A/N: This is the eighth chapter to a story by Hope. Flies w ww . fan fiction. ne t s/4093501/1/Choices She has kindly given me permission to continue it, since she cannot.

Disclaimer: Nothing's mine…ever…well, except the writing, and only if the reviews are good ;3

Chapter 8

As I'm walking off the reservation, I see Edward just ahead.

He's blocking the path to mine and Jake's favorite trail. I was still calming down, hours after the phone call. A walk seemed in order, but now I'm wishing we'd taken the beach trail instead.

"What's he doing here?" I ask no one in particular. Jacob mimics me, and I'm tempted for a moment to shout, Jinx! But this is hardly the time. We walk straight up to the invisible treaty line and I can feel Jake shaking with barely contained rage. I hiss his name under my breath and grab his hand as firmly as I can. I feel his gaze, and when I look back up, I see it in his eyes that he's calmer, but there's a question there, too.

We were supposed to be Cullen free. Alice said they'd be gone. Jake told me Edward was going to leave. Why was he here? Why was he back? What did this mean? I nod up at Jake and he moves forward, crossing the line into neutral territory. I follow, still clutching his hand, and I try to ignore the look in those eyes – those piercing, amber eyes. Why does it look like it hurts him? If he cares as much as he insists, why in hell would he leave me like this? Doesn't he know what it did to me!? But, of course – he doesn't.

"I thought I told you to leave," Jake growls.

"I can't leave while Bella's in danger. This is my fault, I have to fix it." Edward looks at me, and I can't believe how much he still mesmerizes me. It's like I want to drown in him all over again. My hole roars for it, but the other voice calmly reminds me: Jacob will fix it. I remember my revelation at the cliff. I can't let the gaping hole in my chest pull me under the metaphorical water, so I tear my eyes away and they settle on my hand in Jacob's. It's warm and right and it feels like taking in a lungful of the freshest oxygen on the planet. I squeeze harder and Jake strokes his thumb across the back of my hand. He's not even conscious he's doing it, I can tell, but I feel stronger. I look back up.

"I'll be fine, Edward. Jake and the pack can take care of me now. Don't stay out of some misguided sense of guilt. I don't need you anymore." I look back down and think, "Your protection ends in chest wounds, and one is more than enough."

"You can't trust them, Bella. They can't control it."

God, he sounds as bad as Alice.

He continues. "They're monst…"

"NO!" I shout. "No, Edward." I stalk closer to him, releasing Jake's hand. I lower my voice, but I know he can still hear. "I recall you telling me that you were a monster, but I didn't believe you then. Well, you've got your wish. I finally know you're a monster, Edward. You tried to destroy me," I nearly choke as my eyes well up, thinking about everything he put me through.

"Bella…" he says softly.

"I'm not finished!" I lower my voice again. "We're done. I can't trust you anymore. What kind of a person tries to justify ripping a person's heart out as protecting them? Even if that's what you honestly believe, how could I ever be sure you wouldn't leave again when you thought you were 'protecting' me. No. You don't get to say who the monsters are here." I hiss out the last sentence and walk back to Jacob.

"Bella, please. Just let me explain. Let me try to make it up to you. I'll prove you can trust me!"

"She said she's done, bloodsucker," Jacob said, stepping forward. "Leave."

"Look, I can't leave her. Victoria is after her because of me. My family is staying. And we trust you'll continue to honor the treaty?"

Oh, no! They can't stay! Jake can't protect me at Charlie's if they stay, and I can't stay with Charlie if they protect me there. I need time to heal. Edward was supposed to leave and not come back. I was supposed to have time. I clutch Jake's arm. He's vibrating.

"How dare you put Bella in this position!" Jake shouted. "If you leeches stay, she'll be forced to see you constantly or leave Charlie, and she's already said she wants you gone. This isn't your choice. You can't just push your way back into her life."

Edward turns to me then. "Bella, we can protect you, and we'll make ourselves scarce, I promise. I can't leave." He nearly chokes on the words. "Please, give me a chance to fix this."

My hole might swallow me, and I move closer to Jake for strength, even though his skin is humming under my fingers. I know what I need to say. The voice chants, "No. No. No." I focus on those long months of zombie me. I remember how good it feels sitting with Jake in his garage. I remember the hole trying to push me off the cliff. But unbidden, I also remember Edward's and my first dinner together after he saved me in Port Angeles, Edward sucking James' venom back out of my system, Edward and I in the meadow, Edward and I dancing, and the images keep flashing. They come in time with throbs of my chest wound. "No, Edward," I should say, but instead, I'm so weak, and I remember that stupid kiss, and I breathe out a barely audible, "Okay." The sound that comes out of Jake is something like a roar.

"Bella! Back up!" Edward is shouting as he crouches. He's going to fling me around and attack Jake. I can see Jake transforming, and I feel my feet begging me to run, but that new voice whispers, "Stand your ground." This time I listen. Edward hasn't been here for these past few months. Jake and I have been through so much. He doesn't get to tell me how to do this. I had to figure out werewolves on my own. Edward never told me that vampires weren't the only things out there. Uh-uh! No way he comes back in and takes over again! I already gave him an inch. I can't let him take anything else from me. So fast Edward hasn't even finished crouching (and since he's a vampire, that's impressive), I shout "NO!"

"BACK OFF!" And I turn away from him. Jake is about to burst. If I stay here, I just know I'll end up shredded, but I stand firm. Can't let Jake push me around either – even if he is a werewolf. "Jake, stop!" I say firmly. He lets out something that sounds almost like a howl. He's too close. I can't let him go there. He'll go after Edward and the vampires will hurt him. I step closer. "Jake," it comes out like a whisper. I inch my hand forward, and it looks for a moment like he's going to snap at me, but then—I touch his face. Those warm brown eyes lock on mine, and he starts to breathe slower. His skin seems to settle in space. I stroke my thumb on his cheek and he leans into my hand. But I can't forget Edward's presence. I can feel him staring. I whip around.

"Okay. Ground rules," and I cut him off before he can say anything. "You and your family can stay. You'll be on Bella duty when I'm at Charlie's and at school, but you all stay invisible. I don't want to see one hair on any of your heads. And when I drive to La Push, you watch Charlie. And this is key: once Victoria is caught, I don't care who finds her, she's dead. And once she's dead, you're all gone. Got it?" I try to make it clear that there's no disagreeing with my terms, but my voice is shakier than I'd like. Way too much excitement.

Edward just nods, and that's more than enough as far as I'm concerned. I nod back. "I'm staying the night here," I declare impulsively. I can't handle going back to my bed tonight and knowing they're out there – watching me. No. I need at least one day to get acclimated to my new situation. I turn around without another word and Jake puts an arm around me, walking me back the way we came. When I look at his face, I can see he's smiling. I punch him in the arm. "Hey! Don't get cocky!" I grin, and he grins, and just like that, my world brightens up again. I almost want to look back at Edward to see if he's glittering. Surely this can't all be a trick of my mind? But why would I look back at the moon when I'm walking with the sun?