking, getting dressed-he or she's everywhere. I think it's a boy, but it's always on my mind. I'm imagining going to the store and SHOPPING for this kid, for Pete's Sake! I'll go to the library, and start wandering down the children's section, looking for books he might like before I remember he DOES NOT EXIST."
Vlad stared at Danny, bewildered.
"...alright...perhaps you're experiencing some nerves after acquiring your new position...but I still don't..."
Danny exhaled, and quickly plowed on.
"I always have to go to the bathroom these days. I cry over the dumbest things-"
"Well, I imagine that's stress, my boy." Vlad pulled a reluctant Danny into a hug. "I KNEW you would cry if you watched Casablanca-"
Rolling his eyes, Danny wriggled free under Vlad's arm, twenty-one year old still pouting.
"Vlad. Please. Listen to me," he begged, humor gone from his eyes. "My stomach always hurts. I'm tired for most of the day. And...this morning, something really, really creepy happened."
The room was deathly silent, save for the crackling fire. Danny took another deep breath to steady himself.
"Vlad. I was bleeding," he whispered, his voice turning hoarse again with the memory. "Like some girl. It was so creepy-I knew that you and I are...b-both clean, but I thought I'd gotten some STD or something."
If there was any feeling in Vlad's legs, it had long since gone. Vlad seized Danny's hands again, his very sweaty, Danny's quite clammy.
Danny closed his eyes.
"It was shortly after I'd gotten to work-which was why I went to the hospital to find out what the hell was wrong with me. The Doctors had me take a few chemical tests-and I was in the lobby when the nurse drew me away, all hushed and weird-looking...and told me in some dark closet that they thought I was spotting. As in, for a baby."
And there went the feeling in Vlad's arms. He stared at the boy in obvious disbelief, but there wasn't the slightest indication of a lie on the boy's deathly serious face.
"Well...I DID think that they were all crazy...I actually let them hook me up to an ultrasound machine to prove them wrong...but when I was halfway hooked up, there were some images on the screen, and-"
Danny looked near hyperventilation again.
"I convinced them that I had pulled some great fast-off, but you can bet that I got out of there quickly. I'd already made up my mind to see Frostbite-no offense, but he has better medical equipment then you, for the most part, and I remembered to call you when I just arrived. I couldn't...I was sure that I had some sort of new virus, or something...
But Frostbite said that ghost breeding doesn't know gender. And...sometime when we made love..."
Danny swallowed, and slowly raised his eyes towards heaven, looking deathly sick. If he looked anything remotely close to VLAD, however, he imagined he must look much worse.
"...Frostbite ran some tests...and while he said that...human and ghost interbreeding is a phenonemon he's never thought possible..."
Danny leaned against the masterpiece fireplace frame, eyes glazed over as his shaking hands made their way to his lean stomach again.
"Vlad. I'm pregnant."
So he finally had a reason for all of this insanity: he was dreaming. How very simple and easy; he wished he'd thought of it before.
Forget breaking the camel's back-THIS straw would have sent the camel into traction. If it were real, which it couldn't possibly be, for it was beautiful, glorious...
He could faintly hear an anxious voice-one he loved very much, but words didn't translate into any meaning. It was a falsetto-a fantastic lie filled with something Vlad never not only he knew he wanted, but craved, and unyieldingly adored beyond all feasible recognition.
But he was dreaming. That was logic; that was grounded, this was possible.
Danny's hands seized Vlad's, and shook them vigorously, not stopping until Vlad's glassy indigo eyes moved over to uncomprehendingly meet his own.
Suddenly, as if struck by a wave of freezing water, Vlad all but rocketed to his feet, seizing Danny up by the waist with him.
"...I...what?" he whispered, and, if it weren't for the grim piece of knowledge Danny knew he had to give Vlad just minutes later, Danny would've started to cry from the sheer stupidity and paradise of it all.
Maybe he'd cry, anyway. Danny pressed his forehead against Vlad's, smiling wistfully.
"Vlad. I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a baby. But-"
With a joyous, almost maniacal shout, Vlad swung Danny across the patio, his eyes blazing with pride and euphoria.
"How? How is this possible?"
Danny swung like a rag doll in Vlad's arms as the elder hybrid all but began waltzing around the room. How did he break this to him.
"Frostbite says that my ghost half will provide ectoplasmic nourishment, while my human half will provide the food." Danny made a face, and cringed.
"I won't...sprout female parts...though he said my human half is constructing a...a womb. For the kid as it starts growing. Right now, it's the size of a peach, but it's...gonna get bigger." he finished, somewhat lamely, a bad taste starting to errupt in his mouth.
That stopped Plasmius short; he cast Danny a wide-eyed stare, while Danny shuffled uncomfortably in Vlad's embrace.
"As for the actual...birth...we'd have to have a C-Section, or let the baby phase out, him...or herself. Other then that..." Danny opened his mouth, closed it, and smiled faintly.
"...not much different. I'd...really like to have this baby, Vlad," he said softly, placing a palm on Vlad's cheek.
"If you're...uh...y'know..."
Vlad immediately swung Danny into a passionate kiss; thankfully, he didn't seem to hear the slight tremors of fear laced behind his lover's voice.
"Oh, Daniel. Oh, Daniel."
Vlad's tongue lightly touched his, and, grateful for the distraction, Danny slid his arms around Vlad's neck as the man scooped his legs up, bridal style. The man soon withdrew, however, eyes sparkling with happiness.
"Oh, my love."
Danny could have vomited again if the situation were not so serious. Vlad moved a shaking hand to Danny's cheek, and then carefully tucked some raven strands behind the boy's ears before turning his very serious gaze to Danny's eyes.
"Daniel. Nothing could ever make me happier. If you consent to carry this-" Here, his hand lovingly stroked Danny's stomach- "I'll carry the three of us. I promise you. Upon my word and life."
"Fruitloop," Danny murmured, when Vlad drew him in for another kiss. He still smiled shakingly, despite himself.
"Guess it's a done deal."
Immediately, Vlad hurried out of the room, phasing out of the wall as he did so. As he and Danny began to ascend the master stairs, Danny broke the kiss this time to peer apprehensively over Vlad's shoulder, before burying his face in it, expression crumbling.
How did he tell Vlad that he probably wouldn't live to see the baby being born if he went ahead and allowed the pregnancy to continue?
*Gulps* YEP! Danny's keeping a deep secret about this kid...Frostbite left him a warning or two before he came back home to sort things out. I'm so evil. T.T
Please review, and tell me whether or not I should continue!