Here is a story that my friend and I thought up as we were talking, and well, you might like it and you might not. The Phantom Stallion part is an OC. I wrote him in Jake is a, and he's Jake Ely's triplet brother Jasper.
And just to let you know, the girls are 15 (Katie) and 17 (Emma.) The guys ages are 27 (Erik) and 17 (Jasper.)
Please review! No evil flames!
Katie, and her next door neighbor, and best friend Emma, were sitting in Emma's living room watching the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie.
"Don't leave Christine!" Emma hollered in aggravation.
"Bad Raoul stealing Christine from poor Erik!" Katie shouted.
"Don'tcha know he dies of heartbreak you monster?" Emma cried out, looking like she could cry.
"You fop of a pansy!" Katie insulted, sticking her tongue out at the screen.
"Why I ought to Punjab you!" Emma growled, rubbing her hands together.
Katie, who had just called Raoul a fop of a pansy now yelled, "You SOS!"
Emma stopped shouting at Raoul, and turned to Katie, "You what?"
"SOS. . . Cause, well we all know that the B in SOB means a female doggie right? Well, calling him that would be a compliment, because I for one like female doggies, so SOS, Son of a Snake."
Emma stared at Katie for a little bit, before laughing and then shouting at Raoul,
"You SOS, taking Christine from Erik!"
"Agh." Katie moaned.
"What?" Emma glanced at her and then back at the screen.
"I gotta pee." Katie frowned, standing up from the leather couch.
Emma stared at Katie for a good long moment, before bursting out in laughter.
"What?" Katie looked a little bewildered.
"Go on. I'll pause movie, and get pop. What do you want?" Emma decided to get up too.
"You have root beer?" Katie was starting to do the I-gotta-go-dance.
"No, but I know you like mountain dew a little, and we have that." Emma shooed Katie.
"Alright!" Katie ran to the bathroom, and Emma ran to the kitchen, and while they left something strange happened.
Erik was moving! The movie was paused but he was moving! And there was someone behind one of his mirrors.
Erik turned around, covering his face with his hand, to look for who it was, when Emma came back in the room.
Instantly the screen was back like it had been, and then Katie walked in.
"Turn on the movie!" she shrieked, excitedly.
They turned it on, but to their surprise Erik was not following the script. He walked around the mirror that Christine had uncovered, as if he was searching for something.
"Emma? What's he doing?" Katie whispered.
As if he had heard, Erik looked towards them. Almost right at them. Emma gulped, and Katie moved closer to Emma.
Finally, he broke the glass with his fist, and out jumped a young man, about seventeen, and he had a gun! A modern shotgun!
"Um... Emma? I thinks something is wrong with this movie." Katie whispered again, sounding a little frightened.
"I have that feeling as well." Emma whispered back with wide eyes.
All of a sudden the movie did the same thing as it did when they looked at the chandler.
Both girls jumped and screamed in surprise as the men ended up on the living room floor, the dark haired teen with the gun in his hand yelling, "You killed my brother Slocum, and although Jacob Ely got on my nerves continually, he was still my brother, and you shall- Oh, you're not Slocum."
"I could have told you that you little-" Erik, who was now wearing his mask again, was cut off by the boy.
"Goodness masked dude! Don't cuss in front of the ladies!" the dark haired, Indian guy huffed.
Emma looked over at Katie, and Katie rolled her eyes over to Emma. Both girls were terrified. Erik, aka the Phantom of the Opera was in Emma's living room, along with some guy that claimed to be Jake Ely's bro.
"Are you Q-Quinn?" asked a stuttering Katie.
"Me? Why no, I am Jasper W. Ely." The boy said looking offended.
Katie stared at him a moment longer, then fell back in some sort of a faint. No way. This guy was her fictional OC from Jake is a? Like, Jake's triplet!
Emma as well was in a shock. She'd put herself in a fan fiction story as well, and married Erik, but now he was out of the movie?
Emma's eyes rolled back into her head and she joined Katie on the floor.