
What Kurt Did On His Spring Vacation was my first serious attempt at fanfiction writing. I originally posted it in April 2011, but after writing a few other stories I returned to it in December 2011 to make some revisions. Most of these were very minor, but I did rewrite the ending of Chapter 2 and restore a "deleted scene" to Chapter 9. I was tempted to change a few other things to bring the story more in line with later canon, but decided to leave this story reflecting only what I knew when I was writing it during the break between 2x16 "Original Song" and 2x17 "Night of Neglect".

When I was first working on this story back in April I revised the ending of Chapter 2 many times. My original idea was that Kurt and Blaine would have an argument and then make up (and make out) just before Blaine left on vacation. The more I wrote the more I felt that this idea wasn't going to work in Spring Vacation. (I wound up using an argument as the basis for my later story, Blame It On the Coffee.) Without an argument I wasn't sure how to end the chapter, though. The originally posted version stopped rather abruptly. This revision isn't perfect, but I think it is an improvement.

The "deleted scene" was the April Fool's Day pranks between Finn and Kurt. I'd cut it from an earlier draft of the story, and now I can't remember why. When I looked over it again I liked it, and as it was also Carole's only appearance in this story I felt it should be put back in.

This story never received many reviews, but I see that over the past eight months a number of people have marked it as one of their favorites. If you've enjoyed What Kurt Did On His Spring Vacation then don't be shy, leave me a review! :)

-Miss Carmilla