Daniel, my good lad! Welcome back! had a wonderful trip, I trust? I'm sorry, what?...Oh! You've retrived the remains! Splendid show old chap! Simply marvelous! You're well on your way!

Wait, don't be off so soon! There's a good boy! Let me tell you about old man Alexander! What a nasty old bloke. You know that he actually isn't the slightest bit of human? Shocking, isn't it? The old badger never shut up about it. Doing all those ghastly experiments...well...I don't need to tell you do I? You're looking at one!

Why, I remember once when I was a little more fleshy...He tried to get me to lend him some of my body fat for an experiment! Said I didn't need all that cushion! I said to him, I said 'I'll have you know, this is what keeps me in tip top shape in the winter!' He just laughed at me! After that day I lost quite a bit of weight. Fellow really hit a nerve, he did!

Young Weier never much liked him either. Fought with him a lot he did. Ah, young Weier...like a son he was...I do hope I see him agai-Daniel! It's rude to walk off in mid-conversation!

Well, I do suppose I've kept you for some time now. Do come back soon...I get very lonely you know...

Sorry for the wait! I'm so happy with all the good responses I'm getting from this! You guys are all awesome for reading such a silly little story! Keep the suggestions coming and I'll try to post another chapter soon!