Hey there! thot id take a shot at an emily/hanna. hemily? but its a friendship, at least on hannas side! well no really its friendship. i think they r really sweet friends together!

disclaimer: nope. still dont own pll. wish i did,mind you.

Hanna was lost. She needed help. Not like a doctor help, like "Holy crap I'm dying here save my life." kind of help, but a more needing help in a figurative way. She really truly did need help. She wasn't sure who she was anymore. And the only person that could really help her was Emily. Emily was her lifeline, and maybe people thought Aria was her best friend, that she loved Aria the most out of all her friends(and she had a lot) but it was Emily whom she devoted her heart and soul and just poured it out to. Emily was there for her when she needed her most, when she was confused, she...deconfused...her, when Emily was upset, Hanna was there. They both were perfectly written out for each other. Maybe.

"You don't feel like something bad is going to happen?" asked Hanna. Aria, Spencer,and Emily looked at her strangely. Hanna sipped her coffee, which wasn't really coffee(shhh...don't tell.) but a cop of steaming hot chocolate that was warm to the touch.

"Hanna. Your insane." Aria said grimly, leaning back in her chair. They were at the cafe near the center of Rosewood, Spencer had suggested they all meet up for coffee and brunch to discuss matters such as A. But A hadn't come up in this conversation, they were all to busy discussing strange theorems, such as Hanna's bizarre feeling the worst was yet to come upon the four of them.

"It's true!" Hanna protested," I felt it! I really did!"

Spencer shrugged. Aria made a big point out of looking at a particularly shady guy who was walking past,clutching a black briefcase and barking into a phone somewhat quietly. Emily stirred her stick around in her coffee, causing more and more steam to billow out around the foursome.

"I think you may be imagining things. Is it the heat maybe?" Spencer theorized, holding the backside of her hand to Hanna's forehead. It was only a little warm, it matched Spencer's body temperature almost exactly.

"She's hallucinating. We should take her to the mental hospital." Aria advocated.

"No. She's fine!" snapped Emily unexpectedly. Aria's jaw dropped to the floor and Spencer looked at Emily, one eyebrow poised. Emily deflated.

"I mean...what I meant to-oh. Nevermind." she sighed. Hanna had to smile to herself. Emily could be so adorable sometimes and funny without meaning to.

"I was kidding, Em." said Aria,"You don't have to freak out. Take a chill pill."

"You can get them at Walgreen's." Spencer said dismissively.

"Ok,ok. Sorry. I just think that Hanna is completely sane." Emily muttered.

"We all know I'm crazy. Even I know I'm not right in the head." Hanna laughed. So did everyone else, oblivious to the fact the lightness of her tone didn't got with the same fervent seriousness she was displaying a few minutes ago. That weird feeling was still present to her and only her. She was actually kind of scared about what was going to happen. She felt it, really felt that something was happening, and it brought on bouts of fear randomly. But she conceded defeat to the part of her that was carefree and had ultimately no worries. No use freaking out about something life changing that was tugging at her lately. She was sure that A was relevant to her foreboding.

"Here we have one mushroom cheese omelette, eggs with bacon and french fries , a small plate of scrambled eggs, and a strawberry crepe?" the waitress set our plates down in front of each of us,handing us utensils. Another waitress swooped by and refilled Spencer's half-empty water glass.

"Thank you." Spencer murmured, picking at her omelette. The first waitress scurried away,attending to a person who was yelling for a coffee refill from the other side of the patio.

"So,Spencer...how's Toby?" Aria asked out of the blue. We all wanted to know how the world's most adorable couple was doing now. The thought of Spencer,the most studious,hardworking,non-slacking person any of them knew,and the town's resident sexy badass, Toby, together for each other was hard to imagine. But they were cute together.

"He's good. Jenna's being a bother." Spencer said.

"Are you freaking kidding me? She's the biggest bother in the world!" Hanna retorted, carefully cutting up her eggs so it looked like she was eating them when she wasn't really.

Aria leaned in."We don't know if Jenna is...you know...A."

"She may as well be. She scares me." Spencer admitted. Hanna nodded triumphantly,mouthing the words See, I told you. right at Aria.

"Hanna, A could be multiple people."Emily said quietly.

"But Jenna still scares me!" shot back Hanna.

"She scares everyone, Han." Emily replied.

"Yeah. True." Hanna said, looking at Emily. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and gave Emily a shy, bashful smile. Emily looked sympathetic.

"Oh,here comes Mona. Should we hide?" muttered Spencer. Mona was coming torwards them, holding a latte in one hand and a bag from Louis Vuitton in the other. Her Dolce&Gabanna glasses were perched on her head, clearly visible. She waved when she saw Hanna and scowled at the rest of them. For some reason unbeknownst to the three,she hated them and wanted them dead. Figuratively. Maybe?

"Hello. Hanna." she coldly ignored the other three,not even locking eyes or anything.

"Hey Mon." said Hanna. They gave each other a hug. Spencer,Aria, and Emily could tell she wasn't in it as much as she usual would have been. It was just one of those days where you had to hate Mona's false facade of cheerfulness.

"What's up?"Mona finally adressed the other three, looking them up and down,mentally criticizing their outfits.

"Nothing, Mona. What about you." Aria shoved about five french fries in her mouth. Mona made a small oinking noise when Hanna's attention was elsewhere, pointing her nose with her finger so it looked like a pig snout. Aria silently cursed a few Icelandic choice words at Mona under her breath. Mona didn't seem to notice. Her phone trilled in her purse, and she expertly held on to her latte while she retrieved it from the contents of her bag.

"Oh. It's my mom. Ta ta for now!" Mona walked away, but it wasn't casual, her steps seemed rushed, purposeful. Her back was as straight as a board, her one free hand in a tight ball.

"What was that about?" Aria said, looking at Mona and thinking of her erratic behaviour.

"Who knows with Mona." said Emily.

"I don't." Hanna replied.

"Neither does anyone else." Spencer muttered.

The waitress walked by and dropped off the check, and Emily's jaw dropped when she saw the bill. Hanna snatched it from her. Almost sixty bucks for a breakfast meal? Unless hot chocolates were more expensive than she thought, this was an outrageous price to pay.

"I'll pay." Emily said.

"No. I'll do it." Hanna insisted. They started a quick game of yapping back an forth at each other, demanding to pay for the bill. Aria and Spencer sat looking at each other, Aria's long,slender eyebrows raised to her hairline. Why did people always fight about money? Money, money,money. The four girls had other problems to tackle also. Money didn't have to get in the way, did it?

"I'll freaking pay!" shouted Spencer, standing up and placing a stack of tens and ones. She couldn't take the yammering, it was giving her a aneurysm. Well, not really. But pretty damn close.

"Ok."shrugged Emily, glancing at Hanna. The two of them giggled like it was a secret joke between the two of them.

"Now that that's settled, I got to go." Aria stood up, giving the three of them goodbye hugs and pressing a five in Spencer's hand. Spencer, always one for being polite, denied the cash.

"Bye, Aria!" Emily called after her as she slid into her car. They saw her car disappear into the distance with a soft vroom. A cloud of dust from the dirt parking lot receded behind Aria's old car.

"Toby and I are having a picnic behind the woods." shrugged Spencer, checking the time on her phone and collecting her purse and laptop. She seemed to have calmed down after her sudden outburst during Emily and Hanna's playful quarrel.

"Ooohhhh. Cute." Hanna whistled, punching Spencer's shoulder lightly. Spencer smiled, a real, genuinely gleeful smile of true love. If only Emily or Hanna could find a Toby in their lives, that'd be nice. Emily was taking interest in that girl, Samara. they actually had al ot in common, Samara used to be a swimmer also, until some inexplicable things happened and she was forced to quit. Emily couldn't pry anything else about her swimming career since Samara was quick to change the subject. But she shared a common interest, and didn't most relationships bloom off things they both enjoyed?

But she also had someone else she loved.

There may be a chance the "someone else" is hanna...but maybe not! never now with me, do u? ask any1. im a weirdo. mysterious X)

ok pretty pretty please no flamers, they make me unhappy. and when im unhappy, the world is screwed. so there. R&R please and tell me if i should continue and whether u want romance or friendship. the rest is up to u.

~CJ out