Oracle of the Stars returns with a new Dragon Ball Z production what mayhem does this young girl decide to do now? First there was Reality Television, then there was Christmas Songs, now there is something so insane which has been done before but with an Oracle twist.

This takes place after Dragon Ball Z ends, now I've changed some things a bit such as the ages. Trunks and Goten are in High School while Bra and Marron are in Middle School and Pan in Elementary. I know people do this but it isn't as bad. In fact here are the ages.

Trunks-17 Senior

Goten- 16 Junior

Marron-14 8th Grade

Bra-12 8th Grade (skipped a grade)

Pan-10 4th Grade

See not that bad right? It's kinda needed for what I have in mind though I think you have an idea on what happens. Here's a quick summary though in case you need it.

Bulma has been working on a machine that would not only return her to her youth but adjust her lifespan so that she lives twice as long so that she can be with her family and friends for as long as possible. But all goes wrong one day when Pan, Bra and Marron are all together when there parents make a friendly social visit to Capsule corp. They decide to go in the lab to see what cool things Bulma has been working on when they find the machine. Bra knew about it but didn't know what it did so together they go take a look and accidentally activate it way before the machine is ready. The next thing they know there parents and Piccolo are all into little kids, and to make things worse Dende has been turned into a namekian baby. How are they going to get out of this one? The dragon balls? Please that would be far too easy you'll have to read on and find out!

Disclaimer: Must I say it? No well I will anyway I DON'T OWN A DAMN THING! There that's your disclaimer.

Chapter One


"Bra...Marron...Pan" Trunks said slowly and calmly keeping an all too cool composure as he and his best friend Goten stepped into the living room where they had left all of there parents as well as Piccolo who came only because Gohan begged him to come along so much it was irritating. They were all fine and ready to celebrate Goku's return from training Uub he wasn't quite done but he needed a little down time. Yes everything was normal when Trunks and Goten left to get more soda, but of course fate couldn't give them a normal day not just one normal day. For as they returned...everyone except for Pan, Bra and Marron had been turned into little kids. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GUYS DO?" he demanded as the chibi fighters slept from whatever caused this. Bra cringed resisting the need to high tail it out of there but she knew her brother would just go super saiyan and catch her (which annoyed her greatly that her mother wouldn't let her learn how to fight).

"I don't know...Marron, Pan, and I had to go to the lab to get something for mom but we decided to check out what she was working on, and there we saw a big machine the one that mom has been working on for months. I didn't know what it did, so I tried to turn it on to see what it did; there was this big bright light and sparks everywhere but it turned off on its own. We decided to rush out so not to get in trouble and then when we came back everyone was little kids" Bra explained rapidly shrinking in embarassment preparing for another lecture from her older brother.

Trunks sighed running a hand through his hair thinking hard about what Bra had just said, 'The machine that mom's been working on...' he thought only to stop in mid-thought shock and disbelief shouting loudly across his face. "Crap! Goten watch our parents and Piccolo" he ordered though rather shakily, Goten was confused but nodded all the same. "Pan, Marron, Bra take me to this machine now!". In that instant the girl's followed Trunk's orders while Goten stayed behind praying to Dende that the chibi warriors wouldn't wake up. The trip wasn't long and as they traveled deeper and deeper into Bulma's lab the more nervous Trunks got. 'Please don't let it be what I think it is' he thought to himself repeat the phrase in his mind over and over like a broken record.

"Here it is!" Bra announced and pointed at the machine in question the moment Trunks laid eyes on said machine he face falted onto the metallic floor leaving a dent in it. "Trunks what's wrong?" Bra asked extremely nervous.

Trunks laid there for a moment but then remembered Goten was alone with their pint sized parents and Piccolo so quickly halled himself off the ground sighing in defeat while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Bra...that's the Youth Restoration Device" he explained only to sigh when Bra gave him a confused look having no clue what that was. "Saiyans keep their youthful appearance yet generally have the same lifespans as humans, but mom didn't want to get strange looks from people and wanted a fresh start or something. So this device was made to make her younger and double her lifespan, in fact the reason mom called everyone here was so that she could tell everyone. She was going to offer them the same thing while also ask Piccolo questions and for tests to see how much longer Namekians lived compared to both Saiyans and Humans. Which is why she didn't complete it, she wasn't done with it yet! So when you guys messed with it you must have accidentally activated it and naturally it malfunctioned!".

Pan and Marron didn't really get it but Bra blessed with intelligence was able to understand, so much so her face paled in fear. "So, that means the reason they are all little kids is because we...we" Bra started to say but couldn't get the words out she was so shocked.

"Yeah that's right because you had to try to turn it on before it was ready!" finished the sentence for his sister trying not to scream on the top of his lungs.

"So why aren't we little then?" Marron asked with a bit of an understanding of what had happened. "And why did it all make them around the same age? After all aren't our parents all different ages?".

Trunks blinked and ran a hand through his hair, they were good questions and it took him a bit to come up with a plausible answer but after some critical thinking he was able to come up with an answer that was deemed plausible, "Well either mom had it programmed for them all just in case they agreed, or the machine was able to decipher young cells and adult cells. From there it probably just chose a common age" it seemed plausible enough and answered Marron's question. "Now what you should be concerned with is what new ways our parents are going to punish the three of you". All three girls stiffened at the thought, especially Bra after all Pan and Marron had at least one lenient parent her and Trunks no such luck. If their father didn't kill her then her mother would give her an ear full and ground her for a lifetime.

Just then the phone in Bulma's lab started to ring, Trunks sighed as he walked over and decided to put it on speaker. "This is Trunks my mom can't talk now she's" he started but was interuppted by Goten.

"It's just me Trunks and you better hurry back here, I think nap time is almost over some of them are starting to wake up", he told Trunks a little panicky.

"Ok were on our way" Trunks told his best friend quickly turning it off ready to run but not before he looked over at the three girls who presently were trying to escape. "Hey where do you think your going?" he called out making them jump, slowly and simultaneously turned a busted smile on each of them. "Yeah I thought so...come on".

It took only but a second for them to return and just as Goten had said it looked like the chibi adults were waking up, the first to awake was none other then Bulma. Her hair was longer then before though that thought was pushed in the back of their minds as the little girl looked at them with a dazed look on her face. Rubbing her eyes Bulma gave them a confused look, Bra knew she'd have to be the one to tell mom at least her mom wouldn't kill least she thought she wouldn't. Quickly Bra got on her knee's tears in her eyes, Trunks sweated a little and at that moment felt really sorry for his sister.

"Huh what's going on here?" chibi Bulma asked in confusion.

"I...I am so sorry" Bra finally choked out her tears running down her cheeks like a waterfall. "I didn't mean to break it...I didn't know what would happen. Please don't punish Marron and Pan it's all my fault, so...punish me as much as you want just don't tell on them."

Trunks was amazed his sister never really did anything wrong, unlike himself when he was a kid, so she rarely got in trouble and even when she did it wasn't anything huge. Even so it surprised him that his sister was willing to take all the blame for something she would definetly be greatly punished for. He looked at his mom waiting for her to blow, the moment she did he knew it'd get ugly he was about to defend Bra when he realized there was no reaction. Bulma just looked at Bra with a very confused look, Bra noticed this too and stopped crying just waiting for her mom to yell at her. Finally when Bulma opened her mouth all the kids couldn't help but flinch, expecting a loud burst of pure rage but instead they got one of the greatest shocks in their lives.

"Why would I punish you?" Bulma asked quirking an eyebrow toward the flinching Bra. "I'm not your can you stop crying and tell me where I am. Don't tell me I've been kidnapped again? If so your the worst kidnapper ever" she continued addressing the group of now completely shocked teens and kids. "I mean if your going to regret kidnapping me why do it?". There was nothing, no one talked the only thing any of them could do was stare as Bulma tried to stand up only to trip over her dress that was way too big now that she had become younger. "Wait a minute...this is my house! What's going on?" the chibi Bulma demanded giving an adorable pout.

But before they could answer her a symphony of groans reached their ears, simultaneously they looked with slack jawed faces at the sight before them as Vegeta, Goku, Chi-Chi, Krillin, and 18 also awoke while Piccolo still slept. For a being with super hearing he sure was a deep sleeper. Trunks flinched expecting his father to go on the rampage along with Chi-Chi and 18, he and Goten couldn't help but step forward and hide the frightened girls. Everyone's eye's drew to Vegeta they watched and waited as he rubbed his eyes and looked around his surroundings. Once the chibi saiyan had gotten a good look his expression changed from confusion to utter rage.

"What is the meaning of this?" chibi Vegeta demanded trying to stand up only to fall back lost in his own spandex.

"Now just calm down, it's not as bad as you think" Trunks started to explain but stopped as his father glared at him with great intensity. Trunks didn't know whether to be terrified or to laugh cause frankly he was just cute.

"What do you mean? Who are you? And where in the hell am I?" Vegeta growled trying to walk only to again lost his balance, the little saiyan soon lost his patience and ripped the spandex off and chose to stand there naked rather then do battle with the oversized garment.

"Hey you put some clothes on! I won't have a strange boy walking around naked in my house!" Bulma shouted furious and embarassed at the same time as she covered her eyes.

Vegeta only glared at Bulma arm's crossed refusing to budge, "How dare you speak to me in such a way! You better watch it girl or else you'll pay dearly for your insolence!"

"I'm not afraid of you half-pint" Bulma shouted uncovering her eyes for one moment only to blush and cover them again.

As they continued their bickering the other's who before were still having an epic battle against the forces of sleep and dreams were now wide awake. Just like Bulma and Vegeta they were just as confused, and even a little scared. Goku tried to stand up only to meet the same fate that Vegeta had, but then when he saw Vegeta had gotten rid of his obstacle the little boy grinned and slipped out. Chi-Chi saw this and immediately covered her eyes letting out a high pitched squeal and turning a new shade of red. As for 18 she just snorted crossing her arms ignoring the fact she got hit lightly by her long sleeves and sat there looking more bored then confused. As for Krillin he stared at Vegeta and Goku embarrassed for them but also admired them. They had no fear and didn't care if they were naked or not, Krillin wasn't that brave but there was another reason for his awed expression. For just like when they were little there little Vegeta and Goku had tails just like they had before they had been cut off.

Trunks and the others noticed this as well the result unleashed them into a state of confusion and questions. Goten quietly while their parents were distracted nudged the others and gestured to the corner of the room. Trunks looked at him and immediately caught on what he was trying to say and dragged the three shocked girls with them as they quickly moved aside in a huddle.

"Trunks what's going on?" Goten asked and a harsh whisper. "Why don't our parents remember anything? And how come our dad's have tails? They were cut off a long time ago permanently so how did they grow back?" continuing flooding his best friend with a number of questions that all of them shared.

As he awaited the answers Trunks stood there biting his lip trying to figure it out, in truth he had hoped someone else knew for he had no clue in the least. Bra also put on her thinking face as she too tried to come up with something that could have caused this. After what seemed like ten minutes (but was really only like 10 seconds) both Brief siblings snapped their fingers and bore a victorious smirk.

"Eureka" they whispered in unison and from there they took off, making the others remember just how much of their parents brilliance they had actually inherited.

"You see the machine after scanning their DNA and their structure must have found there was a missing factor to our dad's body construction" Trunks explained then continued. "Since the machine had not been given a specific orders yet on which to change our parents it chose one itself and fixed any missing factors that didn't correspond with their bodies construction at that age it had chosen itself."

"As for why our parents don't remember us" Bra then chimed in. "The machine was not complete so it's basic function was to lower the target's ages that were appropriate to the age it had set. However the machine not only changed them physically just like it figured out the missing components it was able to decipher which components didn't belong at that appropriate age. Including mental abilities as well as memories."

There was silence Marron understood what they were saying but Goten and Pan were lost, they had no idea what they meant at all. Marron saw this smiled an awkward smile and quickly dumbed it down.

"Basically Auntie Bulma's device reversed our parents ages completely including their brains" Marron explained happy that Goten and Pan understood but then had a thought of her own. "Hold mom is half mechanical since she's an Android. Did the machine turn her human then?".

"Not possible" Bra quickly answered since she already thought of that. "Our dad's tails are possible since they were simply cut off but obvious traces are still left making it possible to accelerate or resume any growth. But as for your mom since alchemy long ago was proven not be possible the chances of the device being able to revert all of her mechanical parts into flesh are equal to less then zero."

Just then there was a loud bang making all five of the Z offspring to jump, in unison they looked at the source which was none other then the front door. Trunks and Goten being able to sense energy grew pale and bore a look of utter terror, for they knew right away who it was before the voice even reached their ears.

"Hey Bulma were here" Gohan cried knocking on the door a few other times. "Sorry were late had a board meeting, well Videl and I are coming in".

Time seemed to slow as the door handle turned and the eerie sound of the opening door creaking open, before the late couple could fully enter the house and see the situation Goten again leaned towards Trunks to whisper.

"Hey Trunks".

"What?" Trunks asked his voice shaky but body stiff.

"Dibs on not explaining this to Gohan" Goten called stepping away quickly along with the three girls leaving Trunks all alone to become the obvious vocal point of attention and source of information. Before Trunks could protest it was too late Gohan and Videl had stepped inside.

"Oh hey guys where's Bulma..." Gohan started to say with a bright and happy go lucky smile on his face you know the Son look when his eyes gazed to the mass chaos that was before them all. Yes he saw it all a kid Bulma arguing with a naked kid Vegeta with a tail, and along side baring the signature goofy grin was his naked kid Dad also with a tail, he was pretty sure that behind them was his mom only a kid and her face was covered her face a bright red. By the coffee table there sat a kid Krillin who was bald once again staring at the verbal battle between Vegeta and Bulma with a shocked expression, next to him a rather bored and ticked off kid 18. And on the coach a sleeping Piccolo. All of them with the exception of Goku and Vegeta wearing their old clothes that had grown much larger then their bodies. All of them reduced to children.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU GUYS DO?" the usual calm half saiyan shouted with a very pissed off Videl behind.

Since the others had backed off that left Trunks the focus just as they had intended, Gohan and Videl stood angrily awaiting for an explaination but their glares were directed on the oldest of them.

"Goten..." Trunks told his best friend while staring into the face of one of his role models and wife. "I really hate you right now".

~*~ End of Chapter One ~*~

Alright finished with chapter one! Now if you've read my other fic don't worry I'm working on it. I would have posted it sooner but the freakin computer didn't save it once I had finished it! So I've been trying to juggle my other work on my other account and senior stuff. But luckily I have pretty much been guaranteed to graduate since I have finished my senior project and passed! So I'll be able to post that chapter soon. Now back onto topic.

*steals glasses and mic from the blond announcer guy* Things sure don't look good for Trunks, Goten and the others. Not only do they have to explain this whole situation to Gohan and Videl but they also have to figure out a way to get their parents back to normal. At the same time they have to be sure not to let the Chibi fighters escape. That maybe easier said then done luckily though it looks like they are not aware of how much power they really have, so the current adults have the upper hand. But what to tell Vegeta? The truth about what happened to Freeza? Or an entire new story in itself? Either way it doesn't look good, and where is Dende?

Trunks: I swear Goten if your brother kills me I'll haunt you!

Goten: Hey what kind I say your better at this kind of thing anyway!

Bra: Well let's look on the bright side.

Trunks: What bright side?

Bra: They can't ground us now can they?

Goten & Trunks:...Good point...

Oracle: Well then good luck on trying to fix that machine by yourself, anyway I hope you have enjoyed this and look forward to more! Who knows what adventures and trouble these guys will get into? And what reaction does a saiyan have to his first candy bar? All will be revealed later on in DBZ Chibi Catastrophe!