Disclaimer: I do not own anything of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and if I did, Spike would've never become a pansy ass and never loved Buffy because I personally believe that is the worst relationship of all time in itself and I'm ranting, now, so, forget I said any of that except for the disclaimer...

Chapter 1 "When She Was Bad"

I sighed as I looked around my new home. I was moving in with Mom and Buffy, my twin sister. Dad couldn't handle me, so he's shipping me off here. I was to go to school with my Slayer of a sister and meet her friends tomorrow. I just hope that I can fit in with them easily. Buffy told me all about Xander and Willow when we found out I was moving here from L.A. She said that they'd accept me for who I am. I have doubts on this, though.

I shook it off and started to unpack my stuff. My room was across from Buffy's and down the hall from Mom's. Dad was in Buffy's room, helping Mom unpack her things since Buffy went off to find Willow and Xander.

"Joey!" Buffy called from outside my door the next morning as I was doing my hair. I opened my door and let her in. "Hurry up; we've got school to get to and you still need to meet Xander, Willow, and Giles." She said in a rush and I sighed, exasperated. I was trying to pull my hair up and twist it to put it in a clippie at the back of my head, leaving my bangs forward and in my face.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Buffy. Be thankful I'm dressed." I said and rolled my eyes. I grabbed my black backpack and turned towards my sister, who was smiling.

"Don't worry." She said softly as I walked towards her and we stepped outside my room, closing the door behind me and walked down the stairs, heading towards the stairs to go down. "They'll love you. I know I love you and they're gonna love you just as much as me."

"Thanks, Buff." I said, smiling as I gave her a one armed hug. "I love ya', too. You are my twin after all. I think it's programmed into my brain to love you, though." I said in thought and she scoffed, pushing me away.

"Tramp." She told me and I smirked, following her down the stairs.

"Bitch." I replied before we called for Mom and she gave us a ride to school.

When we got there, Mom wished me luck and we went off to find Xander Harris, Willow Rosenburg, and Rupert Giles. We found Willow and Xander first.

Willow was a redheaded girl, about three inches taller than me. See, even though I'm Buffy's twin, I'm shorter than her.

Xander had short black hair and he was about five inches taller than me.

"Xander, Willow, this is my twin sister, Joey. Joey, this is Xander and Willow." Buffy introduced us and they both smiled at me as I half way hid behind Buffy. My sister rolled her eyes in annoyance and pulled me out from behind me, pushing me forward slightly.

"Hi, Joey." Willow said welcomingly and I smiled back. "Welcome to Sunnydale, home of the Hellmouth."

"Oh, I guess Buffy told you guys that I know about this place, huh?" I asked with a smile and Xander grinned.

"Yep." He answered simply and I nodded in understanding, warming up to my new friends.

We decided to go look for Giles and we found him with who I assumed to be Jenny Calendar at the bottom of the stairs in the school.

"Giles!" Willow called out.

"Yo! G-Man, what's u?" Xander asked as we approached him.

"Nice to see you. And don't ever call me that." Giles ordered and Jenny smiled.

"Hi, kids."

"Hi!" Willow replied and Buffy and I approached next. Giles immediately turned to Buffy and Jenny smiled at me.

"How are you?" He asked.

"Live and kicking." Buffy said and then pulled me forward. "Meet my twin, Joey. Joey, this is Giles and Ms. Calendar."

"Hi." I said meekly, waving and they both smiled, Giles reaching his hand out to me. I took it and shook it.

"How are you?" He asked and I smiled.

"Good, I guess. Buffy's just showing me around my new school." I shrugged.

"Well, welcome to Sunnydale." Jenny said and I nodded, taking my hand from Giles and shoving it into my jacket pocket. I was wearing a pair of blue jean cut offs, a black Metallica tee-shirt, a pair of full black low-top Converse, and a dark purple hoodie.


"Buffy killed a vampire last night." Willow exclaimed, grinning. We all quickly looked around to make sure no one heard what she said.

"Uh, I think you can get a little more volume if you speak from the diaphragm." Buffy said sarcastically.

"Sorry." Willow apologized.

"We've got vampires?" Jenny asked quietly after a moment. "I thought the Hellmouth was closed."

"Well, it's-it's closed, but not gone." Giles replied. "The mystical energy that emanates from it is still concentrated in this area."

"Which means we're still the undead's favorite party town." Xander remarked.

"I wonder if they're here for any purpose, particularly." Giles pondered aloud.

"You're the Watcher." Buffy commented. "I just work here."

"Yes, I-I must consult my books." The Watcher in question mumbled.

"Oh, eight minutes and thirty-three seconds; pay up." Xander said to Willow and she rolled her eyes, handing over a dollar. "I called ten minutes before you'd consult your books about something. Thanks." He said the last bit to Willow before the bell rang.

"We better get to class." Willow said and she and Xander walked off. Buffy was going to show me to the Principal's office first.

"Oh, uh, Buffy!" Giles called before we could get too far and we turned back. "Uh, I realize you've only just returned, but when you're ready I-I think we should start your training again."

"I'm ready. I'll see you after school." Buffy told him and we started to leave again.

"Well, I-I-I understand if-if you want a few days to—"

"I'm ready." And with that, Buffy and I walked off in the direction of the principal's office. When we got there, Buffy waited outside for me to finish talking to the little rat man who gave me hell about being Buffy's twin sister. He then gave me my schedule and I left.

The next day, Mom was giving Buffy and I a ride to school again with me in the backseat and Buffy taking shotgun. Today, I was wearing a pair of formfitting jeans, a long sleeved white shirt over a blue tank top, and my Converse. My hair was straightened and hung around my face.

"How are your new classes?" Mom asked us both.

"Good." We answered together, looking out our windows.

"Good." Mom nodded, paying attention to the road. "Is there the slightest chance that if I asked you what was wrong you would tell me, Buffy?" She didn't ask me this, too, because I was always the quiet type, while Buffy was the loud twin out of the two of us.

Buffy just looked at her.

"Course not. It would take all the fun out of guessing." Mom said sarcastically, making me smirk and look out my window again.

At my locker, Willow, Buffy, Xander, and I were talking about Angel, Buffy's almost boyfriend.

"Angel stopped by?" Willow asked excitedly.

"You make out?" I asked bluntly, stuffing my binder into my back pack.

"Joey, grow up. Not everything is about making out." Buffy retorted and I scoffed.

"To you it is." I remarked.

"No it's not." She argued, smiling slightly.

"Yeah." Xander agreed, looking at me. "Some stuff's about groping." He turned to Buffy as I rolled my eyes with Willow. It was completely obvious that he was basically in love with my sister. "It wasn't about groping?"

"Okay, hormones on parade here?" Buffy asked rhetorically. "It was pure shoptalk. Remember vampires; pointy teeth, they walk by night. Am I ringing a bell?"

"What did he say?" Willow asked.

"Oh, something's up." Buffy informed us as I slammed my locker shut. "Nothing I can't handle."

We started to walk down the hall to our first class, which we had together.

"Oh, hey, did you guys hear that Cibo Matto's gonna be at the Bronze tonight?" Xander asked.

"Cibo Matto?" Willow asked. "They're playing?"

"No, willow, they're gonna be clog dancing."

"Cibo Matto can clog dance?" She got a look from both me and Xander. "Oh, sarcasm, right."

"We should attend, no?" Xander asked us all and a random brunette that seemed to know Xander, Willow, and Buffy walked up.

"Oh, look, it's the Three Musketeers." She commented and we all looked at each other.

"Was that an insult?" Buffy asked me and I frowned.

"Didn't really make since, considering there's four of us."

"Plus, the Three Musketeers were cool." Willow added and I nodded in agreement.

"I see your point." She muttered.

"I would have gone with Stooges." Xander commented and the brunette rolled her eyes.

"Well, I just meant that you three always hand out together." She motioned towards them and then turned to me, making me blink as a sudden smile formed on her face. "Hi, I'm Cordelia Chase. You?"

"Uh…" I trailed off, raising an eyebrow. "Joey Summers, Buffy's twin."

"Oh…" She said in defeat then rolled her eyes. "Great." She turned to look at all of us as I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "So, did you guys fight any demons this summer?"

"Uh, yes!" Willow said, looking around at the people passing us in the hall. "Our own personal demons."

"Uh, such as-as-as lust and, uh, thrift!" Xander added.

"We would have to go with Stooges also." Buffy and I remarked together, looking at our two friends weirdly.

"What are you guys talking about?" Cordelia asked stupidly. "I'm talking about big squiggly demons that came from the ground? Remember? Prom night? With all the vampires?"

"Cordelia, your mouth is open and sound is coming from it." Buffy remarked. "This is never good."

"No." Xander agreed and pulled Cordelia aside. "It's, see, we can't mention that stuff in front of other people. Buffy being the Slayer and all."

"You haven't been talking about our little adventure all summer, have you?" Willow asked.

"Are you nuts?" Cordelia snapped back and I blinked at her. "Do you think I would tell people that I spent the whole evening with you? Besides, it was all so creepy. That Master guy and all the screaming? I don't even like to think about it. So your secrets safe with me." She said sincerely to Buffy.

"Well, that works out great." Buffy said, stone-faced and I frowned at her. "You won't tell anyone that I'm the Slayer and I won't tell anyone you're a moron." She then walked on ahead and I gaped.

"Now, that was a good insult." Xander commented.

"Too good." I added and narrowed my eyes as Willow nodded in agreement.

"What's up with her?" Cordelia asked us and we all shrugged, having no clue what was wrong with my sister.

That night, Buffy and I headed to the Bronze. I was dressed in the same shirts as earlier, but now I had on a black pleated skirt. Buffy was wearing her sexiest dress in hopes of making Angel, who was sure to show up, jealous. When we walked in, I walked over to where I could see Willow and Xander were.

"Hey." I greeted and took a drink from Willow's soda, sitting in a stool beside her.

"Hey." Xander greeted absently, looking around. "Where's Buffy?"

"Hmm?" I questioned and looked around. "She was right behind me…" I mused as I turned back to face them. Just as I said this, the girl in question walked up and stood beside me and Willow.


"Hi." Willow replied.

"Hey." Xander smiled.

"What's wrong with Angel?" Willow asked as we looked over at him to see him frowning in our direction. I didn't comment because I didn't really know the guy.

"Beats me." Buffy shrugged before she turned to Xander. "Let's dance." She pulled on his shirt, making him stand.

"Okay…" He said slowly and let her pull him onto the dance floor while Willow and I stayed.

Willow and I watched in disbelief as Buffy grinded against Xander. I could see them talking to each other, but couldn't even begin to hear what they were saying. Buffy eventually pulled away and came over to us, grabbing her jacket.

"You coming?" She asked me and I frowned, nodding my head.

"O-okay. Bye, Will." I said as I also grabbed my black and purple striped hoodie, sliding my arms into it as we left.

"Buffy." Cordelia called out as we were trying to leave, outside. We stopped and I turned to look at her. "You're really campaigning for bitch-of-the-year, aren't you?"

Buffy sighed silently and turned to face her. "As defending champion, you nervous?"

"I can hold my own." Cordelia replied and I sighed.

"I'm gonna go ahead, okay?" I asked Buffy and she nodded.

"I'll be home in an hour or so." She told me and I just turned, walking towards home. I was lucky that once I stepped foot into Sunnydale, Buffy forced a stake on me. Back in L.A. at the beginning of summer, she started training me, so I moved like a Slayer now, but without the strength. I guess you could say I'm a hunter. Not to mention, I have a bottle of holy water stashed in my jacket and a silver cross necklace around my neck.

After that, I got sick and was stuck at home for about a week. Buffy filled me in on what I missed, though, so it's okay.

Author's Note: Okay, there's the first chapter and yes this takes place in the second season because that is my favorite season. Um, also I know that the ending sucked, but I didn't really think that Joey would be able to do anything in this episode since she wasn't in the first season... The next chapter will be way better and you'll be able to see a bit more on Joey Summers as a person. I work on reviews, so if you want to see more, review more! Review please 'cause I've got a lot of chapters of this story already written.