In order to wrap up loose ends here, I tried yet again to get back to this story, and have to say that I'm displeased with how I've written the characters. While I don't mind the occasional snark, some paragraphs were just too immature and I figured that this might be the reason the story slipped away from me. I will be replacing the chapters in the weeks to come and hopefully this time the story will get the ending that is long since due. Thank you all for having such enormous patience with me and I hope you can enjoy the newer version as well.
Naruto doesn't belong to me and I make no money of this story.
It was a bright warm summer day and Sakura enjoyed her first free day after a hectic time at the hospital; or she would have, if Ino wouldn't sound like she was dying. Her blond friend was nursing the worst hangover since both came of age. For a while Sakura watched how her friend tried to keep her discomfort contained, but she couldn't say Ino was doing a good job.
"You know…I warned you that sunbathing wouldn't be the wisest choice while your body tries to detox."
"If you'd have a heart, you'd end my suffering." Ino retorted and her friend shook her head.
"You're medically trained enough to know the consequences, so I'd say your suffering is self-imposed. Besides, where would that leave you room to learn your lesson? By now you should know and respect your bodies limits, especially when it comes to your alcohol tolerance." Sakura said and Ino groaned.
"We can't all be the mom of the group, can we? Have mercy on me, please?" she begged and after another five minutes Sakura caved and sped up the process with some healing.
"Thank you…Forehead." The blond grinned and stretched out in the sun.
"You're welcome…Pig," Sakura replied amused. "But that was completely self-serving; I just can't relax if you are sounding like you are about to die."
Ino mumbled something under her breath, but Sakura didn't care. It wasn't her who had been turning her innards inside out yesterday. To her it seemed as if her blond friend had tried to drown herself, she kept knocking back shot after shot until she couldn't look straight anymore. All tries to talk some sense into her fell on deaf ears. Sakura was sure the reason for her friend's wish to drink herself into a coma was Temari's presence, but addressing the elephant in the room wouldn't have been wise. The rant that would have followed wasn't worth it, so she didn't say anything. It was paradox that her otherwise straightforward and loudmouthed friend just couldn't sort matters out when it came to Shikamaru and Temari.
Sakura sighed inwardly and rolled her eyes. She was going to meet up with Temari later that day, a bit she kept to herself to not trigger Ino yet again. For six years their friendship was back to how it used to be before their academy days and while they could talk about almost everything, the kunoichi from Suna remained a red rag. Together with Tenten and Hinata they formed a tight circle and while they were all grown adults by now, Ino was still the most impulsive of them.
About an hour later Sakura sat up and packed her things.
"What are you doing?" Ino asked surprised at the sudden movement.
"I got to go; I still have some errands to run." Sakura replied.
"Will you be joining Kotetsu's party tonight?"
"I don't think so. The hospital had been rather busy the last weeks and yesterday had been party enough for me."
"Oh, come on, Sakura." Ino whined and shook her head. "But it's you who's going to miss out on the fun."
"Yes, because it was so much fun to see you getting wasted, then groan and moan for approximately an hour how bad you are feeling until I ended up holding your hair while you projectile vomited behind the next bush. That's exactly how I want to spend my days off." Sakura drawled sarcastically and Ino pulled a face.
"Point taken, mom." She replied and Sakura snorted while she shook her head. "Anyway, enjoy your quiet boring evening at home."
"Oh, how will I survive?" the pink haired woman drawled and then both had to laugh. "But thank you. Do enjoy the party, but try not to drink too much again."
Sakura stopped at home to drop her bag and change her clothes before she headed for the Dango restaurant where she was supposed to meet Temari. The blond Kunoichi was already waiting and waved at her as she approached.
"I'm so sorry, Temari. I hope I haven't kept you waiting for long?" she asked and the other woman waved her off.
"Don't worry, I just arrived. Did you heal your friend?" Temari asked back.
"Yes, but I let her suffer for a bit. Tonight will show whether she learned her lesson or not." Sakura replied and gently shook her head, while she followed Temari inside.
"I do hope she feels better by now? She looked horrible last night."
The worry Sakura could hear in her friend's voice was touching and she quickly nodded.
"She's fine, it's a habit of hers to be a little over-dramatic."
Both women shared a laugh, and Temari was the first to sober up.
"I never thought my mere presence would be so…inducing."
"She would never believe me that she's so obvious, but don't blame yourself, she's just using you as an excuse."
They chatted while they ate and Sakura greatly enjoyed Temari's company. She was sad that her visit was already over, and by the looks of it that feeling was mutual. As it was time to part ways both stood outside and waited for the other to speak first.
"It's too bad you have to leave again; I would have loved to spend more time with you."
"The feeling is mutual. But we are currently in the middle of some major changes, and I want to support Gaara the best I can. He asked me to speak with Tsunade about an exchange program, and he'd like to have you over to train our Medics to be more effective in spotting poisons and creating antidotes. Only if you want to and are allowed to leave, of course." Temari said and waited for Sakura's reaction.
The latter took a while to process the information, but then she smiled.
"Oh! I'd be honored to go!"
"Great! Oh, before I forget…I've got something for you." She opened her backpack and rummaged around until she found what she was looking for.
"Here. Kankuro wanted to appropriately thank you for all you did for him. It's a chakra-storing crystal, he thought it might come in handy for you, should you find yourself in a pinch. It took him a while to find one the right size."
Sakura's eyes grew wide at the necklace she received.
"That's…That's…he shouldn't…"
"I take it you like it?" Temari laughed lightly and Sakura bobbed her head, still at a loss of words. "You know, I never thought it would be possible to befriend you like that, but here we are. After all that happened, you still saved us."
"We did what felt right. Working together with us, sharing ideas to develop and build up upon… is the best that could have happened. I'm glad we are where we are now."
"Me too. So…I'm not a fan of saying goodbye, but I can handle a see you later." Temari smiled and Sakura nodded and then they hugged tightly.
"Take care, Temari, and see you soon."
"You too, Sakura."
As Sakura entered her apartment, she took one of her favorite books and went out on her small balcony. She settled into her old rattan chair and propped her feet up on the parapet. Before she started to read, she inspected her gift. It was an ice-clear crystal, about as long and thick as her pointer finger with a small silver chain. For its size it had almost no weight and sparkled beautifully in the sunlight. Still curious how her gift worked she focused her chakra and gently directed it at the crystal, which soaked it up like sponge. She noticed that the crystal started to change its color with the amount of chakra it contained. As she stopped it shimmered in light amber. She was baffled by its existence and was sure it must have cost a little fortune.
She put the necklace on and was surprised by its pleasant temperature as it came to rest against her sternum. The evening was quiet and Sakura enjoyed her book until the sun started to set. Just as she was about to get inside, she felt a familiar signature nearing. Tsunade had warned her that she might be the first address he would approach for healing, and that she wasn't allowed to heal him unless the injuries could be classified as severe. Otherwise she should merely close the wound but refuse further healing. As he came closer Sakura heard that the way he walked was off. Usually Kakashi was moving like a cat, you could only hear him if you paid close attention and knew what to listen out for, but now she heard a distinct limp. How he managed to sit down as gracefully as he did was a miracle to her. He carried the scent of spent adrenaline, dirt and blood. Sakura finished her page and then closed her book to look at him.
"You don't have to stop on my behalf." He said and sounded so tired.
"The way you look I have to. What did you do?" She asked and got up.
"The usual."
He tried to sound as dismissive as he could, but he couldn't fool Sakura. She noticed the hitch in his breath as he slid off the parapet and followed her inside.
"You are skipping the hospital?" She asked casually and he hummed.
"You know that I don't like the smell."
Sakura sighed and then gestured towards the couch.
"Strip down, I'll go fetch my kit."
"Shouldn't you buy me dinner first?" he tried to joke, but she just rolled her eyes.
"Counter question: ever donated half a gallon blood through your nose?" her sweet tone was a stark contrast to the challenge in her eyes.
"Point taken." He answered and tried to undress; he knew when it was best to not push her.
She came back with her med kit and watched him struggle. Now she saw what Tsunade meant, but agreeing with her when he wasn't present and injured was easy, you could talk rational. Now, in his injured state it was something else completely. This wasn't going to be easy.
"Let me help."
It took her a while to take off his shirt, the blood started to dry and glued the fabric to the wound. She frowned while she sent a pulse through his body, looking for injuries. Right now, she wouldn't be able to heal all his injuries even if she wanted to. There were bones to set, veins to mend and the odd damaged sinew, along with enough bruises to last for eight weeks easily. He was exhausted, judging by what he had left he'd make it to his apartment, but only if he took it slow. She sighed and started to clean the superficial wounds before she dressed them, careful so she wouldn't hurt him further.
The last time he was out on a solo mission he got badly banged up and it was sheer luck on his end that Naruto accidentally crossed his path to bring him home. Upon investigation he merely admitted that he had trouble breathing, and only because it was obvious. As soon as he was in the OR his 'breathing problems' turned out to be a pierced and collapsed lung. Sakura had sent for Tsunade's help while she tried to stabilize him, but his vitals were failing and he flatlined as the Godaime burst through the door. There was just too much blood and the voice in her head that was screaming at her to give her all, that she couldn't allow herself to fail now. They brought him back, but it was a close call. She had nightmares for weeks after that.
She shuddered at the memories and finished bandaging him up. It was sheer luck that the broken rib he had now didn't pierce his lung again, but otherwise the number of injuries he collected was higher than the last time yet again. He just had to stay home a while longer than the last time, his energy reserves were drained and if he continued like that, chances were he wouldn't make it back after the next mission.
"There you go." She said and collected the used material. "I'll give you some painkillers, the rest has to heal the old-fashioned way."
Kakashi had watched her like a hawk and for a moment he saw panic, pure unveiled panic. He wanted to reach out and comfort her, but as quickly as it appeared it was gone. He took the pills and allowed her to help him into a new shirt. It made him smile a bit, that she still kept fresh clothes for him in case of an emergency. He could feel how drained she was, she was dangerously close to breaking the promise she had to make the Hokage of not healing him. Tsunade had told him that he didn't have to expect more than the necessary as he handed in his mission report. He couldn't stand the prospect of being stuck at home for such a long time, but he knew that Sakura wasn't to blame for it, it was on him alone. As she straightened up, he caught a glimpse of something around her neck. Kakashi knew a chakra-crystal when he saw one, and he never saw one on her.
"Nice gem. New?" he asked and tried to sound casually.
"Right?" Sakura asked and shortly touched it. "I was speechless as I got it, I know how rare those are."
"You got yourself a secret admirer I'm not aware of?" he knew he wanted to sound light and teasing, but wasn't so sure as he heard himself speak. She snorted and shook her head.
"It's from Kankuro, Temari gave it to me before she left. I don't know how to thank him, but I still have a few weeks to think of something." She said and put her used materials into the trashcan.
"You'll be going to Suna?" He asked and suddenly felt cold.
"In a few weeks, or so I hope." She replied lightly and froze as she saw his stance. "Kakashi? Are you alright?"
A wave of nausea washed over him and he only marginally noticed that she was speaking to him. Her voice sounded so far away. Suna? Sakura would go to Suna?
"Senpai." That snapped him out of his daze.
"No, sorry. I'm just…I'm tired. It's nothing enough sleep couldn't cure." He tried to smile and hobbled towards her door. Sakura knew he was lying, but she also knew him well enough to not prod him further. She followed him to the door, and suddenly the silence between them was too loud.
"Kakashi." She said quietly and he stopped, but didn't turn around. "You will come and see me if it gets worse, right?"
"Of course." He replied. "Thank you."
She watched him leave and felt miserable. It wasn't unusual for them to spend time in silence, but this time it was different. Something shifted and she couldn't pinpoint what it was.
Kakashi felt miserable. Finding out that everyone was banned from healing him was a slap in the face, but he could endure the pain. Learning that Sakura would leave for Suna however…Why did that hurt more than his injuries? She was a grown woman, she could choose her path without his assent, so why did it hurt so much? He closed his eye and shook his head, what a poor excuse of a man he'd become. He was so proud of her achievements – as well as Naruto's – he had done his job, and he had done it well. So why couldn't he be happy for her? Why brought the pride he felt for her no joy but bitterness?
Sakura woke up drenched in sweat with her heart beating frantically in her chest. She had been in the OR again, the ECG's monotonous beeping of a flatline was still ringing in her ears. The way he walked out on her earlier felt just as final and her stomach cramped at the thought. Shaking she got up and made herself a coup of tea. He changed, she saw it now, over the course of the last months. The changes were subtle, those who didn't know him wouldn't notice, hell, it took herself far too long to notice. Genma and Naruto noticed too, the looks they gave each other after talking to him spoke volumes, but why was he like that? If only Asuma were still around, he'd know what was going on.
She sighed and went out onto her balcony, back to her old chair. Whatever it was that made him lose sight of his life's value, she had to find out and set him straight. This behavior couldn't continue, it would be the death of him. The thought alone gave her the chills. Sakura ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. What a mess.
Down in the street she heard footfalls hurriedly nearing and listened to the pattern. Izumo? She peeked through the bars and really, it was him.
"Izumo? What are you doing here?" she asked.
"Sakura! Bless you, you're awake! They need you at the hospital! Hurry! Iruka's been poisoned, he's dying and Mitate needs your help!" he was talking so fast Sakura had troubles understanding him. As she heard 'Iruka' and 'dying' in one sentence her mug slid out of her hands and shattered at her feet. She leapt over the bannister down into the street and was past Izumo in a heartbeat.
"Any more intel you can give me?" she asked while they run through the streets and up to the hospital.
"I don't know! He was brought in gasping for breath, that's all I know. Mitate said to go get you and that's what I did."
They stormed past the nightshift and right up to the theater. Sakura pushed the door open and snatched the blood status right out of a nurse's hand. A quick scan of the results told her what she needed to know. Iruka was cramping, and had visible foam at his mouth and nose, while Mitate tried his best to stabilize him, but made no real progress.
"How are his vitals?" Sakura asked and her colleague shook his head.
"Oxygen saturation dropped rapidly and his cramps are getting worse." Mitate replied and Sakura grabbed a nearby nurse at the sleeve.
"Get me atropine!" she snapped and run a quick check of her former sensei's injuries. "NOW!"
The nurse scurried away and Mitate cast Sakura a worried glance.
"What are we dealing with?"
"Sarin. Atropine is the only stuff that will help right now."
She snatched the syringe out of the nurse's hand and injected it into Iruka's neck.
"Hold on, senpai! Don't die on me, you hear?!" she plead and tried to fix the damages caused to his nerves while they were still happening.
Slowly he seemed to stabilize and she let out a shaky sigh.
"Well done, Sakura-san." Mitate said and clapped her on the back.
She just nodded weakly and touched a hand to Iruka's forehead.
"He needs to be intubated and monitored. I don't care that Tsunade said to leave me alone for the next seven days, I expect you to keep me posted about his status three times a day." She said and the man nodded.
"I will."
"Did you follow protocol with him and his gear?" She asked and he nodded.
"Yes, everything has been sealed away. Everyone who had contact with him went through decontamination and is currently checked for symptoms." Mitate replied and Sakura nodded.
"Good. I'll go speak with the Hokage, all missions heading into the same direction need to be upgraded. Good job."
He managed a faint smile and Sakura left before he saw her shaking hands. She felt a little dizzy, probably due to the adrenaline high she currently had, and had to lean against the wall until it passed. The sun wasn't up yet, but this was a matter she had to talk through with her former mentor regardless of the time.
As entered the tower she caught faint noises that got progressively louder the further up she went. It was obvious that it was Naruto, just as she expected. A part of her was glad that he decided to go straight to the Hokage and not the hospital, so that they could do their job in peace. The door to Tsunade's office was slightly ajar and she knocked against the door frame before she pulled it open. Naruto snapped his mouth shut as he saw her and Tsunade sat up in her chair a little more upright.
"I hope you bring good news?" Tsunade asked and Sakura shrugged.
"Iruka is stable, we were quick enough to prevent lasting damages, but the circumstances that brought him into this situation are worrying." She replied and Naruto paled.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"He has been poisoned with sarin. Once he's awake we'll have to ask him where he went and what he did, and we can only hope that he remembers every detail. For now, I'd suggest we hand out oxime to every squad that has to go into the same area or after the same group."
Tsunade frowned.
"Poison of that kind hasn't been used in ages." The Hokage mused and Sakura sighed.
"I know. Maybe it was inside an old vial or something of the like that broke and it wasn't deliberately placed there, but that's all hypothetical."
Naruto looked between the two women.
"Before the two of you go into medical details, can we just go through the list of things the non-medic in the room would like to know?" he asked and Tsunade chuckled.
"Of course, we can."
"Now, let me get this straight: he had been poisoned, the stuff that was used is over the top bad, but he'll live, right?" He asked and Sakura nodded along.
"Yes, to all of the above. He's save, stabile and I'm certain he'll make a full recovery. Mitate knows how to handle things, now it only takes time. But – and I have to stress this – we have to take the necessary precautions."
"Agreed. As soon as we know what Iruka could find out, we'll have to plan how to proceed." Tsunade said and the two younger Shinobi nodded.
"However you upgrade this mission, I want in." Naruto said. "They made it personal."
"I was hoping you'd say that." Tsunade replied. "With you it's easier to cover a wider ground in less time. But for now, we need to wait until Iruka wakes up. You both should go back home and sleep some more."
Both knew that was just another way to say 'dismissed' and left her office.
"I'm not going to ask how you knew what happened." Sakura said and Naruto chuckled.
"And I'm not going to tell you. But you please tell me how he is really doing." He said and she sighed.
"Right now, he's still in general anesthetic, the symptoms were severe but they brought him back quick enough. He will recover, I'm sure, but the next few days he needs all the rest he can get. I'll save you the medical crap, but this is nothing he can just sleep off in a matter of days. And I don't know how quickly his cells will rid themselves of this stuff." She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
"Anything else the matter?" he asked as they left the building and she closed her eyes.
"Yes. It doesn't sound as bad as this, but it's still worrying."
"If you're talking like that…is Kakashi involved?" Naruto asked and Sakura nodded.
"Yes, He came back today, skipped the hospital and came straight to me. Before you ask, I didn't cave, but he didn't ask either. I assume he had been here to report his findings, and got informed how things would be handled in his case for now. Anyway, the number of injuries sustained increased yet again and it was sheer luck that his broken rib didn't pierce his lung like last time. I'm at my wit's end. I…" she broke off and he took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Sakura managed a smile, but he could see how tired she was.
"Did he say something?" Naruto asked on, but she shook her head.
"No. He was taciturn, but I thought that was because of exhaustion. The way he walked out of my apartment after we were done…I don't know. It feels as if he's locking us out again, and that thought frightens me."
Naruto nodded; he knew what she meant. Kakashi never was chatty, but he was a good listener. Over the course of the last months he withdrew himself more and more. Like he was trying to fade out of their lives, for lack of better words.
"I will go talk to him." He said. "He's used to me prodding."
He flashed her his trademark grin and it gave her hope that he might get through to him.
"Please do and if you find out anything, you…"
"… will tell me right away." He finished for her and she chuckled a bit.
"You got me."
"Of course, I do. See you later."
Sakura watched him leave and sighed again. She was glad the he still had his never-ending positivity, times like these it was invaluable. Why did the men in her life cause her so much worries?