A/N: So... I never said what day the fair was going to be on did I? Weeeeell even if i did. It will be in the next few chapters. :D Yay!
'Hopefully the rest of the day won't be so bad.' Clary thought as the bell rang and Mrs. Marks started taking roll.
Clary walked into the lunch room and looked around for Isabelle and Simon. She spotted them sitting by the windows and started to walk over there, but ran into someone.
"Sorry!" Clary said as she back up a bit.
"No problem Clary. I wanted to talk to you anyway." Sebastian said as he grabbed her wrist. "Are you sure about cancelling our date?"
"Yes Sebastian. I don't want to go to the fair with you." Clary said as she tugged her wrist back, but Sebastian just tightened his grip and pulled her closer.
"You're going to regret cancelling this date Fray." Sebastain whispers in her ear. Clary tries to back up, but Sebastian tightens his grip on her wrist.
"Let me go now Sebastian or you'll regret ever talking to me." Clary told him. Her tiny frame shaking with anger. Sebastian backs up and seems surprised at the angery look on her face, before laughing.
"And what will you do if I don't? Huh Fray? I'm not scared of you." Sebastian says laughing.
"But you are scared of me. Let go of Clary now." Jonathan ground out the words as he grabbed the back of Sebastian's shirt. At this point the whole cafeteria is staring at them.
Sebastian lets go of Clary and laughs. "We were just have a nice chat Jon. Nothing to be upset over." Sebastian says before he walks out of the cafeteria. (A/N: So. Is that good? I'm not really good with angst..Is that even considered angst? I like fluff. :3 )
"What'd he say Clary?" Jonathan asks as he hugs Clary.
"He said that I'd regret cancelling our date." Clary said as she buried her head in Jonathan's chest. "Is he bluffing Jon?"
"He won't touch you Clary. I promise." Jonathan said as he patted Clary's back before pulling away.
"Thanks Jonathan." Clary said as she smiled up at her brother.
They started walking to where Izzy and Simon where sitting. "So are you still going to the fair tonight?"
"I don't know. I really want to go, but not by myself." Clary sighed as she sat down and pulled out her lunch.
"I'm going with Jace. You could come with us." Jonathan suggested glancing at Clary.
"I don't know. I don't want to intrude on your guy time." Clary said as she bite out of her sandwich and looked at her brother.
"You won't be intruding on our guy time. It'll be fun! Come on! Come with us Clary! Please?" Jonathan begged, looking at Clary with his puppy dog eyes.
"Alright. I'll go." Clary sighs as Jonathan grinned and pulled out his phone.
"Cool! Let me just text Jace and let him know you'll be coming with us." Jonathan said as he started texting, already forming a plan in his head.
*texts between Jonathan and Jace*
Jon: Hey Clary is coming to the fair. Is that cool?
Jace: Really? Yeah that's cool! Better her go with us than Seb!
Jon: Yeah! I got to go, but I'll see you tonight! I'll tell Clary to be ready by 7!
Jace: K bro! See ya then
Jonathan smiled as he out his phone up. He was going to get Jace and Clary together tonight. He just needed to enlist a little bit of help first.
*later that afternoon*
"Hey Alec! Can I talk to you for a minute?" Jonathan asked as he walked towards the dark-haired boy getting books out of his locker.
"Depends. What do you need?" Alec asked without looking at Jonathan once. Jonathan just looked at him before leaning against the lockers.
"I need you to help me get Jace and Clary together." Jonathan kept his gaze away from Alec. Alec turned his head to look at Jonathan.
"Why would I help you get them together?" He inquired. Jonathan turned to look at him. He looked at the curiousness in Alec's eyes.
"Jace likes Clary. It's so obvious it hurts, but Clary thinks Jace is just going to play her. I need you help to make her realize that Jace really, truly likes her." Jonathan said, turning to look away, after a minute he sighed. "I know Jace is you brother and you want him to be happy, I think Clary will make him happy."
Alec stayed quit for a minute longer before turning to shut his locker. "Alright I'll help you. Meet me after school in the theatre." He said before walking away.
Jonathan stared after him for a moment before smiling and heading to class excited about tonight.
Soo… It's not much but I decided to leave it at that! I hope you liked it! I mean to update sooner, but school's been hell and I haven't been able to write as much! I hope I can update soon! Please review and tell me what you think! ~Mal *remember I don't own anything, but the plotline!