~ discalimer: I own nothing except my brain. Don't take that away from poor little me !

~A/N: I've read rather alot of B/V fiction, but I have yet to find one in that time between the invitation to CC and Vegeta leaving to find kakarot himself. I don't know why it's not a talked about much topic- oh curse my imaginations!

~I havn't fully finished this yet, but I want your opinions- should I continue? I'm hoping to add some real angst and fear and tension in this if only I knew it's worth persuing. This chapter is only to explain how they got there, so it's sucks badly.

~R&R please x

Chapter 1- Arriving.

"What about you? Hey homeboy! You're gonna need a place to stay too!"

Why did he agree? He could have simply scoffed and flew off until Kakarrot's return, He could have laid low until he returned, he could have survived in a cave for all the training and survival skills he grew up with.

But he had to get on that- weird flying box thing of hers along with those other Nameks. He managed to stand twenty minutes of the green freaks glares but then that black-haired banshee literally marched up to him and accused him of 'taking her little boy away', or something like that.

"I did no such thing!"

"Well, it was because of your arrival that my poor little baby was kidnapped!"

"You shouldn't have been so careless, then."

"H-how dare you-!" Chi chi's words were cut off at the sight of his glowing fingers pointed at her throat.

"Mum! Vegeta, no!" Gohan rushed between the two, his face was more panicked than angry though. Somehow, this made Vegeta even madder and he narrowed his eyes further and continued aiming right over Gohan's head.

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down! This is not right." His aim was punctured by Bulma's face. "Vegeta, could you please put your hand down? Just let it go-"

"Let it go? I will not sit back and be accused of something I had no hand in!"

From behind Bulma's shoulder, Chichi glared at him. "Yes you did!"

"Err, mum? Maybe we should go over there now…"

Bulma and Vegeta continued the stare off. "He's right Chichi. That longhaired Saiyan only took Gohan because Goku refused to join his side. Vegeta couldn't have planned that if neither know Gohan existed." She was still glaring at said Saiyan in front of her as Chichi sputtered in the corner. "But that doesn't give you the right to kill her, or even threaten her, Vegeta!"

Seconds felt like hours when he didn't move. His fingers glowed slightly brighter and Bulma whimpered slightly, lips trembling. Then, suddenly, he dropped his hand and popped the windows latch before jumping out. The onlookers shared a nervous glance- a remorseless murderer with a temper that challenges the devil had been set lose on Earth. Not a good thing. Bulma gulped and sat back down, knowing it was all her fault.

Mrs Briefs was already standing on the grass waiting for their arrival. The second she heard that her daughter was alive and well she'd literally jumped in the air and squealed with joy. Upon hearing of their numerous houseguests, she had prepared the spare dome (not just spare room, the whole spare dome!) and dressed up to greet them. When she saw the metal ship glinting in the sky, she suddenly felt very eager to hold her Bulma again. And that's just what she did the second Bulma's foot touched the grass.

"Hey, mum, missed you! Did dad tell you about our guests?" All of them, except Vegeta… Bulma thought sullenly. Looking behind her, their faces were lost in a sea of green—

Then something slid off the ships roof and leant against it. Something with mega tall black hair.

A smile worked its way on her face. If he's been there this whole time, then a huge weight was taken off her shoulders. At least nobody was dead so far- that was always a good start. Bulma smiled as if the whole incident in the cabin never happened.

"Well, guys, this is gonna be your new home for a while, it's not the Taj Mahal, but I think you're gonna like it!"

"Why, are you the one who helped Goku save my beautiful little girl from those horrible men? You should get a medal, you're a hero!"

Oh gods, mother, why- why?- did you have to ruin it!