I OWN NOTHING! I just own Dani and her dad. Kotone and her psycho mom belong to Selestyna Arpa364. Enjoy!

Chapter Nine:

A Shocking Twist


Mein Herr Marquis

On the morning of December twenty-sixth, Dani was abruptly awoken by a pair of red-headed twins bouncing on her bed.







"People don't really eat snow, you two—" Haruhi muttered groggily from the doorway. Dani rolled over and checked the time.

"¿Por qué están ustedes me despierta tan temprano? Son las ocho de la mañana," she mumbled quietly, snuggling deeper into her bed. Tamaki yanked the bedclothes off of her and Dani whined loudly, curling immediately into the fetal position as well as she could despite her casts.

"Come on, Sleeping Beauty! It's time to wake up!" he chirped happily. Dani felt a dead weight fall at the foot of her bed and looked over to see Hunny passed out where Mori had plopped him. Dani was still so sleepy she didn't even care that her boyfriend saw how terrible her hair looked or her flannel pajamas with Mexican flags all over them.

"He's tired," Mori said in answer to Dani's sort of inquiring look. She gave a noncommittal grunt, and fell promptly back asleep.

Later, Dani woke to see Hunny sitting up, looking confused to where he was, and Kyoya slumped in the chair by the French doors leading out onto Dani's balcony, dead to the world. "Good morning, Dani-chan. How'd I end up here?" Hunny asked, rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Non lo so…" Dani replied, stretching and pressing the button to call for Takeno. She walked in and glanced questioningly at Hunny at the foot of Dani's bed and Kyoya still asleep in the chair.

"Was there a party I didn't know about?" she asked good-naturedly, going over and picking Dani up to take her to the bathroom.

"No, we were just woken up too damn early," Dani mumbled. "So they passed out too. I don't know where everyone else is."

A huge thump resounded throughout Dani's room, and everyone looked over to see a snowball slowly sliding down Dani's window. Hysterical laughter came from outside. Kyoya woke and slowly stood, his every pore seeping with unpleasantness and danger. He glared at the window.

"If you kill them, Kyoya, don't hide the bodies here," Dani called over Takeno's shoulder before the door shut.

An hour later, Dani was showered, dressed, and overall ready for the day. A note was on her bed left by Hunny that said Went outside to play! Dani looked up at Takeno imploringly, begging with her big green eyes to let her go play too. Takeno sighed. "Okay okay…" and promptly bundled Dani up tight. Dani wiggled in excitement when she was wheeled outside. Mori appeared by her side, taking her wheelchair and maneuvering her through the snow.

"Ooooh, it's cold!" Dani giggled, scooping a handful up and squeezing it.


"Does it snow often in Japan?" Mori nodded. "Will you help me make a snowball?" Mori grabbed a handful of snow and proceeded to teach Dani how pack the snowball when an enormous one hit him in the shoulder. Immediately, Mori turned around and beamed the snowball he was making at the thrower who happened to be Tamaki and hit him square in the forehead, toppling him over.

"WAAAAAR!" the twins declared, and it was on. It was every man for himself, and Dani just contented herself with hurling handfuls of snow at people and making snowballs for Mori to throw. He was smiling, which made her grin and laugh with happiness. His smile was beautiful.

"DANI!" Takeno's voice called out. Dani picked up one of the snowballs and threw it at her nurse, laughing, and cheered when she hit the woman in the hip. Takeno threw one back and it hit Dani's cast, sending cold snow in between her toes. Dani shrieked and laughed.

"Che?" she called back, wiggling her toes and trying to warm them up. A snowball thrown by Hikaru hit her elbow.

"You have a visitor!" Takeno stepped aside, revealing none other than Kotone Suzuki, the girl Dani and Haruhi had met at Dani's father's party. Kotone smiled and bowed. Mori rolled Dani over to the girl.

"Merry Christmas, Dani!" Kotone said brightly. Dani grinned and kissed Kotone's hand gallantly.

"A very Merry Christmas to you too, Kotone!" she replied. Kotone's eyes flickered to the on-going snowball battle but then went back to Dani.

"I'm here actually to give you this," she started, pulling out a potted poinsettia, "and to wish you a speedy recovery." Dani took the plant lovingly, staring at a little piece of Mexico.

"Thank you very much, Kotone. This means a lot," Dani responded. Mori chucked a snowball at Kaoru.

"And I'm also here to discuss something very important with you, but—" Kotone's eyes again flickered to the fight longingly. "—could I play?"

"Of course!" Dani cried, grabbing her hand. Kotone eagerly bounded into the snow and Dani called for a ceasefire. "Orale, ragazzi! This is Kotone Suzuki! She's come to play too!" The twins and Tamaki cheered and Hunny glomped the poor girl, sending her sprawling into the snow.

"SHE'S MY SIZE, TAKASHI!" he yelled happily. Kotone flailed. Dani panicked.

"Hunny! Get off her, she's just a little girl!" she shrieked. Hunny leapt off of Kotone who looked dazed and a bit cross-eyed from where she was laying in the snow, supine. A grin broke out on her face and she moved her arms and legs up and down and in and out. Hikaru and Kaoru pointed and yelled "hey!" before flopping in the snow and doing the same. Kotone sat up and Hunny pulled her out of her creation, smiling at her brilliantly. Dani and Mori exchanged glances and looked away from each other quickly. Hunny was smitten!

"Snow angel!" Kotone declared proudly. She turned to Dani and corrected her. "And I'm not a little girl. I'm the same age as you!"

"WHAT?" Tamaki yelled in shock, running up and patting Kotone on the head to further emphasize her height. Kotone glared at him.

"Watch who you're calling short, blondie," she growled threateningly, an aura of purple evil beginning to form around her. Tamaki made an "eep!" noise, and glomped Kyoya in fear. Then Kotone brightened and gently tossed a handful of snow onto Dani's lap. Dani chuckled and dusted it off. "WAAAAR!" Kotone roared. "SPARTANS, TONIGHT WE DINE IN HELL!" and she was off, Hunny running after her, and pelting her with snowballs until he was smacked right in the back by Haruhi. The snowball fight resumed and snow of epic proportions was thrown around the yard until the twins decided to build an igloo around Dani who just sat and laughed, occasionally dumping snow on their heads and singing nonsense melodies that they copied. Then Hunny's stomach rumpled. It would have been unsurprising if he hadn't been on the other side of the manor from Dani and the twins.

"CAKE TIME!" Hunny announced, leaping onto Mori's shoulders. Kotone stared at Mori in awe until he lifted her onto his shoulders too. Dani blushed and looked away. The sudden image of an older Mori with his own children on his shoulders fought to the forefront of her mind no matter how she tried to suppress it. Mori trudged into the house with the two smallest people on his shoulders, and Kyoya took Dani's wheelchair and maneuvered her inside.

"Perfect timing you ei—nine? Nine," Oelrichs said, looking a little confused at the addition of Kotone to the group. She smiled at him charmingly from her perch on Mori's right shoulder. "Lunch is ready."

"I hope it's something hot," Dani remarked, shedding her wet coat, scarves, mittens, hat, boot…one of the maids, Momoko, handed her a towel. She dried her face, but Mori took it from her and dried her hair with it as the two people on his shoulders clambered down to get out of their wet things and dry off.

"New England clam chowder. Warms you right up!" Oelrichs declared. Kotone's stomach gave a loud rumble. She looked a little guilty.

"I love New England clam chowder," she gushed. The hosts laughed and Kotone grinned.

After the delicious meal (in which everyone had at least thirds), they sat around the living room lazily, everyone pleasantly full. Dani looked over lethargically at Kotone who Hunny was using as a pillow. "So what did you need to talk to me about, Kotone?" Kotone suddenly sat upright quickly, all traces of sleepiness gone.

"Oh! I almost completely forgot about that! Shit!" She looked straight at Dani and said in a very serious voice, "We should date."

Dani choked on her next breath and coughed violently. The room was eerily silent as everyone stared at Kotone who looked extremely uncomfortable. "What?" Dani managed out.

"Well, my mother thinks we should date. And if my mother says to do something, people do it, period," Kotone explained. Hunny's hands were slowly closing into fists, and Mori moved closer to Dani, his hand reaching for hers.

"But—" Dani began, but Kotone cut her off.

"Look, I don't like this idea any more than you do. Last time she set me up on a date, it was some designer asshole who was a complete dick the entire time, and frankly I don't like you like that," Kotone stated simply. Dani let out a sigh of relief and Hunny's fists uncurled. Tamaki, Haruhi, the twins, and Kyoya were all staring slack-jawed at the conversation. Dani was looking desperate.

"Well…can't you tell your mom I'm gay?" Dani implored. The twins and Tamaki cracked up and Kotone smirked.

"If you're gay, then I'm a fucking duck," she retorted. Dani stared at the bold language. Hikaru laughed and rested his elbow on top of Kotone's head.

"Hehehe…duck fucking," he snickered. Dani slapped her palm to her forehead as Kotone glared evilly.

"Duck or I'll fucking hit you in the dick without giving a fuck," Kotone snarled, smiling sweetly. The twins slowly backed away, then dove behind the couch Mori and Dani were sitting on. Kotone turned back to Dani.

"There's no way you can be gay, so—" Mori kissed Dani's cheek. Kotone's mouth dropped open, Dani turned bright red, Tamaki and the twins made catcalls, Kyoya and Haruhi ignored it, and Hunny yelled "that was cute, Takashi!"

Kotone was speechless for a good few seconds staring at the couple. Finally she spoke. Or rather, shouted. "OH SHIT, YOU WEREN'T KIDDING!" Dani stammered incomprehensively.

"Oh no, Miss Suzuki. Dani is perfectly straight," Kyoya corrected her casually. Kotone turned wide brown eyes to Kyoya and gestured at Mori and Dani.

"Yeah, 'cause that kiss was totally straight," she pointed out sarcastically. Mori's lips twitched in a sort of smile.

"It was, Kotone-sempai. Dani's a girl," Haruhi answered. Kotone stared at Haruhi, then at Dani who was still bright red and smiling sheepishly.

"Um, es verdad," she said quietly. Kotone stared. And continued staring. Then she opened her mouth.

"Uuuuuuuuh…da fuq?" She gasped. Dani nodded. Hikaru grinned maliciously.

"Does she have to prove it to you?" he suggested slyly. Kaoru smacked him as both Mori and Dani turned bright red. Kotone raised an eyebrow.

"You really went there? Really?" she asked sarcastically. Hikaru merely giggled. Kotone sighed after a while.

"Well, much as I'd love to say the deal's off…Mom planned out the entire date, so we might as well go."

Dani's expression was heartwrenching as she looked at Kotone. Mori squeezed her hand. "But…but…"

"The date's tonight." Dani's jaw unhinged.

"Eh?!" She exclaimed. Kotone shrugged and slumped against the couch again.

"My mom isn't exactly known for being considerate of other people's plans or feelings," she stated a little bitterly. Dani sighed sadly.

"You'll be in trouble if you don't go, huh," she asked, though she said it like a statement. Kotone nodded defeatedly. "Well then, let's go. But we gotta make it so that your mom won't set us up again." Kotone brightened. "Stage slap me, then tell your mom I told you I'm gay," Dani added thoughtfully. Kotone looked horrified, but nodded once firmly and held out her hand. Dani shook it.

"It's a deal! Pick me up at six," she replied. "Mom already faxed your dad our date itinerary. First a ballet, then dinner at some fancy-ass restaurant, and then 'ice skating beneath the stars'." She put air brackets around the last part. Hikaru and Kaoru snorted in laughter.

"Pray tell how Dani will ice skate when in a wheelchair," Kyoya proposed. Kotone made a thinking face which was really more like she had smooshed her face against a brick wall.

"We'll use that as another excuse. I'll tell her you accused me of being an insensitive bitch," Kotone resolved. Dani gasped.

"I would never say that!"

"Yeah, but my mother doesn't know that now, does she?" Dani thought about it. She nodded.

"Alright, six it is. Am I dressing fancy?"

Kotone grinned. "Very fancy."


At six o'clock sharp, Dani knocked on the door of a very elaborate French villa-like mansion, feeling a little nervous, and plucking at her cufflinks.

A man who was clearly the chef opened the door, scallions tucked behind his ear as if they were pencils. He looked down at Dani in the wheelchair, confused.

"Who're you?" he asked, surprised. Dani started to stutter nervously.

"M-me llamo D-Dani, y yo—" she started to say, but mentally slapped her hand to her face. Idiota, they don't speak Spanish here! Announce yourself properly! But before she could do so, the chef turned and yelled at the top of his lungs.

"KOTONE-SAMA YOUR DATE'S HERE!" He turned and bowed enthusiastically, wheeling Dani inside. "She'll be down soon," he said nicely, and left while humming something that sounded suspiciously like Lucky Star. A door slammed somewhere and two maids appeared at the top of the stairs, grinning at Dani. Then Kotone made her way down. Dani smiled at her.

Kotone may have been a small girl, but she was just as stunning as her mother, although in a different way. Her hair was swept away from her face into a graceful ponytail with tendrils of curls framing her face that was highlighted gently with subtle makeup. Her dress was well-fitted and a royal purple, and she wore instead of generic designer heels black patent ankle boots with a thicker heel instead of stilettos, decorated with silver studs, a subtle hint at badassery even among carefully made up hair and makeup, lending Kotone an air of her own personality. She grinned at Dani.

"Sup Dani-kun?" she asked, stressing the –kun, her eyes glittering with mirth. Dani bowed as well as she could and smiled back. Unlike at the host club, she did not kiss Kotone's hand.

"Good evening, Kotone. You look lovely," she replied honestly. Kotone smiled and gestured to the door.

"Shall we go?" she asked. Dani nodded and awkwardly maneuvered her wheelchair until Kotone took over and wheeled Dani out to the car. Once in, Dani turned to Kotone.

"Mi piaciono le tue scarpe! They're so cute!" she exclaimed. Kotone stared at Dani like she had sprouted another head.

"Japanese? Or English, you know, I'm not picky," she answered. Dani burst out laughing.

"I said I liked your shoes," she clarified. Kotone brightened.

"I KNOW, RIGHT? They're so awesome!" she agreed. Dani nodded. Then looked thoughtful.

"Kotone, where are we going?"

"To see The Nutcracker."

Dani's mouth dropped open and she suppressed a squeal. "¿En serio?" Kotone nodded. Dani actually squealed in excitement. "I've never seen a ballet before!"

Kotone stared. "Well now you will! Hey, you up there!" she called to Honda. He looked up at her, a little disinterested in their conversation. "We're not getting along back here, okay?" Honda nodded and went back to driving. Dani rolled her eyes and laughed.

"He won't tell, promise. Your mom may come up with some…uh…"

"Batshit crazy ideas?"

"Sure, but she doesn't own everyone. Dad won't bother to tell her the date was any good. He'll take our side, don't worry." She patted Kotone's hand reassuringly.


"We've arrived, Miss Dani," Honda said, and parked the car. He handed Kotone out first, and then put Dani in her wheelchair. Kotone paused.

"Uh-oh." Uh-oh was right; there wasn't a handicap ramp or anything wheelchair friendly. Kotone and Dani exchanged looks, and from the conspiratory glint in Kotone's eyes, Dani sabotaged the date.

"How dare you bring me somewhere I can't get to! You knew I was in a wheelchair!" Dani accused, trying to sound scathing. Kotone put on a facial expression reminiscent of a kicked puppy.

"I…I didn't know!" Kotone cried, her lip wibbling a little. Dani almost believed her. So she wheeled around (quite literally) and did the gayest thing she could think of: she gasped loudly in a high pitch, and put her good hand over her heart.

"You did not—!"

"No…" Dani scrambled for something else to say, but they were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. Kotone and Dani turned to see…Tamaki. Tamaki in an usher uniform. And Mori. And Hunny…Dani tried very hard to keep her face neutral.

"Pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle," Tamaki said with a flourish to Kotone. "But we could not help but overhear your predicament." Dani and Kotone started up again.

"He…he…" Kotone sounded pitiful indeed while Dani increased her volume, trying to sound as indignant as possible.

"She has the nerve to disregard—"

"Allow us to help!" Hunny exclaimed, holding out his arm to Kotone and bounced up the stairs, Kotone bouncing completely in sync with him. Tamaki locked Dani's wheelchair and she was suddenly swept into the air by Mori. She could have sworn she felt a light kiss on her cheek, but she may have imagined it. Tamaki raced up the stairs with the wheelchair, Mori following, though at a slightly slower pace. Kotone waited at the top of the stairs, looking the very picture of docile and demure. To anyone else, she may have looked an innocent schoolgirl who got stood up. To Dani, she looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"I'm…I'm sorry, Dani-kun," she sniffed. Dani hmph'd as she was placed back in her wheelchair and put her nose in the air.

"You should be, you inconsiderate bruja," She replied snootily. Kotone looked up, surprised at the insult and nearly smiled. Mori, Tamaki, and Hunny backed away and Dani saw why in just a moment.

Kyoya stood there, smiling pleasantly while giving off an aura of absolute loathing for what he had been forced to do. "Identification and tickets?" he asked, holding out his hand. Kotone handed him the tickets (Dani had to restrain herself from squealing in excitement at seeing the title The Nutcracker), and he checked them. He held out his hand again. "Identification?"

"I do not need identification," Dani replied immediately, scowling. For anyone else, it'd probably be the worst idea they'd ever had, talking back like that to Kyoya, but that was the advantage of being Kyoya's best friend; Dani and Tamaki understood him well, a little too well in Kyoya's opinion. He went on smiling pleasantly. Kotone stepped forward moving her hand in front of Kyoya's face.

"You don't need to see our identification," she said seriously. Kyoya blinked.

"I don't need to see your identification," he repeated, sounding dangerously close to murder.

"These are not the teenagers you are looking for," Kotone instructed again. Dani had to give Kyoya's self-control applause.

"These are not the teenagers I am looking for," he answered.

"Move along," Kotone ended, very serious.

Kyoya bowed and gestured to the theatre. "Move along." Mori took hold of Dani's wheelchair again, and wheeled them into the audience.

Dani gaped, she couldn't help it. Everywhere she looked was finery, jewels, a few kimono (was that a maiko and a geisha over there!?), opulence, and vast displays of wealth. Kotone took her seat at the edge of a handicap row, and Mori parked Dani next to her. He briefly brushed her shoulder and was gone.

Kotone pretended to be looking at her program when she murmured out of the side of her mouth, "Did you know they were going to be here?" Dani assumed she meant the host club.

"No, did you?" Kotone shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Let's pretend to give each other the silent treatment, okay?" Kotone whispered, turning her head away as if she was annoyed with Dani. Dani slouched and scowled, trying to make it painfully obvious she was not enjoying herself (which she was).

"Okay." Fortunately they didn't have to wait long. The lights began to dim and immediately Kotone and Dani leaned together and started whispering excitedly.

"Oh my God, could you be any gayer? I thought there wasn't a mean bone in your body!" Kotone giggled. Dani snorted.

"Sorry, I'm just repeating things I heard my neighbors back in Mexico say. Am I fabuloso?" Dani grinned and Kotone tried to quiet her giggles.

"You're fabulous, honey. Fier-chay." Dani and Kotone dissolved into giggles and quieted as the Overture began.

Dani watched quietly, her mouth open in awe, her eyes wide with delight. The dancers were mesmerizing, and Dani could not ever remember being so entranced. When the house lights came up for intermission, Dani blinked several times to reorient herself. She looked over at Kotone and grinned before remembering she was supposed to dislike Kotone, and scowled.

"I'm so bored! Is it over yet? Only a girl would drag me to such a retarded show," Dani complained, slumping in her wheelchair. Kotone pouted.

"It's a Tchaikovsky classic," she retorted weakly, sounding rather petulant. Dani scoffed.

"No wonder he liked it the least," she returned quickly. Kotone was spared from answering when Mori and Hunny suddenly arrived bearing…ice skates?

"Follow me, please!" Hunny announced, and bounced off, Kotone in hot pursuit. Dani looked up at Mori and blushed. He smiled, placing the ice skates in Dani's lap and wheeled her outside.

Dani gasped, her green eyes wide. How in the world did they do this? In just a few short hours, the foyer of the theatre had been transformed into an ice skating rink, and several patrons were already bemusedly donning ice skates and skating out. Hunny had already tugged Kotone out and was busy twirling her around like a top. Dani looked over when the weight was lifted from her lap, and to her horror she saw Mori putting on the ice skates. Dani panicked.

"Mori! ¡Mi amor! I…I don't think this is a good idea!" Mori looked up, his cheeks reddening, and he smiled, Dani realizing belatedly she had called him my love. She blushed scarlet.

"It's alright, just trust me," he whispered to her. Dani gave him an apprehensive glance, but let him guide her onto the ice; she held onto the wheelchair's armrests for dear life.

Luckily for her, Mori seemed to be rather skilled at ice skating, and glided along, pushing her gently, their slow pace making patrons skate around them, giving them confused glances; why was the Morinozuka boy dressed as an usher and pushing that crippled American boy on the ice?

Slowly, Dani relaxed, able to enjoy the soft gliding along the ice. All too soon, the lights started dimming, signaling the end of intermission. Mori slowly pushed her onto the plush carpeting as some of the patrons groaned in disappointment. Mori knelt to take off his skates, and in a rare moment of boldness, Dani leaned down and caressed his cheek, smiling tenderly at him, a blush on her face.

"Thank you," she whispered, and just as Kotone stepped off of the ice and onto the carpet, windswept and breathless and grinning, in full view of her, Mori leaned up and kissed Dani right on the lips.

Dani felt like she was melting; everything disappeared, even her wheelchair as she and Mori kissed there in the middle of a high-end theatre. For a few moments of inexpressible bliss, they kissed slowly, savoring each other until—

"Aw, Takashi! You and Dani-chan are cute!" Hunny interrupted. Dani jerked backwards, her face scarlet, sputtering in embarrassment. She glanced to where Hunny was standing, smiling like a little angel, Kotone at his side looking like she was about to cry, her eyes shining with suppressed laughter.

"Yeah, it's exactly what it looks like!" Dani blurted at Kotone who snorted with laughter before regaining her composure and walking back into the theatre wordlessly. Dani looked at Mori in panic. He took advantage of her momentary distraction to steal another kiss before wheeling her after Kotone, parking Dani alongside her silently, and disappearing. The lights went out, and so did Kotone's self-control: she burst into uncontrollable, silent giggles.

"Oh God! I can't breathe! I can't breathe!" she gasped. Dani blushed more.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly. Kotone continued to giggle and snort until the curtain came up, at which point in time Dani clapped her hand against Kotone's mouth to shut her up so Dani could enjoy the next act.

After the standing ovation (Kotone making a big deal of standing up and rubbing it in Dani's face that she couldn't), Tamaki came and wheeled Dani into the foyer, where an enormous slide awaited them. Several grown men were already sliding on it.

Kotone squealed, making Dani jump; she hadn't realized Kotone followed them out! With no other warning, Kotone flung herself on the slide belly-first, and slid all the way down, her dress flying up a bit only to reveal a pair of shorts under it. Dani turned to Tamaki, green eyes wide and pleading.

"¡Por favor, mi amigo mejor!" she begged. Tamaki shrugged and Kyoya materialized at Dani's other side. Together, they lifted her up, set her down, and gave her an almighty push. Dani yelled in delight, tumbling gently against the pillows at the bottom of the stairs, her wheelchair crashing down beside her, courtesy of the twins at the top of the stairs. Mori picked Dani up as Hunny righted her wheelchair, and with utmost care, Dani was placed back into it, her coat around her shoulders. Kotone stood at the door waiting. Dani ignored her to occasionally gaze at Mori, who took her hand and held it, not caring who saw. After a few minutes, Dani's limousine pulled up, and they were on their way home. Once the car door was shut, Dani and Kotone burst into hysterical laughter, tears beading on their eyelashes.

"Oh God, I don't know how we made it through tonight without pissing ourselves laughing!" Kotone exclaimed breathlessly, holding her stomach.

"I don't either!" Dani laughed. Suddenly Kotone sat up straight.

"DRIVER, PULL INTO THAT MCDONALD'S DRIVE-THRU RIGHT NOW!" She yelled. She turned to Dani, grinning. "My mom's gonna flip her shit!" She gently pushed Dani to the window and rolled it down. "Now lean out the window really far and yell into the microphone!"

Dani looked at her in bewilderment and cautiously did as Kotone instructed. "Hello?" she asked hesitantly.

"Hello may I take your order?" Dani shrieked in surprised and fell back into the limo, Kotone cackling and rolling on the limo floor, positively screaming with laughter. Dani hesitated again before reluctantly relaying the order Kotone breathlessly made from the ground.

"Could…could I have two Oreo McFlurries?" she asked timidly.

"Will that be all?" Dani cringed again.


"Thank you, pay at the first window."

"O-okay…" The limo pulled up to the first window where Dani paid, still looking surprised. At the second window, Dani was handed two milkshake-soft-serve-ice-cream hybrids, sprinkled with crushed Oreo cookies. "What are these?" Kotone happily took one.

"McFlurries. Basically a milkshake with the McDonald's logo on it." She began eating with what Dani had first thought was a straw but turned out to be a spoon. Dani tasted hers, curious.

"Oh!" Dani licked her lips, pleasantly surprised, and they continued eating in companionable silence until Honda pulled up to Kotone's mansion. Kotone looked over and grinned.

"Ready for the final performance tonight?"

Dani grinned right back. "Absolutely!"

"Awesome! I'll text you later." And with an enormous breath, Kotone burst into real crocodile tears as Honda opened the door, looking completely bewildered. Kotone climbed out, still crying, but quieter and headed up to her house. Dani leaned out the window as the front double doors opened.

"Yeah, go home, run crying to your mother, you little puta! You're such a lame date, I can't believe it! All the other girls were cool with my boyfriend, but if you can't handle my sexuality I don't want to see you again! Good riddance! Here!" Dani threw her own finished McFlurry out of the window. "Throw that out for me! That's all you're good for!" And with that, Honda drove away, and Dani rolled up the window.

"Rather harsh, Miss Dani," he remarked. Dani looked forward worriedly.

"Was it? Oh, no! They said be over the top!" she fretted. All the way home she worried she had gone too far until they pulled up to Rosecliff. Confused, Dani pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and looked at it; a text message from Kotone.

Mom thinks im traumatized! It worked! Thanks a mil, ttyl!

Dani sighed in relief, and soon fell asleep, dreaming of graceful ice skaters that whisked around her and Mori, Kotone and Hunny hopping on the ice on pogo sticks, dressed as bunnies.


The next morning, Dani was pleasantly surprised to be wheeled into the parlor and see Mr. Suoh and Tamaki already in there with her father. Immediately upon seeing them, she smiled.

"Hi, Tamaki! Hi, Mr. Suoh!" She bowed to them. "What are you both doing here?" Takeno wheeled her next to Tamaki who smiled at her.

"I was wondering that myself, actually," he admitted. She laughed and looked to her father and Mr. Suoh. They both looked uncharacteristically serious.

"Tamaki, your grandmother is getting increasingly frustrated with your presence. She's demanding you leave much more insistently now. Mr. Oelrichs and I have been talking, and we have come to a decision," Mr. Suoh began. Dani exchanged panicked looks with Tamaki, and she held his hand tightly, readying herself for bad news. He patted her hand comfortingly, but looked no less nervous.

"For the sake of both our companies and Tamaki's standing in both company and family, Dani, you and Tamaki will start dating, and for all intents and purposes, you're in a romantic relationship together," Oelrichs explained. For a moment all was silent. Then Dani and Tamaki started laughing, letting go of each other's hands in relief.

"You're so funny, Dad! Date Dani! I'm not that gullible, I won't fall for this joke!" Tamaki announced, and Dani snorted with laughter.

"Yes you are, don't try to deny it!" Tamaki curled up into a ball and started rocking back and forth in despair. Dani ignored his temporary emo with practiced ease, but froze at the look on their fathers' faces. Dani elbowed Tamaki, her own smile slidding off her face quickly. "Tamaki, I…I don't think they're joking." Tamaki looked up, looking rather spooked. He laughed weakly again.

"It's…it's just a joke, right Dad? Right?" When Mr. Suoh didn't answer, Tamaki sat up, looking panicked. "Right? Dad? Right?" Oelrichs shook his head.

"We are perfectly serious, Tamaki," he said calmly. Tamaki and Dani burst into desperate pleas.

"Dad, I can't! I'm already dating Mori!"

"Father, she's dating Mori!"

"They'll think we're gay!"

"They'll think we're gay!"

"How does this help the companies?"

"The host club revenue and clientele will plummet!"

"I am not kissing him!"

"I am not kissing her!"

"Enough!" Oelrichs roared. Dani shrank back and Tamaki fell silent. "Dani, we owe Mr. Suoh a favor after he so generously offered his time and energy to keep you safe!"

"I thought you wanted to stay in Japan, Tamaki," Suoh added. Tamaki looked torn.

"I do, but not at the risk of losing my friends!" he protested. Oelrichs shook his head.

"We though you two would be a little more considerate and open-minded about this…" he started. Dani screeched loudly, her horrid temper flaring.

"Considerate and open-minded? You're telling me to cheat on Takashi Morinozuka, whom I happen to have feelings for!" She yelled, her face red with anger.

"This could ruin all my friendships!" Tamaki protested, looking desperate. Hidalgo skidded into the room and started barking at all the noise. Dani shook her head frantically, her face drawn taut in anger.

"That. Is. Enough," Oelrichs said quietly. The dangerous undertone was not lost on Dani and she shivered, the room suddenly seeming frigid. "Now that is quite enough from you two. You're young, you'll get over it. This is for Tamaki, so that he can finally be recognized as his father's heir."

"You couldn't pick someone else!?" Dani asked desperately. Suoh shook his head.

"Your father's company is extremely key to my own, not to mention you are already seen often with Tamaki. Your first date is this Friday, please be ready," he said, standing. Dani looked at him in horror, Tamaki looking lost.

"You won't get away with sabotaging this one either, Danica, so don't even consider trying," Oelrichs added sternly. Tamaki was as white as a sheet, Dani trembling and clammy. Suoh gestured to Tamaki, and with one last horrified look, Tamaki left. The moment the door closed behind the Suohs, Dani's face turned red with rage.

"Lei fuori de testa? I will not go through with this!" she yelled. Oelrichs sat down, rubbing his eyes.

"Dani, I promised him when I approached him for his help that I'd do anything in return. This is his price, and I cannot go back on my word. Tamaki's position in that house is precarious at best. Suoh may be frivolous at first, but he is no fool." Dani didn't answer, she was staring at her cast on her leg, her mind filled with Mori. "I'm sure if you tell Mori what's going on he'll understand. He and Tamaki are friends, and you and he are dating, so—"

"But what if he doesn't?" Dani asked in a whisper, her eyes completely glazed with tears. Oelrichs looked sympathetic and reached out to take her hand. Dani flinched away, not wanting his pity. "T-Takeno? Please, take me back to my room?" She asked quietly, tears falling silently. She didn't look back at her father as she was wheeled out of the room, and once she was back in her bedroom, everything went blessedly black as she fainted.

Hi! Hello! I'm back! I am so so so so so sorry for my uber long hiatus, life decided to kick me in the butt and then chew me up and spit me out, then stomp all over me, then have its dog crap on me. But I'm back with a vengeance and I'll have more updates and chapters for you! Promise.

Anyway, DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN PLOT TWIST! Please leave a review telling me what you think will happen and more importantly, how you think Mori is going to react! I'm super excited to see what you guys think!

Also, Selestyna Arpa364 updated her beautiful story Short where Dani is guest starring! Go take a look and leave her a review!

God I've missed you gaiz…cookies and hugs for all!

Until next time, you sweet little cupcakes, you!

~La Principessa Dell'Opera


¿Por qué están ustedes me despierta tan temprano? Son las ocho de la mañana- Why are you guys waking me up so early? It's 8 o'clock in the morning. (Spanish)

Non lo so-I don't know. (Italian)

Che?- What? (Italian)

Orale, ragazzi- Hey guys! (Orale is Spanish, ragazzi is Italian)

Es verdad- It's true. (Spanish)

M-me llamo D-Dani, y yo—M-my name is D-Dani, and I'm— (Spanish)

Mi piaciono le tue scarpe- I like your shoes! (Italian)

¿En serio?- Seriously? (Spanish)

Pardonnez-moi, mademoiselle- Excuse me, miss. (French)

Bruja- witch (Spanish)

Fabuloso- fabulous (Spanish and Italian)

Fier-chay- Spelled fierce like in English, but pronounced the Italian way (feer-CHAY). A silly expression and pronunciation for the same word which means it's the same thing.

Mi amor- my love (Spanish)

¡Por favor, mi amigo mejor!- Literally: please, best friend! The way Dani means it: pretty please, bestest best friend? (Spanish)

Puta- slut, whore, bitch, etc. Swear word and insult against a woman. DO NOT USE IN POLITE CONVERSATION! (Spanish)

Lei fuori de testa?- Have you lost your mind? (Italian)