Title: "Right Here"
Author: Pirate Turner
Rating: PG
Summary: When Victor asks Logan where his favorite place in the world is, they both already know the answer.
Warnings: Slash, Established Relationship, Double Drabble
Word Count: 200
Date Written: 16 December, 2010
Disclaimer: Logan/Wolverine, Victor "Sabertooth" Creed, and the X-Men are & TM Marvel comics and Disney, neither of whom are the author; are used without permission; and may not be used without permission. The author makes absolutely no profit off of this work of fan fiction, and no copyright infringement is intended.

"Where's yer favorite place in th' world, pup?"

Victor's soft, growling question surprised Logan, but as he stared up at the stars, pondering the query, he realized he already knew the answer.

Everything was almost perfect in this rare, tender moment he was sharing with his love. The stars sparkled above them, and the ground beneath their backs was softened by the gentle Spring rain that had floated down earlier. Yet one thing was missing, and when Victor wrapped a loving arm around him, everything was completed.

Contentment curving his lips, Logan nestled even closer into his love's side. Everything was definitely perfect tonight. "Right here," he murmured, kissing Victor's exposed flesh and relishing the glorious, loving moment while it lasted.

He knew it would not last long for the world never left them alone. Something always happened to rip them apart again, but he would treasure every second of this moment and carry it with him forever just as he always carried his beloved in his heart no matter how terribly they fought. Staying right here in Victor's loving arms was indeed his favorite spot in the whole, wide world, and Logan only wished that it could last forever.

The End