DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE MELANCHOLY OF HARUHI SUZUMIYA, nor do I own ANY of the characters used in this story (and all of its chapters) all ownership goes to Nagaru Tanigawa etc, etc…. anyway, enjoy the story xD

Chapter 1

It was a beautiful winter's day, the frost had settled on the grass, making the earth look like it had just been dusted off with icing sugar however there was a bitterly cold wind. Heck, it was the perfect day for having a cup of hot chocolate and just sitting in watching TV all day…

…so why the hell am I cycling to the train station?

Basically…the 'great overlord' Haruhi Suzumiya decided that we need to have ONCE AGAIN another search for espers, time-travellers and aliens…if only she knew that in her brigade all 3 of these …'beings' were already there…irony much?

I gritted my teeth at the cold as I arrived at the station to see Haruhi, Koizumi, Asahina-san and Nagato all standing there already. I pulled up beside them, shivering slightly and sighed wearily as Haruhi stomped over to me and declared

"Late. Penalty."

For the note, I wasn't actually late. If anything, I was really 10 minutes early, however according to 'the great overlord,' Haruhi, whom all must submit to, the last person to arrive has to buy everyone food and stuff in the café. My house was pretty far away from the station so even if I took my bike (which I did) I'd still probably end up late anyway… but damn that's annoying…

As we all sat in the cafe, the rest of the group silently drinking the drinks I brought them, (And luckily for me Haruhi commanded them to all order the most expensive beverages on the menu) Haruhi suddenly declared (Almost causing Asahina-san to fall off her seat in shock) "RIGHT SOS BRIGADE!"

Kindly shut up. This is a family café.

"I know our last trip wasn't a great success…But this time we WILL FIND ALIENS TIME-TRAVELLERS AND ESPERS!" She cheered, raising one of her fists in the air expecting everyone else to join in however we all just looked embarrassed down at our drinks…however when I say all…I just mean me and Asahina-san…Nagato was still wearing her top-notch polka face, so there was no way I could tell what she was thinking and Koizumi still just wore his irritatingly plastic smile.

I suddenly stopped my internal monologue as I realised Haruhi had shoved a handful of paper in my face. "Take one." She demanded.

Fearing for my life, I quickly took a piece of paper (which she took out of nowhere) and looked at the blue tip at the end…blue group huh?

I looked up to see Asahina-san clutching a piece of red tipped paper; she looked at it with the most adorable face, her head tilted slightly to the side similar to that of a bird. But…damn that means she's not in my group… Nagato was robotically holding her piece of red tipped paper, motionless, still wearing her polka face. Haruhi, (Thank God.) also had a red piece of paper…but for some reason, she was staring at the red bit as if it was her mortal enemy whom had returned from the dead after she had thought they were long dead.

Wait…that means I'm in a group with…I looked at Koizumi, who also held a blue piece of paper. He shrugged and smiled at me again…like always.


Suddenly, Haruhi thudded her fist on the table making all of the drinks almost tip over and spill "DAMMIT! KYON!" She pointed her finger several centimetres from my face causing me to jump slightly.


And with that 'wonderful' message, Haruhi shoved the bill towards me before storming out of the café with Asahina-san and Nagato in tow.

…does she really not trust me that much?

Oh, and by the way, the name 'Kyon' belongs to me. It's not my actual name, but when my Grandmother accidently called me 'Kyon'…and unwelcome twist on my actual name…and my sister overheard, thinking it was hilarious, and she started calling me by that name…and then some friends came round, heard her calling me that…and well…you can kinda guess what happened…unfortunately for me.

I watched them leave before turning to Koizumi…this is the first time I got to go around with him…was I nervous?...nah …more like nervous about hanging around an 'always-smiling-a-plastic-smile-when-I-probably-have-evil-ulterior-motives' kind of guy.

As my eyes narrowed in suspicion Koizumi began to speak "Well…fancy you and me being together? I wonder if Suzumiya-san wished for this…or maybe this is just my lucky day?" He gave a wheezy laugh similar to that of a rooster with a throat problem before looking at my completely 'what-the-heck-is-wrong-with-you' face.

What did he just say?

"I merely jest." He said calmly once more before smiling at me once again.


I really wanted to punch this guy in the face. I wonder if he will still be smiling after that.

I looked back down to the bill before looking in my wallet and wincing. These past few months, the amount of money I own appears to be decreasing at a worrying rate.

I quickly paid for the meal, before turning to Koizumi, who was putting on his jacket preparing to leave.

Thanks for offering to pay by the way.

He looked up towards me, whom was staring at him like an idiot and he smiled his plastic smile. "Shall we go then to search for the 'unknown'?"

"Yeah, sure."

That was my fast response however in my mind I had a horrible feeling in my gut that he was up to something… but I'm sure it's just a feeling…I hope.

Good grief…

Yay~! Chapter one is finally done! I've been meaning to upload this story for a while but I never got round to it...but... here we are! ^o^ Oh, and I know there isn't much yaoi in this chapter but...there should be more in the next ones! xD Review and look forward to it~!


p.s. this is my first story btw, so...im sorry if its not good but... I WILL IMPROVE! :3