Yayz! My first chapter story! Thank you to those who reviewed "I'll Always Remember You", I feel so happy :D But sorry I made you cry... but I guess that was what the story was intended to do.

Anyway, this idea came into my mind ages ago. Whenever I read stories about any of the Sonic characters being turned into babies/toddlers, sometimes they get captured by Eggman who has a plan to raise them for battle in the Eggman Empire but of course he is never succesful XD. It then popped into mind "What if he was succesful one time? What would happen then?" And thus, this story was created.

This may seem like the typical baby Sonic story for the first 1-3 chapters but after that it is anything but, it is completely different! So please read on and I hope you enjoy!

Second Life

Chapter One

Shocking Discovery

It was pretty much an average day for Miles "Tails" Prower, hanging around in his workshop while working on the Tornado. Hardly ever stopping for a break, he continued throughout the day, making adjustments and testing out a few of his experiments. Some may have called him crazy in the past, but thankfully his true friends thought that he was amazing at his work.

Deciding to get a drink, he rolled out from under the plane and went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water. He hummed to himself as he continued to think about more adjustments he could possibly make to the Tornado to make it faster than what it already was, but a knock upon his door interrupted his thoughts.

Tails set down his glass and peeped through a hole in his door only to find Amy on the other side. He sighed to himself, she's probably going to ask where Sonic is, he thought to himself as he opened the door warily.

"Hey Amy, what's up?" asked Tails in a cheery voice, but then he noticed something different about Amy. Her dress appeared to be torn in several places, her quills were all ruffled and she had a large gash on the side of her cheek. And she was holding what looked like to be a bundled up jacket.

"What happened to you?" Tails yelped as he moved to the side, an offering for her to come in but she looked too frightened to take the message because she stayed perfectly still.

"We've got a problem Tails" she said, ignoring Tails' question.

"What?" asked Tails.

"I – well…Just see for yourself!" said Amy in a rush, pulling away some of the jacket in her arms causing Tails to gasp. What he saw inside the jacket was completely unexpected; it was a tiny blue hedgehog that appeared to be sleeping quite peacefully without a care in the world.

"Where did you get it from?" asked Tails, not looking away from the baby hedgehog.

"No Tails, it's not just any baby! He's-"

Amy was cut off by a cute, high pitched yawn that emitted from the jacket. The little hedgehog slowly opened his eyes as he tried to adjust to the sudden sunlight, but once he did he looked up at Amy curiously and then looked at Tails who gasped once more. Tails only knew one other hedgehog with such bright green eyes…

"Is this… Sonic's kid?"

Amy looked just about ready to face palm herself, "No, this is Sonic! He became like this when he was trying to save me from Eggman but some weird thing happened with a Chaos Emerald and he just turned into a baby!"

Tails felt all of the colour drain from his face at her words. No way, there was no way that this could be his big brother; there is no way that could be Sonic. But it was, just like Amy said.

"Whoa" Tails muttered, reaching out to grab the tiny hand that was reaching out to him. "A Chaos Emerald did this?"

"I think so" said Amy as she adjusted her grip on Sonic who was now squirming around, "There was just big explosion and Sonic landed right near the emerald and when I looked up there was just a big light and then… yeah"

"Did you come straight from the base?" asked Tails.

"Yeah, I just grabbed him and wrapped him in my jacket and ran away as fast as I could so I have no idea if Eggman knows what happened"

"Let's hope that it stays that way" said Tails. He looked back down at Sonic who was eyeing his swaying tails; he nervously brought one up and tickled Sonic with the tip causing the now tiny hedgehog to sneeze. Amy smiled slightly at the sight and wiped Sonic's nose with the end of her jacket which was now a make-shift blanket.

"Do you think you could find a cure?" asked Amy just as Sonic began to fall asleep again.

"Hmm" hummed Tails, "Maybe, but it will take quite some time for me to get any research or necessary equipment. It would take me months at the least"

Amy didn't looked exactly delighted, but she accepted the length of time, "Okay, I guess that we can wait that long. But I'm gonna keep him with me until then"

Tails frowned at Amy, "Are you sure you can look after him? He might be a bit hard to care for"

"Tails, I'll be fine. Besides, if I get any trouble I can just call Vanilla or Rouge for help seeing as how they've already had children" said Amy while looking down at Sonic, who had fallen asleep once more.

"All right" said Tails, "Good luck then, but come back tomorrow so I can do a few tests"

"Oky doky, see ya later" said Amy as she turned and limped away. Tails frowned again as he got a funny feeling that something was going to go horribly wrong some time later…

Thank you for reading the first chapter! Hope to see (read) you in the future :D

Please review, I won't force you!