Reading Harry Potter

By imafeckingstarr

Summary: Remus Lupin stumbles across in the Library a book from the future – Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Taking the book and heading off to the Head's dorm, they sit and read this book along with Lily Evans, Frank Longbottom and Alice Little, learning all about the future. Are they able to change the future for the better, or will all their efforts be merely useless?

"We're listening to música in the bibliotheque!" – The amazingly wonderful Lily Orange.

A/N: So, here's my version of those fan fiction's that are similarly along the lines of "The Marauders read Harry Potter" or "Lily and the Marauders Read Harry Potter". I hope you like it!

'Moony Found a Book!'

James Potter lay in the Head's dorm, his eyes transfixed on the ceiling. There was nothing remotely different or interesting about the ceiling, he just wanted to look at it. He blinked once, twice, and again, until he was bored of just blinking and seeing nothing but the creamy-whiteness of the ceiling that made up his dorm. "Right, that's it, I'm getting something to do," he declared, talking mostly to himself. Lily Evans was (as usual) avoiding him. It was just as much as a shock to him as it was her when he was appointed Head Boy, but was there any need to be so blunt about her clear distaste about him having such an honourable title? Knowing Lily, she was probably in the Gryffindor Common Room or the Library reading something of no importance – she did that a lot.

What was so fascinating about reading? James just couldn't put his finger on why it was so…fun. He chuckled at the thought. Since when would he refer to reading as fun? Even if it was in a sarcastic way, he never thought he'd live to see the day. Stretching and standing up, James decided that it was time for him to embrace the solitude of the Library and find Remus. He was probably there, reading about Transfiguration or Charms. Or helping Sirius out with his holiday homework that he'd conveniently "forgotten" to do, which even Remus knew was a lie, Sirius never did any of his homework during the holidays. Not that James could blame him. Who would want to do their homework during the holidays? He certainly didn't, and Peter Pettigrew didn't do his homework during the holidays either. That James knew quite well. Poor Peter didn't understand his homework enough to bother doing it; it was a surprise to James that Peter actually managed to pass his O.W.L's. The poor boy was hopeless.

James left his room and entered the common room. But before leaving, he peered into the bathroom and grinned. There in the right hand corner was a gold toilet. He and Sirius had some Marauder christening to do. They were going to christen it the "Golden Marauder Toilet!" and get it to sing their special Marauder song "A Little Less Conversation – Elvis Vs JXL" every time someone used it. It wasn't the most effective way of using the toilet, but it was still some impressive charm work. It was going to take a while too, but it was going to be totally and utterly worth it. James practically danced out into the common room and out into the corridor. This was just another tactic to decrease his boredom. Needless to say, it worked like a charm. He wasn't as bored as he was when he finally reached the library – he was dancing and singing to the Beatles, James really did give the passer-by's a good show to watch. Arms flinging round, head banging and fake stage-dives; James really did know how to please a crowd.

"Prongs… what in the name of Merlin are you doing?" Sirius asked as he turned the corner, watching James with amusement in his eyes. "Dancing, Pads, I'm dancing. I had nothing better to do, so I decided to find Moony in the Library and I began to dance and sing because of the Marauder christening we've got to do later…" James panted with a roguish grin plastered across his face, a mad gleam in his dark brown eyes. Sirius laughed, "We have a christening to do?" He questioned, his eyebrow raised.

"Oh yeah… There's a golden toilet in the Heads common room… one for the Head boy and another for the Head girl…"

"A GOLDEN TOILET? SAY NO MORE PRONGSIE BABY, SAY NO MORE!" Sirius exclaimed gleefully, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas day, "Let's go get Moony and fill him in on our mission!" He yelled a crazy gleam in his eyes. James grinned at his best friend as the pair of them made their way into the library to find their friend and fellow marauder.

The School library was quiet, save the scribbling of quills on parchment and the turning of a page in a book. Two pairs of eyes belonging to the troublesome duo scanned their surroundings, "Where is he?" Sirius huffed, his eyebrows knitting together forming a confused crease on his forehead. James shrugged as he walked forward, heading towards the back of the library.

"Knowing Moony, he'll be at the back, reading in a corner on his own," He muttered, beckoning for Sirius to follow him.

They walked for a while, taking their time as they walked between shelves upon shelves that were filled to the brim with all sorts of books. There were books on Transfiguration and Potions, others on Defensive Spells and how to use them and others on Magical Scary Beasts and how to protect yourself if you ever come across one. Somewhere jammed within these books was a battered edition of Hogwarts: A History, Lily Evans's favourite book.

"Over there," Sirius whispered, pointing to his left. James turned his head and his eyes latched onto the sandy-haired boy sitting on his own, with several books littered across the table he was sitting at. Remus Lupin appeared to be deep in thought, a frown plastered across his face and a book in his hands. He turned the page, his eyes scanning it, drinking in the contents.

"MOO-NY." Sirius sang as he skipped to the table. Remus' head snapped up from the book and he smiled, "I wondered when you two would come and find me," He mused, closing the book. James just grinned at him as he walked over.

"It's not the same without you Moony!" Sirius cried, flinging himself into a hug and fake-sobbing into Remus' shoulder, using his infamous theatrics.

"There, there Sirius," Remus muttered, pulling a face at James as he did. James did everything he could to stop himself from laughing. "Come on Moony! We have a MARAUDER CHRISTENING to attend to!" Sirius sang, giving up on his theatrics and dancing around the table like a pansy. James mimicked his actions, singing along with Sirius in a very inappropriate manner.

Out of nowhere, as Remus laughed at his idiotic friends, a book landed on his head with a thud, and slipped onto the floor. "What in the name of Merlin… ur, Prongs?" Remus called, his eyes diverting to the front cover of the book. James and Sirius continued to dance around the table, acting a lot more feminine than they usually would.

"Yes Moony?" James said in a silly sing-song voice that made him sound like he was the next Marilyn Monroe.

"Do you have a relative called Harry Potter?" The dancing pansies stopped dead in their tracks, "What?" James asked; a confounded look upon his face.

"I said 'do you have a relative called Harry Potter' – his name's on the front of this book… and he looks rather similar to you," Remus replied, bending down and picking up the book. The book was a pale red, with an image of a boy and the Hogwarts Express on the front of it. Surrounding the image there were gold stars, and where the golden title and the white subheading was, the box was a dark blue colour. It was the strangest book Remus had ever seen.

Opening up the book and reading the first two pages, Remus almost let the book slip through his fingers, "Dear Merlin, it was written in 1997!"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Sirius and James yelled in unison, both running to see the book for themselves. "First published in Great Britain in 1997 – Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB – Bloody hell!" James read aloud, his eyes wide.

Sirius turned the page, and inside, blue-tacked to the page of the first chapter was a note. Remus pulled the book out of Sirius' and James' clutches and read it out loud.

"Dear reader, I'm guessing whoever's reading this might be one of the Marauders. Well, that's what I'm hoping for. Is this Remus or Sirius? Or are you the infamous James Potter? Gods, wouldn't it be nice to know who got this book first? I bet you're wondering who I am. For now, let's just say I'm a friend… a very, very odd friend. Is Peter with you? Merlin I hope not – you'll understand my distaste later. If he's not there, don't tell him about your discovery. Please listen to me when I tell you he's not to be trusted. Everything will be explained later. Right, yeah, the book… would you believe me if I told you that this book's from the future? No? Well it is. It's based on a boy who was destined to destroy the Dark Lord. There are seven books in total, all about his seven, sorry, six years at Hogwarts; the final book is about his final journey to destroy Ol' Voldykins—"

Sirius snorted, "I like this kid. Why did we not think of Voldykins?" Remus glowered at him, and Sirius allowed him to continue.

"I presume one of you is head boy? Is it James? Ha! How ironic if he is. Honestly boys, I love you guys, and this is why I've sent you the first book of the series. Once you've read this, the rest of the series will appear. You'll be able to save lives this way – again, you'll understand what I mean once you've read these books. The information within these books must be taken seriously and considered wisely. Also, I have a request – read these books in the Head Common Room, get Lily Evans, Frank Longbottom and Alice Little involved too. Yes, I understand Lily detests James at the moment… but I have my reasons. Please listen to me, and help me change the future for the better. I'm counting on you guys.

The weight of the wizarding worlds' future lies in your hands,

Remus looked up at his friends. They were both in shock. Who was this E.R.B?

"Is this for real?" James asked finally.

"I think so… shall we get the others involved?" Remus asked, and the others simply nodded. "I wonder why this person doesn't want Peter to find out what we've discovered," Sirius muttered.

"Where the hell is Wormtail anyway?" James asked as he, Sirius and Remus left. Remus chuckled, which got him funny looks from his friends, "He fell up the stairs on the way to the library and had to go to the Hospital wing,"

Sirius roared with laughter, as it was typical of the boy to do such a foolish act, "Poor bloke, he really needs to fix himself up, don't you agree?"

James shook his head, laughing, "Lets just find the others and find out what this book's about,"

So, I started one of these "the-Marauders-read-the-Harry-Potter-series-and-change-the-future-for-the-better" fictions. If you guys like this, and if I get lots of reviews, I'll consider putting up the next chapter. Does that sound fair?

I'll be updating "The Adventure of a Marauder" soon, so keep your eyes peeled!

Don't forget to review!
imafeckingstarr xxxxx