And that's what you get for falling again
you can never get him outta your head
And that's what you get for falling again
you can never get him outta your head

-Sugarcult, Pretty Girl

Katerina whimpered as Caroline slapped her hard, her dark brown eyes glinting in anger.

"Why are you doing this?"

Caroline smiled bitterly as she remembered asking the girl the same exact thing once upon a time.

"W-Why…are…you…doing…this…to…me?" She choked out, tears welling up in her eyes.

Katherine just cocked her head to the side, smirking. "Just a little payback,"

Blue eyes widened from bafflement. "For what?"

"You'll see."

Her response was the same. "You'll see."

"Don't be angry, love," Klaus told her as she entered the room. "She's nothing but a mere human. Nothing but dispensable. There's no need to be jealous."

"I'm not jealous." She denied and he laughed.

"Really now?"

"I'm not, honestly," She persisted. "I mean, why would I be?"

"She's taking up most of my time now and it's understandable if that makes you feel threatened."

She peered into his blue eyes and said, "Nothing can make me feel threatened." She pushed him away. "Nothing."

"Katerina's escaped…." Elijah said and Klaus raged, throwing over tables and chairs. Caroline watched apprehensively at the whole scene but said nothing letting her husband exorcise his anger all he wanted.

Elijah looked at her for support and she smirked. "Someone has to pay for that." Her smile widened.

A little while later, Elijah screamed as daggers were jabbed into his ribs, doused first with vervain of course.

Kol cornered her one night after dinner. He bowed mockingly as he saw her approach the room from the fireplace and she took a seat on the divan.

"What brings you in my company tonight, my lady?"

"I'm bored." She replied. "Can you help with that?"

He smirked before bending over until he was eye level with her. "Yes." His lips were on hers in moments, the sound of his heartbeat rung in her ears like a drumbeat.

"It's dangerous what you're doing." Elijah was still sore with her over the dagger in his ribs moment but he still gave her advice.

"I know," She replied, "And frankly, I don't care."

"You're a tramp," Rebecca told her one evening. "You sleep with Kol then Nik like on a schedule."

"Takes one to know one," Was her smirking reply.

She continued to sleep with Kol despite Klaus knowing.

It was a vicious, cruel cycle between them. She would run to Kol and then eventually return to Klaus and then the cycle would repeat.

Kol thought nothing of it, having fun annoying his brother and bedding his wife at the same time.

It wasn't until Klaus caught them in his bed one night that he snapped. He daggered Kol and Caroline was left alone for a century.

"Elijah's gone." Klaus told her one evening, looking pissed.

She wanted to ask him if he was okay but resisted the urge to. He deserved every betrayal he was presented with.

Her nights were infinitely lonelier.

It was in the 20's when she encountered anyone of her darling brood again. Stefan was in full ripper mode, dressed to digress with his hair flopping and his smile unending. He captured Bekah's heart easily and made friends with Klaus.

"And who's this?" Stefan asked as Caroline took her seat beside Klaus,

"My wife, Caroline," Klaus replied. "Darling, this is Stefan Salvatore."

She smiled back at her old friend, "Pleasure."

He would not remember her for years.

Caroline stared down at her younger self who stared up at her disbelievingly.

She remembered clearly what it had been like, the fear, the confusion, not knowing what was really going on.

Oh well.

With an inward sigh, she slapped her younger self unconscious.

"Caroline?" Elena said as she saw her. "Where have you been? You've been missing for weeks!"

"Centuries to be precise," She replied. "And don't look so worried I know that you didn't really miss me all that much,"

"What are you talking about?" Elena looked confused. "Caroline, are you okay?"

"I'm dandy." She flipped her hair. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to attend to."

Caroline chuckled to herself as she sat tied to a chair with the Salvatore brothers looming over her.

"Have you been his little spy all along?" Damon asked, threateningly. "Feeding Klaus information about us like a good little lapdog?"

"Believe what you want, dear old Damon," She smirked at him. "Nothing I say will convince you otherwise."

He looked incised and grabbed the hot poker by the fireplace and stabbed it into her chest. She screamed.

"She's Klaus's wife!" Stefan shouted as Caroline panted numerous wounds on her. "Oh my God. She's Klaus's wife!"

"What?" Damon uttered out.

"It's great that you finally remember, Stefan." The sound of rope snapping caught their attention and they both turned to Caroline who was standing up and rubbing at her fast healing wounds, they were already healed by the time she spoke. "Now, I'm going to break every bone in your body."

The car parked outside the Salvatore residence, Klaus waited patiently for his wife to come out of the house. She greeted him with a dark smile and kissed him on the cheek affectionately.

"Did you have fun?" He asked.

"You know me, torture's my favorite past time."

"They're trying to kill you." Caroline told him as he swept her hair from her neck and kissed the skin there. She sighed contentedly, her eyelashes fluttering.

Klaus chuckled. "Makes for awkward pillow talk, love."

"I'm just stating the truth. I thought you'd like to know."

Klaus' eyes were liquid determination. "They can try but they won't succeed."

"Of course not." She said with the same amount of resolve. "I won't let them."

Three weeks later, she stood in front of her friends, all which were staring at her in disbelief, anger and hate.

"What happened to you, Care?" Matt asked. "What did he do to you?"

"He made me strong where you made me weak." She smiled evilly. "Who wants to die first?"

She killed Matt first, snapped his neck into two and let his body collapse to the ground. Bonnie was next, she bit into her neck and sucked her dry, it was difficult because she kept trying to resist and stop her with magic but Caroline knew enough about witches in the past decades to know what their weaknesses were.

Elena she saved for the ritual. She knocked her out and brought her to the clearing where the ritual was going to be held. They had a werewolf (Jules) and a vampire (Jenna) and now they had the doppelganger.

She dropped Elena to the ground. Klaus tsked and chided, "Careful with the valuable equipment, sweetheart."

She rolled her eyes and checked on the witch to see how things were going.

"We should start soon." The witch said.

The Salvatore brothers and Elijah tried to intervene but Caroline disposed of them quite easily. Elena was dead and Damon was carrying her corpse with an incapacitated Stefan was on the ground. Elijah proved to be a problem.

Elijah grabbed her by the neck. "My lady, how lovely to see you."

"Screw you, Elijah!" She shouted before she pushed him away and into the ground. She didn't think twice before staking him. "Sorry, sweetheart." She said sadly.

Klaus awoke a week later from his transformation. He eyed the sun with wide, curious eyes as he lay naked on the ground.

"Took you long enough." She remarked. "Here" She handed him some clothes and he took them gratefully. "How do you feel?"

He smirked. "Like a million dollars."

She undaggered Kol a few days later, then Finn and Rebekah. Kol was last, staring up at her with dark eyes as she played with the dagger with quick hands.

"How are you?" She asked him. "I missed you, dear, dear Kol."

He smirked up at her as he got out of the coffin. "I missed you too, my lady."

"Kol." Klaus was surprised as his younger brother walked towards him, smiling nefariously.

"Long time, brother."

He held him back as Rebekah and Finn stabbed him with daggers, Caroline grinning on the side.

"Why?" Klaus asked her, eyes seeming with betrayal.

"You know why, darling."

"I made you stronger."

"Yes," She smirked. "You did."

He only gasped as she took out a white oak stake and plunged it into his heart.

"What now?" Kol asked as he stared down at Klaus' burning corpse.

Caroline knew the truth as she starred down at ashes. "I'm going to run."

For the rest of her existence that was how it was meant to be.

Damon killed her at Elena's death bed. She meant to visit her old friend for her 92nd birthday and found herself staked by the brunette's lover, his blue eyes vengeful and she smiled.

Stefan watched from the doorway, his eyes brooding.

"I missed you." Klaus said.

She wanted to laugh, after everything it was just the two of them, in life and death. "I missed you too."

She kissed him and that was that.


And that's it. That's the end of Pretty Girl. No more. Thanks for reading. Please review and tell me what you think.