Chapter Seven

The Plans Begin

Sonic's head was pounding like crazy, it hurt so much; it was the ultimate killer headache. God, he would kill for painkillers!

Then he remembered why it was possibly hurting in the first place. He was captured, just as Eggman had wished for. He was most likely in enemy territory, and would most likely be tortured…

"When do you think he'll wake up?" Sonic heard a light voice ask that was close to his head. He also became conscious of the fact that someone was stroking his quills in a soft manner; it was almost quite comforting…

"It should be soon, and when he does wake up we'll be ready for him" Sonic heard a gruff voice say, he soon recognised it as the voice of that knucklehead. Everyone in the entire team must be there…

It remained quiet for a moment, allowing Sonic to try and gather his surroundings just by listening. He could hear many tense breaths in the room so that gave him an indication on how many Mobians he would be up against.

Suddenly he heard a very young female voice cry out, "Is he ever gonna wake up?" Then there was a very hard poke in his side.

Sonic's eyes snapped open in that instant in annoyance, causing the young white fox to scream in fright and leap into the yellow, two-tailed fox's arms. As soon as Sonic's eyes opened, Shadow and Knuckles were upon him and pinned him down to the couch, preventing all forms of escape.

"Let me go!" yelled Sonic, trying to struggle out of Shadow and Knuckles' grip. If he had to deal with this every day then Eggman can just forget about the plan…

"Fat chance blue boy!" growled Knuckles as he remained his firm grip on Sonic's arms. It wasn't as easy as it looked; Sonic was putting up on hell of a struggle.

"Don't hurt him!" the same light voice ask that Sonic heard before. He looked around and caught sight of a bubble-gum pink hedgehog holding her hand out in a begging sort of manner.

"We're not going to hurt him, we're just keeping him restrained" said Shadow with a huff as Sonic gave a hard tug against his arms in an attempt to escape.

Amy frowned and moved in front of Sonic, placing both hands on the blue hedgehog's shoulders and looked at him firmly in the eyes. "Sonic, stop struggling; it's going to get you nowhere"

"Wanna bet on that, pinky?" growled Sonic with a harsh glare, continuing to struggle. The result of his words earned him a severely hard whack on the head by a very large red and yellow hammer, causing him to be stunned and see stars.

Satisfied with her work, Amy put away her hammer and said, "There, that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"What the hell do you want from me?" asked Sonic, sending death glares to everyone in the room. Hey, if he was going to be captured then he had a right to know exactly why. He knew that Eggman wanted him to gain there trust, but he knew that if he acted completely out of character then everyone would know that something was up. He had to fight them off and then slowly gain their trust, it was the only way to do his mission without getting caught…

Instead of getting an answer, he was met with silence. All of the adults in the room just turned and looked at each other in an uncertain way. They weren't so sure how to answer his question, or how to explain that he was actually thirty five and not fifteen and that he was their old friend…

"Sonic, do you remember us?" asked Tails, placing Ice down on the ground once he was sure she had calmed down from her fright.

Sonic grinned in a very sarcastic way, "Well of course I do! How stupid do you think I am?"

"Wait… Really?" asked Knuckles, "You actually remember us?"

"You betcha!" said Sonic, "How could I not forget the freakin' bunch of annoying Mobians that have been getting in my way for the past five years of my life?"

Tails' ears flattened at his harsh words, realising that he did not truly remember. "No, Sonic; I mean, do you remember us… uh, how do I put it? In supposably "another life" if you know what I mean?"

Sonic quickly lost his sarcastic and fighting demeanour and instead quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "What are you on about?"

"Don't you remember us at all?" asked Amy, feeling small tears prick at her eyes, "Nothing about our adventures? Nothing about our friendship? About our romance?"

"Uh, actually… that last part never happened…"

"Shut it Knuckles!" shouted Amy.

Sonic, on the other groaned in annoyance. Tails perked up in excitement, thinking that Sonic had remembered the endless chases from Amy when they were younger. "Yeah, you do remember! Don't you?"

"No, what you lot are all saying is complete gibberish!" snarled Sonic, "I've never met any of you before in whatever "previous life" you're all talkin' about and that's that! You're just going to get the same answer that I've been giving you for the past five years! We've. Never. Met!"

Everyone stayed silent, facing the fact that Sonic did not remember them at all except for the past five years of fighting and war for the Master Emerald pieces. It upset them all, even Shadow, that he was no longer the bright, hyperactive, kind, heroic hedgehog they all knew. He was nothing more than a shell of his old self…

"Now that we've settled the fact that you're all nutcases, can I leave?" growled Sonic.

"Nice try" said Knuckles, tightening his grip on the blue hedgehog, "You're staying with us, whether you like it or not!"

"What, you're going to keep me restrained for the rest of my life? Ha!" laughed Sonic, "I really don't see that lasting for very long!"

"Let take him down…" said Shadow, an evil glint shined in his eyes.

"Oof!" Sonic huffed as he was thrown into what seemed to be a basement completely made of hard steel. It was completely empty, no furniture of any sort was in sight and the place was quite small, barely bigger than the average small bedroom.

Sonic turned back to entrance and prepared to bolt out but before he could to so, Shadow held out his hand towards the entrance and shouted "Chaos Shield!"

Within a millisecond, a bright green glow enveloped around the entrance and appeared to be crackling with some form of electricity. Sonic only just halted before almost colliding with the unfamiliar shield.

"I wouldn't bother trying to break through," said Shadow, smirking proudly, "This shield is made of pure Chaos energy and you have no chance in breaking through it"

Sonic desperately wanted to yell back a reply and then try to break the shield, but he had to remain captured for the sake of the mission, which was really starting to annoy him. Instead he growled in anger and shouted, "I will find some way to get out, you just wait Shads!"

Shadow's eyes narrowed in anger, "I highly doubt it" he said as he turned to leave but he quickly yelled "And don't call me Shads!"

Sonic sent a glare in Shadow's direction before turning towards everyone else who was looking at him through the shield but his glare only softened a tiny bit. The yellow fox, the pink hedgehog, the red echidna and the cream rabbit were all looking at him with sad eyes.

"What?" snapped Sonic as the anger got the best of him, "You've seen the caged zoo animal so go away already!"

Immediately, the fox, rabbit and echidna left with only one backwards glance, but the hedgehog stayed for a little longer as tears filled her eyes. "I'm sorry, Sonic" she whispered before turning around and leaving Sonic.

For some reason, Sonic found himself feeling a little more upset and lonely. He almost wished that they never left…

"What are we going to do?" asked Tails, feeling completely hopeless knowing that his best friend could not remember a thing.

"I would have thought that it would be bluntly obvious to you" said Shadow, "We've got to get his memories back and get him back on our side while also trying to figure out if we can get him back to his proper age"

"But how?" asked Knuckles, "He's the enemy now; he hates us and won't listen. He'll just deny everything that we say"

"All we can do is try" said Amy, clenching her fists in anger, "We have to! I haven't wasted the past fifteen years of my life trying to desperately get my Sonic back only to give up once he is with us at last. I will never give up on him!"

Tails sighed, "We haven't given up Amy, we just don't know what to do anymore…"

The shield wasn't even working. It was a dud.

What an idiot.

Sonic was almost laughing as he placed his hand through the shield, he had expected pain but there was nothing. It was like putting a hand through cool water. He could easily escape if he ever wanted to… but he had to stay and put on an act to get the Master Emerald pieces.

Sonic pulled his hand back and stared at it for a moment, wondering why the shield wasn't working when it was supposed to but he merely shrugged it off. The answer was just about pointless to him.

Suddenly, there was a loud, rapid beeping sound coming from his wrist. Sonic sighed, knowing who it was on the other line. He pressed a button on the watch and spoke into it, "What's up Eggman?"

"What's going on? Where are you?" asked Eggman.

"I've been captured an I'm in some sort of prison with a crap shield to supposably keep me from escaping"

"You're supposed to be gaining their trust boy!" yelled Eggman, "Not turning them against you!"

"Oh yeah, that would be really believable won't it? Me suddenly getting a new personality without any warning whatsoever; yep, I can defiantly see them believing that" said Sonic in a sarcastic voice.

"Hmm, you have a point, but don't put it off for too long or we'll never get the Emerald pieces"

"Yeah, yeah; I get it!" groaned Sonic, "I'll soften up in the next week or so"

"Good, I'll hear about your progress tomorrow night" said Eggman, about to hang up.

"Hey, wait! One more thing!" Sonic said quickly, "Are you sure that I don't know any of these guys, because they seem pretty sure about it and I'm starting to think that maybe I do know them…"

"Well you don't, so stop thinking about it!"

Sonic sighed, "All right, I hear from you tomorrow night"

It was well past midnight in the Prower house, Knuckles and Shadow had left to go back their own homes, Tails and Cream had gone to bed not long after putting their kids to sleep; Amy was the only one awake.

She was just sitting outside the basement prison and was staring through the green shield at the sleeping blue hedgehog. She could not help but smile just a little as she looked at his sleeping face, it was so calm, so relaxed… Just like the old Sonic.

Amy missed him, she would endlessly dream of the day when he would come back with that familiar grin and the bright sparking emerald eyes, but instead he hated her and he hated every single one of his old friends and team mates.

Amy bit her lip and tried to stop the tears to fall from her eyes, but they fell down silently anyway. She took a deep breath and looked down at her long time crush with a determined face. She would get him back, even if it was the last thing she would ever do…

I'll try and get the next chapters up as soon as I can, maybe in a day or two. I hope that you liked the new chapters!

I'll see ya next time.

Review if you wish, I won't force you to.