A/N: I only own Erin.

Sheriti narfit, miamitravel, kizzyfur, wades wife, sonib89, xMyheartshine, chelle, & WhitneySheree- Thank you fot he reviews and support as I wrote this story. I hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.

This is the last chapter...

Erin POV

I was almost at my popping point. The pregnancy had been a fairly easy one, but I just wanted them out of me at this point. I was almost at my due date and had no time to myself. I knew that everyone was worried about me, but damn, I just needed some air.

I quietly walked out of the house without waking anyone up. I had the driver take me to the cemetery; I wanted to talk to my parents. I always felt better when I talked to them. I knew that I should be happy that I almost had my family with Ste, but I hated it because I had always wanted at least one of my parents to be here for this.

I got to their graves and looked down at it. I ran my hand over the smooth marble and felt their names under my fingertips; I couldn't help but cry. I laid the roses down and sobbed. I felt happy and sad at the same time. I knew that this wasn't how I wanted my life to turn out. I knew that Stephen loved me; I had people that I could call family, but I also knew that this was never how I wanted my life to be. I couldn't have asked for a better person to love me, but I still felt anger when it came to him, because we were forced together.

I was thinking about everything when I felt a pain shoot through my stomach; I rubbed it and winced as it finally subsided.

"Sorry, babies… mommy will calm down." I whispered as I rubbed them.

I was talking to mom and dad and I kept feeling a pressure and pain shoot through me. I figured that I had been standing to long and waddled back to the car. I got to the car and sharp pain that was worse than the others that I had felt shot through me. I gasped and the driver put his arms around me.

"Come on, Erin, yeh need to get home." He said and I nodded.

Stephen POV

I had woken up and Erin wasn't here. I called Ma, Fiona, Stu, Seamus, and Conner. They hadn't seen her. I was going crazy until my Ma called me. The driver had brought Erin to the doctor's office; Erin was in major pain. I hopped into the car and flew over there. Stu had gotten to my house and gone with me. I was worried about her.

"Where is she?" I asked them when I walked in.

"She is in the operating room; her water broke." Ma said and I was shocked. We still had a few weeks. I was angry at her for leaving without me, but now I just wanted to make sure that she was alright. I ran in there and Fiona was holding her hand.

"Ah am here, love." I said and she looked at me.

"I hate you." she said and I was shocked.

"She doesn't mean it." Ma said and I just shrugged.

"It fucking hurts!" she said and squeezed my hand.

"Erin, it's time." The doctor said and I helped her sit up some more.

She pushed and the first one came out and few seconds later the second one came out.

"Why aren't they crying?" she asked me and a few seconds later we heard crying. She smiled at me; I kissed her forehead and stroked her hand.

"Ah love yeh." I whispered as they handed each of us a son.

"Let me get her cleaned up and then you can show them off." The doctor said and I nodded.

The midwife took them and cleaned them up as well. I held Erin's hand as they got the placenta out, stitched her up, and did whatever else she needed to do. I kissed Erin and she smiled at me.

"They are beautiful." I said and she smiled.

Erin refused to lay there and got into a wheelchair. The nurse handed me on and Erin the other before pushing her out to the waiting area.

"They are precious, what are their names?" Fiona asked as she took the one Erin was holding. I gave Ma mine and she had tears in her eyes. I had to admit that no matter what Erin and I had been through… this had made everything bad disappear.

"You are holding Braden David Farrelly and Fiona is holding Cabhan Quin Farrelly." Erin said and they smiled. I had let her chose the names, but I did ask that their middle names be the names of our fathers. She had agreed and even though we didn't care for my father, he was still the reason we were together.

Erin POV

I knew that this had started out as something we both hated, but now I didn't mind so much that my family was fucked up. I had a real family, a husband that wanted to be with me, and a life that I could have only read about in some novel. I knew that it wasn't perfect or ever would be perfect, but I don't think I would change it for the world. I had two beautiful baby boys and I planned on giving them a better life that I ever had; that was good enough for me.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I really appriciate it. I hope that you will check out my other stories.