AUTHORS NOTE! Please don't get me in trouble for this! It is good news so please don't worry either!
Annime: I'm sorry I ended this story so abruptly, but there will be a sequel to this. It will explain all your questions, so just be patient. I plan on uploading the intro for the third book in this trilogy after I'm finished with the rest in this line (except C-14. That's not part of this line).
Please guys, be patient with me with my stories. I know you wait half a year all the time, but I've just been really busy. And after a while I get excited about other story and can't find any ideas to write about.
I planned this trilogy in 8th grade. I'm now a sophomore. I'm even more frustrated about this than you are, especially when I don't get reviews sometimes when I do update or just get one. It makes me less capable of updating because I feel like no one's reading my stories anymore anyway.
So don't worry, I'm not done yet. I'm not going to put my SRMTHFG stories on hiatus like I did my Death Note one (seriously, I just can't write Death Note stories).
Thank you!
Annime, out!