Finn looked at the black tie he held in his hands stubbornly, just when Santana walked in, "Hey Finn, the wedding's about to begin soon." she told him standing next to him. "Oh, okay. I don't even know how to tie a tie." Finn chuckled a little. Santana smiled widely at his cute dumbness, "It's a clip on, sit down Frankenteen." she instructed with a small sweet smile. The Latina grabbed the black tie from his hands, as she did, their hands connected for a second, but in one second flat was gone. She smiled as she wrapped the tie around his neck. Santana neatly clipped the tie on perfectly and straightened up his white collar. Finn stared at Santana with only love washing over him, "You're amazing."
Santana looked at him surprise spread across her face and soon enough a smile crept upon it, "I know," she shrugged, "So are you." Finn smiled and Santana asked, "If you and Berry broke up, do you think it would be okay to go on another date?" Santana asked, kinda shyly. Finn slowly nodded, "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" he smiled. Suddenly Rachel walked in and told them, "hey, there is a wedding remember?" she laughed, a bit worried. Santana rolled her eyes. Finn noticed what Santana did and told Rachel, "We'll be out there soon baby. Can you please go and tell them?" Finn asked politely. Rachel smiled and nodded, then walked out. "Do you love her?" Santana asked Finn sadly. Finn nodded, "Yes. Why?" "Oh, um. Well I just wanna know what WE are." she told her almost lover. "Um," Finn looked down. "No, it's okay." Santana smiled, and walked towards the exit. Just as she was half way, Finn called out, "San," the Latina spun on her heels and looked at him, "We have something" Finn told her with a slight smile. "I know." smiling Santana nodded and added, "I just kinda wish you and Berry weren't going out, so we possibly maybe, could," she shrugged her tanned shoulders, "I dunno, have-BE- more." she smiled sadly and left grabbing her beautiful, red dress slightly. Finn nodded and whispered, "Me too."

Santana watched as Rachel giggled with Finn, tears formed in her eyes, but she held them in and looked down, as sad as she has ever been in her whole life. Was she falling in LOVE? 'Do I really LOVE Finn Hudson?' Santana asked herself in her head, looking down at the floor, sadly. Finn and Rachel stopped their giggling and Finn looked over to Santana. He noticed her, looking down at the floor. Santana looked up and their eyes smashed together, and one single tear fell from the Latina's dark brown eyes. Finn just wanted to run to her and hug her. Santana smiled weakly at him. 'I love you.' she said in her head.