Chapter 4: Over Time, do things change?

I'm going to try to sooner or later, add a battle or two in, so you know, it becomes more interesting.

Isabella's Point of View

Okay, so to make things perfectly clear, Phineas was neutral so far, and as far as anyone could tell, so was Great Britain, which was just perfect because the Alliance needed the backing of Great Britain in order to fight Doofenshmirtz's Army openly.

So over time, Phineas and Ferb would visit as much as possible, he would always lose the spies that were trailing him before coming over. Ferb one day decided to ambush the spies and kill them before they actually found out where the Alliance headquarters was actually located. That probably saved our skin for the time, but it would only be a matter of time before Doofenshmirtz actually figured out where our HQ was and sent an army to annihilate us.

Phineas's Point of View

"So Ferb," I said as we were barreling down the freeway at 85 miles per hour, but Ferb was the best driver in the world, and he could safely do 120 without crashing, but we didn't want to draw attention to ourselves, so we just went the normal speed of the freeway. "Do you ever regret anything?"

Ferb shook his head. "I know that I do," I said after a few minutes of silence. "I've thought about what happened for so long, that I've finally figured out what I've been missing in my life."

"And what is that?" Ferb asked not taking his eyes off of the road.

"Never getting Isabella as my girlfriend," I admitted. Ferb almost drove us off of the road in complete shock. But luckily, he was a much better driver than that and he was able to get us back on track before we got noticed by the police.

"So you DO know of the crush she's had on you," Ferb said. It was a statement, not a question.

"What crush?" I asked.

"Oh my god," Ferb muttered. "He's a complete idiot!"

"You know, despite popular belief, I can hear very well, and I do know what you just said," Phineas warned.

"Sorry," Ferb apologized. "But what you need to realize is that Isabella has been trying for the last... I don't know... Since we were eight, she's been trying to make you her boyfriend, and now, you finally decide to come out and tell me that you have feelings for Isabella?"

"Yep," I said proudly.

"Oh, I cannot wait to tell Isabella that!" Ferb said laughing.

"Hey no fair!" I pouted. "I was going to talk to her the moment you got to HQ about it!"

"Oh well... In that case, it is you that needs to talk to her," Ferb said disappointed.

"Yeah," I said. Well, if that keeps him from telling Isabella, then I'm good.

"Well, we're here," Ferb said pulling into the garage that Rebel Soldiers were guarding.

"You know, that this hideout is so obvious, its a wonder why Doofenshmirtz doesn't know it is here," I said amazed.

"It is kinda sad that he doesn't know, but just as well for us, because this way, we can see our friends whenever we want to without having to travel long distances or take large amounts of time off of working to go and see them," Ferb said getting out of the car.

Isabella was waiting patiently for us when we arrived like she always is, with Linda Flynn-Fletcher, Lawrence Fletcher, Candace Flynn, and a few others. "Hey Phineas."

"Hey Isabella," I said glancing at Ferb who nodded encouragingly. "Can I talk to you privately?"

"Uh... sure...?" Isabella said/asked understandably confused. We walked into a private room where no one would bother us. "So what do you need to talk to me about?"

"Um... I... I..." I stuttered.

"It's okay Phineas," Isabella said soothingly. "You know that you can tell me anything and I'll help you if I can."

"I... I love you Isabella," I finally managed to say. Whatever Isabella was thinking it wasn't that... She was visibly shocked and shaken by the sudden declaration of emotion.

"Well, it took you long enough," Isabella finally managed to say with a smile. I smiled also already knowing that she loved me back.

"Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked timidly.

Isabella rolled her eyes. "Of course Phineas!" she said cheerfully. With that, we walked out to where everyone was waiting patiently. They obviously knew something was up, because Isabella looked considerably happier than before.

"Well, I'm sure that whatever you two talked about, it was satisfyingly pleasing for Isabella, because she looks like she just woke up from one of her dreams where she and Phineas were married," Candace commented.

"And how would you know what I look like when I wake up from dreaming about me and Phineas being married?" Isabella challenged.

"I have my sources," Candace replied before turning to Ferb and striking up a conversation with him. I rolled my eyes. Typical.

We had another pretty average day after me asking Isabella to be my girlfriend and all that. I'm sure that everyone knew about her being my girlfriend and all, but I don't care, I have the love of my life as my girlfriend, and as soon as this war is over, we can settle down and have a normal family again. And when I mean family, I am of course talking about, my family, her family, our friends, not worrying about war in any way, all we are worried about is what we plan to do for the next day.

"Isabella?" I asked as we were staring at plans for an armed incursion into Danville that just MIGHT put an immediate end to the Doofenshmirtz Empire.

"Mhm?" Isabella responded, not really paying much attention.

"When do you think that the war will truly end?" I asked. "I mean, if Doofenshmirtz is dead and all of that, there are sure going to be his generals who will refuse your demands to surrender without a fight and all of that, so in essence, you will be fighting to retake the entire world, minus Danville and Great Britain, and Ireland."

"I don't know," Isabella admitted. "This war may not end in our lifetimes Phineas, but we can all hope that it will end soon, so we can have a normal relationship."

"Isabella, when have we ever had a normal relationship?" I asked rhetorically. "I mean, our entire friendship started with Ferb and I building some giant contraption in our backyard."

"Good point, but in our terms, it is as normal as it is going to get," Isabella pointed out.

"On that we can both agree on," I conceded.

I looked out at the sky and wondered if we truly would see the end of the war.

FINALLY! This marks the end of my story on Doof Take Over. I know, only four chapters and all of that, but I'm making a sequel to this story. The next story will have the battles that begin the "Reconquista" of earth.

Look at my profile because sooner or later, it will tell you what the sequel name is... I am open to suggestions as reviews for this story, in fact, the four top story names, I will post a poll on my profile for. I thank you all for reading this story... And a happy mother's day to you all!