I know everyone's point of view is really short for this chapter but I will get everyone's starting to be longer in the next chapter, there's just so much that happened during the finale so I'm sorry if I'm jumping around too much.
Spencer's P.O.V.
I looked around at the crowd staring at me and my friends. I shivered as I thought about what had just happened. The worst part was we were back at the beginning, a whole lot to tell with absolutely no evidence to prove it. Even the video was missing with wherever Ian/Ian's body was. I felt my legs begin to collapse and I fell backwards. Suddenly, familiar arms reached out and caught me. I stood up straight and turned around to hug Toby who was standing there pulling me closer to him. My friends stood there awkwardly and looked around.
"What happened?" Toby asked.
"Ian… tried to…." The words were hard for me to get out, "he tried to kill me….. made me look guilty… suicide because…. I felt guilty… that was his plan…. Someone in black…. Pushed him off the bell tower."
"Ohmygod Spencer!" He pulled me in tighter.
Hanna's P.O.V.
Awww! I thought as Spencer and Toby hugged. With everything going on I was glad that Spencer had Toby there for her. I was smiling when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out. One new message.
Hey Han!
Remember Sketchy? Why don't you ask Spencer where he is right now.
Screw A! How dare A remind me about…. Caleb…. and what does he have to do with Spencer? A isn't going to turn me against Spencer but there's no harm in asking what she knows. It's making me really curious.
Aria's P.O.V.
"Hanna?" I asked, "Are you okay?" Hanna was looking down at her phone with an expression I can't describe.
"Yeah," she responded with phony confidence.
"What did A say?"
"How did you know it was A?"
"The way you reacted when you read it."
"It was nothing, just another one of A's stupid taunts."
I wasn't sure whether or not I believed her but I let it go and looked around at the people standing around the church, I froze as I saw a face I hadn't seen in weeks, one I didn't want to see.
"Guys!" I whisper shouted, "Noel Kahn is here."
Emily's P.O.V.
Noel Kahn? What was he doing here?
"What is he doing here?" Hanna asked.
"What everyone else is I guess," Aria answered, "Checking out what happened here."
I looked at Spencer who was starting to look paler then she already did.
"Spence?" I asked
"That's the sweater," she answered, her voice shaking. "That's the sweater A/ the person was wearing when they.. you know…. pushed Ian.
"Ohmygod!" Aria exclaimed.
"Why is this such a surprise?" Hanna added, "We knew Ian wasn't A when A pushed Ian off the bell tower. Noel is the one we thought was a before he got expelled."
"Wait," I jumped in realizing something, "Noel got expelled because A planted cheated essays in his locker. Wouldn't that mean that Noel isn't A?"
"Unless Noel did that on purpose to throw us off track," Spencer whispered.
"Great." Hanna said sarcastically, "We're back to base one."
"Whatever happens, we should stick together." I found myself saying.
"Could you guys stay over tonight?" Spencer asked, "I don't want to be alone."
"Okay," we all said at the same time.
"Spencer!" A voice yelled. We looked over to see Mrs. Hastings walking towards us.