Well, here it is, the new story I've been ranting and raving about for months. I was going to wait a little bit longer, but with Edge retiring, it just felt right to post it now. Thank you so much for reading and thanks to my co-author Instant Classic Superstar Pac! He's awesome!

Anyway, this takes place starting in September of 2010. There will be a lot of similarties between the actual WWE storyline and this story, but the major players' roles will be pretty much completely different, obviously. And Pac and I obviously own nothing except for any characters we create! So, here it is! Enjoy!

I wanna rock 'n roll all night. And party everyday. I want to rock 'n roll all night…and party everyday.

Adam "Edge" Copeland groaned as his cell-phone blared in his room, waking him up. He was almost completely recovered from the concussion he had received a week and half before and would join the rest of the Rawroster in about another week, and dang it, all he wanted to do was sleep before he had to go back to work.

He glanced up at the alarm clock and groaned again when he saw that it was 2:24 in the morning. He absently reached on the nightstand by his bed, before finally reaching his phone and flipping it open without looking at the I.D.

If this is another crazy fan that got my number, I'm going to kill someone. He thought before pressing the phone to his ear and answering.

"What?" He snapped hatefully and groggily, barely aware of being awake.

"Adam?" A scared female voice barely whispered between sniffles.

Adam instantly shot up in his bed, now fully awake. Despite not looking at the I.D., he immediately recognized the voice. It was a girl who he considered his sister, and had for the past seventeen years.

It was Felicity MacManus, known to the WWE Universe as simply Felicity. She was the little sister Adam never had. Since she was eleven, he had looked out for her, helped her with and through anything he could. He had sworn a long time ago that he would do anything and everything in his power to protect her. He also swore that he'd personally beat any man who hurt her within an inch of his miserable life.

And by the sound of things, it looked like he was about to have to make good on some promises.

"Felicity, what's wrong sweetie?" He said, failing to hide the panic in his voice, not only because of the lateness of the call, but also because of the sound of her voice. She sounded so scared, afraid, broken.

Stop thinking like that. She's fine. He scolded himself as he waited for her to respond.

"I need you to c-come get me." She whispered, and he could tell it was taking all she had to keep from breaking down over the phone. Felicity was tough, she had been since he met her and became even tougher the more she had hung out with him and her other "brother," his former best friend and tag team partner Jason Reso (Christian), which made the sound of her voice wrench his heart even more.

Adam was already on his way to his dresser. He quickly pulled out a pair of jeans and slipped them on over the boxers he was wearing. He knew that she and her boyfriend, Vance Archer were traveling across North Carolina to make it from the Superstar show in Knoxville that night to Smackdown in Charlotte the next night. He just hoped that she was close enough for him to get to her sooner rather than later.

"Okay Liss. I'm on my way. Where are you?" He asked, trying to get more information out of her as he slipped a t-shirt on over one arm before moving the phone to the other ear and placing the shirt on all the way then making his way to his shoes.

"I'm at the Marriott in Canton. Room 312" She said through a sniffle.

"Alright sweetie, I'm on my way. Now, talk to me. What's going on?" He asked, as he laced up his shoes, grabbed his keys, wallet, and jacket before jogging to his garage.

"I just, I need you to come get me. Please." She said again, practically begging, as Edge climbed into his black 1969 Camero Super-Sport and started the ignition, causing the engine to roar to life.

"I know that Liss, and I'm on my way now. But, you've got to tell me what's going on."

He waited for an answer, but got none, so he continued to gently press her for information.

"Felicity, please. You're scaring me. Are you hurt?" He asked softly, fearing her response.

"Yes." She barely whispered after a moment, causing Adam's throat to tighten as he bit down on his bottom lip, trying to stay calm.

"Was it Vance?" The Rated-R Superstar asked as he regained his composure, his eyes growing dark at the very thought, anger coursing through his body.

There was a moment of hesitation, before he finally, barely, heard Felicity whisper again. "Yes."

Adam slammed a palm against the steering wheel, anger boiling as he mentally called Felicity's boyfriend every name and curse word he could think of. He was going to kill that guy, rip him limb from limb.

His thoughts were interrupted by Felicity's weak voice on the other end. "Bubby?"

Adam tried to calm himself down, hearing her call him 'Bubby.' She generally only called him that when she was sick, wanted something, or was scared or hurt.

"I'm still here Baby Girl." He said calmly into the phone.

"I'm scared."

"I know you are Liss. Are you safe? Is he still there?" Adam asked, feeling sick at the thought that that bastard might still be near her.

"No. He left a little bit ago. He was…" She started, but thought better of it, not wanting to tell him what had happened over the phone.

"He got a phone call and had to leave. I don't know when he'll be back. I'm scared." She said, and Adam could picture her with her knees pulled to her chest, locked in the bathroom, rocking back and forth, which is exactly where she was and what she was doing.

"Felicity Ann, I want you to listen to me and listen good, eh. Pack all of your stuff, right now. Put it in your suitcase, grab everything." He ordered, trying not to be too stern to the already traumatized girl.

"What if he comes back before you get here?" The fear was obvious in her voice as she questioned his answer.

"Deadbolt the door and lock the chain right now. If you hear him trying to get in, go into the bathroom, lock yourself in and call me immediately. I'm going to get off of the phone with you for now, but I'll be there in fifteen minutes." He said, trying to comfort her.

"Addy, it's a thirty minute drive here from your house."

"I know." He replied gruffly, as he pushed the accelerator down even farther, causing the car's speed to go from fifteen over the speed limit to 25 over.

"Adam, please, please be careful." She pleaded, to which the Canadian shook his head. There she was, scared for her life, and she was worried about him.

"I will be Liss. Do what I said. I love you." He said softly, not wanting to break the only connection he had with her, but knowing that he had to so he could drive and she could pack.

"Love you too Adam. Thank you." She whispered through a sniffle before she hung up.

The Rated-R Superstar tore through a red light, not caring if it was safe or not. Felicity needed him and he was going to get to her. He prayed that her stupid boyfriend, or better yet ex-boyfriend because he was never coming near Felicity again, wouldn't show up before they left. But, then again, part of Adam hoped Vancewould show up so he could rip his arm off and beat him to death with it.

He shook the thought from his head. He couldn't go in there hotheaded, with his "Canadian Rage" as Felicity called it. He sighed, as he looked at his GPS, knowing that he was still pretty far from the hotel.

"I'm coming Felicity. Hold on." He whispered, as he maneuvered the Camero closer to his destination.

*20 minutes later*

Adam jogged down the hall on the forth floor of the Marriot. He finally reached room 312 and knocked quickly.

He heard a yelp from inside and sighed, realizing that it was Felicity, still scared to death.

"Felicity, honey, it's me." He said gently, as he heard the scampering of feet rush towards the door before the deadbolt and the chain were undone and the door flung open. He wasn't entirely prepared for what met him on the other side.

Felicity, his beautiful "baby sister," was a wreck. The 5'6" woman who was usually so confident, looked scared and insecure. Her blonde straight hair was a mess. The tear stains that ran down her face stood out against the forming bruises and her sapphire blue eyes were bloodshot.

Then, he noticed her injuries.

She had a cut on the upper left side of her nose, and it looked as though it had been bleeding from the inside too. A black ring was already becoming visible around her left eye, as well as a busted lip, a bruise on her left check, and a cut above her right eye.

Forming bruises littered her arms, looking as though she had put them up to defend herself during the onslaught. Looking her over, he could see old bruises that seemed to have already been there before that night, showing that this wasn't the first time that Vance Archer had put his hands on her.

Oh yeah. That bastard was as good as dead.

"Adam." She whispered, her voice hitching and the sobs she had been holding in escaping as she rushed into his waiting arms, which instantly wrapped around her, holding her tightly to him, as if shielding her from the world as door closed behind the two and she began bawling.

"It's alright, Liss. It's alright." He cooed, as he rubbed calming circles into her back.

He looked around the room and noticed a duffle bag and a large rolling suitcase.

"Is that everything?" He asked, as she nodded into his chest. He kissed her on the top of the head and broke the hug before grabbing the luggage.

"Come on, let's go." He said urgently, as she raised an eyebrow at him before sniffling.

"Addy?" She said, before noticing the anger in his eyes.

"Felicity, if he shows up before we leave, it won't be pretty and I don't want you to see that and you don't need to. Come on." He said sweetly before he slung the duffle bag over his shoulder and pulled the suitcase with the same arm. He put the other one around her shoulders and hurriedly led her outside the door and to his car.

He put everything in the back after he had set her in the passenger seat, then he got in the driver's seat and drove to a nearby parking lot. He quickly pulled over and got out of the car, rounding to Felicity's door and opening it before he pulled her out of the car and into a protective hug.

She buried her head in his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. He placed his chin on top of her head and, again, rubbed her back, trying to calm her.

"It's alright Felicity. I'm here now. Nothing bad is going to happen. I've got you. I've got you." He kept repeating over and over until she finally calmed down enough to breathe regularly.

"Alright, first thing's first, do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked to which she shook her head.

He took her chin in his hand and moving her face to examine her injuries. "Are you sure?"

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, Addy. I've been a wrestler since I was 22 and training since I was eighteen. Six years in the business has taught me when I'm just hurt and when I'm injured. I'm okay."

Adam frowned at her, before he nodded and sighed, knowing that he was going to have to ask what happened. He didn't want her to have to relive the trauma, but he needed to know.

"You want to know what happened, don't you?" She asked, seeing the conflict on his face. He nodded slowly, as she sighed and snuggled closer to him, as if the memories were going to hurt her and he was the only thing that could protect her. He held her tighter as she began to talk

"He'd been verbally abusive for about four and a half, maybe five months now. Since we got in that fight about him attacking Christian back in May but I thought it was just the stress of the job getting to him and was just a rough patch in our relationship, you know? Then, about three and a half months ago, he smacked me. I was about to leave him then, but he apologized and promised it'd never happen again."

She looked up at him, tears building in her shame filled eyes. "I should have left him then Adam. This is my fault. Why didn't I leave him then? Why didn't I leave then?" She sobbed into his chest, as he tightened his arms around her, hugging her closer.

"Hey now. This is not your fault. Never your fault." He stated, forcing her to look him in the eyes, trying to get her to see the truth. She calmed down finally and he sighed.

"What else happened?" He gently urged her to continue.

"Everything was fine for about a week or two then it started again. But, it escalated. I didn't know exactly what to do. I blamed myself for staying with him, and just… I just dealt. Then tonight…" She stopped, taking in a shaky breath.

Adam hugged her tighter. "It's alright sis. It's alright."

"I don't know what happened tonight. He got super angry because he got pinned by Trent Berretta. He told me we were going to Smackdown tomorrow so he could make up for what happened. I told him I didn't think that was a good idea, but he just slapped me and told me to get my crap and get to the car. I was scared so I did."

"He was quite, like scary quite, the whole way to the hotel. I was hoping he would calm down on the way since it's was an hour and a half drive, but he didn't. We got into the room and he started yelling at me. I finally decided I wasn't going to take this sitting down anymore, so I yelled back. He smacked me again and I told him that was the last time he'd hit me and that it was over."

She started shaking in Adam's arms, causing him to run his hand calmingly up and down her back. She took a few moments to collect herself before she started talking again. "He laughed and said, 'Yeah right b****. You're mine and you aren't going anywhere.' Then he just started using me as his punching bag, slamming me into stuff and throwing me around. After he got bored with that, he pinned me down on the ground and started choking me and ripping at my clothes. Then his phone went off. It was Hawkins. He was following us after he had caught up with a friend from Gatlinburg, but his car broke down about an hour away, so Vance left to go get him."

She looked up at the man she believed to be her protector with tear-filled eyes, as he tightened his grip on her.

"It's alright Liss, you're safe now. I promise. He isn't getting anywhere near you ever again." He vowed, as she cried into his chest.

Finally, she calmed down slightly and Adam nudged her towards the car and once he got her inside, he got in and, after starting the car, turned in his seat to face her.

"Alright. We're going to the police station." He told here, causing her blue eyes, which seemed to be lacking their usual brightness, to grow wide as she shook her head.

"Addy, no."

Adam shook his head back at her, his jaw clenched. "Liss, he put his hands on you. He physically hurt you. That bastard should be six feet under right now, but I'll settle for an 8-by-10 jail cell."

"Adam, I…I don't want to go through a trial. And, think about how bad this will look for the company. I…I'm away from him now. Can we just settle for that? I'm sure once word gets around one of the guys on the roster will tear him up good."

Adam sighed. "Felicity…" He glanced over at and saw the desperate pleading in her eyes.

"Please Addy."

Adam ran a hand through his hair before he looked down at her.

"Adam, it's his word versus mine. I don't want to go through all that and getting my name drug through the mud and everything. Besides, since when does anyone in our business settle things in court?"

He sighed and looked at her before nodding.

"Fine. But, you're never going back to that bastard again. And I mean it Felicity."

She nodded. "Wasn't planning on it." She said, as he flashed a weak smile and reached his arm over, resting it around her shoulders and pulling her closer to him so her head was resting on his shoulder.

"Alright, let's get you home." He said, kissing her on the forehead before he removed his arm and shifted the Camero into gear and started the short journey back to Asheville.


As he pulled in the driveway of his Asheville home, Adam looked over at Felicity. She was usually loud, opinionated, talkative, sarcastic, and witty. She had a smile and a laugh that was contagious and eyes that sparkled when she made someone else laugh or smile.

However, over the past few months, he'd slowly seen that sparkle dull and the smile grow smaller and smaller, almost superficial, and her humor had faded as she talked less and less when they were together.

He didn't think much of it though. He merely thought that, after almost two years of working in the WWE, the stress of the job was finally getting to her and that she'd need to take a two or three week vacation soon. He had almost suggested it, thinking that was the problem.

But it turns out he was wrong. Very, very wrong.

He placed a hand on her shoulder, to which she tensed up due to habit, before almost a split second later, remembering who she was with, relaxed, knowing she was safe.

"Ready to go in?" He asked. She nodded, and slowly got out of the car, obviously in pain, as Adam went to the trunk and grabbed her bag and suitcase.

"Adam, I can get those." She argued, feeling guilty for already having had him do so much for her that night. He narrowed his eyes at her, however, effectively ending the argument as he carried her things inside and up to the room she stayed in when she was visiting.

He laid the luggage down and looked at her as she stood in the doorway. He motioned her over then wrapped her in a gentle, yet protective, hug.

"How you holding up?" He asked, having not really talked about the events of the night in the car.

"I'm okay I guess." She said, as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Alright. Why don't you change into your pajamas while I go get you some Tylenol and stuff to clean these cuts? Then, after we take care of you, you should probably try to get some shut eye." He suggested, as she shook her head against his chest.

"I don't want to go to sleep."

He raised an eyebrow and pulled her away from him slightly. "Well, how's this? You either go to sleep, or we talk about what's been going on the past few months and why the hell you didn't call me, or shoot, even Jay."

"Sleep sounds great." She muttered, as Adam nodded, a cocky smile on his face.

"That's what I thought."

She rolled her eyes. "You know, you treating me like I'm five is really annoying."

"It is?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You've been doing it since you met me."


"I was eleven when you met me!" She protested, rolling her eyes at him again, causing him to smile before he kissed her on the top of the head.

"Oh, you love it and you know it." He argued, before he broke the hug. "Now, go get changed. I'll bring the stuff up here."

He turned to leave. "Hey Addy?" She asked quietly, causing him to turn around and look at her.

"Yeah Liss?"

"What are we going to do about me having to go back to Smackdown? Vance will be there, and I told you what he said. He isn't going to just let me go. What if he tries something? I don't have any friends left because of him. He made me cut everyone out. I-I don't have anyone to travel with. What if he gets to me again? What if, what if you're not there to get me? What if…?"

Her panicking was cut off by Adam quickly walking back over to her and wrapping her in another bone crushing hug.

"Shh, shh, shh." He said, as she shook against his chest, sobbing silently. He ran a hand through her blonde hair, trying to calm her, while his other arm held her tightly against him, letting her know she was safe.

"Liss, look at me." He sighed before gently prying her off of him and sitting her down on the edge of the bed. He then knelt in front of her and wiped the tears off of her cheeks before resting his other hand comfortingly on her knee.

"Felicity Ann." He said, causing her to look up and make eye contact with him. "That bastard will never, ever, put his hands on you again. Do you understand? If I have to charge into Vince McMahon's hospital room, wake him up from his coma somehow, or go find Stephanie and get you traded to Raw so I can keep you away from him and safe, so help me, I will." He informed her.

"But I love Smackdown." She complained, more tears welling up in her eyes. He nodded, flashing a weak smile.

"I know you do Sweetie. That's a last resort. Tomorrow morning I'm going to call Teddy up first thing and tell him what happened so he knows not to book you in mixed tags or as being the valet for Hawkins and Archer and also so he can keep an eye on the situation. And, you might not think you still have friends over there, but both of us do and I'll call in favors if I need to. Besides, even if they all hated us, you know the guys and how protective they are of the Divas. As soon as they catch wind of this, half of them are going to be watching you like a hawk to keep you safe while looking for an opening to kill Archer."

"Like who?" She asked skeptically.

"Show, Rey, MVP, Kofi…" He listed off before she cut him off.

"Jay?" She asked timidly, more tears welling up in her eyes.

Adam sighed and frowned. He knew how bad Felicity and Jay's relationship had been since Jay came out to the ring on Adam's last night on Smackdown, and, instead of wishing him well, pretty much forced him into turning his back on the fans.

Felicity was livid, wondering why he would do that. If he had issues with Adam, she said, he should have handled it backstage, off air. Adam was his best friend. Christian at least owed him that common decency. That's what she would have done had she needed to confront her best friend about being a douche.

Actually, she had done that with her best friend and ended up loosing him over it.

Jay had gotten mad, said she was taking Adam's side over his and the two ended up in a shouting match backstage. Once they calmed down, they eventually patched things up after Jay explained that he respected the fans too much to allow Adam to continue to fool them. She still didn't agree with him, but she saw where he was coming from.

However, then Archer and Hawkins attacked Christian in order to "make an impact" and get off of a 30-day contract and to an actually one. They had only been given chump opponents and thought the best way to make a name for themselves was to attack established superstars, so they had attacked MVP the week before and then Christian.

He had been furious, as had Felicity, who had no idea about the plan. After Archer had calmed her down enough to explain his reasoning to her, she still argued that he should have told her and definitely should have selected a different targeted, but knew he was just trying to live his dream and that Edge and Christian probably would have done the same thing in that situation.

She tried explaining that to Christian, but he was too upset to listen, and, after getting into another shouting match, he basically told Felicity that if she had to chose between him and Archer. Thinking Christian was being unfair, she chose Archer.

Jay and Felicity hadn't spoken in months, and Adam knew how much it broke her heart. She was just as close to Jay as she was him and for her to lose him was a lot for her to handle. And now, knowing what little he knew about what Vance had done to her, and speculating what he didn't know, he knew she needed both of her "big brothers" now more than ever.

Adam sighed, running his hand that was not resting on Felicity's knee down his face, before rubbing his beard as he looked at her thoughtfully. He tried to think of something to say to make her feel better, but, coming up with nothing, he merely patted her knee.

"We'll figure everything out in the morning." He offered, knowing it was a lie and he didn't have the first clue how to fix what had happened, nor the relationships she had lost, especially Jay.

"Right now what you need is some Tylenol and some sleep."

"What I need is a beer." She muttered, causing him to quirk an eyebrow at her.

"You're Straight Edge, you don't drink." He pointed out.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I know I am. It's times like this when I wish I wasn't though." She explained jokingly, managing a playful smirk.

He shook his head, standing and messing up her hair. "Go get changed while I get the first aid kit, Alky." He joked back before jumping back to miss a backhand from Felicity.

He laughed, and smiled widely as Felicity chuckled as well, flashing the first real smile he had seen from her since he went and got her, and, if he was honest, the first time in months. He inwardly let out a sigh of relief before he went downstairs to get the needed supplies to take care of his charge.

After changing into a pair of basketball shorts and a tee shirt and grabbing the first aid kid, Adam went back into Felicity's room. Seeing her pajamas, which consisted of an old Edge and Christian shirt and a pair of short boy shorts, he rolled his eyes at her lovingly then went to work cleaning and bandaging her cuts in a comfortable silence, both content to just be in the others presence. They hadn't really seen each other over the past few months, except for pay per views, because of their schedules.

Finally, after Adam got her cleaned up, he patted her on the shoulder and smiled at down at her. "Alright, get some shut eye. We'll talk more in the morning and figure everything out."

She nodded, and, after hugging her tight, he turned to leave, but as he reached the door knob, Felicity's quite voice stopped him.


"Yeah sis?" He asked, turning around.

"Do you think that you could stay in here tonight? At least until I fall asleep? Please?" She asked in an almost whisper, her sapphire blue eyes brimming with tears.

He nodded his head before walking over to the bed, laying down next to her, putting his arms around her, keeping her close and making her feel safe.

"Hey Addy?" She said through a yawn. He turned to look at her, letting her know he was listening.

"Thanks for coming for me tonight." He bent his head down and kissed the top of her head that was resting against his shoulder as she snuggled into his side. Soaking in the safety, she quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Adam watched Felicity sleep, but he couldn't fall asleep himself. Every time he closed his eyes, images of the girl whom he loved like a sister being beaten by that Neanderthal, Vance Archer haunted his thoughts. He could only guess that images of her tear and fear filled eyes would haunt his dreams for the foreseeable future.

He looked down at her and ran a hand through her hair, thinking of how many women don't get away from their abusers and how easily Felicity could have been one of those statistics. He could have lost her.

His arms instinctively tightened around her at the thought, as if to keep her safe and to remind himself that she was there and was safe.

He laid there for about an hour or so, lost in his own thoughts, until, through the window, he saw the headlights of a car pull into his driveway. He looked at the clock on the nightstand, and, seeing that it was right around 4:30 in the morning, he assumed the worst.

Fearing it was Archer, he quickly moved himself off the bed, careful not to wake Felicity up, knowing he could and would handle this. He didn't want her to see the bloody mess her ex-boyfriend was fixing to become if he was actually stupid enough to show up at the Master Manipulator's door.

He had told Archer when he first started dating Felicity that if he hurt her, he would hurt him a hundred times worse, and Adam Copeland always makes good on his promises.

He was nearly at the door, but, an idea struck him and he backpedaled, opened a hall closet, and pulled out a baseball bat before walking to the door.

Maybe part of him wouldn't be that upset if it was Archer.


The black Dodge Charger screamed down the North Carolina streets, disregarding stop signs and speed limits until it pulled into its destination, squealing the tires in the process.

The driver jumped out of the rental car, slamming the door behind him as he quickly jogged to the door of the house.

As soon as he got to the door, he rang the bell, then, without waiting for a response, he started pounding on it, making so much noise you'd think he was trying to break it down.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and the knocker was met with the dark, angry eyes of Adam Copeland, holding a baseball bat in his grip, ready to swing for the fences.

However, the Rated R Superstar stopped short, staring at the guest. "Jay?" He asked, completely shocked at his former best friend's presence, dropping the bat to the ground with a loud clang.

"Where is she?" Jason Reso, or Christian to the WWE fans all over the world, asked, looking around frantically as he tried to walk into the house but Adam didn't move.

"Where is she?" He yelled a second time, getting more worried by the second.

"Jay! Calm down!" Edge urged as Jay pushed his way into the house.

"Adam, where the hell is she?" He growled again, frantically looking around the room. He began to move further into the house, but was held back by Adam, who had to resort to pushing the other blonde haired man against the wall, holding him back.

"Would you calm down? She's asleep and if you make anymore noise, you're going to wake her up and she needs to rest."

Jason continued to struggle against him, causing Adam to roll his eyes. His ex-best friend had always responded to fear with anger, and while it helped in the wrestling ring, it would do nothing but upset Felicity, so he began the seemingly impossible task of calming the other Canadian down.

"Jason, you are not going to see her like this, okay? She's already on edge and we can't get worked up around her. It'll just upset her more." He explained as calmly as he could, though it was clear he was getting annoyed.

Finally, Christian stopped struggling and looked at his old tag team partner, worry beginning to replace the anger on his face.

Adam sighed. "Look, she's upset and scared. I finally got her calmed down and asleep, but she was still pretty shook up. Anything can set her off again, meaning that if you go in there like this then you're going to make matters worse."

Jason frowned and nodded, taking in a few deep breaths.

"Is she okay? How bad did he hurt her?"

"He busted her nose and split her lip, as well as a few cuts on her face. She's got bruises pretty much all over and a black eye. Her ribs cage is black and blue, but luckily that's about it. He was going to do worse, but Hawkin's car broke down and he called Archer to come get him. He was pretty far out, so I had time to get there and get her out before he got back."

Adam could see Jason's eyes growing dark again, so he decided to keep him talking, hoping to keep him calm.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Truth was in town visiting some family members and saw you leaving with her and how beat up and upset she was. She was talking to him backstage at the show before Archer stormed up to her and flipped out, smacked her on air and everything. He just put two and two together I guess. He figured I'd want to know so he called me. I was about two hours out and got here as quick as I could." He explained.

Adam sighed. "Jay, I don't know if you should be here." He said quietly, scratching his chin.

"And why the hell shouldn't I be?" Christian practically yelled, as Edge shhhsed him.

"Dude, you're going to wake her up!" He scolded.

Christian narrowed his eyes in response. "Why shouldn't I be here? Huh? Because you have some sort of beef with me because I called you out? Because the truth hurts?" He harshly whispered.

"D*** it Jay! This has nothing to do with us!"

"Then what is it, Adam?" He asked through gritted teeth, getting extremely fed up with not being able to see Felicity.

He had met her the same time as Adam had and while she trusted Adam more at first, the two of them became just as close not too long after. He had always wanted a little sister, as had Adam, and she fit the role perfectly. Forget Chris Jericho, she completed their blonde-haired Canadian trio and always would. He had silently made the same promise to himself as Adam: That he would protect her and bash in the skulls of anyone who hurt her.

"She thinks that you hate her because of the fight you had. She didn't think you would care about what happened and I also think she feels guilty because you told her Vance was a bad guy and she didn't listen." Adam explained, causing Christian to sigh and run a hand down his face.

"Can I see her? Please?" He asked, eyes pleading with his ex-best friend, who raised an eyebrow.

"You promise to stay calm and not upset her?" He asked. Jay nodded. Adam studied him for a minute, before sighing.

"Yeah, come on." He said, leading the way up the stairs and to her room.

Christian felt his heart jump in his chest seeing his "little sister" that close in over five months. He growled though, when he saw the bruises littering her body. He turned to storm out of the house and kill someone, but Adam caught him by the shoulders and stopped him.

"She wants to stay on Smackdown, which means you're going to have to keep an eye on her, and the only way to do that is get back on the same page with her. If you want to make things right between the two of you, you need to be here when she wakes up." He explained.

"You don't mind if I stay?" Jay asked quietly, careful to not wake Felicity.

Adam rolled his eyes. "I know that you don't think so, but I do sometimes think about others before myself. This isn't about us. It's about her and, like I said, she needs you to be here when she wakes up and she's going to need you too keep her safe over on Smackdown. I would never stand in the way of that."

Jason frowned and looked at him. "Looks like I've been wrong about a lot of things, haven't I?" He asked, as Adam shrugged.

"We'll figure it out later. All that matters right now is getting her through this and keeping her safe."

"Besides, you can't leave and go kill him because I call first shot on the punk." Edge explained. Christian was about to protest, but the longer-haired man was already leaving the room.

"I'll be in the other room if you need anything. I know you want to talk to her, but try to let her sleep for a bit. It was a rough night." He requested, opening the door quietly. Christian nodded, but before the door closed, he called out to his old partner in a hushed voice.


The Rated-R Superstar turned to look at him. "Yeah?"

"I know how much this had to upset you because I know how you are. But she's fine and he's not going to get anywhere near her. Try to get some sleep." He said, knowing the other man well enough to know he would likely lose many hours of sleep worrying about Felicity.

Adam nodded, a small smile in place as he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Christian sighed, quietly picking up the chair from Felicity's desk and sitting it next to her bed. He reached over and ran a hand through her blonde hair, smoothing it out of her face, being careful to not touch her bruises and cause her anymore pain than she was already in.

He lightly traced the tattoo on inner left forearm, mindfully missing the defensive wounds in place there. He stood up and leaned over the bed to pull the covers up closer to her chin, making them tighter around her.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you Liss. I will be from now on." He promised before gently giving her a kiss on her forehead.

She stirred slightly and he held his breath, worried he had woken her, but she merely stopped moving after a few moments and remained asleep.

He sat back in the chair, hoping to catch some sleep. But, much like his former best friend, he could not bring himself to sleep right away. Instead, he got thinking about what would have happened had he not got into the fight with Adam.

He could have been there. He could have been keeping an eye on her. He would have seen it, seen the signs that this was going on and put a stop to it before it got this bad.

But no, instead, he was selfish and Felicity had to pay the price. And those were the thoughts that plagued him when he finally got his far from peaceful sleep.


Felicity opened her eyes, feeling the warm sunlight on her face as she slowly welcomed awareness back and pushed the dream world she had been living in away. However, she instantly regretted it as she felt the soreness from the night before manifested itself.

She groaned in pain as she slowly tried to sit up and instantly regretted it as a flurry of pain shot through her entire body.

"Felicity?" She heard someone quietly say, as if they weren't completely sure if she was awake and they didn't want to wake her if she wasn't already.

Had it been any other voice, save Adam's, she would have instantly freaked out. But, instead, she rolled over as quickly as her bruised body would allow her to and saw a very exhausted looking Jason Reso sitting beside her bed.

A few tears soon came out of her big blue eyes, one or two even finding their way down her face, as her lips soon curled upward into a small but genuine smile.

"You c…came." She weakly but heartily managed, as Christian instantly stood out of the chair he was in and quickly found his way to her side.

"Well, I'd be a pretty lousy captain if I didn't, right?" He asked, keeping his wits about himself in order to keep her somewhat in a comfortable place. She smiled and slowly moved to wrap her arms around him and bury her head in his chest, letting the tears continue to flow as he returned the tight embrace and carded a hand through her hair.

"Are you okay?" he asked tenderly after a few moments, though it seemed like forever from their perspectives. So much for keeping the charisma for her, he figured once he realized he let his concern show just there. He felt her lightly shake her head against his shirt, and moved her back so they could look each other in the eyes, knowing her well enough to know she needed the room from the fact that she reacted straight to the question.

"Y-you were right about everything, Jay." She barely managed to get out, as he looked down at her and sighed dejectedly in response.

"For once, I actually wish you didn't say that," He solemnly replied, but she was too upset to answer him. He continued to hold her until she calmed down, before he moved her back so he could look her in the eyes.

"But it's true! I-I should have listened to you. I never should have stayed with him after he attacked you. I…" She started rambling, but before her tangent could get very far, he cut her off by putting his index finger to her lips to silence her. He then leaned closer so she could look him right in the eye and see the regret pouring through his sleepless irises.

"Felicity…don't you ever blame yourself for this. We both know this is on my hands," he said, as she looked at him perplexed.

"Liss, I was the prick to Adam out there. I was the prick to you about Vance. I put you in that position to choose, not once, but twice, when I should have kept my promise to your parents and actually had your back."

She shook her head as still a tear cascaded down each of her cheeks. "But you didn't know."

"Again, whose fault is that?" He contended. "I should have been around to see the warning signs and put that moron in his place when he actually did do something. And again, he's the piece of garbage that had to stoop so low and do this to you in the first place." He reached around her and began to rub circles onto her back to comfort her.

"So right there that's two people you can blame…no, two people you should blame for it, and neither one of them is you."

He clearly felt everything he was saying, and in his mind it actually made sense. At the time he'd tried to pry Felicity away from Archer, all Vance and Hawkins were ever guilty of was trying to get their feet in the door, albeit at his expense. Had he realized this and not broken the bridge between himself and Felicity, he would've been around to object when it actually mattered and things would've never gone so irrevocably awry.

"And you have to know right now that I'm sorry for letting this happen, and if you give me a second chance I promise to take care of it and never let it happen again."

"You don't even have to ask, Bub. Of course I forgive you." She said with a small smile, as he smiled back and chuckled gratefully. The two then embraced again, this time much more at peace, so to speak, with everything finally out in the open and the issues between the two fully resolved.

"Thank you. I'll make sure you never regret this." He replied, as a small knock was heard on the door and, just as this embrace broke, Adam stuck his head in the room.

"I heard voices. Everything alright in here?" He asked, as the two turned to him and nodded.

"Yeah." Felicity replied, wiping the last of her tears, as Edge nodded and forced a smile.

"Well, we need to talk about what happened. But, over breakfast." He said, motioning with his head towards the stairs. "Come on, I made French toast."

Felicity looked at the clock on the nightstand, before sighing loudly. "You didn't sleep any last night, did you?" She asked.

"Come on, it's gonna get cold." He avoided the question before leaving the room.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm going to be the death of him." She replied, before thinking back to the dark circles under Christian's eyes as well and looking at them again. "Correction: I'm going to be the death of you both." She complained, throwing her arms in the air in frustration.

Christian rolled his eyes and gently pushed her shoulders. "Oh, we love looking after you and you know it. Now, let's get downstairs."

Welp, there it was. Chapter 1. Next chapter you'll get to see how exactly the boys came to meet Felicity and there will be more angry Christian. The next chapter is already done, so I'll either post it in a week or after I get some reviews. So, if you want to see what happens sooner, REVIEW! They're like my drug. I need them! Thanks!
*Casey*Matthew 19:26*