Dark Void Princess 21 (DVP21): I'm back! Oh! And I finally have all the pairings finalized. Though what fun would it be if I told you.


Dark Instincts

Chapter Three

~Kurosu Academy~


Zero and Yuuki were standing in front of Chairman of Kurosu Academy, Kurosu Kaien. It was early in the morning. Something that neither were happy about, but Zero was taking it much worse than Yuuki. They were both dressed in the black day class uniform. Unlike the two teens, Kaien was up and energetic. More so than normally.

Zero spat, "What could you possibly want this early in the morning?" They didn't get enough sleep as it was, and they had to get up even earlier that day just to hear whatever the chairman had to say. It probably isn't even important, he thought.

Yuuki slapped Zero's back causing him almost to fall forward on his face. Almost "Don't be so rude Zero. I'm sure it's something important. He wouldn't just call us here for nothing." Yuuki was smiling brightly completely believing her words. Zero just gave her a complete disbelieving look.

"Ah~ My little Yuuki-chan believes in me," chanted Kaien who got out of his seat to try and give Yuuki a hug. The key word tried. Yuuki side-stepped a moment before impact allowing her to escape Kaien's affections.

"Just get to the point," yelled Zero as Kaien had tears streaming down his face for being rejected. Why couldn't his children be more loving?

When the subject was being changed once again, Kaien beamed brightly which actually scared Zero. "We're getting four new students!"

Yuuki clapped her hands as her face beamed. She was excited.

Zero on the other hand groaned. His eyes narrowed into a heated glare. "What class?"

Although his question was short, the headmaster understood his question perfectly. Zero meant: Are the new students in the day or night class? Kaien nervously rubbed the back of his head. "Ano... Both." This shocked Zero. Kaien turned serious. "However they are not what you think. Level D are the only vampires." He returned to being care-free. "And of course my lovely god-daughter and god-son are coming."

Yuuki was suddenly really excited for reasons Zero didn't know. "Really! She's coming," said Yuuki excitedly. "I haven't seen her in years!"

"Who-" Zero began to ask when he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

The door opened to show four figures. Two wearing the white night class uniforms while the other two wore the black day class uniforms. Zero froze still as he recognized one of the new day class students. Anger instantly began to build up within him.

"Kagome-sama!" The young Kurosu girl ran towards Kagome in delight. She hugged Kagome tightly. "It's you! It's been so long."

The fox demon grinned -not that Zero or Yuuki were aware of this fact. "I'm Akitsune Shippo!" Yuuki blushed to how handsome he was with his untamed auburn/orange hair and vibrant green eyes. He would perfectly fit in with the night class. She never new how different from them he truly was.

The next girl had waist-length black hair and brown eyes. The side ponytail from her childhood was long gone. She also wore the night class uniform. She seemed so serene. Running a few step towards the others she tripped almost falling in the process. Shippo grabbed her arm preventing the level D from falling. "Arigato Shippo-kun." She looked over to the three in the room who she didn't know. "Ohayo! My name is Taisho Rin," introduced Rin. She decided to use Sesshomaru's 'surname' which he came up with in memory of his father. Seeing Rin's bubbly attitude Yuuki's opinion changed. She no longer looked like the serene girl who walked in a moment ago. Yuuki now thought Rin as cute and innocent yet clumsy.

The eldest male just smiled to Rin's antics. No matter how much she aged, Rin still had that innocent vibe. "Ohayo gozaimasu. I'm Higurashi Sota." Yuuki glanced at the older day class student. He had black hair and brown eyes. He's Kagome-sama's brother, though Yuuki. There was something different about him than others. When she couldn't think why, she dropped the thought. Perhaps she was merely over-thinking.

Kagome glanced at all the occupants in the room before giving a small nod to no one in particular. "Well it appears as if I already know everyone." Kagome glanced at Zero. She continued, "Even if someone appears to regret knowing me." Kagome couldn't blame him. That was what she wanted. At the time it was best way to secure his safety. Though even now with Kagami on the loose, none of her friends were safe.

Yuuki and Zero looked at each other. They asked each other at the same time, "How do you know her?"

Zero answered first. Yuuki couldn't tell but all the new students could hear the contained rage in his voice. "A childhood friend. She was the one to bring me here to live with him." He pointed a finger at the headmaster.

Yuuki then answered Zero. "Kagome-sama help saved me the night Kaname-sama did. A second vampire came, and she got rid of him. She use to visit once in a while until she got sick and had to stay at home."

Zero was confused. Since when was she sick, or became his god-daughter?

Rin ears perked up to Yuuki's story. "Kaname-sama? You mean Kuran Kaname-sama? He's here? That's great isn't it Kagome-sama!" Rin was taught to no longer call Kagome, Kagome-onee-sama in public as it would cause suspicion as she appeared older than the blue eyed girl. "It's been so long since I've last seen him."

Kagome looked at Rin. To her she was still the young energetic girl she met in the Feudal Era.

"Ano- Yuuki-chan? Do you think you could give us that tour now," asked the miko.

"Huh?" Yuuki snapped out of her thoughts. "But- ano- will they be okay in the sun." She was referring to those in the night class uniforms.

Sota's eyes darkened to what she was implying. He still didn't like vampires even if that was what he currently was. "They'll be fine," said the male Higurashi sorrowfully.

Yuuki glance at Rin and Shippo for their consent and they nodded.

They all headed to exit the room when the headmaster said something that stopped the group of teens to stop in their tracks. "Oh! I almost forgot! Sota-kun and Kagome-chan will become prefects, so please do teach them about the job!" Before anything could be questioned, the door shut in front of their faces.

They stopped in front of the school. "The moon dorms are that way, and the sun dorm that way," said Zero rudely.

Rin either was oblivious to it or chose to ignore it. "Okay~ We're going on ahead then. See you later Kagome-sama, Sota-kun." Rin starts skipping towards the moon dorm leaving Shippo behind to carry both their luggage.

Shippo was suddenly frantic. He picked up both his and her things and began to chase after Rin. "Rin-chan wait! That's not fair."

Kagome muffled her laughter. They could always make her smile. Then Kagome took notice of something. She had noticed earlier but didn't choose to voice out her concern until now thinking that there was an explanation. Sota and Kagome picked up their things and followed their new co-workers to the sun dorm. "So- hey Yuuki-chan, Zero-kun... where's Ichiru-kun?" The two said prefects froze still. Their eyes the size of dinner plates, wide, alarmed, and guilty. Kagome became confused.

Rin ran to the moon dorm and gained entrance. Shippo still far behind somewhere. Who could blame her though? She had never been to school before. She had very few friends, and all those friends could also be considered family especially since they all lived under the same roof. Lastly, Yuuki had said Kuran Kaname was there. It had been so long, so of course she would be excited.

Opening the doors to the dorm two vampires sat on the couch. Rin shouldn't have been as surprised as she was. After all it was morning. Everyone must have been either sleeping or about to head to bed. Not that Rin cared but the two people still awake were guys. Extremely attractive looking guys. The first had blond hair and electrifying blue eyes while the more relaxed one had strawberry blond hair. "Huh?"

"And what do we have here?" The blond approached her. She wasn't human like the day class students he always riled up, but she wasn't a vampire. Not a true one. To him level Ds and Es were a disgrace. All of the sudden ice trapped one of Rin's feet to the floor. The ice traveled up to just above her knew.

It was cold. The ice was freezing. Rin attempted to escape but it was futile. She started to panic. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to attend Kurosu academy.

"Hanabusa." Said blond didn't even look to his cousin.

"Don't interfere Akatsuki." The ice user pushed the other guy aside. He wasn't fawn of ex-humans.

Rin began to stutter. She was scared. She began to scream. "Kagome-sama!" She struggled some more before yelling out to Shippo.

Suddenly the ice melted. Aido whined in complaint, "Akatsuki! I told you not to interfere."

Kain shrugged. He didn't see why he was being yelled at. Sure he could control fire, but he hadn't done anything. "I didn't."

"Then who..?"

There question was soon answered when they felt a murderous intent. Turning back to the girl, they saw a new comer. He dropped the bags he had carried and ran to Rin. "Are you okay Rin-chan," he asked in a soft tone before turning to glare at the cousins. "You frightened Rin-chan." A ball of fire ignited in his hand.

The cousins were trying to figure out what he was. There senses could easily tell that he wasn't a vampire, and the fire clearly showed that he was not a human. Besides there was something darker about him, and though he appeared younger than them didn't mean he wasn't intimidating.

A sudden voice cut the tension only to bring a new fear. "Aido... Kain... You mustn't fight. These are our new transfers."

In fear, Aido stuttered, "Kuran-sama."

Overlapping Aido's scared voice was a happy cheer from Rin. "Kaname-sama!" Rin ran over and hugged the pureblood which alerted Kain and Aido. What did she think she was doing to their Lord?

Kaname looked intently at the girl. He didn't hit her away because something seemed very familiar about her. A sudden image came to his head. It seemed to match the description, but he believed her to be dead over 10 000 years ago. Then again so was Kagome, but that situation was another complicated matter. Aido fell to the floor both bewildered and anger when he watch the Kuran pureblood pat her head with affection. Affection they had only seen Yuuki receive. "Rin-chan."

Nodding excitedly, she responded, "Yep! Glad to know you remember me! It's been so long!" Kaname smiled. "Kagome-sama is here as well. I bet she'll be happy to see you again as well." There went all logical theory.

Shippo watch from the side in silence. He saw the strawberry blond not really interested in anything. Though he found the blond amusing with his sputtering. Looking over to Rin and Kaname he thought, so this is the vampire that took care of them during that time?

Sota watch frightened. After hearing the guardians explain what happen to Ichiru, Kagome's bangs covered her eyes. He could feel her growing anger. Her hands were clenched. Something he never liked being on the other side of. He quickly took several steps back not wanting to be anywhere near the three.

Kagome looked up. She was beyond pissed. Yuuki and Zero flinched. They had never seen her mad. Not this bad they hadn't. There was a flare to her hot gaze. "You mean to tell me... that one night Ichiru-kun just packed up and left without telling anyone... AND NO ONE DID ANYTHING TO STOP HIM AND YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CLUE WHERE HE WENT OR IF HE IS EVEN ALIVE!"

Oh yes. His sister was definitely beyond pissed.

Yes! Finally setting everything up! I can finally get on with the story!

As said above all the pairings have already been decided. I said I wouldn't reveal them, but if anyone can guess any of the side pairings then I will reveal that to you.

I`m looking for advice and constructive criticism. That would help me.