AN: epilogue! It's kind of short, but I kind of like it, and it fits in with the prologue pretty well.

So I've been thinking about what story I wanted to write next, and inspiration hit in the most unexpected place-something I wrote myself in this story in the last chapter: "And I knew she was mad, but I wasn't sure if she was mad that he was mocking her, or at the insinuation that I had paid her off (though in all honesty, finding some girl to impersonate the princess so I could get out of jail actually might have been something I would do before I met Rapunzel)." So I was thinking...what if he did go looking for some girl to impersonate the princess so he could get reward money? But what if instead of being a princess, Rapunzel was the daughter of another type of nobility, like an Earl? And what if they lived in modern-day England? What would their story have looked like then? I don't know about you, but this possible story thrills me because i love, love, LOVE England and Britishness, and I don't think that this has actually been done a million times before. I've actually written bits of it, and I'm going to stick it at the end so you can tell me if it picques your interest. er

Thank you for your loyal support of this story! you guys are awesome, and you've been so encouraging to me :)

Unraised Clock: Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. And as for more Tangled stories from me...well, I have 4 possible stories about them in my head that want to be written out. So I'm going to keep writing about them :)

Over the Weather: Aren't they though? I love writing them because they're so cute. And I'm glad Eugene...sounds like a normal person, though i'm not sure why he wouldn't. I just thought if I were him, I'd be a little jealous of Rapunzel because I'd always wanted a family too, and that's what his face in that scene said to me. And that's what I wrote.

Delilahgirl: Ah, you caught that, did you? and yes, that was completely intential to make the story seem all tied together. Here's your epilogue, though it's pretty short :)

KayDee: I kind of don't like the guards, so I always write them getting their butts kicked. haha. I'm glad you liked it.

Reverend Lovejoy: Yep, Luke wanted to make a return, so I made him show up. Plus, I like him a lot :) Irwin IS a jerk, haha, and I think he's probably one of those guards with the big nose. I'm glad you liked Rapunzel's confrontation and the name I gave him. YAY

Bagel-chan: Thank you :)

LOVE to you loyal readers- thank you for s haring Eugene's journey and story with me :)



So we've reached the end of my story. What did you think?
I know. I am a very good story teller. And I know Rapunzel and my story is a dramatic and interesting one. But honestly, that's not what I was asking.

What I really want to know is…have I convinced you of how much I really do care for your princess? Really? I have? You truly believe that I love her? Wow, finally. My life is going to be so much easier now that I've gotten you to stop slandering about me. It only took my dying to convince you. Honestly. But I do love her enough to die for her- again if I had to. She's just so….sweet, smart, sympathetic, kind. She's beautiful too, but I think you already know that. You know, talking about her makes me want to marry her…tomorrow. Too bad there are still a few months to wait….

You have two more things to say? Okay, I'm listening….Hmm. So you still think I'm not good enough for her? Well, in truth, I can actually understand that because sometimes I think the same thing. I'm a orphan, ex-thief. She's a princess. The discrepancy is clear. But the reality is, that to her, I am. She thinks I'm enough for her, and she loves me. And she tells me so all the time.

And your second thing is? You want to know what happened after that? Well, here's the short version- we're living, as Rapunzel would say, happily ever after. And the long version? Now that's another story for another day. But right now I have an appointment with my fiancée. Another time, all right? Anytime you want to hear it, just let me know and I'll gladly tell you, okay? Because honestly there's nothing I like better than talking about me and Rapunzel.

Preview of possible story called Secrets and Lies

As soon as I entered the flat, Eddie pounced on me. "Flynny! What's up with the girl?"

Some people think Flynny is an acceptable nickname for Flynn. I, of course, do not share that opinion. I frowned at him. "I found her outside our flat. Looked like she smacked her head on the ground." I laid her gently on the couch.

"And you decided to bring her back? You getting soft, Flynnster?"

Some people also think that Flynnster is an acceptable nickname. "No, Robert." Eddie's full name is Lord Edward Robert Wentworth III, and he hates his middle name. So of course that's why I call him that. "I'm not getting soft." I walked over to the kitchen and pulled out a photograph. "Don't you see any similarity between Unnamed Girl here and poor, long-lost Lady Amelia Dashwood? Whose family happens to be offering a reward for the safe return of their daughter, to the amount of, let's see, 1.5 million pounds?"

He stared at me for a minute, and then he started to slowly smile. Because of course he fully understood the meaning behind my words. "Flynnster, I love how your twisted mind works."

I grinned back. "Me too, Bobbert. Me too."

He frowned. "How many times have I told you not to call me that? My name is Eddie, Flynnster!"

"And how many times have I told not to call me Flynny or Flynnster, my name is Flynn?"

"A million," he answered. "And every time I say I know, but calling you Flynnster is too much fun."

"Right," I said. "And I feel the same about calling you Robert, and Bobbert."

He sighed. "You know, we're never going to get anywhere on this, Flynny."

"Quite right, ol' Bob-bob. Quite right." Unnamed Girl started to stir. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty's waking up."

Unnamed Girl was indeed waking up, but amazingly enough as soon as she sat up, she took one look at us, and pulled something out of her bag. I blinked. Was I seeing things, or was that a frying pan?

Well. This was going to be interesting. She held it out in front of her. "Who are you both?" she asked firmly. "And where did you find me?"

I exchanged dubious looks with Eddie. And for once in both of our lives, we didn't know what to say.

She walked over to Eddie and me and gripped the frying pan more tightly. "Who are you, and how did you find me?"

Eddie cleared his throat. "Well, I'm Eddie, and this is Flynns-…" I elbowed him in the ribs. Hard.

"….I'm Flynn Rider," I finished. "It's nice to meet you,….?"

That was her cue to tell us her name, but she didn't seem to understand that. "Who else did you tell?" she demanded. "How did you know about me?"

Boy, this girl needed to take an anti-anxiety medication. She would make herself sick if she kept this up."Look," I said to her. "I have no idea what you're talking about, but you need to calm down."

Eddie held up his half-empty bottle. "Guinness?"

I frowned at him, but he just shrugged. "What? It always calms me down."

Well, that was true enough- if he drank too much, you wouldn't see him awake until about 2 or 3 the next afternoon. But I didn't think it would help Unnamed Girl very much. For the first time, I actually noticed how long her hair was. It was braided, blond, and almost trailed on the floor. "Listen, Braid-…."

"Rapunzel," she corrected, sounding almost annoyed.

Despite my best efforts, I couldn't resist a snicker. From what I heard next to me, it didn't seem like Eddie could either. "Fitting," I said. "Quite fitting. Your mummy or daddy must be psychic. That, and have one strange sense of humor."

"Or just too obsessed with Grimm," muttered Eddie.