I shivered as cold air sprung forward to meet my exposed body, the place beside me where he slept long empty. I lifted the sheet and looked down at my petite frame, whitnessing for the first time the bruises and bitemarks covering my pale skin. There was a dull ache around my ass, but that was given factor after what we had done. I winced as I shuffled slowly to my feet, every movement sending small shocks of pain through out my body. Gasping in pain as I bent to pick up my discarded clothes, I instantly dropped to my knees.
'God, is it supposed to hurt like hell while AND after it happens?' I thought hastily to myself, biting my lip to conceal another gasp as I rose. Slipping on my wrikled clothes carefully, I headed out of the bland room, limping slghtly as I headed to the cafeteria. Surprisingly, I wasn't hungry, but I knew my friends would worry if I didn't at least show up. Walking slowly, the limp mostly under control now, I headed into the cafe, spotting Lavi and Lenalee right away.
"Allen!" Lenale called, waving. I faked a smile as I aproached, wavin back at her.
"Where have you been, man? We thought you might have fallen down the stars or something!" Exclaimeed Lavi as I sat down, stifling a gasp as I pressed myself into the seat. I laughed half-heartedly, trying to hide my discomfort. "Sorry, guys. I just woke up..." I said softly, wincing as I shifted a bit in my seat. They looked at me questionably, as if they were confused. I looked back at them, indifferent to why the were puzzled.
"Why are you guys staring at me like that?" I asked, cocking my head in confusion.
"Well, umm... Aren't you going to eat? Usualy, you get food before coming to sit with us." Said Lavi, his eeyes searching my for any sign of illness.
"Oh, that. I'm not very hungry, today..." I said, my voice trailing off as I spotted Kanda making a beeline for me. My fake smile brightened, just as my usual smile would when he was around.
"Kanda!" I exclaimed in false excitement, gasping in pain out loud as I jumped up instantly. "Allen?" Said Kanda, eyes narrowing as he beckoned to me with his finger. I reluctantly made my way over to him, trying to conceal my limp as much as possible.
"Yes, Kanda?" I asked, my smile a little too bright.
"You're able to move without pain? Even though that was your first time?" He said in a hushed whisper. My smile disapeared.
"No. Not in the least. Infact, it's excrutiating just to stand here." I answered with a hiss of pain as another jolt went through my body.
"Then why aren't you resting? Or at least not walking around!" He said, concern for me flooding his voice. " I don't want you to be in any more pain then you have to be in, Allen. Just go lay down."
"No, then everyone will worry! Lenalee and Lavi are already suspicious because I'm not hungry, I can't make it any worse!" I said, a bit of anger flooding into my voice.
"Would you rather be immoblized for a few days and have to explain to everyone why? Go lay down be for you attract any unwanted attention!" He asked, anger boiling into his voice as well. I gasped and my hands flew out to grab Kanda as I shruged and my knees gave out from the pain it created. He gasped, grabbing me and pulling my into an upright position. People were begining to gather around us now, which was not good.
"Sorry." I said, rubbing the back of my head apoligeticly. "I was feeling a bit faint." I gasped and winced as Kanda picked me up bridal style and glared at me.
"That's it, I'm taking you to the infirmary." He said, glaring daggers at me. As we walked, he purpously jostled me, bringing me nearly to tears. "I told you to lay down before you attracked any unwanted attention." He growled, still glaring. Instead of turning towads his room like I thought he would, He went and seriously dropped me off at the infimary.
"Head nurse, he's feeling faint and practicly collapsing." Reported Kanda as he set me down, my arm wrapped around his neck for support. She directed Kanda to a bed and instructed the glaring man to set me down there. He abruptly turned and headed out, leaving me to myself as the nurse walked away. Sighing, I thought to myself, 'This is going to be a long day...'