Author's Note: WELL, HELLO THERE. I am so sorry for not updating this for months. Life has been getting in the way, writers block has become a disease, and the new series of Doctor Who kind of mixed up my plans for this fic, so I had to re-outline everything. For those of you that are still around, I apologize once again. I've written this and the next chapter so there won't be too much of a wait this time. In other news, DOCTOR WHO'S COMING BACK ON SATURDAY. OH YES. Alright, I'll stop talking now. Sorry, once again! I don't own Doctor Who.
Wind whipped across the bay as the TARDIS materialized, sending sand into the breeze. The beach was eerily quiet so that the sound of the TARDIS doors opening and the footsteps of the Doctor, Amy, and Rory seemed to echo across the soft ground and rocks.
"Where are we now, then?" Rory asked.
"Yeah, and can you start explaining?" Amy stepped in front of the Doctor, attempting to block his path. He let his gaze sweep across the beach in response, taking everything in.
"Dårlig Ulv-Stranden." He replied, a sad smile growing on his face.
"Dalek what?" Amy asked.
The Doctor gave a small laugh and answered, "Bad Wolf Bay. We're in Norway. Well, a parallel Norway."
"Doctor, please, just explain what's going on." Amy watched him as he turned in a circle, his eyes flicking across the sand. 'What are we here for?"
"An old friend. Used to travel with me, like you two. She got stuck here… I left her here."
The Doctor stopped and looked at Amy, studying her closely. "I…" He blinked, looking from Amy to Rory. "…I had to." He turned quickly and started up the beach.
"So," Amy quickened her pace and walked next to him, "what's her name?"
He glanced down at her, then looked back up the beach. "Her name was Rose. Rose Tyler."
"Hm. There have been others though. What's so special about Rose?" A smirk formed on her face. "Did you fancy her, Doctor?"
The Doctor grinned in response as they reached the top of the beach, glancing around them. "Where would she be, then? She said she wanted to work at Torchwood."
The Doctor ignored Amy's question and kept walking towards the street. "Hopefully she lives nearby. Why else would the apples send us here?"
"If she lived here, where would she even be?" Amy gazed along the road. "There's nothing here."
"No, there must be somethi –"
"Doctor!" The Doctor stopped as a shout echoed across the street. An all too familiar shout.
"Rose…" The Doctor whispered, glancing around for the source of the shout. "Amy, Rory, stay here."
"What? Doctor, where are you going?" Amy called after him as he ran down the street.
"Stay there! Don't move until I get back!" The Doctor called over his shoulder.
"Doctor!" The shout was louder this time, obviously coming from over a small hill on the side of the street.
"Ro-" He stopped himself, knowing that if she heard one word, his chance to see her would be lost. He made his way over the hill, glancing back at Amy and Rory before running towards the small cottage on the other side. The Doctor stood in front of the house, letting his eyes flick over every detail as he entered, his shoes creaking on the floor boards.
"Doctor?" He heard another set of footsteps cross the room next to him. "Doctor, it's in here. I've trapped it for now, but I need your-"
The Doctor held his breath as a familiar head of blonde hair entered the room, holding what appeared to be his old sonic screwdriver. Rose looked up at him and stepped back, eyebrows coming together as she studied the odd man in the house. The Doctor opened his mouth and quickly closed it, pressing his lips together in an attempt to hide his smile.
"Well, who are you, then?" She asked, eyes flicking across his face as she crossed her arms over her chest.
The Doctor swallowed, glancing down at his shoes. This was going to be harder than he expected.
Rose stared up at him, raising an eyebrow as she waited for an answer. The Doctor looked up at her slowly, mind racing as he searched for a way to communicate with her.
"Well?" She asked, glancing behind her at the room she'd just left as a low growl echoed across the hall. The Doctor shifted his head, attempting to see past her and into the room. Rose looked up at him, her lips pursed impatiently. "Hey!" She snapped, drawing his attention from back to her. "Ignore that, I've got it under control. Now, if you're not gonna talk to me why don't you get going before I tie you up too."
The Doctor shook his head, pushing past her and into the room.
"Oi! What do you think you're doing?" Rose called, following him. The Doctor stood in the center of the room, studying the mass of grey flesh and rope splayed on the wooden floor. He stooped down, studying the creature in front of him. The rope was fraying as it struggled, red eyes flicking up at the Doctor in anger. He looked up at Rose in surprise. When had he ever allowed any creature to be treated like this? He pressed his lips together and reached for its bonds.
"Don't!" Rose cried, starting towards him. He pulled at the ropes, glancing up as the creature let out a low groan. The Doctor turned back towards Rose, an accusing looking in his eyes. She looked worried, staring at the creature as it started to stand, breaking the remaining ropes. The Doctor stepped back, standing next to Rose as it took a step forward.
"We have to get out. The rope was the only thing keeping it from changing." Rose whispered, walking backwards slowly. The Doctor nodded, not entirely sure what she meant by 'changing', but he could see the creature's skin starting to bubble, its face starting to contort. He moved backwards until he hit the wall, turning to look at Rose before starting for the door, keeping his eyes on the creature. She followed, watching it over her shoulder. It stepped forward slowly, morphing into a more humanoid shape.
The Doctor's eyes widened as it changed, grey limbs turning to long legs and arms, body morphing into a tweed jacket and bowtie. He stepped back as he looked into the eyes of an exact copy of himself.
The creature smirked, stalking forward quickly. The Doctor glanced down at Rose, who stood frozen with a look of fear on her face. He looked back at the creature, gripping Rose's hand tightly on instinct and starting for the door. He pulled her out onto the road, running for where he'd left Amy and Rory. Footsteps followed them onto the pavement as they ran, gaining on them quickly.
"Slow down a bit." Rose reached into her pocket and pulled out the sonic screwdriver, running her finger over a small wheel on the side. The Doctor glanced at it and nodded, slowing his pace. She turned the wheel until the sonic gave a small beep, then pointed it behind her at the copy following them. The sonic's light covered the creature, causing it stop. The Doctor turned, looking back and watching as the duplicate was reduced to a grey mound on the road.