Okay, so I had this idea for a story and I had to start writing it, despite my self- proclaimed break from writing for a while. I have been enjoying some time to just read some stories, it's nearly as time consuming as writing one.
Anyway, back to this story. This one will be much lighter than my last one, so for all of you that had a hard time with Spies, Secrets, Lies and Vengeance, perhaps this will be more your style. As always there will be Charah fluff and a mission. Bare with me on the premise of this one. I always feel like my spy storylines are lacking due to my lack of knowledge in that area, so I apologize if you find it implausible, but that is just how it's going to be so, so be it, you can either go with it, or not read it. Regardless, I hope you enjoy it.
Unfortunately I own nothing!
Chapter 1
Sarah watched as Chuck approached her carrying two cups of coffee. He smiled as he set hers down in front of her. He squeezed his way around Clara's stroller and took a seat at their table.
"Careful honey, it's hot." He instructed as he settled in across the table from her.
"Thank you." She smiled up at him.
"I can't believe we finally got a day off, I feel like we haven't spent any down time together in forever."
"I know." Sarah reached across the table and took hold of his hand.
The two simultaneously leaned in and grazed their lips with one another. The kiss was cut short when the middle aged waitress approached their table, presenting them with the chocolate éclairs that Chuck had ordered while up at the counter.
Chuck and Sarah reluctantly pulled away from one another and allowed the waitress to place the pastries down in front of them and they thanked her.
"Oh my goodness! What a precious little angel!" The waitress exclaimed as she leaned over the stroller and fawned over the smiling infant.
Chuck and Sarah both smiled as they turned their attention to Clara.
"That she is." Chuck replied.
The waitress examined the child closely and then turned her attention back to both Chuck and Sarah to look them over. "Hmmm I'd say she looks most like her father." She said focusing on Chuck who was taking a sip of his coffee.
Chuck gulped down the mouthful of coffee and gently placed his cup down on the table. He smiled as he shook his head in protest.
"No, she's actually my sister's baby. Which I guess would explain why she looks more like me."
"You mean she isn't yours?" The waitress pointed to both Chuck and Sarah. They both shook their heads no.
"Huh. Well I just assumed."
"It's fine. If anything we're honored that someone would think that such a beautiful child was ours." Chuck replied and Sarah smiled up at the waitress in response.
"Well, can I get you two anything else?" she asked.
"I think we're all set." Sarah spoke up.
"Alright then, you two kids enjoy." She said before heading back to the counter.
Clara began to fuss and Sarah immediately began tending to her. "Oh what's the matter?" she spoke to her in a soft, soothing voice. Clara smiled up at her in response, while Sarah searched aimlessly for the baby's pacifier. She found it tucked under Clara's blanket and offered it to her. Clara happily accepted it. Sarah smiled as she turned her attention back to her cup of coffee. She looked up to find Chuck staring at her with a grin plastered ear to ear.
"What?" She asked.
"You're really good with her you know."
Sarah sat back in her seat. "Oh no you don't!"
"What?" he asked a huge grin still on his face.
"Chuck Bartowski, don't you dare go getting any ideas. I'm just getting used to this whole marriage thing; the last thing I need to be doing is entertaining the idea of motherhood."
Chuck laughed. "Who said anything Sarah? I'm just saying you're really good with her. You're going to be a great aunt."
Sarah relaxed a little and smiled back at him.
"Besides." Chuck reached back across the table and grabbed her hand. "I'm not ready for a baby. All I can think about is marrying my beautiful fiancé and spending some quality time with my new wife before anyone else comes along." A smile spread across his face and he offered a wink with his eye.
"Well good." She replied. "Because I just want to get through this wedding in one piece and if I had to start stressing about babies I don't know what I would do."
"Hey. I thought we were doing good with the wedding plans. Why are you stressing again?"
"It's just… it's a lot of work Chuck…and you know I'm not a big girly girl so I don't know what I'm doing half the time. If it wasn't for Ellie, I would have lost my mind by now."
"I don't want you to be stressed about this Sarah. I just want to marry you. I don't care about all this petty stuff, flowers and centerpieces; I just want to be with you." He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it. "So tell me…what can I do to help you?"
Sarah smiled in response to him. "You're doing it Chuck." She exhaled deeply. "Just keep talking me down okay."
He smiled and leaned across the table and kissed her. "You got it."
The two enjoyed the rest of their coffees and pastries over some nice conversation and flirtatious banter with one another.
Standing up, Chuck tossed a few bills down on the table for a tip. Sarah grabbed her purse and Chuck took hold of the stroller. They made their way out of the café and headed for the park.
Shane Crouse darted aimlessly through the parking lot, turning constantly to check behind him. The onset of footsteps caused him to duck between two parked cars to take cover and give himself a chance to catch his breath.
Shane froze in place. The young man, who appeared to be barely out of his teens struggled to slow his breathing as he listened to the heavy footsteps run past him.
"He went this way!" One of the men yelled as they ran past.
Shane waited until he was sure the coast was clear before popping his head back up. Seeing no one in sight, he darted out from behind the car and headed back towards the park, in the direction he had come from.
After a nice long, serene stroll through the park Chuck and Sarah decided to settle down on a nearby bench. Chuck sat down and Sarah parked the stroller alongside the bench where Clara slept peacefully. Sarah settled in close next to Chuck on the bench. He draped his arm around her and kissed the side of her forehead as she leaned into him.
"I want to take you out tonight."
Sarah turned and tilted her head up to look at him.
"We can get some dinner, a movie maybe, or hit up a club, whatever you feel like. We haven't been on a real date in some time now; I'd say we're due." He continued.
"Okay." She replied.
"Any preferences?" he asked.
Sarah looked up at him with a smile. "Chuck, my only preference is you. It doesn't matter to me what we do or where we go."
Chuck shifted to look at her and she glanced up at him again. "Well we could always stay in. Perhaps a board game? I could brush up on my operation skills. I still haven't mastered the funny bone." He replied.
"Chuck, if we're going to stay in, I'm sure we can find something better to do with our time." She offered a raised eyebrow with her last comment.
Chuck laughed. "Well maybe we SHOULD just stay in then." He leaned in closer and kissed her on the lips.
Chuck had to force himself to pull away. He didn't want to get too caught up in the moment, not here in the park, where children were playing and families were picnicking. Chuck ran his fingers along the back of her neck, caressing her silky smooth skin and sending shivers down her spine.
Shane made his way through the park, his pursuers hot on his trail once again. Seeing one of the larger men heading towards him from the opposite direction, Shane quickly ducked down alongside the young couple and sitting on the park bench. Hiding behind their baby's stroller he pretended to tie a shoe while he contemplated his next move.
Shane fumbled through his pocket and retrieved the microchip. It was the tiniest microchip imaginable, yet the data is contained, immense. He had come to the realization that his capture was inevitable. He had to think fast. Looking around frantically, his eyes focused on the pink object poking up amongst the grass. He reached for it and picked it up. It was a pacifier, no doubt belonging to infant in the stroller beside him.
Shane popped his head up. The large man was still headed in his direction. He turned to look the other way and he saw two more men approaching from that direction. There was no way out. Nervously he toyed with the pacifier that he held in his hand. He glanced down at it when his fingernail caught along the front edge, giving him an idea.
Shane continued to poke at it with his fingernail and managed to pry the circular plastic covering loose revealing a small hollow chamber. Shane tucked the microchip inside. It fit perfectly. He popped the plastic piece back in place, concealing the chip. At least now when he got caught he wouldn't have the chip on him. Perhaps it would buy him some time. He looked up again to see the men a mere 50 feet away. He had to make a run for it.
Shane cautiously stood up.
"Excuse me mam…I think your baby dropped this." He said to the woman on the bench.
Sarah turned her attention to the young man speaking to her. She looked to his extended hand and saw Clara's pacifier.
"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Thank you." She said taking it from him.
Chuck glanced around Sarah, to see the back of the young man as he darted off behind them through some trees.
"What did he just say?" Chuck asked.
"Clara dropped her pacifier. He was just picking it up." She said.
Sarah tucked the pacifier in her purse that was situated in the bottom basket of the stroller, so she could wash it before giving it back to Clara.
"What time is it?" Sarah asked, looking up at Chuck.
Chuck glanced down at his watch. "Almost 1:00. We should probably get Clara back before Ellie sends out a search party. What time are we meeting with the photographer to go over the details for the wedding?"
"3:00." Sarah replied standing up from the bench.
A group of men ran past them bumping into Clara's stroller as they ran towards the tress behind them.
"Hey watch it!" Sarah called out to them as she pulled Clara's stroller closer to her to get it out of their way.
The men didn't even acknowledge her.
"Jerks." Sarah mumbled under her breath.
Chuck glared at the men who were now quite a ways away from them. He took hold of the stroller with one hand and placed his other on the small of Sarah's back as the two started off on the sidewalk and headed out of the park.
Later that night….
"What?" Sarah asked, catching Chuck staring at her from across their table.
He was completely intoxicated by her beauty. She was decked out in a fairly short, white dress. It had a low neckline and was form fitting, hugging all of her curves perfectly. She had her hair up and all he could think about was his lips on her neck. If he tried hard enough, he could almost taste her skin.
"Chuck?' She spoke up again when he failed to answer her.
Chuck came back to her and shook his head trying to shake the thoughts that were racing through his mind.
"You okay?" she asked. Concerned, she reached across the table for his hand.
"Maybe we should have stayed in tonight." He finally replied.
"Is everything okay? Are you sick?" She was starting to get worried.
Chuck smiled. He squeezed her hand and leaned in across the table, closer to her.
"I'm not sick Sarah…. I'm just…I'm having a really hard time looking at you right now… when all I can think about is laying you out on this table and having my way with you right here, right now.
A smile spread across Sarah's face, she blushed slightly. "I take it you like the new dress?" She whispered seductively to him.
"I like you. The dress is just an added bonus." His lips lingered near her ear and he moistened his lips with his tongue.
"Chuck we already ordered. Do you really want to leave?" She asked.
Not that Sarah would have minded. She and Chuck had been working so much lately, making it hard to find the time for one another, and when they did have the time they were just too darn tired for anything more than snuggling. In fact, it had probably been a good week since they had been intimate with one another. Far too long in either of their eyes and the longest they had ever gone since getting together.
Before he could answer her their waiter approached. "Your entrees." He announced.
Sarah looked up at Chuck apologetically. The two sat back in their seats and the waiter set their plates down in front of them.
"Can I get you two anything else?" he asked. "Perhaps another glass of wine."
Chuck looked to Sarah before answering. "Sure." He replied.
The waiter nodded. He walked away to retrieve the bottle of wine and returned seconds later to refill their glasses.
"This is really good Chuck, I'm glad we stayed." She offered him a sympathetic smile. "Do you want to try it?" She held her fork up to offer him some of her food.
Chuck leaned across the table and she fed it to him.
"Mmm, that is good."
"Can I get you two some desert?" The waiter asked approaching their table once again.
Sarah looked to Chuck. He knew what she was thinking.
"Can we get an order of your chocolate cheesecake to share?" Chuck asked.
"Of course sir. Will that be all?"
Chuck nodded and watched the waiter walk away.
"Thank you." Sarah said from across the table. Chuck just smiled at her and offered a wink. He picked up his glass of wine and took a sip while he watched her finish her dinner.
After dinner, Chuck and Sarah made their way over to Club Vortex; the hottest new night club in town. They had promised Morgan and Alex they would meet up with them for a few drinks.
"Hey it's about time you two got here, I was beginning to think you guys weren't coming." Morgan stood up as he saw Chuck and Sarah approaching. Chuck held Sarah's hand as he led her through the crowd towards Morgan and Alex.
"Sorry Buddy, our dinner ran late."
"Oh my God Sarah, I love your dress!" Alex jumped up from her seat and leaned in to give Sarah a quick hug.
"Thanks. I just got it. It seems to be a big hit tonight." She replied as she glanced at her fiancé with a smirk.
Sarah sat down next to Alex.
"Honey, what do you want to drink, the usual?" Chuck asked.
"Um, I think just a beer."
"Okay. Anyone else need anything?"
"I'm good." Alex replied.
"I can use a refill. I'll walk up with you. Ladies, we will be back in a jiffy." Morgan said.
Sarah and Alex watched Chuck and Morgan head towards the bar. Once they were sure they were out of earshot, they both burst out laughing.
"Did he just say jiffy?" Alex asked.
Sarah nodded. "Totally."
The four friends were having a good time at the nightclub. They hadn't spent that much time together since Morgan moved out of the apartment. Sarah knew how hard that had been on Chuck, so when Morgan invited them out tonight, as much as she would have loved to just go home with Chuck early and call it a night, she just couldn't say no.
Sarah stood from her seat and made her way around the back of Chuck's chair, running her hands over his shoulders in the process. She leaned down around him and he looked up at her.
"Come on Chuck, come dance with me."
"Sarah, you know I'm not good at this sort of dancing. I look like a fish out of water flapping around on the floor."
Sarah smiled. But she wasn't taking no for an answer. She took hold of his hands and pulled him to his feet and led him through the crowd and on to the dance floor.
"I think Sarah has the right idea." Alex spoke up turning her attention to her own boyfriend.
Morgan smiled and stood up. He held his hand out to her. She happily accepted it and stood from her seat.
Despite Chuck's lack of skill on the dance floor, he seemed to be enjoying himself. Sarah was enjoying their close proximity as she grinded up on him. She danced with her back to him, placing his hands on her hips. Chuck had to stop himself when he found his hands wandering from her hips down the front portion of her thighs. He quickly went to retrieve them, but Sarah pulled them back in place and held them there as she leaned back into him as they moved to music.
Sarah continued her sweet torture on her fiancé, until she felt his body responding to their closeness. She knew Chuck was going to lose all control if she didn't stop. She just couldn't do that to him. She turned in his arms and she could see the weakness in his eyes. Sarah leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Wanna go sit down?" She asked him.
Chuck just shook his head. Sarah smiled and led him back to their table. Morgan and Alex were still out on the dance floor, leaving them the table to themselves. Chuck took a seat in the same chair he had occupied earlier. Sarah surprised him when she took a seat on his lap. She placed an arm around his neck. Chuck ran his hand up and down her back.
"Are you having a good time Chuck?" She spoke seductively into his ear.
Chuck turned his head ever so slightly and met her lips with his. Taking her by surprise, he kissed her passionately, leaving her completely breathless. She rested her forehead against his long enough to get a grip and then she stood up.
"I'm going to get another drink. Do you want anything?"
Chuck smirked at her. He held up his bottle of beer to her. "I'm good."
He watched as she sauntered over to the bar. He couldn't help but notice all the guys checking her out as she walked past, and why wouldn't they, she was exquisite. The perfect combination of classic beauty and pure sexiness. He had to smile, because he knew they could look all they wanted, but at the end of the night, she was going home with him.
"Hey Chuck, where's Sarah?" Morgan asked as he and Alex returned to the table and took their seats.
"Oh, she's just getting a drink. Listen guys, I think we're probably going to head out soon."
"Really?" Morgan looked down at his watch. "It's only 11:00."
"Yeah, I know buddy, it's just…Sarah and I…"
"Morgan, they want to spend some time alone." Alex chimed in and Chuck offered her a thankful expression for saying the words he didn't want to, to his best friend.
"Oh!...Oh well say no more buddy. Go ahead, get out of here. You two kids have a good time."
Chuck smiled as he jumped up from his seat. "Thanks Morgan." Chuck said his goodbyes and headed towards the bar to retrieve his fiancé.
A devilish grin appeared on his face when he caught sight of her standing at the bar with her back to him waiting for the bartender to approach. He moved in behind her, pressing his body tightly against hers. She turned her head to look at him and relaxed her body into his when she realized it was him and not some guy trying to put the moves on her. She smiled.
Chuck leaned in to speak into her ear. "How about we get that drink at home?" he suggested. His lips lingered near her ear as his eyes fell to her neck.
"Really? You want to leave?" she asked.
Chuck couldn't hold out any longer. Her neck was far too inviting for him and his proximity to it far too near. His lips descended on her neck and she giggled. She momentarily closed her eyes and envisioned what was to come. It was Sarah's turn to try get a hold of herself realizing exactly where she was.
"What can I get you?" the bartender asked as he finally approached the two. Sarah's eyes shot open and Chuck stood upright as he pulled away from her. She immediately missed the feel of his lips on her.
"Uh, you know what… never mind." Sarah replied. She turned around to face the object of her affection. "Let's go home Chuck." Was all she could manage to say.
Sarah grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the door.
As they made their way through the parking lot, the two picked up the pace when they saw the car in sight. As far as they were concerned they couldn't get home fast enough.
By the time Sarah made it to the passenger side door, Chuck had his hands all over her. Sarah turned around and pulled him in for a kiss. He pressed her body up against the car door and deepened the kiss. Sarah ran her hands frantically though his soft curls while he caressed her bare thigh with his. Sarah moaned deeply against his mouth. "I want you so bad." She toyed with the top few buttons of his shirt, freeing them from their confines.
Chuck's lips moved to her neck, while his hands slid up her body towards her breast.
"We… need to …get… home… Sarah." He spoke between kisses.
Sarah pulled away to look at him. "I don't know if I can wait."
Chuck looked at the car beside them. He then looked around the parking lot. There was nobody in sight; in fact they had parked in a pretty secluded area. Sarah smiled and licked her lips. She reached for the handle on the back door and opened it.
At that very moment, both of their cell phones went off with the all too familiar tone indicating an incoming text message. They both sighed.
"No, not now." Sarah said.
They both reached for their phones and read the message simultaneously. It was from General Beckman. The message read….Briefing at Castle 20 minutes.
Chuck's eyes fell to the ground. He knew she was disappointed. This was supposed to be their day off, their time together. "I'm sorry." He said looking back up at her. He could tell Sarah was annoyed, but she didn't seem as disappointed as he was expecting her to be.
"Chuck. Castle is five minutes away. We have twenty."
"What are you saying Sarah?" he asked.
Sarah turned to the car and held the door to the backseat open. "Chuck….just get in the car." She replied with a devilish grin. Chuck took the hint and dove for the back seat. Sarah jumped in behind him and closed the door.
28 minutes later….
Chuck and Sarah made their way down the stairs of Castle. Chuck tucking his shirt back into his pants in the process.
Casey looked up to see his partners approaching. Their disheveled appearances not going unnoticed by him or the General, who was already on the monitor waiting for the whole team to arrive.
"Nice of you two to finally join us." Casey spoke up giving them an annoyed look.
"Sorry Casey, General. You just…caught us at a bad time." Chuck replied.
"Yes, so I see." Beckman responded rather annoyed.
"General, do we have a new mission?" Sarah asked trying her best to change the subject.
A picture of a young man appeared on the screen before them.
"Shane Crouse was gunned down this afternoon in a Los Angeles park."
Chuck's eyes rolled back in his head as a series of images appeared before him.
"Shane Crouse, a CIA asset. A child prodigy, skilled in computer hacking and software development. He created special software that can hack any system in existence today."
"That's right Chuck." Beckman affirmed.
"Wait a minute. I've seen this kid before." Sarah spoke up as she examined the picture up on the screen.
"You have?" Chuck questioned.
"Yes! Chuck he's the kid from the park today. He's the one that picked up Clara's pacifier off the ground."
"Oh my God!" Chuck replied.
"General, who killed him?" Casey asked.
Another image appeared on the screen. "Stephon Santos." Beckman stated.
All eyes were on Chuck as he flashed once again.
"Stephon Santos, international arms dealer and drug trafficker. He's wanted for harboring weapons of mass destruction and supplying them to several terrorist groups throughout the world. He's also a person of interest in the Sedarki drug bust in Belize." Chuck spoke up once again.
"That's right. These are a few of his associates who are working for him and probably the ones responsible for Crouse's death."
Three more images appeared on the screen.
"Those are the guys we saw in the park today. The ones who bumped Clara's stroller when they ran past us." Sarah spoke up again.
Chuck flashed on the three images. All three men had equally horrifying records and all three were wanted men.
"General, why was Santos after this kid?" Casey asked.
"It's simple really. He was after Crouse's latest software update. Santos has plans of hacking the databases of the United Nations to obtain their weapon blueprints. His growing cartel will be able to develop their own nuclear weapons. Once he's capable of that, he can sell them off to the highest bidder or God forbid use them himself."
"So you want us to retrieve the software from Santos before he has a chance to utilize it?" Chuck interjected.
"No. Santos doesn't have the software." Beckman replied. "Crouse's software is contained on a mini microchip. You have to insert it into a special reader to access it on the computer. Crouse didn't have the chip on him when he was killed."
"So where is it then if he didn't have it on him?" Chuck asked.
"Crouse hid it somewhere. Your mission is to find that chip and retrieve it before Santos does."
"Well do we have any leads General?" Sarah asked.
"Not at this time, but Crouse's chip contains a special sensor that can be tracked. Santos and his men will be depending on that when it comes to finding it. That is how they found Crouse in the park, they traced the sensor. That said, the sensor only works within a 2 mile radius."
"So if Santos and his men can track the chip with the sensor they have a huge advantage over us. How are we supposed to find it before them?" Chuck asked.
"We're sending over some trackers for you. They should be there by morning. Until then, just go home and await orders. I'll be in contact." And with that Beckman signed off.
Casey began packing up his things. Chuck and Sarah stood there watching him. "Well you heard the General. Go home. From the looks of it, I'm sure you two have other things you'd rather be doing right about now." Casey snickered as he headed up the stairs and out the door.
Sarah turned to Chuck and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well I can't argue with that." She said.
Chuck closed his arms around her waist. "I wouldn't mind getting home. I'd say we have some unfinished business to attend to."
She leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips before moving away from him. Sarah grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs.
Chuck couldn't get them home fast enough. He was surprised he didn't get pulled over and given a speeding ticket the way he was driving. Of course Sarah didn't help matters any, the way she was rubbing up on him in the car and kissing his neck.
Sure they had their fun earlier in the back seat, acting like a couple of teenagers on prom night. It scratched their itch for the time being, but it was rushed and not nearly as satisfying as it could have been had they had more time to enjoy the moment.
Chuck struggled with the keys in the front door, dropping them twice, Sarah doing her best to distract him as her hands came around him from behind. She worked on unfastening his pants. As she continued to make progress, she moved in front of him and sought out his mouth with hers. With little prodding, her tongue made its way inside his mouth.
By the time Chuck finally got the door open, Sarah had his shirt completely unbuttoned. They stumbled into the apartment and made their way through the darkness towards the bedroom. Sarah shed Chuck of his shirt the rest of the way before they made it to their room.
Sarah's mouth found his once again.
Chuck swung open the bedroom door and the two stumbled inside. He closed the door behind them, pinning Sarah up against it. His hands fell to her thighs as he inched her dress up further and further. In one swift motion he hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs securely around his waist. He kissed her urgently and passionately, eliciting several pleasure filled moans from her.
"I love you Chuck." She managed to get the words out.
Chuck looked her in the eyes. Both of them struggling to control their breathing. She ran her fingers through his hair as they gazed in one another's eyes.
"Make love to me Chuck." It wasn't a question, it wasn't even a request. It was a necessity. One only he could fill.
Chuck leaned in and captured her lips with his. This time his movements were much softer and more controlled. He walked over to the bed and gently laid her down. He came down on top of her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. Chuck's hand moved in to stroke her cheek as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. "I love you so much."
Chuck ran his thumb gently over her bottom lip before moving back in to taste its sweetness. Sarah's hands slid down his back. She could feel his muscles contracting under her touch. Nobody had ever turned her on the way Chuck did and no one ever would. He was truly a one of a kind.
"Mmm…Sarah." He moaned in response to her kiss. His lips moved slowly down the length of her neck, trailing succulent kisses in his path, spending some extra time in the one spot he knew drove her absolutely wild. Sarah raked her nails down his back in response.
Reaching out with one hand, she cupped his chin and guided his lips back to hers.
Chuck's hand moved back to Sarah's thigh. He caressed it gently, making his way farther up, moving her dress along with it. His fingers worked their way up, searching for the waist band on her panties. Chuck pulled away and looked at her when he failed to find one.
"Sarah, you're not wearing underwear?" he asked, a look of shock and confusion taking over his face.
Sarah laughed at his reaction. "I think they're in the car… You know…from earlier."
A look of revelation and a little bit of relief came over him. A smile spread across his face, thinking about their time in the car earlier. He turned his attention back to Sarah when he felt her tugging on his pants. She managed to get them down over his hips. Chuck rolled off her momentarily and removed them completely. Chuck moved back in and worked on removing Sarah's dress. She sat up allowing him to slide down the zipper in the back. It was a matter of seconds before he had it completely removed, followed by her bra, leaving them both completely naked and exposed to one another. Chuck licked his lips in anticipation for what was about to come.
Sarah smiled as she laid back down on the bed, pulling Chuck on top of her.
Okay, so there you have it. A nice long chapter to get you started, hopefully you will hang in there for what's to come. As always, like any writer, I love reviews and I appreciate all of them, They are what keeps me writing and a huge motivator to get something out to all my loyal readers sooner. Just try not to be too harsh in your critiques, I've been pretty hesitant about posting this one. As always thanks for reading.