Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin

-One month later-

Arthur stood, his face set, and his jaw locked, facing the crowd as a glistening crown was placed slowly onto his head.

He didn't hear the applause that followed, or the chanting of "Lon live the King!"

All Arthur could hear was the thundering of his heartbeat as he struggled to stay strong. This was the biggest moment in his life; he could finally make a difference to this kingdom, right the wrongs that his Father had caused. His Father. Arthur swallowed. As the bitter-sweet emotions surged through his body, Arthur felt himself walking down the aisle created by the crowd. He felt himself smiling and waving, but behind his dazzling smile, he was vacant.


As he reached his chambers, Arthur found Merlin already there.

"Are you okay Sire?" Asked a beaming Merlin.

Arthur tried to smile, but it turned into more of a grimace.

"'Course you're not." Said Merlin, still smiling as he rested a hand on Arthur's shoulder. "But you will be. You are destined to be the greatest King Camelot ever had."

"But I don't think-"

Merlin cut him off. "You are ready. I can feel it."

Arthur smiled. "There's something about you Merlin..."

A/N I am sooooo sorry for the enormous gap between updates D: I sort of lost inspiration but I hope this ending is okay, and thank you so much for reading :D Please review and tell me what you thought of the story :) x