Disclaimer: Boys Over Flowers doesn't belong to me. I own no copyrights over them whatsoever. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
She pressed the break and she heard the tires squeak but she didn't care. She hurriedly turned off the engine and got out of the car. She ran and ran, excited to see the man behind that scrapbook.
The art center had its light turned off but Ga Eul could see a sort of dimmed light just by the door. This art center is co-owned by Ji Hoo's family and she knew it had a TV room, big enough to be called a cinema. She's never been her but it's here, she knows it. The last stop.
She stopped just by the door. She took a deep breath before pushing the big glass doors in front of her. Again, she stopped in wonder.
This whole day, Yi Jung didn't fail to surprise her. All of these are too much; too much that it makes her cry. She was touched at how he planned all of these just for their anniversary. She never thought that Yi Jung would do all of this.
She stared at the ceiling. It looks so dark when one looks at it from outside, but inside, there are twinkling lights, much like the stars in the evening sky. It was breathtaking.
"You know, when I was a kid, every day I wished and hoped that someday, someday I would see the evening sky laid out with tons and tons of glittering stars. I hoped to see all of these with that someone I'm supposed to be with the rest of my life." Ga Eul whispered as she squeezed Yi Jung's hand.
Both of them are lying on the grass at the So's vast garden. The garden filled with flowers of different kinds- lilies, daisies, lavenders and roses. Ga Eul loves going there and Yi Jung surprised her that night by showing the almost perfect sky in his family's garden with a blanket laid out for them.
Admiring the sky, Yi Jung just smiled, adoring his girlfriend more and more. "And I'm glad my wish came true." Ga Eul continued suddenly.
With this, Yi Jung turned to look at her and whispered, "I'm happy too. That your wish came true."
Ga Eul clearly remembered that night. She shook her head suddenly, trying to stop her tears from flowing again. She sighed and looked around. Trails of scented candles are lit and petals are scattered all over, making a path up the stairs.
She slowly followed it. She glanced every now and then, looking for a sign of Yi Jung but no one was there. As she came closer and closer up to the top of the stairs, she heard her favorite piano piece. She immediately wondered if Yi Jung was playing it so she quickly took steps towards the source of the sound.
She opened the door to a dimly lit room. The scented candles and petals are still making a path for her so she followed it once again.
She came to the middle of the room and there's the stairs leading its way down. Maybe this is the cinema… She thought.
As she went down the stairs, she saw a couch laid out for her. It has a blanket and popcorn and a drink was settled on the side. She made her way to the couch and she noticed a note stuck on a pillow.
Chu Ga Eul
So your last stop is here, I'm finally going to see you again, Ga Eul-yang. Before that though, please sit down and enjoy the movie.
So Yi Jung
P.S. You should have brought a tissue.
P.P.S. I'm kidding Ga Eul-yang. You had enough of the tears today. I love you.
As soon as Ga Eul finished reading the note, there was loud music playing in the background. The video was starting so she sat down the couch and watched patiently. She just hoped this would be quick enough so she would see Yi Jung. Oh gosh, this whole day tortured her. She badly wants to see her husband.
There were pictures showing her friends, her family, Yi Jung, her daughters and herself. Happy pictures that bring memories after memories rushing back to her. She sighed. This must be one of the happiest days of her life.
The pictures stopped showing and she heard his voice, the voice she wanted to hear since she woke up today.
"Oh, is this working? Yah! Camera!" Yi Jung was shouting at the background. The camera was showing his studio and their daughters were in a crib just beside the table. She heard cooing and giggling from the crib which made Ga Eul smile.
Y Jung showed himself on the camera. Ga Eul giggled at the sight of her husband. He never really did learn how to take a picture of himself, let alone take a video of himself. Yi Jung sighed as he struggled to fix the camera on the tripod.
Finally, he sat down on the bench beside the crib of their daughters. He smiled and scratched his head as if he didn't know what to do now.
"I don't know what to do now, actually." Yi Jung said innocently. "I feel silly talking to a stinking camera. I know you're watching this Ga Eul-yang and you're laughing." And Ga Eul really is laughing. Yi Jung pouted on the screen but he composed himself almost immediately. "Okay, I'm going to imagine the camera on the tripod to be you. Though you have only two legs…" He paused as if thinking. Ga Eul glared at the screen and stuck her tongue out. "Okay, I'm joking!" He laughed. "So again, there's a camera in front of me and I'm still going to imagine it to be you.
"Well, as of now, I think you're in your restaurant reading a book or talking to some of the customers. You love being there and I find it cute." He smiled and Ga Eul smiled too. "You probably think that I'm busy at work, holding my ballpen and signing some papers but I'm here with our daughters." He frowned. "Okay, I'm not going to remove the camera from the tripod, it's too hard to set this up. Our daughters are fine and they look adorable as you like always." He returned his smile again. "So I'm here with our daughters and I'm doing the scrapbook I'm going to give you. Right now, you've finished looking at it, I guess. Hoped you like it?" Yi Jung moved to the side slightly, allowing Ga Eul to see the scattered mess on the table.
"So okay, happy anniversary Ga Eul-yang! You've been to different places today so you can use some popcorn you know and a drink." Ga Eul smiled and turned to the popcorn beside her. She grabbed some and stuffed it into her mouth. "Well, I don't really know what to say now since everything I wanted to tell you, you already know it. So… just stay on your sit because there's more. Okay, lame… Uhm, just continue watching, okay Ga Eul-yang?"
Then Yi Jung was gone. Then, she heard laughing and talking. "Yah! How does this work?" She knows that voice. That's Jun Pyo's! She raised her eyebrow until she saw herself laughing with Jan Di and Jae Kyung.
They were at Gu Jun Pyo's garden, having a barbeque. Yi Jung along with Woo Bin was trying real hard to get the right amount of fire on the grill while Ji Hoo is lying on a chair with a book on his hand.
"Okay! I think I got it!" Jun Pyo's voice was again heard from the background. "Yah! Everyone! Look here!" In an instant, everyone looked at Jun Pyo and grinned.
"Yah! Why are you recording?" Jae Kyung asked.
"'Cause I want to! Wait, is this really recording? What does it mean when the red light is blinking?" Jun Pyo said stupidly which caused everyone to stare at him then continue on what they're doing.
Then the scene was gone. Now, she saw herself, Jae Kyung and Jan Di chatting along the sidewalk. Jun Pyo, Woo BIn and Yi Jung were behind them, carrying heavy looking shopping bags on their hands.
"Yah! Aren't you girls finished shopping yet?" Yi Jung complained as he pleadingly looked at her.
The three girls looked at the guys. "No way! We only finished one mall, there's more to go!" Jae Kyung shouted and then turned back to chat to her and Jan Di.
"You guys are totally whipped!" Ji Hoo's voice came from the background and then followed by his laughter. Ga Eul laughed too as she remembered those times she went shopping with the girls.
And then it changed again. She saw herself in the kitchen wearing a pink ruffled apron and beside her was Yi Jung with the same apron. Yi Jung was frowning as he continued chopping vegetables. He glanced at her every now and then before looking at the camera and glaring at it.
There was a laugh and she knew it was from Woo Bin. "Chill bro. It's funny to see you like this. Anyway, Ga Eul-ah! What are you cooking? It smells good."
"I'm cooking porridge sunbae. Then Yi Jung-sunbae and I will bake a cake later. I just hope sunbae wouldn't ruin it." Ga Eul answered as she turned to look at Yi Jung.
"Yah! I'm not going to ruin it! You're mean Ga Eul-yang!" He pouted but didn't look up.
"I'm kidding, sunbae. You know I love you." Ga Eul said as she stirred the pot.
Yi Jung turned to look at her and said, "I love you too Ga Eul-yang."
"Ewww, I'm outta here!" Woo Bin said and the scene was gone.
Now, she saw herself holding both the twins' hands. She was cooing and telling them 'I love you' repeatedly. "Now, I'm not going to miss this! My girls!" She could hear the smile in his voice. He was happy and she's happy knowing that as she watched the scene.
"Turn that off Yi Jung-ah. There's nothing special about this. We always have this family thing every night." She said but she remembered that that day, Yi Jung wouldn't budge and just kept recording them. After a minute, she heard it, just the way she remembered it.
Both the twins said, "Appa!" at the same time and then she heard a loud bang and the scene was gone. It happened so fast but she remembered it anyway. She remembered Yi Jung's shocked face that day their daughters spoke their first word. He dropped the video camera and came running to her side, immediately holding both their hands. Yi Jung was in tears then and she was also too shocked to speak back then.
"Heya! I'm back Ga Eul-yang!" Yi Jung's booming voice came back at the screen again which caused Ga Eul to shrug her thoughts away. The background is different now and she knew it all too well. It's their bedroom and Yi Jung was sitting on the bed with the camera in his hand. "I'm done with the scrapbook and I hid it somewhere in this room! Ha! I know you wouldn't find it 'cause it's under our mattress! You don't look there!" Yi Jung chuckled childishly. "Anyway, those were the only videos I gathered up from the gang. No, actually there are lots but I wouldn't want to torture myself as I wait for you to finish watching this. I hope they're enough because you know, I think I'm there and anxious to come running up to you. I really think I'm having a hard time seeing you laughing and laughing at this video while I'm there, restraining myself into saying I love you over and over. I'm just going to say this and I know you know it already.
Ga Eul-yang, you are the one of the best things that happened to my life and I'm glad I spent years with you. And I'm most absolutely happy that up until now, I'm still spending the most wonderful years of my lifetime with my soulmate. I want to grow old with you Ga Eul-yang and this first anniversary is only the start of our next years as husband and wife. Saranghae Ga Eul-yang…
And then the she heard a voice from behind that made her heart flutter inside.