Nothing Belongs to Me. Just the main idea.

Three motorcycles pull up to a hill. Three silver-haired people drive up. The one in the middle hits a Sword and knocks it out of its placement in the ground. The obvious oldest of the group has short silver hair with sideburns; The Middle has long silver hair. And of the last one, a young lady with short, but not as short as the eldest's, framing a pretty face, but you know what they say, pretty faces hide ugly secrets. They all had cat-like green eyes.

"Hey, Kadaj? Is that where big brother lives?" The one with the longest hair questioned.

The only girl of the group, Kadaj, acknowledged him, "Yeah."

"Do you think he'll be glad to see us?" The long-haired man continued.

"Not a chance." Kadaj watches.

The long-haired silvernette seemed to sigh.

The oldest of the group sneered slightly, "Don't cry, Yazoo!"

"But mother's with him." The middle sibling, Yazoo, started.

Kadaj pondered for a moment, "Maybe not"

The oldest sibling started to cry.

"Don't cry, Loz." Yazoo had a slightly emotionless tone as he teased.

Kadaj spotted Cloud and got the other's attention, "Hold on, he's coming!"

Yazoo and Loz exchanged a smirk, "Heh."

Yazoo and Loz, on their motor cycles drive off the hill, sending out monsters, and chasing after Cloud until they were next to him.

Loz looked angry, "Where's mother?"

"We know you hid her, brother!" Yazoo insisted.

Kadaj stood on top of the hill. She's on the phone talking to an angry turk.

"Tell me you're leading me on! Because I think you do have Mother there. No need to shout! I don't want to talk to you; put the President on."

They continue to fight, even as Yazoo shoots off Cloud's goggles

"Heh." the two laugh.

Kadaj shuts the phone and gives the signal for her brothers to pull back, as well as to remove the monsters that were after Cloud. They did, and they all drove off, with Kadaj and Cloud locking eyes at the final seconds.

Cloud was at the Healin Lodge, he had gotten some calls and Tifa told him of a certain call. So here he was talking to Rufus Shinra.

"The day of the explosion..." Rufus started

"What do you want from me?" Cloud diverted his eyes

"I managed to get out..." Rufus tried to continue

"Who were the guys that attacked me?" Cloud insisted

"Before it collapsed..." Rufus finished

"I'm leaving." He determined

"We need your assistance, Cloud." Rufus seemed to curl closer into the sheet covering him

"Not interested." Cloud started to turn away.

"I acknowledge that Shinra ... owes the planet a lot. It goes without saying that my company and I are the ones that put the world in the sorry state it's in. Therefore, it's our responsibility to set things right." Rufus explained

They could both hear Reno shouting something from outside, where Cloud had left him.

"As a first step, we have commenced an investigation in Sephiroth's wake." Rufus started again.

"Yep! In the Northern Cave!" Reno practically screamed just to be heard.

"What do you think we found?" He noticed Cloud tensing, "Nothing. Nothing at all. You can relax. However, not all went as planned. We were interrupted by the same three who attacked you - Kadaj and her gang."

"Kadaj..." Cloud mused over the name.

"It seems she doesn't want us finishing what we started. Really, what could they be thinking?" Rufus seemed to ponder it.

"What does that have to do with me?" Cloud rolled his eyes

"Kadaj and her group are young and violent - as dangerous as they come, especially her. She's young and unpredictable, not to count hormones and the fact she's really calculating. That's why we decided that it might be in our best to hire a little muscle." Rufus smirked.

"Too bad. I'm only a delivery boy now." Cloud countered

"You're all we have. Cloud, look, you're an ex-SOLDIER, aren't you?" Rufus remarked

Cloud turned and got ready to leave.

"Heh. In my head..." He laughed slightly

Cloud hesitated while he opened the door.

"What's this stuff about ... Mother?" Cloud tried to look Rufus in the eyes

"Why? Did Kadaj say something to you? No surprise. There are plenty of kids who miss their mothers; that's the world we live in. I hear there are orphans living with you. Think about it: don't you want to put smiles back on their faces? All we want in the end is to rebuild our world, Cloud." Rufus thought about what he had just said

Cloud turned around and walked back toward Rufus, "But I..."

"Come on, Cloud, think about it. Together we could rebuild Shinra!" Reno interrupted from outside

Cloud's face turned into something of a shocked look for a quick moment He then turned back around and started to head out the door.

"Not interested." He finally said, walking out.

"Reno!" Rufus and Rude blamed.

Rufus couldn't help but think of the Silver hair girl.