My World On Fire

Out of nowhere, you light my world on fire. I didn't even mean to think of you this time. It just happened.

I saw you in the sunshine with a wind whipping your dark hair about. You had that captivating smile crossing your features and were making a small comment that I couldn't hear. The simplistic way you laughed made me think it was a passing remark in casual conversation. In the background I could see a beautiful blue ocean.

You seemed to be grinning at me expectantly, almost as if you wished for me to join you in the lovely picture. I saw myself coming to your side, wrapping an arm around you and taking in the warmth of your presence.

It didn't really matter where we were, but we were together in the sunlight of a gorgeous day. You looked nowhere but at me. My heart leapt at the idea. We might have been on vacation in a tropical land. Our feet might have been wandering the white sands in search of adventure. I knew that I'd go anywhere, do anything-make mountains vanish or part the clouds in a storm-if you wanted me to. Just as long as you kept leaning into my chest just like that…

Where this image came from, I don't know. All I know is I was sitting in a lulling silence-mind unable to pull a single musical note out of the air- and then out of the blue, you appear like a phoenix in a night sky. With you came the passionate songs of Heaven and Hell, somehow flawlessly entwined to give voice to my internal tempests.

I don't know what to call this feeling. The words to describe it can literally not be found.

You, Christine, appear to have taken my subconscious and lit it aflame.

No, I'm not quite dead. I'm still alive. This is short and simple, but it proves I'm breathing. Eh.