Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting! Here's some moreSora/Roxas for you all.
"Roxas, this is kind of weird. I'm not sure why you even want me here in Wonderland with you."
Sora leaned against the gate of the towering Heart Castle. Scratching his nose, he gazed into his kidnapper's eyes. "I thought we made peace a long time ago. What do you have planned?"
The other boy, Roxas, gave a sly smile and brushed a lock of blond hair out of his eyes. "Don't you get it? We're here to steal some tarts. Naminé and Axel refused to do it, and I've taken a bit of a liking to you. Look, I loved the Organization and Naminé to death, and my people from Twilight Town are still incredibly dear to me. I would risk my life for any of them. But even so, I've just been getting bored lately."
"Steal? Really, this isn't like you at all."
Roxas drew a keyblade and tapped on the enormous white portal in front of them. "What? It's not like the lardaceous bitch is going to miss them - about ninety percent of Wonderland's food goes to her, nine to the wealthy, and less than one to the rest. Anyway, I need your help. As you can see, there are armed guards there, and two heads are better than one. Moreover, I do have some benefits for you. Now, thanks to the link that the two of us share, I take it you've been bored lately? What about... unsatisfied with Kairi to an extent. No matter how much you love her, you miss me."
He grinned as he saw his partner's mouth open in shock and surprise. "I knew it. Get ready for action, soldier, we're moving out!"
At that, he shoved the gates opened and charged in. Sora sighed, summoned a keyblade of his own, and ran in hot pursuit, past the courthouse, through the rose garden, and into the croquet court, accidentally bowling over three soldiers in the process. On and on they ran, until they'd amassed an army of followers; the two boys thought it miraculous that the queen was not at the head of the crowd, barking orders to slice off their heads.
"Roxas, what the hell were you thinking?"
"Just relax. I'm going to make a run for the kitchen, do you think you could cast something that would hold them off?"
Looking in disbelief at his companion, Sora shook his head. "You have to be kidding me! You brought me along to be your slave?"
"You would like that, wouldn't you?"
That was enough to shut him up. The brunette turned around, raised his Keyblade to the sky, and formed a Reflect barrier, causing the horde of guards to crash and pile up against one another, while Roxas continued to sprint towards the kitchen door. Sora looked nervously at the crowd of soldiers, fearful of incurring the wrath of the Queen of Hearts - though he had faced more intimidating foes, the sheer number of cards was enough to overwhelm any army of two. At that, he rushed into the kitchen, slammed the door, and drew the bolt.
Sure enough, lying on the kitchen table was a steaming plate of delicious tarts, made of the finest flour and fruits, and standing above them was Roxas, shoveling as many confections as possible into his coat. "Okay, good, these will do nicely. Take whatever you can - there's chicken roasting on the fire over there. Take this sack, and load the bird, the tea, and the pepper grinder. Got it memorized? Good." He threw Sora the sack and continued to stuff tarts into his jacket.
However, just as Sora had begun to slide the chicken off the spit, he realized that his Reflect spell had worn off and that the army was standing at the doors of the kitchen. "Shit," he muttered. "Why didn't I just run?" As he loaded the roast fowl into the sack, he wiped some sweat off his forehead and turned to the pepper grinder and proceeded to place it in the sack. Just as he started for the teapot, however, he heard a crash, and dust began to fill the kitchen.
"Stop where you are. By order of the Queen of Hearts, you are both under arrest for armed robbery."
Standing at the gate was an Ace of Hearts, halberd raised at Roxas, who, after failing to fit all of the tarts into his jacket, was holding onto one in his teeth. To the Ace's right and left were a Jack of Spades and a Nine of Clubs. One by one, the cards filed into the room, armaments pointed at the two - there was no way that the two could fight their way out. Suddenly, Roxas wrapped his arms around Sora's waist, and smiled. "Okay, fine. You caught us."
Snapping his fingers, to the shock of the soldiers, Roxas summoned a Corridor of Darkness and dragged Sora into the gaping black hole. He took a moment to smirk and wrap his fingers around the handle of the teapot. "I'm ready. Shall we?"
As the Nobody slipped through the portal, he and Sora both knew where they were headed next.
They found themselves in the King of Hearts' bedroom. It was meager - the furnishings were hardly befitting of a king, and one could hardly help thinking that the room housed a convict instead of a ruler. The only feature that debunked this hypothesis, however, was a luxurious bed in the heart of the room, bedecked in sheets of red and white silk, pillows of soft down, and a frame of solid mahogany. Roxas grinned and laid the teapot on the bedside table. "Good work. Now, here's the deal - Axel hasn't been able to satisfy me, so I thought, since you know me best..."
Sora blushed, as the blond edged closer and closer, pressing his chest against his own. "This is -"
"Inappropriate? Please. You're talking to someone from the dark, depravity is my bread and butter." Roxas had already cast off his coat, causing the crumbling tarts to spill all over the carpet. Sora had no choice to obey, and as his companion shed his shorts, he realized that Roxas would provide something new, something exciting. Sitting on the bed, Sora began to strip, plotting a sinister little scheme of his own.
Sora drew the chicken from the bag and smirked. Pushing the blond onto his back, he forced the chicken onto the head of his Nobody's penis, causing the chicken's juices to drip down Roxas' chest. Hunching himself over the chicken, Sora licked some of the oily juices off Roxas' abdomen, tasting the spices running down the boy and leaking on the sheets. Unbelievably arounsed, he began to buck against the roasted fowl, surprising Sora - never had he expected this sort of forcefulness from Roxas.
"That's how you want to play? All right, I have something for you."
Sora rammed his fist into the chicken's lower back and inserted his own penis into the bird. As he climbed into bed, he continued to thrust against the chicken, taking in its delicious smell. Somebody rolled over Nobody, Nobody over Somebody, and as they continued to make passionate love to the fowl, they could both feel themselves on the verge of climax. Roxas flipped himself over, on top of his victim. "Not yet."
He was the first to ejaculate into the chicken. The semen burst out the other end and splattered all over Sora, who groaned in some combination of satisfaction and revulsion. The worst, however, was yet to come. As Roxas dismounted, Sora's eyes widened in shock as he saw the boy reach for the teapot. Immediately, he began to pant in fear as Roxas, climbing back into bed, started to lean forward. Tea poured out of the spout and splattered all over Sora's mouth, causing him to cough and splutter brown liquid all over himself.
"Roxas, stop!"
Roxas relented briefly, looking at the teapot, then to Sora, who was coughing violently. He had rolled onto his stomach, one hand on his throat, retching up mouthfuls of tea onto the pillows. When at last he stopped, he looked up at Roxas. "Jesus, I'd have thought you were trying to kill me!"
The blond leaned over and kissed Sora on the cheek. "Look, I'm sorry. I thought you would have known I was a little - kinky. Just tell me when you're ready."
Sora nodded. "I'm fine. What do you want to do now?"
Roxas smiled. "That's the spirit. Stay right there."
They resumed their game. As the somebody raised his buttocks into the air, Roxas elevated himself to a kneeling position and started to pour the tea into Sora's anus. He could see his prize, quivering, pulsating, accepting the tea in small bursts while allowing the remainder to drip down Sora's legs. It was splendid - the hot drink bathed Sora's prostate gland, and it only whetted his appetite for sex. He got what he wanted - ever quick on the trigger, his blond companion had seized the pepper grinder and was pouring it on, causing the anal cavity to swell.
Unfortunately, the side effects of Wonderland food had not crossed Roxas' mind. Sora, having recieved a copious amount of both food and drink through his coital games, was growing, to an abnormal size. The anus, naturally, was the first to grow, swelling to twice the size of its owner - Roxas almost feared being devoured by it. This was followed shortly afterward by Sora's buttocks, then his legs, his feet, his torso, his arms, his neck - until at last, his head had reached a colossal size, breaking through the roof of the bedroom.
Roxas looked up at the massive youth above him. "So does this mean we can't have the tarts for a little snack afterwards?"