Only one word...FINALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since this is an incredibly long chapter, I have placed all author's notes
at the bottom. So I'll see you at the end. ^_^

= thoughts
[ ] = author's note

Rated: PG

Without further ado...Please ENJOY!

A Shepherd's Kiss
========================= By Cosmos ==================================

Chapter 15: The Closure of All Emotions

A face gazed out at him with dark sea-green eyes, devoid of compassion.
His forest-green hair surrounded his narrow face like a black hood, making
his features looked even colder and inhuman. He stared at his reflection
as if it were another person challenging him with its hostile glare.

A single dark mark running across his left cheek always caught his attention
no matter how hard he tried to avoid noticing it. The scar's burning
reminder fired in the forefront of his mind like a hot branding. Images of
that dark night rose in his thoughts, although he attempted to push them

Suddenly, cold sea-green eyes altered into vengeful dark azure spheres that
glared back at him with unimaginable hatred. Silhouetted by her long silver
hair, her eyes glowed fiercely in the darkness of night. That image of
her never could be erased from his mind. That and the vengeance she had
sworn to take upon him.

Shaking his head slightly, he ignored the bitter chill slowly rising from
within his soul. He glanced out at the dark window and frowned in confusion.
He sensed that there was something different tonight, a change in the
wind. Perhaps it was simply his imagination, but a strange foreboding
feeling constantly tugged restlessly from the depths of his mind unwilling
to give him peace.

She could sense her strength leave her as quickly as the ebbing of a great
tide. Her vision slowly blurred but she strained to remain conscious, at
east until she reached the moon. Flying at the very edge of Earth's
atmosphere, she struggled to rush past the massive strength of the giant's
gravitational pull. If she could only make it some distance into space,
the gravity of Earth would be much less. Perspiration drifted down her
face like a small stream. The energy capsule, surrounding her, burned
brilliantly as it encountered the great friction of the atmosphere.

Her brows knitted in concern as she found it more difficult to maintain
the maximum energy level of the capsule, which protected her from the
dangerous elements of space. "I'm not going to die here," she cried
through clenched teeth. Closing her eyes, she made a final attempt to
escape the great pull of the gravity and atmosphere that were found
close to Earth. The energy capsule suddenly radiated blinding white
light as her energy flow increased dramatically. In a burst of light, she
pushed pass the natural barrier and found herself floating gently in
the cold environment of space.

Opening her eyes, she viewed a world dipped in silence and total
darkness. The vastness of this place took her breath away and
made her feel more isolated than ever. Unimaginable distance
separated all the bodies of each living world as nature attempted to
imprison each group of beings into their own little quarters on their
planets, but life's heart could never truly be isolated and the mind
would always find a way to contact another.

The cold silence of space took hold of her heart. Its peace was
unlike anything she has felt before. It was a kind of tranquility that
felt welcoming to the disturbed soul, at first, but as time passed by
the silence felt more like a prison than a sanctuary. The depth of
utter stillness and complete seclusion was something that brought
fear to her. All around she looked was only darkness and vast
distances of emptiness. Looking down at her feet, she saw only
the abyss of deep space. Nothing was supporting her, no ground,
no footing, no one, nothing.





It suddenly dawned on her that what she was now witnessing was
in fact a reflection of her soul. The void of this cold environment
was merely a physical representation of what she felt deep inside.
It was almost as if she did not travel to space, but simply to her
heart. This sudden realization and recognition created great fear in
her. It was always a frightful thing to encounter one's own soul,
especially when one actually saw it personated in the harsh
environment surrounding one.

"No," she gasped aloud, the sound of her voice dissipated before
her lips like a frosty breath, "I can't stand this anymore," her voice
heightened in fear, "I don't want to see this anymore!" The dark void
seemed to shrink and surround her as she stared wildly around,
"No! I must escape! I must get out of here before I loose my mind!
I can't…I can't live this way!"

Screaming in fear, Serenity used up her remaining resource of energy
and streaked through space in a wild dash for the safety of the Moon.
Landing safely on the dully-illuminated ground of her home, she immediately
collapsed in exhaustion. Her eyes barely remained open as she gazed at
the Earth hanging delicately in the velvet sky. Her vision gradually
blurred until she could see nothing more but a mere sphere of light against
a dark background. Determined to remain conscious, she struggled to sit
up but realized with fear that she was too weak to do so. No, she
thought wearily, I have…have overestimated my strength. With that last
disturbing thought in mind, she lost out to the great tides of the deep

Several hours passed before a beam of pale blue light fell close by her.
A tall silhouette emerged from the fading light and stood solemnly over
her unconscious form. Gazing at her with saddened eyes, the shadow stooped
down and gathered her into its arms. The unseen figure, with her held
protectively in strong arms, faded into the cloak of darkness like the
dissipation of a wave into the still surface of a lake.

"So what's the report on Earth?" a cold voice commanded.

"Well, your majesty," a young soldier clad in dark green uniforms began,
"the rebels are making a vast come back on Earth."

"I see," he said calmly, "I thought the M Officers have managed to capture
all Era soldiers? So how could this be happening?"

"Well…uh…," the soldier hesitated as the phrase was more of a threatening
statement than a question. "The…the prisoners managed to escape somehow,
your majesty."

"Really?" his sea-green eyes flashed dangerously, "How?"

"We…we aren't sure," the young soldier stuttered, "but they somehow managed
to break through the Ternate Crystonium wall without alerting the
surrounding guards."

"What about their leader? Has he managed to escape from Snafu as well?"

"Ye…yes sir, " soldier choked out the response. "We just received a
message less than a day ago that someone attacked Lady Snafu's mansion…and
killed her."

Darius' eyes widened at this news. Who could be strong enough to
defeat her? he thought in shock, but quickly regained his solid
composure he continued.

"Incompetent fools," he remarked in a low deadly tone. "Tell the M
Officers I want to see them immediately."

"Yes, King Darius," the soldier bowed humbly and retreated quickly from
the throne room to deliver his message.

He sat in brooding silence as his mind raced through the information just
conveyed to him from his soldier. It appears that I have greatly
underestimated by opponents. Whomever is leading these rag-of-a-soldier
appears to be doing a fine job if he succeeded in defeating my army.
His fist clenched tight as his eyes glowed an eerie turquoise, I cannot
be defeated by those damn rebels! Of anything, Kingdom Earth is one that
I will not lose!

The moon traveled silently across the velvet sky as the night aged.
Its pale light shifted in position to illuminate a small wooden bed
whereupon occupied by a slender figure tucked beneath a pale-blue
hand-woven blanket. The figure remained motionless, trapped beneath the
suffocating waves of unconsciousness and sorrow.

The magical light of the moon revealed an ashen colored mist seeping
through the small window to gather by the bedside of the figure, whose
face was hidden in darkness. Astonishingly, the mist began to take shape,
warping and molding itself into the form of a beautiful woman around her
early forties. With blanched eyes, whose colored pupils have long since
faded, the ghostly figure gazed warmly at the young woman lying unconscious
in bed. She held out a translucent hand and stroked the silver hair pooled
around the white pillow with great affection.

"Serenity…," the spirit whispered her name with a voice that could very
well be mistaken for the wind. "My dear Serenity," she called her name
again, "what has happened to you?" A transparent tear drifted slowly from
her misty face to fade into the dark air around her.

She could sense the dark energy radiating from Serenity indicating that
her heart was not the same. "Dearest daughter," the old Queen murmured,
"what have you gone through to change your innocent heart into one so
dark?" Closing her eyes in grievance, the ghost whispered, "All this time,
I have hoped to protect you from the amoral of this world but I fear
I have done you great injustice. By trying to hide all the evil from your
tender heart, I have weakened it…made it even more vulnerable to the
slightest infliction of pain. You have suffered so much, my Serenity
that I could see. I only wished I could be here for you in flesh and
bones and not as a mere wind in the night." Opening her eyes, she caressed
her daughter's pale cheek with a translucent hand, "Forgive me," she
whispered in a broken voice. "I have failed you as a mother. I was unable
to help you when you needed me most. I couldn't protect you when you
needed protection; I couldn't comfort you when you needed love. Forgive

Slowly, the figure on the bed began to stir. "Mother…," the one word
escaped from her pale lips.

Suddenly, the door to the room opened quietly and a young man stepped
inside. Shutting the door behind him, the young man walked slowly toward
the bed and sat on a chair close to the Serenity's face.

The old Queen watched closely with curiosity shining brightly on her
ghostly face. "Who are you?" she asked the gentleman but he did not
respond. She did not expect him to reply since she knew that he could not
hear her.

She watched him reach out a strong hand and brushed a strand of silver hair
gently away from her daughter's face. The simple gesture was enough to
tell the old Queen what was burning in this man's heart. "You love her
don't you?" she asked. "But then, why such a mournful look on your face?"

She watched a single tear slip from his magnificent blue eye as he
continued to gaze at Serenity's sleeping face. He reached out to hold her
hand in a tight grasp as if fearing she might fade away at any moment. He
buried his face in the cover by her side as he cried silently pouring all
his pain and loneliness into the white sheets, unaware that a ghostly
figure watched his every action and felt all his pain.

"I have once witnessed another young man who loved her," the old Queen
recalled, "but I have never seen such a love as this." Floating closer to
the crying figure, the Queen placed a hand on his shoulder in an attempt
to comfort him, although it was a futile gesture since he could neither see
nor feel her. Glancing down at his ebony hair, she asked in bewilderment,
"Why do you cry with such grief? She is there, is she not? She is still
alive. Then why suffer so, young heart?"

He did not respond. She looked at him in confusion then to her daughter.
Instantly, she noticed the dark shadow that seemed to hide her daughter's
lovely face. Now she understood fully this young man's pain. "Her
changed heart has brought this pain unto you hasn't it?" the Queen
whispered sorrowfully as her gaze remained on Serenity's face. "She
was not like this, you know. She was not like this…"

"Serenity," the young man's muffled voice rose to her ears. The Queen
returned her attention to the handsome gentleman. "Why won't you let me
help you?" Endymion's painful gaze fell upon her face, "Why must you
always push me away? I love you Serenity," he whispered although he knew
she could not hear him, "with all my heart. Can't you see that? Will you
never…will you never…" He left the sentence unfinished.

The old Queen watched with great sympathy for this kind young man. "It is
hard for a wounded heart to heal," she whispered to him, "and it is harder
still for one whom was betrayed to learn to love again." Floating over
toward her daughter, she placed her hand on both of theirs, "Do not worry,
young heart," she said, "your love for her is strong, I can sense it.
Give her time to heal the wounds of her heart. Be patient and let her
learn to see pass the hatred that has enveloped her soul." She turned to
look at her daughter, "This was never what I have hoped your future to be.
I have so wanted to guide you to what is pure and true, but Lady Fate has
severed my thread and left me only with my woes," a ghostly sigh escaped
from her, then she continued, "You cannot continue in this way, dearest
Serenity. If only I were flesh and not a mere apparition in the night, I
could hold you in my arms and allow my tears to wash your pains away."

Outside, the opposing light of dawn began to color the distant horizon.
The old Queen looked up in sorrow for she knew her time was drawing to an
end. "Brilliant Aurora," she wailed, "when has thou become my enemy?"
Glancing at her daughter for the final time, she whispered,
"Serenity…always remember that the world is not all darkness. There will
forever be a few who carries the light in their heart that will shine
through the gloom, but you must seek that light to find it." The ghostly
figure began to melt away like the dissipation of a mist. Her form
wavered into nothingness as she last whispered, "It is closer than you

Serenity began to stir and a small painful groan escaped from her.
Endymion immediately snapped up to look at her face with concern.
"Serenity?" he whispered.

"Mother…," she murmured, "Mother don't go!" Suddenly she jerked up into a
sitting position in bed as she called out her mother's name. Her eyes
searched wildly around her in hope to see her mother before her, but she
saw nothing. "Mother," she whispered inaudibly as a tear escaped from
her. Strange, she thought, I thought I felt her presence. I
thought I heard her voice…but…but it can't be… Giving a tired sigh, she
thought, Must have been a dream.

"Serenity?" a husky voice drew her attention toward her bedside.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she soon realized she was lying in bed with
a familiar figure by her side. "Endymion?" she gasped, "But how? Where am
I? Why are you here?"

"Slow down and give me time to answer," he replied in an amused tone.

"Never mind," she mumbled, "I have to go." She began to get off the bed
when she felt a strong hand grab her wrist and held her down. "What?" she
cried out astonished, "Let me go Endymion."

"No," he said in a low determined voice, "I've made that mistake before
but I will not make it again. You are too weak to be going anywhere."

"I am of my own judgement," she argued in a cold voice, "I do not need you
telling me what to do. Now I warn you let me go."

"No," he said determinedly

Her eyes widened in surprise but quickly narrowed to irritation. "Do not
underestimate me, Endymion. I am not one you would want to anger."

"Why not?" he said cockily, "You are like every other soldier out there.
Hot-tempered and foolish."

"Why you…you…," she was too angered to reply. Instead, her free hand
replied for her as it punched him in the stomach.

Her attack came unexpected and he immediately released her hand in pain.
"Alright Serenity," he said in determination, "if a fight is what you want,
then a fight is what you'll get."

Before she made it to the door, he grabbed her from behind and threw her
back. She fell heavily onto the bed. Serenity glared at him beneath thick
lashes. Her gaze was cold and fierce, but it did not deter him in the

"You will not be able to hold me that easily, shepherd!" She raised her
hand and, before he realized what she was about to do, blasted the window
open and jumped out.

"Damnit!" he yelled in frustration, "that girl is fast." He dived through
the blasted opening after her.

He saw her figure quickly running toward the thickets of the forest in an
attempt to escape. With long strides and incredible stamina, he soon
caught up with her. He pounced on her like a cat, causing them both to
tumble to the ground. She immediately rolled away from him and stood up
in a defensive position. Her face was cold and dangerous as she glared at
him some distance away.

"You are a stubborn idiot!" she yelled at him with infuriation. "Don't
you know when to give up? I told you to leave me alone!"

"No!" he replied, "I am not letting you go get yourself killed. You have
not fully recovered yet. If it weren't for me, you would still be lying
unconscious somewhere in the woods."

She remained silent. Although her gaze has not changed, her position
softened. "You are the greatest fool I have ever met," she said in a low
voice, although amusement could be found in her tone.

"Very much like you," he replied.

But soon the amusement was gone from her eyes as the coldness returned.
"I told you back on Earth that I have a mission to fulfill and no one, not
even you, is going to stop me." She held out her hand as a beam of light
shot out from her upheld palm. The thin beam solidified into a silver
sword with a solid silver handle on the other end. A thin gold wire
snaked delicately around the blade of the sword creating a peculiar design
much like a vine crawling along the trunk of a tree. Her hand wrapped
around the hilt in a tight grip as she pointed the tip of the mystical
weapon in his direction.

He looked at her with a calm composure. Her obvious threat was taken
lightly on his side for he knew she would never harm him. From the look
in her eyes, he knew that for certain. Diana was right, he thought,
Her eyes revealed everything.

Serenity noticed his calm appearance. He made no move to prepare himself
for an attack. She frowned in confusion. What is he thinking? she
thought, Does he believe that I am only feigning this?

"Just let me be on my way, Endymion," she spoke coldly, "and I will not
harm you."

"Who said you can harm me?" Endymion asked in amusement, then added beneath
his breath, "or intend to harm me?"

"What?" she said, "Do you think my skills are inferior to yours? That my
powers are weaker? I told you once Endymion, never underestimate me."

"I never underestimate my opponents," he replied in a low voice, "but I
understand their every move."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Next lesson of the day," she said in an
icy tone, "Never challenge me." She swiped her sword across the air in
front of her and a beam of energy was released from the blade. The energy
flew toward Endymion at an incredible speed. To her surprise, he made no
move to dodge her attack. He remained rooted to the ground with his gaze
never leaving her face. Whoosh, the energy blade flew pass him barely a
centimeter from his face.

"What are you doing?" she cried out in frustration. "Why aren't you

"I am," Endymion replied calmly, "and I figured this is the best way to
fight you."

She stalked up to him in a menacing manner with her sword held out in front
of her. Soon, the tip of the silver blade was pointed directly at his
face, but he made no move to avoid its deadly glare. He noticed her
frustration and the turmoil raging in her eyes. He knew she was determined
to complete her task and will strike down any obstacle in her way, but he
was something she did not expect. She was unsure as to how to deal with
this particular obstacle. There was one simple solution, which lay in her
hand, but her heart refused to allow her to carry it out.

She suddenly swung the sword out then back at him again as if to strike him
down for the final time. For a moment, fear rose in him as he watched her
actions and the darkness of her eyes. Perhaps, he did underestimate her,
or overestimated the kindness of her heart. As the blade flew quickly
toward his face he thought his fear would soon be proven true. However,
the incoming blade suddenly vanished in a thin puff of gray mist close to
his face, and a pale hand appeared through the mist, instead, to slap him
hard across the face.

He turned around and looked at her. Her eyes were raging with fury, but
she made no further assaults against him. Instead, she turned and strolled
slowly toward the stump of a tree and sat down with arms crossed in anger
across her chest.

"It appeared that someone can defeat you," he said in a low voice.

She glared up at him, "What do you want from me, shepherd?"

He did not respond. Perhaps your love, he wanted to say but remain
silent instead. For a moment, they said nothing toward each other, simply
stare and glare. Nonetheless, he soon spoke up, "I will not hold you back
from what it is you are so determined to do, but I will not let you make a
suicidal attempt in trying to complete this mission of yours in such a
pitiful condition."

She looked up at him in surprise. "Come," he motioned toward the small
hut, "I'll make us some breakfast," then he added with humor, "you look
like you need it."

She stood up but before making any movement toward the house, she said
softly, "Why do you care for my well-being after what I have done to you?
I mean my actions border incivility."

He turned to her with solemn eyes. Taking a hand, he gently stroked her
soft cheek and watched as her eyes widened in surprise again. "I thought
you knew," he replied in a gentle whisper. He quickly turned and stepped
inside, leaving her to watch the entryway in astonishment.

"I thought I did too," she whispered as she raised a hand to her cold
heart. "I thought I had finally figured out what it is that I must do…but
now…I am not so sure."

"How dare you allow the prisoners to escape!" He raged.

The M Officers remained silent as they watched their King stew in his seat.

"I want you to search them all out again," Darius commanded, "and recapture
them all. This time make sure they do not escape again!"

"But King Darius," Michiru spoke up, "the rebel camps are irrelevant to our
success in this war."

"What we need is to find the power source buried within Crystal's Child
Mountain," Makoto said.

"What we need," King Darius said in a deadly tone, "is to obey a king's
command. Do I need to make myself any clearer?"

Makoto opened her mouth to retaliate, but Minako stopped her. "We
understand, your majesty, "she said with a low bow. "We will capture the
rebel camp as you ordered."

She gently pushed her companions out the door and shut it behind them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Makoto shouted at her.

"Shush, Makoto, " Minako warned. "It would be useless to fight against
him now, not like this. We must think this through carefully. You should
remember, Darius is King of Earth nonetheless."

"Minako is right," Michiru said thoughtfully, "we must make our moves
carefully, or everything will backfire on us, especially when he has gained
greater power with this new conquest of the Moon Kingdom."

The setting sun glowed brilliantly between the tree trunks in the distant
horizon. She let out a lonely sigh that froze before her lips in the
chilled night air. Wearing only the torn Green soldier's uniform, Serenity
could feel the icy wind seeped into her clothing and raked its cold nails
across her skin. It would be an extremely cold night tonight. Isn't it
coincidental that this particular night should be so harsh and poignant?
she thought in bitter amusement. Taking a deep breath, she filled her
lungs with the chilly night air. It flowed through her chest like a winter
wind; its coldness seeped into her body and embraced her sequestered soul.

Within the warm hut, she could hear the voices of her dear companions. Not
a few hours before, Luna and Artemis returned home from a neighboring
village where they went to sell their fall's harvest to the local market.
During the commotion early morning, Serenity felled to notice that the hut
belonged to them. Thus, it was indeed a delightful surprise to Serenity
to have realized that she was staying at their home. Yet, the surprise
did not end there. Within the next two hours, their relation with Endymion
was revealed. It was a shocking revelation to have discovered that
Endymion was their adopted son.

She stood in the darkness, alone and silent. Her mind went through all
that was revealed to her about Endymion. If he is not a shepherd's
son, she contemplated, then whose son is he? She had asked him that
initially but he refused to answer and so did Luna and Artemis. Why the
secrecy? she wondered, What is your past Endymion? What is your real
identity? An amused smile appeared on her lips, Hmmm, she thought,
so you have a lot of mysteries and secrets on your side as well.
Something we both have in common.

The last rays of the setting sun disappeared beneath the horizon and the
hood of night covered the land in semi-darkness. A dull luminescence
filled the sky and surrounding air. The reflective surface of the moon
prohibited the night from completely taking over.

"Tonight would be perfect," she whispered in a tone that matched the cold
environment around her.

"Perfect for what?" a husky voice asked.

She did not turn to face him. With a mere glance of her eyes, she
responded icily, "Perfect for an ambush." Before he could respond, she
turned and went inside.

He watched her with mournful eyes. "Why is it that I could never
understand you, Serenity?" he asked the empty air. "Has your heart been
completely taken over by your hatred?" Giving an inaudible sigh, he thought,
Is it Fates' design for me to pursue you for the rest of my life?

"Artemis," Serenity suddenly asked during dinner, "do you have an old
shepherd's outfit you're not using?"

"Yes," Artemis replied bewildered by such a question, "but why do you ask?"

"Could you lend it to me?"

"What do you need it for, Serenity?" Luna interposed.

"It is best you remain ignorant of my purpose, Luna," Serenity replied
solemnly. She could sense Endymion's silent inquiring eyes on her, but
she refused to meet his gaze. Suddenly, Serenity stood up and left the
table. She stepped outside to have the icy wind cool her heart from its
flaming sorrow.

Luna watched her dear friend with great concern. Their encounter today
proved to be most surprising. Luna quickly noticed Serenity's changed
personality and her cold expression. Where was the lively young girl
I once knew? she had initially thought, This young woman cannot be
the same Serenity. She is so compassionless and so reserved. Luna
decided to seek out this gall of sorrow Serenity buried deep in her heart.
She excused herself and stepped outside.

"Serenity," Luna spoke up from behind her, "if there is something you need,
perhaps we can help."

"No," she replied coldly, "for your sakes, you should stay out of my way."

Luna was taken aback by such an insensitive answer. "You have changed so
much, Serenity," she said sadly. "What is all this indifference you show
me? Have you no regards for our friendship anymore?"

Luna's question was a painful stab against Serenity. She winced at the
pain it caused deep inside. Fortunately her face was turned away from Luna
that her friend did not notice the grief rising in her dark azure eyes.

"It is due to my high regards for our friendship, Luna," Serenity whispered
sorrowfully, "that I not tell you the darkness in my heart." She glanced
up at the sky in hope that it might hold all the solutions to her dilemma,
but all she could see were distant stars twinkling at her. "I will warn
you," she continued gravely, "that I have changed far more than you might
expect. The old Serenity you once knew could not survived what this
Serenity had endured."

"But this is not you," Luna argued.

Serenity gave a dispirited sigh as she continued, "I wish it were otherwise,
Luna, but this is what I have learned to be and it is too late for me to
change." Serenity spoke calmly, "Do not deny this being's existence. I am
who I am."

"But you are not like this," Luna continued to argue.

"How do you know what I am truly like?" Serenity asked in sudden irritation.
"I told you, Luna, I have changed. Either you accept me like this or you
renounce me."

Serenity turned and gazed solemnly into Luna's tear stained face. Nothing
more was spoken between them for some time as they gazed into each other's
eyes. One pair filled with crimson sorrow and sympathy while the other was
full of hatred and coldness.

"This is not the way to seek justice for your parents death, Serenity,"
Luna spoke quietly.

Serenity's eyes widened in surprise, "So, Radon told the public about their
deaths didn't he?" Her eyes narrowed to mere blue slits as she continued,
"What excuse did he give for their murders? And what answer did he give
about me?" Serenity said in bitter sarcasm, "I can imagine it. 'They both,
coincidentally, had a heart attack,' he said, 'and Princess Serenity
dropped dead of grief.' " She gave a dry laughter.

Luna frowned at the bitterness in Serenity's voice. "Whatever his excuse,
I knew it was false."

"So, you are probably one in a million who did not believe him," Serenity
said bitterly, "but all those arrogant fools aren't so intelligent. As
long as their pockets are filled with gold, they could care less."

"Serenity," Luna spoke gravely, "not everyone in this kingdom are like
that. There are those who care far more about their kingdom and homeland
than their own pockets, and their numbers would surprise you. I believe
in all social classes, whether it be peasants or merchants, Lords or Ladies,
Kings or Queens, there are always a handful—if not more—who care for the
soul of their kingdom than all else in their possession."

"I want to believe it were true but—"

"Believe it to be true, Serenity," Luna interrupted, "because I know it to
be true."

"Really?" Serenity asked skeptically. "What proof do you have?"

"The proof is in the hearts of each individual. You are among one of

Serenity gazed at her in surprise. "But I…cannot be," she stuttered.
"You have indicated that. I have no compassion for anyone or anything
besides fulfilling the vengeance in my heart."

"But you are mistaken," Luna spoke with a gentle smile. "You have changed,
that is true, but deep down you are still my dear Serenity." Luna left
Serenity to brood over what she just said and stepped inside to finish her

Late that night when everyone was in bed, Serenity got up and changed into
the black outfit Artemis gave her after dinner, which consisted of a ragged
pair of pants and a musty smelling shirt. She took the soldier's uniform
in her hand and held it in front of her. Unexpected, raging silver flames
emitted from her hand and burned the uniform into dark ashes that drifted
out the open window like soft feathers. The flames reflected eerily in her
dark eyes as the pale silver light made the shadows on her face danced to
its strange tune.

Once all evidence of her presence in the household was eliminated, she
silently jumped out the window and sneaked toward the forest. A shadow
suddenly emerged from behind a large trunk and barred her path.

"Out of my way, Endymion," she hissed. "This time I will not be so

"I have come to offer my assistance, Serenity."

"I do not need your help," she said coldly, hiding her surprise. "Just go
back to your nice little bed and let me be."

"You cannot possibly think to defeat Radon alone, Serenity. He is stronger
than you think."

Her expression changed to that of complete surprise. "How did you know
about Radon?"

"I know more about him than even you, Serenity," Endymion replied
mysteriously, "and I know what he did to your parents. For your sake,
permit me to go with you."

"No," she shook her head negatively, "this is between him and me alone.
I will have no interference."

"You do not understand," Endymion said, "he is far stronger than you think.
You could not possibly walk away from such a battle."

"It matters not to me," she replied impassively. "If we both die in the
end then so be it. As long as I take him with me to hell, I am satisfied."

"You are a fool, Serenity," Endymion yelled at her. "This isn't some
little game of revenge you are entering here. You must remember your duty
as a princess. If you die, then who shall rule your kingdom and protect
your people?"

She remained silent as her gaze fell to the ground. Quietly, she spoke,
"There will be someone." She looked up at him, "Perhaps whomever will
take my place at the throne will serve it better than I could."


"Enough!" she screamed at him, "I *will* see out to this unto the very end,
Endymion! Not you or anyone will stop me. If it is death I am walking into
then let death come, but I will fulfill my promise!"

"Then let me help you!"

"No!" she yelled angrily. "I have chosen this dark path and I do not want
you to fall into the same grave with me." He looked at her in silent
surprise as she continued in a torn voice, "I don't want anyone else to
get hurt, Endymion. Can't you understand that? I don't want anyone else
to be involved in my cursed fate." She continued in a low solemn voice, "I
know…I know this battle will end in death, and that is why I do not want
you to be there when it does conclude. Your involvement will only get you
killed as well."

He quickly noticed genuine tears flow ceaselessly down her sad face. For
the first time in a long time, Serenity allowed her tears to flow
unrestrained. She whispered in an low voice, "I…I care too much about you
to see you die, dear Endymion."

His eyes widened in shock when he heard her confess her heart to him. "So
now you know," she continued quietly.

"Why have you kept your heart hidden from me all this time?" he asked

"Your heart is pure," she responded in a solemn voice, "but mine is not.
I did not want my own hatred to pollute the goodness of your soul. I
wanted to preserve it for all eternity so that I could watch it from a
distance and gain the strength and hope you gave me."

"Have you ever thought that maybe my goodness might rub off on you?" he
asked with a solemn smile.

She shook her head sadly and responded in a serious tone, "No, my heart
and soul are beyond salvation, Endymion. You must have realized that by

"You are wrong," he replied causing her to look up. "If it weren't for you,
all Era soldiers would still be prisoners of the M Officers. It was you
who saved us all. It was you who saved me. I believe there is much
goodness in your heart."

"If that is what you believe," she said soberly, "then it is best I allow
you to continue believing that." Her left hand suddenly glowed in power.
In a swift movement, she released a low-level energy sphere at Endymion
knocking him to the ground unconscious. Her action was too fast and
unexpected that he had no time to react.

Stepping closer to him, she kneeled down and touched his face with a
slender hand. "Forgive me Endymion," she whispered as a tear escaped from
her eye and drifted down onto his face, "but you will be safer here." She
stood up and looked down at his slumbering form. "Sleep Endymion, and
when you awaken next morning everything will be over." She strolled pass
him toward the silver palace hidden by distance in the far horizon. A soft
breeze drifted around the small log cabin behind her carrying a forlorn
whisper, "Remember me as I once was."

She gazed at the dark horizon ahead of her with emotionless eyes. All
compassion she showed earlier was now pushed back into the depths of her
cold soul once again. Like a cat, she stalked the night, weaving in and
out among the shadowy trunks in order to evade being seen. Gradually, she
closed the distance between herself and her awaiting opponent.

Within the silver palace, a figure sat on the throne cloaked in total
darkness. His narrow sea-green eyes shone like a cat's through the night.
A solemn expression rested on his face while his lips were set in a thin
grim line. Around him, the atmosphere was saturated with anticipation.

He knew this time would come one day. Her voice and the hatred in her eyes
on that night long ago had made sure that this encounter was to be
inevitable. So here he sat waiting for her arrival…waiting for the final

It took her three hours dreading on foot to reach the gates of the Moon
Palace. She took a moment to look at the silver palace unfolding before
her gaze some distance ahead. The bars of the gate made her feel unwelcome
even in her own home. Ah, but this was not her home anymore, at least not
until she defeated the evil monster that had conquered it through treachery.

"Surprise Radon," she whispered coldly, "I'm back." She took a smooth
leap directly over the tall gate and landed lightly on her feet. Without
a single sound or hesitation, she raced toward the palace.

Her sharp observation caught notice of two guards standing in front of the
doors. She did not slow down but charged at them like a sleek panther
emerging from the tangled undergrowth of shadows.

She flung her left hand out to her side with palms open. A radiant beam
of silver light shot out from her hand and solidified into the same sword
she used against Endymion. The guards saw her fast approaching and yelled
out, "Halt!" while barring her way with long steel spears.

She responded with a swipe of her mystical sword, which sliced the spears
in twain. The guards immediately pulled out their dark swords and attacked.
She blocked the first attack easily and made a swipe at the second soldier.
Their blades met in a sparkle of opposing energies. Fury boiled within her
soul and erupted through her actions as she fought the two guards like an
unstoppable hurricane, without mercy and without control.

The first soldier swung his sword at her mid-region, but she lowered her
blade in time to block the attack. His comrade tried to cut at her legs
but she noticed his movement in the corners of her eyes. She dodged his
attack by doing a backward flip over the second soldier, using his back as
a support while she rolled over him and landed lightly on her feet behind
him. The second soldier immediately whirled around with his sword branded
dangerously in front of him, its tip grazing her arm as she jumped back to
dodge the attack. Crimson liquid spilled on her side, while her opponents
remained unscathed. But that would not last long. She jumped back into
the battle with heightened ferocity. She swung her sword at the soldier to
her left, then whirled around and slammed her elbow into the other
soldier's chest causing him to fall back in pain.

His comrade roared angrily behind her, running toward her with his sword
held high in the air ready to strike her down. She dodged to her left as
his sword was brought down dangerously close to her side. Seeing an
opening to attack, she immediately fell to one knee and thrust her sword
up into his abdomen. His eyes enlarged as the pains of death shot through
his being. In less than a minute, he slumped to the ground in a motionless

From behind her, the remaining soldier charged with his sword slashing
dangerously close to her face. She rolled backward onto her feet and
raised her sword in time to prevent a deadly incoming attack directed at
her throat. Using all her strength, Serenity managed to shove the soldier
back with her blade. Staggering backward, the soldier had little time to
react when a forceful blow slammed into his blade and knocked it out of
his hand. Glancing up, he saw the silver tip of her sword directed
between his eyes. Looking pass the sword, he noticed the insanity of rage
storming in her cold blue eyes as a sinister smile adorned her dark face.
The dangerous light flickering in her azure eyes created unimaginable fear
in this young Green soldier. He knew death was not far behind him now.

In the midst of the commotion, she failed to notice three other shadows
emerging from the distance. Seeing only the hatred raging in her heart,
Serenity was about to strike down this unarmed soldier without mercy. But
before she was able to do so, a familiar voice called out to her, "Don't
do it, Serenity."

Surprised, she slammed her fist into the soldier causing him to fall and
whirled around to have her sword meet three pairs of calm eyes watching
her sympathetically. "You?" she gasped, then quickly regaining control of
her astonishment continued malignantly "What a pleasant surprise to meet
the M Officers here. Are we out for a little night stroll?"

"Perhaps I should ask you the same question," Lieutenant Makoto said in a
grave tone.

"Yes," Serenity replied sarcastically, her sword still pointing at them,
"I was having a little exercise. It is getting rather dull though, so I
think I'll invite the little weasel in the palace to join me as well."
Turning around she whispered coldly, "You three can join the party if you
want, but I'll warn you the cocktail has an extra kick tonight." Serenity
quickly raced up the steps and reached out to open the door, but before she
did so she heard Michiru spoke.

"Who are you planning to kill, Serenity?" Michiru asked solemnly.

"The head weasel," Serenity replied bitterly, "who else?"

"We can't allow you to kill King Darius," Minako said gravely.

"Why can't we?" Makoto suddenly asked surprising the others.

"Makoto!" Michiru said in astonishment. "We may not agree with his harsh
ruling, but what honorable soldier would suddenly turn against their King?"

"She is right," Minako said, "we must seek justice not a bloodbath."

Lieutenant Minako's last words rang deeply into Serenity's soul.
Justice? she thought. The word sounded so foreign to her now.
Is *she* seeking justice for her parents' deaths, or merely satisfaction
to her hatred?

"Why not?" Serenity suddenly spoke. "Your King has caused so much
grievances in your kingdom, why not eliminate the source of all sorrows?"

"Killing him would not bring justice to what he has committed, " Michiru
responded. "One must never answer blood with more blood."

Serenity frowned. "Don't worry," she said, "it is not your King I'm after.
Deal with him as you'd like, but I have a bigger fish to fry."


Eyes narrowed, Serenity replied, "Radon." She took hold of the doorknob
and blasted the entryway open. The M Officers shielded themselves from
the flying debris as they watched in astonishment at the dark figure atop
the steps.

"This is not the way to seek justice, Serenity!" Minako yelled at her.

"I don't want justice," Serenity screamed, "I want vengeance!" She ran
into the dark hallway in search of the one place that she knew he would be
occupying at the moment, the throne room.

"Who's Radon?" Makoto asked in bewilderment as she watched the silver hair
soldier disappear inside.

She's coming, he thought as his grip on the arms of the throne
tightened in anticipation. I never thought the little fool would make
it this far. Those two guards I've placed in front of the palace were
among the best of my men. A sinister smile appeared on his thin lips,
It appears that her skills and powers have improved. This would be an
interesting little encounter then, now wouldn't it?

A dull green aura suddenly surrounded him. His incredible power reflected
brightly in his glowing sea-green eyes as he prepared himself for the
battle to come. Without warning, the doors to the dark throne room
exploded open to reveal a silhouette brandishing a blazing silver sword.
Her cold azure eyes pierced through the darkness to challenge his own

"Well, well, well," he sneered, "it took you an entire year to finally
return." He gave her a mocking laughter, "I thought you had died or worse
yet was cowardly hiding somewhere in the crevasses like a little rodent
you are."

She made no responses. His flouting smile quickly disappeared from his
face as he soon noticed the change in her. She was no longer a rash and
insecure soldier like she was on that night. No, a year of suffering and
perseverance has molded her into a deadly warrior with skills and powers
that rivaled his own. Her heart no longer interfered with the deadly
calculations of her fighting mind. Only her hatred guided her now. He
slowly stepped down from the throne to face her, but left his sword

The two mortal enemies glared at each other across the distance of the
room like two hawks. The energy of their hatred crackled in the air.
Serenity began to glow with incredible energy as she prepared to attack.
Radon pulled out his dark sword, the very same one he used to murder her
father. The sight of the sword increased her hatred to unimaginable

"You are no match for me," Radon said arrogantly.

"I am now," Serenity replied coldly. Suddenly, she pointed her sword at
him and a beam of energy blasted his way.

He narrowed his eyes as he blocked the attack with his own power. An
explosion of silver and dark green energy erupted in the room, blasting
out all the surrounding windows. Then they quickly heard the rushing of
soldiers toward the room.

"King Darius!" Lieutenant Minako called out.

"King Darius?" Serenity gasped in shock.

Darius laughed cruelly at her astonishment. "So now you know," he said.

"All this time," Serenity yelled, "you pretended to be Radon?"

"Radon?" Michiru mouthed the name incredulously.

"So that conniving royal a-s," Makoto swore angrily. "King Darius
disguised himself under the alias Radon in order to sneak his way into the
Moon Kingdom to conquer it!"

"But what does this have to do with Serenity?" Minako asked in
astonishment. "Why does she seek to destroy him?"

"I'll tell you why," Serenity responded icily. "The scoundrel you so
called King Darius is a murderer!"

The others gasped in shock. Darius frowned with irritation.

"He killed my father!" Serenity screamed angrily. "He killed my mother!
He took away my kingdom as well as my very life!"

"Your kingdom?" Michiru said in shock, "Then that would mean…"

"You will die for all the pains I have suffered, rat!" Serenity yelled
demonically. "Whatever name you go under, it is all the same to me. You
are a murderer and you shall be punished as one!" Her silver hair whipped
wildly around her as she increased her power in anger. Holding her hand
out before her, she released daggers of energy spears directly at him.

He watched the attack zoom toward him at an incredible rate. Seeing that
there was no room to dodge the numerous daggers, he raised his hand and
blasted a hole through the ceiling. Giving her a mocking smile, he escaped
through the roof.

"You will not escape me that easily," Serenity hissed. She took a
magnificent leap up and followed him.

The other soldiers scrambled outside to watch the continuance of an
unforgettable battle as it unfolded upon the extreme peaks of the great
silver palace.

"Trying to escape, rodent?" Serenity sneered.

"Hardly," he replied equally cold, "just giving myself some leg room."

"Perhaps you should give yourself even greater room," Serenity said
frostily, "enough to fit your coffin in."

Darius smiled mockingly, "So sure of yourself, aren't you? You are such a
fool Serenity. You should have escaped when you had the chance because
you have only sealed your fate when you challenged me." He suddenly
stabbed the tip of his sword into the roof and cried out, "Vines Entangle!"

Abruptly, a thin beam of green energy snaked its way across the roof and
sprung up from beneath her. However, she was too quick for it to wrap
itself around her. She immediately jumped up in time to avoid its wavering
arms. Doing a back flip, she slashed the energy vines waving beneath her
and landed silently on her feet behind it. Without giving her a moment's
rest, Darius continued his assault. He rushed toward her with his dark
sword gleaming dangerously in front.

She blocked his attack as their swords met with a loud clang that echoed
into the distant forest. He was stronger than she expected. He managed
to shove her back to the very edge of the roof. Planting her foot
precariously at the edge, she took a defensive position. Her eyes glowed
with fury beneath her silver bangs. She gritted her teeth in anger as she
suddenly rushed in to attack him. Sparks of energy flew in all directions
as their swords met in combat.

She reached out to slash at his mid-region, but he jumped back to avoid the
fatal blow. Taking this chance, she ducked down to kick at his legs. He
quickly found himself knocked down onto his back. Standing above him, she
stabbed her sword directed at his face, but he managed to swerve away from
her attacks.

He saw an opening and kicked her in the abdomen sending her staggering
back in pain. Pulling his legs toward himself, he kicked into a standing
position with his sword blazing darkly before him.

She glared up at him with dark eyes that revealed none of the pain shooting
through her body. She ran toward him with her sword held at her side. A
short distance away she suddenly did a somersault over his head to land
lightly on her feet. Darius immediately swirled around with his sword
raised horizontally over his face in time to block a silver blade being
brought down heavily upon his head. He shoved her back and reached out to
stab her in the stomach, but she jumped back and he missed.

Before he recovered from his last attempt, he looked up in time to see her
emit a powerful beam of energy at him, "Moonbeam Electrify!"

With narrowed eyes, he quickly calculated his move. Taking a magnificent
leap, he smoothly jumped over the attack, which raced by beneath him to
smash into a tower a distance away. He landed near Serenity and reached
out with his sword to cut her down. He stabbed his sword at her and when
he saw her swerve away, instantly swirled around and landed his mark. His
actions were too quick for her to avoid that she caught his blade across
her side. Without even a moment to cry out in her agony, she ducked in
time to avoid Darius' powerful kick aimed at her head. With steel blue
eyes narrowed in anger and fierce determination, Serenity slammed her right
fist into her opponent's jaw sending him reeling back in pain.

Taking this opportunity, she cupped both her hands out in front of her and
screamed, "Eternal Winds…Destroy!" A swirl of radiant energy whirled
around her and through her arms to be emitted from her hands directly at
Darius. She watched as he looked up in surprise as the sudden attack
caught him off guard. The sharp blades of the energy wind slashed at his
face and arms relentlessly. He cried out in pain while quickly raising
his hand to protect his face. He glared hatefully at Serenity through
bloodstained eyes as the energy continued biting into his flesh. Droplets
of crimson liquid speckled across the roof of the silver palace. On both
sides, the red stains of battle clearly showed through the darkness.
Suddenly, an incredible power was emitted from him dissipating her attack.
Without hesitation, he slashed his sword in Serenity's direction releasing
a teal energy blade slicing through the air toward her.

At once, she reacted by jumping back and simultaneously ducking down to
avoid his powerful attack. Then she saw him suddenly smile sinisterly as
he raised his hand and released a magnificent sphere of power directly at
her. She was about to dodge out of the way when her feet suddenly slipped
0slightly beneath her.

She glanced down with shocked eyes to see that she was standing at the
very edge once again. There was no where to escape the attack. She looked
back at the incoming energy vastly approaching her. Holding her sword in
a vertical position with the fingertip of the other hand placed at the tip
of the blade, she released an energy attack of her own in an attempt to
render his assault immobile. This was the only choice she had left.

"Light Blade!" she cried out. Her sword instantly glowed radiantly and a
wide beam of energy was released from its blade.

The two great powers encountered each other in mid-air creating a massive
explosion that slammed into each of the opponents. Darius staggered back
under the forceful impact and fell to his knees. Serenity attempted to
withhold her footing as she struggled against the explosive energy
slamming into her. However, the force proved to be too powerful and it
knocked her flying off the roof.

Instinctively, her hand reached out in an attempt to grab hold of the
ledge as she dropped pass, but to her horror, she missed it completely.
Glancing down, she saw the distant ground rush up to meet her at an
incredible speed. It appeared that she had lost this battle. She had

Darius watched Serenity fall with satisfaction. He knew this battle would
end in his favor. She was a fool to ever think she could defeat him.
Unexpectedly, he saw a tall shadow shot up from the throne room below,
flying through the opening in the roof. The shadow rushed toward the
ledge where Serenity fell and bent over to grab for her. Who? Darius

Suddenly, she felt a strong hand took hold of hers. The elastic motion
consequential when a fall was stopped pulled at her body and stretched
her wounds, creating extreme pain to shoot through her. She bit down on
her lips in an attempt to imprison her cry of pain within her dry throat.
She looked up in surprise when someone grabbed hold of her and stopped her
fall. Deep blue eyes beheld her from above. His dark bangs fell
gracefully over his eyes as he strained to pull her up.

"En…Endymion?" she whispered in amazement.

"Hang…on…Serenity," he managed to speak between each breath. Muscles taut,
Endymion struggled to pull Serenity up.

Darius watched in shock as the stranger helped his enemy to safety. "Who
are you?" he yelled angrily. "How dare you interfere!"

Endymion stood up with his back to Darius, while Serenity remained seated
to gather her strength and regain control of her mind. Serenity glanced
up to see a pained look on Endymion's face as he struggled to control his
emotion in order to face the one person he has been avoiding for over
twelve years. His eyes were closed but a frown settled on his face.

"Endymion?" she whispered with concern.

Blue spheres peaked out from beneath dark lashes as he opened his eyes to
glance down at her warmly. A sad smile appeared on his lips but he did not
speak. Gradually, he turned around to confront his past.

Although it has been over twelve years, Darius could at once recognize the
face. The boyish features of a ten-years-old had matured into a young man,
but certain characters remained to indicate to him who this stranger was.

"Endymion?" he whispered, flabbergasted by finding himself encountering a
ghost from his past.

But he was not the only one who was caught in the surprise. Eyes wide in
amazement, Serenity thought, Do they know each other?

Endymion smiled in a manner that was hard to discern. There was a mix of
sorrow, pity, and as well as anger in his smile. A jumble of painful
emotions merged chaotically in his fleeting grin as he gazed solemnly at
Darius. For a moment he remained silent, past memories created such grief
in him that prevented him to speak.

But soon he overcame it all as he responded in a low sad voice, "It has
been a long time hasn't it…brother?"

"Brother?" Serenity exhaled in shock.

"How could this be?" Minako gasped.

"We thought…we were told…that the youngest son of King and Queen
Tellurian…disappeared," Michiru whispered in amazement.

"We were told he died," Makoto breathed.

"It appears you have managed to fool the whole Kingdom," Endymion said.

"But," Darius stuttered, yet to overcome the wonder of his younger
brother's sudden appearance, "but you were dead. In the forest…you could
not have survived."

"I see," Endymion said solemnly, "you have believed in my death as well."
He shook his head sadly, "Well, fortunately, or should I say unfortunately
for you, I did not die."

"But how? How did you manage to survive?"

"I would not have lived," Endymion said as his eyes narrowed in anger,
"had it not been for a certain angel who came to my rescue."

"Who?" Darius asked, deep in curiosity as to the identity of his brother's

"Queen Terra," Endymion whispered in a torn voice, "our mother."

He is a the son of a Queen? Serenity thought in astonishment, and
the blood of a King?

"Can't be," Darius said. "Mother was in the western province at the

"I don't know how or why," Endymion said calmly, "but she was there. She
brought me to the safety of the moon and into the care of two kind

"Then what happened to her? Why didn't she return?"

"Don't you know?" Endymion asked incredulously, "Did the news of her death
never reached you?"

"Her death?"

"In the southern cliffs, by the ocean," Endymion explained in a grave tone,
"there you will find her grave."

"Who killed her?" Darius demanded angrily.

"You did," Endymion replied with equal rage. "Your treachery broke her
heart, Darius. You sent her to her grave!"

"No," Darius whispered, "No! I did not! I never wanted her to die. I only
wanted what was best for our kingdom."

"You only wanted the throne!" Endymion yelled. "Father was right. You
cared nothing for the people of Earth. I have seen it with my own eyes,
their oppression and their poverty. But Era soldiers are defeating your
army as we speak. Soon, Darius, the Kingdom of Earth will be free of your
treachery. The people of Earth will finally be able to live a life
truly deserve. Our kingdom will prosper as our parents once dreamt of."

"How do you know about Era?"

"Who doesn't?" Endymion replied. "And I am no different, especially when
I created the rebellion."

"You?" Darius asked in surprise, "So you are their leader all along."

"Surprise brother?"

"Fool!" Darius screamed. "I knew you would be a fool! I told father you
would not make a good strong king, but he wouldn't listen. I am the
eldest! It is my rightful place to be heir to the throne."

"I had thought that was true once," Endymion spoke solemnly, "but now I
see the reason into father's decision. I had allowed you to reign,
Darius." Darius' eyes widened in shock as Endymion continued, "As my older
brother I had only wanted you to be happy. I never desired to be king. I
never hoped to have the throne, but now I know it is my fate to rule as
father once decided for me to rule. For the better of our kingdom."

"No!" Darius screamed, "it is *my* kingdom. It is *my* kingdom!" He
suddenly released a beam of energy directly at Endymion in his rage.

The attack was too sudden and unexpected that Endymion had no time to
react. Deep down, Endymion had hoped his brother would understand. He
never thought Darius would attack his own blood, but Serenity knew the
darkness within Darius' heart.

"Endymion!" Serenity screamed as she shoved him aside and took the blast
onto herself. The energy beam pierced through her left shoulder creating a
massive wound as it bore its way through her body to exit on the other
side. She let out a scream of pain as she fell to her knees with her arm
soaked in her blood.

"Serenity!" Endymion shouted as he went over to her.

Holding her wounded arm tight to stop the flow of blood, Serenity glared
at Darius angrily and shouted, "Darius! How could you? How could you
attack your own brother? You are a heartless monster!"

But Darius was too overtaken by his hatred and his greed to make any
logical decisions. Serenity's cry went unnoticed and unfelt by him.
His eyes looked like a madman's with no soul and no heart. Laughing
insanely, he screamed, "I told you! I told you, Serenity, that you could
never defeat me! No one can defeat me!"

"Darius!" Endymion cried out to him, "Brother! Don't do this. Don't let
your greed control you. Are you going to give up your family for the lust
of power? Would you continue on breaking our parents' hearts by staining
the name of Tellurian in blood?"

Darius ceased in his demonic laughter as his face suddenly became grave
and deathly pale. His eyes softened from a fiendish glare to that of
confusion. "Father, Mother," he whispered mournfully, "Tellurian?"

Endymion's words rose into his mind, 'Your treachery broke her heart,
Darius. You sent her to her grave!' Tears suddenly appeared in his eyes
as slowly he recalled a past his greed had prevented him from remembering.


"Huh!" the young boy gasped as a shadow loomed over his bed. "Darius?"

His brother did not respond as he reached out and blasted him with energy
knocking him into the depths of unconsciousness.

[end flashback]

The painful images distorted into another…


"Darius," the old King whispered from his bed. Old and exhausted, he
reached out for the only son that now remained with him unto his
death. Both his wife and his youngest son vanished several years ago
without a trace. For over three years he searched his kingdom in the
hopes that he might find them one day, but time passed by erasing his
hopes and broke his heart.

"I'm here father," young Darius whispered in a torn voice as he kneeled
by his father's bed.

Coughing, the old King struggled to speak, "You are now the sole heir of
Earth," a fit of coughs ensued after which he continued, "Govern our
Kingdom wisely, my son. Remember that the soul of Kingdom Earth is in
the hearts of our people. If its soul shines brilliantly then so does our

Darius noticed with alarm the gradual slowing of his father's shallow
breaths. Struggling with his remaining strength, the old King whispered
his last words of wisdom and hope, "Always show mercy and kindness, young
King…and one day the compassion…you showed," he struggled to continue,
"will be repaid to something more valuable than gold."

Darius waited, but his father had spoken his last words. Burying his face
into his father's motionless hands, he cried as tears rained down his
face, "Father."

[end flashback]

"Darius?" Endymion asked with concern.

His brother looked up at him, but Darius saw nothing. Only the pains of
his past and guilt of his cruel actions occupied his grief stricken mind.
"I'm sorry," he cried in a low whisper. "Aaahhh," he suddenly screamed in
grief and disappeared in a flash of light.

"Darius!" Endymion screamed with an outreached hand.

"Where did he go?" Makoto asked.

"I know where," Endymion replied gravely. A deep blue aura suddenly
surrounded him as Endymion powered up in preparation to follow his brother
back to Earth. Suddenly he felt a trembling hand grip his arms weakly.
Looking down, he caught sight of sky blue spheres.

"Let me come with you," Serenity whispered weakly.

"No," he said, "you are too weak to travel. Stay here, you'll be safer."

Although notably weakened, her spirit remained strong and Endymion quickly
noticed the flames of anger and defiance rising in the depths of her eyes.
Sighing, he finally gave in. There was no time to argue. He must pursue
his brother in order to prevent any reckless actions Darius might do in
his psychotic state. Gathering her gently in his arms, Endymion used his
great power to transport them both to Earth.

Once the pale light faded away, they caught sight of a weary man standing
dangerously close to the edge of a tall cliff overlooking the southern
ocean. With shoulders sagged under the heavy weight of sorrow and guilt,
he appeared more like an old man in his late seventies than a strong
thirty-one year-old. Darius sensed their presence and spoke, "Mother
always did love the ocean, you know?"

"Yes she did," Endymion replied as he placed Serenity down.

"Hmmm," Darius said thoughtfully, "and I can see why. Such a powerful
sight the ocean portrays. Its waves pounding endlessly into the solid
cliff face while simply its great depth and size defies the imagination."

"But on a calm day, the gentle hum of the waves soothes the soul," Endymion
spoke gently.

"Yes," Darius responded, "my soul needs to be comforted. So much
grievances I feel that it suffocates me like the water of this massive
entity. Would you think that God Poseidon could help heal my soul?"

"Darius don't," Endymion said as he realized what was in his brother's

"Why not, Endymion? He may help me find the peace I have so desired."
Watching the waves with eagerness, Darius took a step over the cliffs.

"Darius!" Endymion cried as he rushed toward the edge and reached down to
grab his brother's hand.

Looking up in surprise, Darius gazed mournfully into his younger brother's
eyes. "Would you still save me after all I have done to you? After what I
have done to Father and Mother?"

Straining hard to keep his grip on his brother's hand, Endymion spoke,
"I could never hate you no matter what you have done, Darius. You are my
still my brother. I will sacrifice my life for you without a moment's

Tears rose into Darius' eyes as he watched his younger brother struggle
to pull him up. "Now I see the wisdom in Father's decision," he whispered.
"You are truly the rightful heir to the throne."

"No, brother," Endymion said, "*we* are the heirs to Kingdom Earth. Both
you and I."

Darius smiled, but incredible sadness touched his eyes. "No," he whispered,
"there can only be one King in one Kingdom." Slowly, Darius released his
grip as he whispered up, "Rule wisely Endymion."

"Darius no," Endymion struggled to keep his grip on his brother's hand, but
found that it was slowly slipping away.

"Do not feel guilty for any of this, Endymion," Darius said mournfully.
"This is my decision. Since Kingdom Earth is yours and the Moon belongs
to Serenity, I realized that I have nothing in my possession to repay for
my cruelty…except one. This little possession of mine will quiet the
restless souls of those I have injured. I hope this would be enough, for my
life is all I truly own to give."

With his last words and a sad smile, Darius released his grip entirely from
Endymion and began to fall toward the dark depths of the ocean. Soon, no
visible trace of his existence remained for his grieving brother to see.
"Darius!" Endymion screamed in a soul-wrenching cry as he continued to
watch the lapping waves of the mighty sea.

"Endymion," a weak voice reached his ears.

Turning around, he saw Serenity reach for him with a pale hand. Crimson
liquid gathered around her as it seeped from her deep wound. Rushing over
to her, Endymion said, "Hang on Serenity. I'll take you to Ami; she'll be
able to stop your bleeding then I'll use my powers to fully heal you."

Shaking her head slowly, Serenity struggled to speak, "No Endymion. It is
too late."


"Sshh," she hushed him with a finger on his lips. "Just hold me a little
longer. It is getting colder around here."

He obeyed and gathered her into his arms to keep her trembling body warm.
Her blood dripped onto his dark pants and soaked his shirt.
"I'm sorry," he whispered.

"For what?" she barely spoke.

"My interference has stolen from you your revenge."

"No," Serenity barely whispered. "I knew for some time that it was not my
parents I seek vengeance for, but for my own hatred. My parents would
never have wanted me to spill another's blood for their sake. To show
mercy, that was a lesson they always taught me," she paused to gather her
strength in order to continue on, "No…this is how it should be." Closing
her eyes, she barely whispered, "This is how it should end."

"Serenity?" he called her name, but he knew by the stillness of her body
that she was no longer there. It was only her mortal remains that he now
held in his trembling arms. "Must I lose you too?" he whispered into her
silver hair. Heavy silence settled upon his soul. Agonizing sorrow tore
at his heart and a painful memory rose to his mind:


A young boy with silky black hair looked up at his older brother as he
laughed merrily with a face smeared in ice cream. "Tank you for tee ice
cram Darhius," the child slurred with his young tongue.

His brother smiled down at him warmly, "Hey, always glad to be of service
to my little brother." His light-hearted laughter filled the young boy's
ears to reach deeply into his heart.

[end flashback]

Now alone with only the howling sea wind as his companion, the incredible
grief within his torn soul escaped ceaselessly from his eyes as burning
salty tears. Looking up into the dark sky he screamed in anguish,
"Must I lose you all?!"

As if to answer him, a dull light pulsated from within Serenity's shirt
pocket. Surprised, Endymion reached in to pull out a beautiful crystal
key. The key suddenly escaped from his hand and floated a short distance
above his face when the faint figure of an older woman appeared. Her
elegant beige gown waved silently in the invisible wind as she gazed down
at him with sympathy.

Too awestruck to speak, Endymion listened as the figure spoke to him in a
voice that one would imagine belonged to singing angels. "Young heart,"
she whispered, "you have done well. You should not mourn for her loss, but
rejoice in her rebirth. The infinite depth of your compassion has finally
freed her from the dark grips of her hatred."

"But she is gone," he replied gloomily as he gazed down at her pale face.
"No matter how hard I tried, I could not hold onto her. I have lost my
parents. I have lost my dear brother, and now I have lost the only woman
I ever loved. I have everything to mourn for and nothing to hold my tears

The ghostly figure smiled down at him. "Perhaps this may hold your tears."

He looked up to see a strange dirt-covered box floating toward him.
Beneath the dirt, Endymion caught the gleam of silver. Reaching out with
a hand to take hold of the strange object he asked in bewilderment, "What
is it?"

"It holds the power to all life," the figure replied. "From the depths of
Crystal's Child Mountain where it slept for over a thousand years, the time
has finally come for it to be restored to life once again. The Crystal
Child has awakened and, now with this key, so will her powers." With an
encouraging smile, the figure whispered, "Take it, young heart. Take the
key and awaken her."

Bewildered, Endymion obeyed as he placed the crystal key into a small lock
and turned it. Blinding light shot out from beneath the lid causing him
to let go of the box and shield his eyes. Watching with surprise, he saw
a beautiful clear crystal emerge radiating immense power. Suddenly,
Endymion noticed Serenity's body began to float toward the crystal to be
covered entirely in its healing light.

The figure smiled warmly as she began to fade away. "May your reign be
for eternity," she whispered, "dearest daughter."

Endymion continued to watch in awe as the whole cliff side was filled with
intense light. Slowly, within the heart of the power, the silhouette of a
young woman emerged wearing a silver necklace upon which hung the very same
crystal. Her light azure eyes brightened as she saw his shocked face. A
warm smile reached her lush rosy lips as she stepped forward with open
arms. "Endymion," she whispered joyfully.

"Ser…Serenity?" he gasped with joyful relief. Swiftly, he ran and scooped
her up into his strong arms. Burying his head in her silver hair, he cried
out all his sorrow and happiness. "You've come back," he whispered.
"You've come back to me."

Noticing the sorrow slowly creeping into his eyes as his azure gaze fell
onto the ocean behind her, Serenity whispered, "Look no longer into the
sorrows of the past, Endymion." Holding him tightly, she whispered with
a gentle smile, "Let us remember only the happiness that lay buried in our
history and let us go rejoice with our friends, my love."

Nodding, he bent closer to her as his eyes gradually closed. Their lips
met in a rush of passion and pure love as they have finally fulfilled
their destinies. They both began to glow brightly with power and soon
disappeared in a brilliant flash of light toward the hearts that waited
to greet them.

When all the light faded away, one remained. Taking form into the soft
petals of a magnificent white rose, the light floated down onto the cliff
edge. For a moment, the flower lay silently by the edge of a place that
has seen too much sorrow. The soft passing of a sea breeze caressed the
silk petals then gently pushed the white rose over the cliff to slowly
fall toward the warm sea below.

During its way down, the white petals reflected the first rays of dawn
that peered over the distant horizon. The whisper of a lovely voice could
be heard echoing into the heavens, "This is how it should end."

=============== The End =====================

There's a time when the moon
Reveals its face to the clouds,
I let out a sigh
And want to cry out loud.

But deep in my heart,
I feel love so alive.
In the depths of my soul
I know we will survive...

Cybersix Theme Song (TV Series)

=============== =====================

[Well, there you have it, the long awaited ending to this tale. (and a long
ending it is! ^_~)

Were you surprised by Radon's true identity? ^_~ Mysterious till the
end. I like to have my stories that way. ^_^

First, I apologize for making this last chapter so incredibly long, but
I just had to get it done for it to posted before school. ^_^ It took me
all last week to complete this one chapter. Whooh! That was tough. I was
so afraid I couldn't finish it. Bet you're glad I did though, huh? ^_~

Well, (I bet you know what I'm going to say next ^_^) what do you think
of this last chapter, the ending, and basically the entire story. Did it
held your interest all the way? I hope so. ^_^ Anyway, email me and give
me your opinions on it. (Pretty please?)

My email address is: [email protected]

I would love to hear from you. ^_~

Now I just have to say one more thing. My schedule for the next year will
be extremely busy so I won't be able to concoct up another tale until
the summer of 2002. In other words, I have to take a year off.
But hopefully the summer after that will be less hectic. ^_~ Anyway,
I'd like to thank all of you for being so patient with me this summer for
each chapter of this story. I hope that you have found this story
enjoyable to read. ^_^ And thanks to all of you who took the time to
email me your wonderful opinions. It was great to hear from my readers,
new and old. ^_^ Although I won't be able to write another
story for a while, I will still be answering my emails...^_~ hint...hint.

That's all folks...and remember...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Never let your hatred lead your heart" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Have a great year everyone!!!!! I'll see you around...the Cosmos. ^_^

And thanks for reading the author's note. ^_~

Usual disclaimers: Sailor Moon and all its characters and likeliness
belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha/Toei. English translation is made
possible by DiC and now Cloverway/Bandai (?).]

Copyright (c) 2000, Cosmos.